mirror of https://github.com/mist64/cbmsrc.git
Michael Steil
4 years ago
11 changed files with 60206 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
.subttl *** Copyright (C) 1991 by Commodore Business Machines, Inc. *** |
; *************************************************************************** |
; * // * |
; * CCCCCCC // 6666666 555555555 * |
; * CCC CCC // 666 666 555 * |
; * CCC // 666 555 * |
; * CCC // 666 6666 55555555 * |
; * CCC // 6666 666 555 * |
; * CCC // 666 666 555 * |
; * CCC CCC // 666 666 555 555 * |
; * CCCCCCC // 6666666 5555555 * |
; * // * |
; * * |
; * * |
; * Copyright (C)1991 by Commodore Business Machines, Inc. * |
; * * |
; * All Rights Reserved * |
; * * |
; *************************************************************************** |
; ROM VERSION 910722 (ver 0.9B) |
; ****************************************************************** |
; * * |
; * This listing contains confidential and proprietary information * |
; * of CBM, Inc. The reproduction, dissemination or disclosure to * |
; * others without express written permission is prohibited. This * |
; * software is intended for use in Commodore C/65 systems only. * |
; * * |
; * The information in this document is subject to change * |
; * without notice. * |
; * * |
; * No responsibility is assumed for the reliability of this * |
; * software. * |
; * * |
; ****************************************************************** |
; This version written and assembled by Fred Bowen using BSO format. |
.page |
.subttl C65 Macro Definitions |
; .blist |
; |
;phw .macro %a |
; phd %a |
; .endm |
; |
; |
;map .macro |
; aug ;map |
; .endm |
; |
.page |
.subttl C/65 Kernel & Editor Declarations |
; Based upon C128 declare |
* = $0000 |
d6510 *=*+1 ;6510 data direction register |
r6510 *=*+1 ;6510 data register |
bank *=*+1 ;Monitor & Kernel JSR/JMP_FAR registers |
pc_hi *=*+1 |
pc_lo *=*+1 |
s_reg *=*+1 |
a_reg *=*+1 |
x_reg *=*+1 |
y_reg *=*+1 |
z_reg *=*+1 |
stkptr *=*+1 |
* = $0059 ;Monitor base page allocations |
m0 *=*+3 ; (uses BASIC temp area) |
m1 *=*+3 |
m2 *=*+3 |
txtptr = $7a |
* = $0090 ;Kernel/Editor base page allocations |
status *=*+1 ;serial bus status byte |
stkey *=*+1 ;stop key flag |
partial *=*+1 ;signals partial close for close |
verify *=*+1 ;signals verify mode for load |
buf_flag *=*+1 ;serial buffered char flag (was c3p0) |
bsour *=*+1 ;char buffer for serial |
serial *=*+1 ;fast serial internal/external flag |
count *=*+1 ;temp used by serial routines |
ldtnd *=*+1 ;index to end of logical file table |
dfltn *=*+1 ;current (default) input device # |
dflto *=*+1 ;current (default) output device # |
keyboard_lock *=*+1 ;locks keyboard during scan |
cmp_byte *=*+1 ;used as a temp by verify routines (moved from C128) |
msgflg *=*+1 ;os message flag enable |
t1 *=*+1 ;temporary 1, used by load, save, & editor keyset |
t2 *=*+1 ;temporary 2, used by load, save, & editor keyset |
vicIRQ *=*+1 ;VIC IRQ flags at time of IRQ (was 3-byte jiffie clock) |
vic48 *=*+1 ;VIC reg 48 at time of IRQ |
DOS_flag *=*+1 ;internal/external DOS device [910710] |
EOI_flag *=*+1 ;temp used by serial routine (was r2d2) |
bsour1 *=*+1 ;temp used by serial routine |
rs232_temp *=*+1 ;temp used by rs232 OPEN |
rsstat *=*+1 ;traditional c64/128 (6551) status byte |
rs232_status *=*+1 ;rs232 status byte |
rs232_flags *=*+1 ;rs232 open flag, xon/xoff status |
rs232_jam *=*+1 ;rs232 system character |
rs232_xon_char *=*+1 ;rs232 XON character (null=disabled) |
rs232_xoff_char *=*+1 ;rs232 XOFF character (null=disabled) |
sal *=*+1 |
sah *=*+1 |
eal *=*+1 |
eah *=*+1 |
rs232_xmit_empty *=*+1 ;rs232 xmit buffer empty flag (for close) |
rs232_rcvr_buffer_lo *=*+1 ;rs232 lowest page of input buffer |
rs232_rcvr_buffer_hi *=*+1 ;rs232 highest page of input buffer |
rs232_xmit_buffer_lo *=*+1 ;rs232 lowest page of output buffer |
rs232_xmit_buffer_hi *=*+1 ;rs232 highest page of output buffer |
rs232_high_water *=*+1 ;rs232 point at which receiver XOFFs |
