mirror of https://github.com/mist64/cbmsrc.git
Michael Steil
6 years ago
77 changed files with 8614 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
.page |
.subttl 'declare 06/05/84' |
dclver =$0605 ;************keep current mmdd |
; assignments |
addprc =1 |
lenfor =18 ;length of a 'for' entry in the run-time stack |
lengos =5 ;length of a 'gosub'.... |
buflen =89 ;ted input buffer size |
bufpag =2 |
stkend =507 |
clmwid =10 ;print window 10 chars |
pi =255 |
numlev =23 |
strsiz =3 |
sperr =$10 |
maxchr =80 |
nwrap =2 ;max # of physical lines per logical line |
.page |
; i/o devices |
; |
acia =$fd00 ;6551 acia |
xport =$fd10 ;6529 port |
bnksel =$fdd0 ;switch paragraph for banking cartridges |
ted =$ff00 |
timr1l =ted+0 ;timer 1 is used to write to tape |
timr1h =ted+1 |
timr2l =ted+2 ;timer 2 used by serial(timeout) |
timr2h =ted+3 ;dipole hunter |
timr3l =ted+4 ;timer 3 used to read data bits |
timr3h =ted+5 |
tedvcr =ted+6 ;ted's video control register |
keybrd =ted+8 |
tedirq