rs232_low_water *=*+1 ;rs232 point at which receiver XONs |
fnlen *=*+1 ;length current file n str |
la *=*+1 ;current file logical addr |
sa *=*+1 ;current file 2nd addr |
fa *=*+1 ;current file primary addr |
fnadr *=*+2 ;addr current file name str |
ba *=*+1 ;bank for current load/save/verify operation |
fnbank *=*+1 ;bank where current filename is found (at 'fnadr') |
vicbank *=*+1 ;bank for VIC (0=internal, else external expansion RAM) |
stal *=*+1 ;save (start address) |
stah *=*+1 ;save (start address) |
memuss *=*+2 ;alternate load address, also used by vector routine |
rs232_rcvr_head *=*+2 ;rs232 pointer to end of buffer |
rs232_rcvr_tail *=*+2 ;rs232 pointer to start of buffer |
rs232_xmit_head *=*+2 ;rs232 pointer to end of buffer |
rs232_xmit_tail *=*+2 ;rs232 pointer to start of buffer |
.page |
; 40/80 column S C R E E N E D I T O R declarations |
; |
; GLOBAL Editor variables |
keytab *=*+2 ;keyscan table pointer |
imparm *=*+2 ;PRIMM utility string pointer |
ndx *=*+1 ;index to keyboard queue |
kyndx *=*+1 ;pending function key flag |
keyidx *=*+1 ;index into pending function key string |
shflag *=*+1 ;keyscan shift key status |
sfdx *=*+1 ;keyscan current key index |
lstx *=*+1 ;keyscan last key index |
crsw *=*+1 ;<cr> input flag |
mode *=*+1 ;40/80 column mode flag ($00=80 column mode, default) |
graphm *=*+1 ;text/graphic mode flag |
charen *=*+1 ;RAM/ROM VIC character character fetch flag (bit-2) |
; The following locations are shared by several Editor routines... |
.share |
sedsal *=*+2 ;pointers for MOVLIN ???? unused (used by swap) |
sedeal *=*+2 ; ???? unused (used by swap) |
sedt1 *=*+1 ;SAVPOS |
sedt2 *=*+1 ; |
.unshare |
*=.share |
keysiz *=*+1 ;programmable key variables |
keylen *=*+1 ; |
keynum *=*+1 ; |
keynxt *=*+1 ; |
keyadr *=*+1 ;???? unused |
keybnk *=*+1 ; |
*=.share |
bitmsk *=*+1 ;temporary for TAB & line wrap routines |
*=.unshare |
.page |
; LOCAL Editor variables |
pnt *=*+2 ;pointer to current line (text) |
user *=*+2 ;pointer to current line (attribute) |
scbot *=*+1 ;window lower limit |
sctop *=*+1 ;window upper limit |
sclf *=*+1 ;window left margin |
scrt *=*+1 ;window right margin |
lsxp *=*+1 ;current input column start |
lstp *=*+1 ;current input line start |
indx *=*+1 ;current input line end |
tblx *=*+1 ;current cursor line |
pntr *=*+1 ;current cursor column |
lines *=*+1 ;maximum number of screen lines |
columns *=*+1 ;maximum number of screen columns |
datax *=*+1 ;current character to print |
lstchr *=*+1 ;previous character printed (for <esc> test) |
color *=*+1 ;current attribute to print (default fgnd color) |
tcolor *=*+1 ;saved attribute to print ('insert' & 'delete') |
rvs *=*+1 ;reverse mode flag B7 |
qtsw *=*+1 ;quote mode flag B7 |
insrt *=*+1 ;insert mode flag # chars to insert, 0=not insert mode |
insflg *=*+1 ;auto-insert mode flag |
locks *=*+1 ;disables <c=><shift>, <ctrl>-S, Function keys |
scroll *=*+1 ;disables screen scroll, line linker, autoscroll |
beeper *=*+1 ;disables <ctrl>-G |
lintmp *=*+1 ;temporary pointer to last line for LOOP4 [910722] |
; remaining ZERO PAGE to be reserved for application software |
.applications_zp |
* = $ff |
.basic_reserved_zp |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; PAGE ONE declarations (processor STACK) |
; |
* = $0100 |
bad *=*+1 ;(this area used by BASIC and Monitor, 16 bytes) |
* = $0110 |
; System memory MAP configurations |
system_map *=*+4 ;Kernel/Editor, I/O, BASIC, RAM-0 |
monitor_map *=*+4 ;Kernel/Editor, I/O, Monitor, RAM-0 |
dos_map *=*+4 ;Kernel/Editor, I/O, DOS, RAM-1 |
environment *=*+4 ;Current memory configuration |
; System DMA lists Kernel (3 @ 12bytes each = 36 bytes) |
; BASIC (2 @ 12bytes each = 24 bytes) |
; (keep lists contiguous to allow for up to 5 chained operations) |
dma_lda_list *=*+12 ;This list used by LDA_FAR routine |
dma_sta_list *=*+12 ;This list used by STA_FAR routine |
dma_list *=*+12 ;This list used by Editor & Monitor |
*=*+24 ;Two lists reserved for BASIC |
dma_byte *=*+1 ;Source/destination for LDA/STA far DMA routines |
; System Stack |
stack_bottom = * |
stack_top = $01ff ;BASIC inits stack pointer to $1FB, Kernel to $1FF |
stack_space = stack_top-stack_bottom |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; PAGE TWO declarations (input buffer & Kernel RAM code) |
; |
* = $0200 |
buf *=*+161 ;Line input buffer (used by BASIC & Monitor) |
* = $02b0 |
keyd *=*+10 ;IRQ keyboard buffer (moved from $3xx area) [910710] |
* = $02c0 ;BASIC vars & pointers |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; PAGE THREE declarations (indirect vectors, Kernel tables, BASIC RAM code) |
* = $02fa ;BASIC indirect vectors |
iautoscroll *=*+2 ;Autoscroll vector passed through by Editor |
* = $0314 ;Kernel indirect vectors: |
iirq *=*+2 ;IRQ |
ibrk *=*+2 ;BRK |
inmi *=*+2 ;NMI |
iopen *=*+2 |
iclose *=*+2 |
ichkin *=*+2 |
ickout *=*+2 |
iclrch *=*+2 |
ibasin *=*+2 |
ibsout *=*+2 |
istop *=*+2 |
igetin *=*+2 |
iclall *=*+2 |
exmon *=*+2 ;Monitor command indirect |
iload *=*+2 |
isave *=*+2 |
italk *=*+2 ;IEEE indirects for DOS (moved from $3f0) [910710] |
ilisten *=*+2 |
italksa *=*+2 |
isecond *=*+2 |
iacptr *=*+2 |
iciout *=*+2 |
iuntalk *=*+2 |
iunlisten *=*+2 |
; Editor indirect vectors to routines & tables: |
ctlvec *=*+2 ;'contrl' characters |
shfvec *=*+2 ;'shiftd' characters |
escvec *=*+2 ;'escape' characters |
keyvec *=*+2 ;post keyscan, pre-evaluation of keys |
keychk *=*+2 ;post-evaluation, pre-buffering of keys |
decode *=*+12 ;vectors to keyboard matrix decode tables |
.page |
; Kernel I/O channel tables |
; |
lat *=*+10 ;logical file numbers |
fat *=*+10 ;primary device numbers |
sat *=*+10 ;secondary addresses |
; Kernel "common" RAM code area |
; |
* = $0380 ;Kernel RAM code |
ram_code ;Downloaded RestoreSystem, JMP/JSR_FAR routines |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; PAGE FOUR & HIGHER declarations |
; |
* = $0400 ;BASIC run-time stack (512 bytes) |
bootsys_block ;BOOTSYS block loads here [910110] |
; MONITOR absolute declarations (moved from $1100 area) [910710] |
; |
monitor_abs |
xcnt *=*+32 ;compare buffer |
hulp *=*+10 |
mtemp *=*+1 |
format *=*+1 ;asm/dis |
length *=*+1 |
msal *=*+3 ;for assembler |
sxreg *=*+1 ;1 byte temp used all over |
syreg *=*+1 ;1 byte temp used all over |
wrap *=*+1 ;1 byte temp for assembler |
number *=*+1 ;parse number conversion |
shift *=*+1 ;parse number conversion |
numbers *=*+1 |
opcode *=*+1 |
hash_pointer *=*+1 |
operand_mask *=*+1 |
operand_size *=*+1 |
temps |
; |
; * = $xxxx ;???? not implemented in C65 |
; |
; curbnk *=*+1 ;current function key ROM bank being polled |
; pat *=*+4 ;physical address table (ID's of logged-in cards) |
.page |
; Display Areas: 40/80 column display screen and Sprite definitions |
; |
* = $0600 ;Sprite definition area |
sprite_data * = *+512 |
sprite_ptrs_80 = $7f8 ;Offsets from screen beginning to sprite pointers |
sprite_ptrs_40 = $3f8 |
* = $0800 ;Video matrix: VIC-III 80-column text screen |
screen * = *+2000 ;80 columns x 25 lines |
;remaining bytes reserved for VIC sprite pointers) |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
* = $1000 ;programmable function key definitions |
pkynum = 16 ;number of definable keys (f1-f14, help, <shft>run) |
pkybuf * = *+pkynum ;programmable function key lengths table |
pkydef * = *+256-pkynum ;programmable function key strings |
; ABSOLUTE Kernel variables |
; |
* = $1100 |
system_vector *=*+2 ;vector to restart system (usually BASIC warm start) |
dejavu *=*+1 ;Kernel warm/cold initialization status byte |
palnts *=*+1 ;PAL/NTSC system flag |
init_status *=*+1 ;flags reset vs. NMI status for initialization routines |
save_status *=*+1 ;saves BASIC's init status during Monitor call |
default_drive *=*+1 ;default device number |
expansion *=*+1 ;flags presence (amount????) of expansion RAM [910107] |
memstr *=*+2 ;pointer to bottom of available memory in system bank |
memsiz *=*+2 ;pointer to top of available memory in system bank |
timer *=*+3 ;decrementing binary clock (used by BASIC) |
palcnt *=*+1 ;counter for PAL systems (jiffie adjustment) |
speed *=*+1 ;save system speed during serial bus ops |
; *=*+1 ;???? spare (was sprite enables during serial bus ops) [910429] |
vudeja *=*+1 ;flags disk_sei call |
rs232_params |
rs232_baud *=*+1 ;rs232 baud rate index (0-15) |
rs232_word *=*+1 ;rs232 word length (0-3: 8,7,6,5) |
rs232_parity *=*+1 ;rs232 parity mode (b1:enable, b0:even/odd) |
rs232_stop *=*+1 ;rs232 stop bits (unused for 6511 type UART) ???? |
rs232_duplex *=*+1 ;rs232 duplex mode (used for half duplex RTS/CTS) |
rs232_xline *=*+1 ;rs232 xline mode (0=3-wire, 1=xline) |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; GLOBAL ABSOLUTE Editor Declarations |
xmax *=*+1 ;keyboard queue maximum size |
pause *=*+1 ;<ctrl>-S flag |
rptflg *=*+1 ;enable key repeats |
kount *=*+1 ;delay between key repeats |
delay *=*+1 ;delay before a key starts repeating |
lstshf *=*+1 ;delay between <C=><shft> toggles |
dead_keys *=*+1 ;national deadkey enable/pending key flag |
blnon *=*+1 ;VIC cursor mode (blinking, solid) |
blnsw *=*+1 ;VIC cursor disable |
blnct *=*+1 ;VIC cursor blink counter |
gdbln *=*+1 ;VIC cursor character before blink |
gdcol *=*+1 ;VIC cursor color before blink |
vm1 *=*+1 ;VIC text screen/character base pointer |
ldtb1_sa *=*+1 ;high byte of sa of VIC screen (use with vm1 to move screen) |
mono *=*+1 ;monochrome flag ($80 = color disabled) |
;curmod *=*+1 ;cursor mode (when enabled) |
;sav80a *=*+1 ;temporary for 80-col routines |
;sav80b *=*+1 ;temporary for 80-col routines |
;curcol *=*+1 ;vdc cursor color before blink |
;split *=*+1 ;vic split screen raster value |
;hold_off *=*+1 ;flag set by user wanting full control of VIC reserved |
tabmap *=*+10 ;bitmap of TAB stops (moved from $3xx area) [910710] |
bitabl *=*+4 ;bitmap of line wraps |
mouse_enable *=*+1 ;mouse driver vars |
mouse_pointer *=*+1 ;sprite pointer used by mouse driver |
opotx *=*+1 |
opoty *=*+1 |
newvalue *=*+1 |
oldvalue *=*+1 |
mouse_top *=*+1 ;margins for mouse pointer, assuming hot spot at sprite 0,0 |
mouse_bottom *=*+1 ; [910307] |
mouse_left *=*+1 |
mouse_right *=*+1 |
xpos = vic+0 ;sprite pointer X position (lsb) |
ypos = vic+1 ;sprite pointer Y position |
xposmsb = vic+16 ;sprite pointer X position (msb) |
;active = $117e ;basic7.0 active sprite flag (0=inactive) |
;vicdata = $11d6 ;basic7.0 copy of VIC register image |
autoscrollupchr *=*+1 ;normally crsrdn |
autoscrolldnchr *=*+1 ;normally crsrup |
* = $1170 |
; Area from $1170-$11FF used by BASIC |
.page |
* = $1200 ;BASIC absolute variables |
* = $1300 ;BASIC DOS buffer |
* = $1400 ;RS-232 Input buffer |
rs232_input_buffer |
* = $1500 ;RS-232 Output buffer |
rs232_output_buffer |
* = $2000 ;Beginning of Bankable memory & ROM code overlays. |
user_memory ;BASIC text starts here (Kernel sets 'membot' here) |
.page |
; DOS passes parameters between itself and the Kernel via unused VIC attribute |
; bytes, because they are accessible in any memory configuration in I/O space. |
; |
dos_safe_place = $e000-14 ;interface used in both C64 & c65 modes |
;(image of RAM at $1FFFx, top of second RAM bank) |
.a1 = dos_safe_place+0 ;save .a here |
.x1 = dos_safe_place+1 ;save .x here |
.y1 = dos_safe_place+2 ;save .y here |
.z1 = dos_safe_place+3 ;save .z here |
.status = dos_safe_place+4 ;I/O status here, to be merged with ST |
.pcl = dos_safe_place+5 ;Get_DOS saves caller's PC here |
.pch = dos_safe_place+6 |
.pclss = dos_safe_place+7 ;Set_DOS_ST saves callers PC here |
.pchss = dos_safe_place+8 |
.sp = dos_safe_place+9 ;save system stack pointer here |
.config = dos_safe_place+10 ;save system configuration here (4 bytes) |
.page |
;//////////////////// I / O D E V I C E M A P S \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
vicchr = $d000 ;VIC character ROM (under I/O) |
vic = $d000 ;VIC registers |
dos_ctlr = $d080 ;FDC controller (F011C) |
ram_ctlr = $d0a0 ;RAM controller (external expansion RAM) |
palette_r = $d100 ;color palettes |
palette_g = $d200 |
palette_b = $d300 |
sid1 = $d400 ;SID registers |
sid2 = $d420 |
uart = $d600 ;6511 type UART |
e_keys = $d607 ;extended key lines, bits 0 & 1 |
e_keys_ddr = $d608 ;data direction for extended key lines |
fsdir = $d609 ;fast serial (b7=mode, b6=direction) |
dma_ctlr = $d700 ;DMA controller |
viccol = $d800 ;VIC attributes (color, etc., 2K bytes) |
; (image of RAM at $1F800) |
cia1 = $dc00 ;6526 #1 |
cia2 = $dd00 ;6526 #2 |
io1 = $de00 ;expansion I/O slot (reserved) |
io2 = $df00 ;expansion I/O slot (reserved) |
.page |
; C65 I/O MAP |
; |
; $DFFF _ _______________ -----------| |
; | | | |
; $DF00 - | EXT I/O - 2 | | |
; $DE00 - | EXT I/O - 1 | | |
; |_______________| | |
; | | | |
; $DD00 - | CIA2 - 6526 | | |
; $DC00 - | CIA1 - 6526 | | |
; |_______________| | |
; | | |
; | ATTRIBUTE | <<<< mapped from RAM $1F800 |
; | & COLOR | |
; | RAM | |
; | | |
; $D800 _ ____________|___------------| |
; | | |
; | DMAgic | |
; $D700 _ |_______________| |
; | | |
; | UART | |
; $D600 _ |_______________| |
; | | |
; $D440 - | LFT SID 8580 | |
; $D400 - | RGT SID 8580 | |
; |_______________| |
; $D300 _ | BLU | |
; $D200 _ | GRN PALETTE | |
; $D100 _ |_RED___________| |
; | | |
; $D0A0 - | REC | [910129] |
; |_______________| |
; | | |
; | DOS - 4191 | |
; $D080 _ |_______________| |
; | | |
; | VIC - 4567 | |
; $D000 _ |_______________| |
; |
; _______________ |
; $0001 - | | |
; | "4510" PORT | |
; $0000 _ |_______________| |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; 6526 CIA Complex Interface Adapter #1 |
; keyboard / joystick / paddles / lightpen / fast disk |
;pin(joystick) |
; 1 pra0 : keybd output c0 / joystick #1 up / mouse right button |
; 2 pra1 : keybd output c1 / joystick #1 down |
; 3 pra2 : keybd output c2 / joystick #1 left / paddle A fire button |
; 4 pra3 : keybd output c3 / joystick #1 right / paddle B fire button |
; 6 pra4 : keybd output c4 / joystick #1 fire / mouse left button |
; pra5 : keybd output c5 / |
; pra6 : keybd output c6 / / select port #1 paddle/mouse |
; pra7 : keybd output c7 / / select port #2 paddle/mouse |
; |
; 1 prb0 : keybd input r0 / joystick #2 up / mouse right button |
; 2 prb1 : keybd input r1 / joystick #2 down |
; 3 prb2 : keybd input r2 / joystick #2 left / paddle A fire button |
; 4 prb3 : keybd input r3 / joystick #2 right / paddle B fire button |
; 6 prb4 : keybd input r4 / joystick #2 fire / mouse left button |
; prb5 : keybd input r5 / |
; prb6 : keybd input r6 / timer b: toggle/pulse output |
; prb7 : keybd input r7 / timer a: toggle/pulse output |
; |
; timer 1 & cra : fast disk |
; timer 2 & crb : |
; |
; tod : |
; sdr : |
; icr : |
* = cia1 ;device #1: 6526 |
colm |
d1pra *=*+1 ;keyboard outputs / joystick / paddles / lightpen / mouse |
rows |
d1prb *=*+1 ;keyboard inputs / joystick / paddles / / mouse |
d1ddra *=*+1 |
d1ddrb *=*+1 |
d1t1l *=*+1 |
d1t1h *=*+1 |
d1t2l *=*+1 |
d1t2h *=*+1 |
d1tod1 *=*+1 |
d1tods *=*+1 |
d1todm *=*+1 |
d1todh *=*+1 |
d1sdr *=*+1 |
d1icr *=*+1 |
d1cra *=*+1 |
d1crb *=*+1 |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; 6526 CIA Complex Interface Adapter #2 |
; user port / rs232 / serial bus / VIC memory / NMI |
; |
; pra0 : va14 |
; pra1 : va15 |
; pra2 : rs232 transmitted data (user port pin M ) |
; pra3 : serial ATN output (serial port pin 3 ) |
; pra4 : serial CLK output (serial port pin 4 ) |
; pra5 : serial DATA output (serial port pin 5 ) |
; pra6 : serial CLK input (serial port pin 4 ) |
; pra7 : serial DATA input (serial port pin 5 ) |
; |
; prb0 : user port / rs232 received data (user port pin C ) |
; prb1 : user port / rs232 request to send (user port pin D ) |
; prb2 : user port / rs232 data terminal ready (user port pin E ) |
; prb3 : user port / rs232 ring indicator (user port pin F ) |
; prb4 : user port / rs232 carrier detect (user port pin H ) |
; prb5 : user port (user port pin J ) |
; prb6 : user port / rs232 clear to send (user port pin K ) |
; prb7 : user port / rs232 data set ready (user port pin L ) |
; |
; timer 1 & cra : |
; timer 2 & crb : |
; |
; tod : |
; sdr : |
; icr : NMI (/IRQ) |
* = cia2 ;device #2: 6526 |
d2pra *=*+1 ;serial bus / rs232 / va14,15 |
d2prb *=*+1 ;user port / rs232 |
d2ddra *=*+1 |
d2ddrb *=*+1 |
d2t1l *=*+1 |
d2t1h *=*+1 |
d2t2l *=*+1 |
d2t2h *=*+1 |
d2tod1 *=*+1 |
d2tods *=*+1 |
d2todm *=*+1 |
d2todh *=*+1 |
d2sdr *=*+1 |
d2icr *=*+1 ;NMI's |
d2cra *=*+1 |
d2crb *=*+1 |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; 6511 UART Universal Asynchronus Receiver Transmitter |
; |
; Reg Mode Name D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 |
; |
; 0 R/W Data (receive & transmit data) |
; 1 R Status Tdone Empty EndT Idle Frame Parity Overrun Full |
; W -- EndT Idle -- -- -- -- -- |
; 2 R/W Control XmitE RcvrE [Async/Sync] [Word Length] [Parity Mode] |
; 3 R/W Baud Low 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |
; 4 R/W Baud High 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 |
; 5 R/W INT Mask XmitIRQ RcvrIRQ XmitNMI RcvrNMI -- -- -- -- |
; 6 R INT Flag XmitIRQ RcvrIRQ XmitNMI RcvrNMI -- -- -- -- |
* = uart ;6511 type |
uart_data *=*+1 |
uart_status *=*+1 |
uart_control *=*+1 |
uart_baud *=*+2 |
uart_irq_mask *=*+1 |
uart_irq *=*+1 |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; 8520 SID Sound Interface Device |
; |
; REG # _______________________________________________________ |
; 0_ | F7 | F6 | F5 | F4 | F3 | F2 | F1 | F0 |______ Frequency lo Voice-1 |
; 1_ | F15 | F14 | F13 | F12 | F11 | F10 | F9 | F8 |______ Frequency hi |
; 2_ | PW7 | PW6 | PW5 | PW4 | PW3 | PW2 | PW1 | PW0 |______ Pulse Width lo |
; 3_ | -- | -- | -- | -- | PW11 | PW10 | PW9 | PW8 |______ Pulse Width hi |
; 4_ | NOISE| PULSE| SAW | TRI | TEST | RING | SYNC | GATE |______ Control Register |
; 5_ | ATK3 | ATK2 | ATK1 | ATK0 | DCY3 | DCY2 | DCY1 | DCY0 |______ Attack/Decay |
; 6_ | STN3 | STN2 | STN1 | STN0 | RLS3 | RLS2 | RLS1 | RLS0 |______ Sustain/Release |
; |------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------| |
; 7_ | F7 | F6 | F5 | F4 | F3 | F2 | F1 | F0 |______ Frequency lo Voice-2 |
; 8_ | F15 | F14 | F13 | F12 | F11 | F10 | F9 | F8 |______ Frequency hi |
; 9_ | PW7 | PW6 | PW5 | PW4 | PW3 | PW2 | PW1 | PW0 |______ Pulse Width lo |
; 10_ | -- | -- | -- | -- | PW11 | PW10 | PW9 | PW8 |______ Pulse Width hi |
; 11_ | NOISE| PULSE| SAW | TRI | TEST | RING | SYNC | GATE |______ Control Register |
; 12_ | ATK3 | ATK2 | ATK1 | ATK0 | DCY3 | DCY2 | DCY1 | DCY0 |______ Attack/Decay |
; 13_ | STN3 | STN2 | STN1 | STN0 | RLS3 | RLS2 | RLS1 | RLS0 |______ Sustain/Release |
; |------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------| |
; 14_ | F7 | F6 | F5 | F4 | F3 | F2 | F1 | F0 |______ Frequency lo Voice-3 |
; 15_ | F15 | F14 | F13 | F12 | F11 | F10 | F9 | F8 |______ Frequency hi |
; 16_ | PW7 | PW6 | PW5 | PW4 | PW3 | PW2 | PW1 | PW0 |______ Pulse Width lo |
; 17_ | -- | -- | -- | -- | PW11 | PW10 | PW9 | PW8 |______ Pulse Width hi |
; 18_ | NOISE| PULSE| SAW | TRI | TEST | RING | SYNC | GATE |______ Control Register |
; 19_ | ATK3 | ATK2 | ATK1 | ATK0 | DCY3 | DCY2 | DCY1 | DCY0 |______ Attack/Decay |
; 20_ | STN3 | STN2 | STN1 | STN0 | RLS3 | RLS2 | RLS1 | RLS0 |______ Sustain/Release |
; |------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------| |
; 21_ | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | FC2 | FC1 | FC0 |______ Frequency lo Filter |
; 22_ | FC10 | FC9 | FC8 | FC7 | FC6 | FC5 | FC4 | FC3 |______ Frequency hi |
; 23_ | RES3 | RES2 | RES1 | RES0 |FILTEX| FILT3| FILT2| FILT0|______ Resonance/Filter |
; 24_ | 3 OFF| HP | BP | LP | VOL3 | VOL2 | VOL1 | VOL0 |______ Mode/Volume |
; |------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------| |
; 25_ | PX7 | PX6 | PX5 | PX4 | PX3 | PX2 | PX1 | PX0 |______ Pot X Misc. |
; 26_ | PY7 | PY6 | PY5 | PY4 | PY3 | PY2 | PY1 | PY0 |______ Pot Y |
; 27_ | O7 | O6 | O5 | O4 | O3 | O2 | O1 | O0 |______ Oscillator 3 |
; 28_ | E7 | E6 | E5 | E4 | E3 | E2 | E1 | E0 |______ Envelope 3 |
; |-------------------------------------------------------| |
; The SID chips are not accessable at 4 Mhz at all. This is because the SIDs |
; do not have separate tone generator and phase-2 clock inputs. Since this is |
; the case, they must always run at the 1 Mhz rate, so that the sounds they |
; produce will be at the correct frequency. If the processor is running at 4 |
; Mhz, the CPU cycle will not align with the SID cycle. |
potx = sid1+25 ;POTs connected to game ports 1&2 via 4066 |
poty = sid1+26 ;CIA-1 PRA6 & PRA7 select port connected to SID1 |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; MCS4171-F011B -- C65 Disk Controller Chip gate array version -- 8/28/89 |
; |
; The MCS4171-F011B is a short term, low cost MFM disk interface designed |
; for the C65 computer. It requires the use of an external 512 byte RAM for a |
; data cache buffer. This interface can perform reads from and writes to MFM |
; formatted diskettes, as well as free-format full track reads and writes. It |
; can also format diskettes. An expansion drive interconnect is provided, |
; using a serial protocol for control and status signals. It also incorporates |
; an index pulse simulator for drives that do not have an index sensor. |
; |
; C4171-F011B registers |
; |
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
; 0 CONTROL | IRQ | LED | MOTOR | | SIDE | DS2 | DS1 | DS0 | RW |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; 2 STAT A | BUSY | DRQ | EQ | RNF | CRC | LOST | PROT | TK0 | R |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; 4 TRACK | T7 | T6 | T5 | T4 | T3 | T2 | T1 | T0 | RW |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; 5 SECTOR | S7 | S6 | S5 | S4 | S3 | S2 | S1 | S0 | RW |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; 6 SIDE | S7 | S6 | S5 | S4 | S3 | S2 | S1 | S0 | RW |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; 7 DATA | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 | RW |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; 8 CLOCK | C7 | C6 | C5 | C4 | C3 | C2 | C1 | C0 | RW |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; 9 STEP | S7 | S6 | S5 | S4 | S3 | S2 | S1 | S0 | RW |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; 10 PROTECT | P7 | P6 | P5 | P4 | P3 | P2 | P1 | P0 | R |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
; |
; |
;dos_ctlr = $d080 ;F011A/B DOS chip |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; DMAgic DMA CONTROLLER F018 01/15/91 |
; |
; The DMA controller has 4 registers: |
; |
; 0 DMA List address low, Triggers DMA (write only) |
; 1 DMA List address high (write only) |
; 2 DMA List address bank (write only) |
; 3 DMA Status (b7=busy, b0=chained) (read only) |
; (a read will restart an INTerupted DMA operation) |
; |
; The DMA RAM list has the following layout: |
; |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
; | | __ | __ | ____ | ___ | | | |
; |=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======| |
; CNT LO (col) | C7 | C6 | C5 | C4 | C3 | C2 | C1 | C0 | |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; CNT HI (row) | C15 | C14 | C13 | C12 | C11 | C10 | C9 | C8 | |
; |=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======| |
; SRC LO (fill)| SA7 | SA6 | SA5 | SA4 | SA3 | SA2 | SA1 | SA0 | |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; SRC HI | SA15 | SA14 | SA13 | SA12 | SA11 | SA10 | SA9 | SA8 | |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; SRC BANK | I/O | DIR | MOD | HOLD | SA19 | SA18 | SA17 | SA16 | |
; |=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======| |
; DEST LO | DA7 | DA6 | DA5 | DA4 | DA3 | DA2 | DA1 | DA0 | |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; DEST HI | DA15 | DA14 | DA13 | DA12 | DA11 | DA10 | DA9 | DA8 | |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; DEST BANK | I/O | DIR | MOD | HOLD | DA19 | DA18 | DA17 | DA16 | |
; |=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======|=======| |
; SUB COMMAND | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; MOD LO | M7 | M6 | M5 | M4 | M3 | M2 | M1 | M0 | |
; |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| |
; MOD HI | M15 | M14 | M13 | M12 | M11 | M10 | M9 | M8 | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
; ___ |
; |
; Note: Minterns & SubCommand will not be implemented until F018A, at which |
; time the register map will be reorganized & support for the REC added. |
; |
;dma_ctlr = $D700 ;DMA Controller [910102] |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
; REC RAM Expansion Controller 01/15/91 |
; |
; Optional device appearing only if the RAM expander is present. This is an |
; early version, which will most definitely change. Later versions will also |
; include a battery powered Real Time Clock, for which I still need a spec, |
; and an increased address range to 8 Megabytes (currently 1MB). |
; |
; The REC presumes the following system memory map: |
; |
; $00000-$1FFFF 128K on-board RAM |
; $20000-$3FFFF 128K for System ROMs |
; $40000-$7FFFF 256K reserved for cartridge expansion |
; $80000-$FFFFF 512K reserved for RAM expansion |
; |
; The REC contains a four bit write-only register decoded at $D0A0: |
; |
; ___ VIC access enable |
; /___ VIC address range |
; //___ bank select |
; /// |
; 3210 VIC sees: |
; ---- ---------------------------------------- |
; x0xx Internal RAM, $00000-$1FFFF |
; x100 Expansion RAM bank 0, $C0000-$DFFFF |
; x110 Expansion RAM bank 0, $E0000-$FFFFF |
; x101 Expansion RAM bank 1, $C0000-$DFFFF |
; x111 Expansion RAM bank 1, $E0000-$FFFFF |
; |
; CPU sees: |
; ---- ---------------------------------------- |
; 0xxx Expansion bank 0 |
; 1xxx Expansion bank 1 |
; |
; The only problem I am having so far is that, because the register is write |
; only, I have to cache the VIC and CPU setups. It would be preferable if |
; this was not the case, but what do I have to give up to get this? Also, |
; I have not tried using VIC's DAT... I assume it would look like a CPU |
; access but without *expand Graphics using it are bound to internal RAM only! |
; |
; Note also that, because the uP must use A16 to select between the E and D |
; busses, some other address line must be used as high order dram address |
; during RAS time. Due to this "unique" design, you can only map 50% of |
; expansion banks as VIC banks. |
; |
;ram_ctlr = $D0A0 ;REC Controller (requires F011C decode) [910129] |
.page \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ |
default_fa = 8 ;default drive # |
bakcol = 6 ;VIC background screen color (blue) |
forcol = 1 ;VIC foreground screen color (white) |
bodcol = 6 ;VIC screen border color (blue) |
lf = 10 ;line feed (control-J) |
cr = 13 ;carriage return (control-M) |
xon = 17 ;XON character (control-Q) |
xoff = 19 ;XOFF character (control-S) |
esc = 27 ;escape (control-[) |
space = 32 ;space |
quote = 34 ;double quote |
comma = 44 ;comma |
colon = 58 ;colon |
semi = 59 ;semicolon |
reverse = 18 ;reverse field on |
right = 29 ;cursor right |
up = 145 ;cursor up |
;.end |
.page |
; BASIC 10.0 ROM $2000-$7FFF |
* = $2000 |
basic *=*+3 ;cold start entry |
basic_warm *=*+3 ;warm start entry |
basic_irq *=*+3 ;IRQ entry |
basic_nmi *=*+3 ;NMI entry [910515] |
.page |
* = $6000 ;mapped to $6000 from ROM $30000 |
monitor ;must end before $7FFF |
.include monitor |
.page |
; NewDOS ROM $8000-$C7FF |
* = $8000 |
dos |
dos_cold *=*+2 ;cold start vector |
dos_warm *=*+2 ;warm start vector |
.page |
* = $c800 |
kernel ;must end before $D000, contains an ORG $F000 |
.include kernel |
.page |
* = $e000 |
editor ;must end before $F000 |
; .include editor |
.include editorger |
.page |
.subttl C65 Cross Reference Listing |
.end |
Reference in new issue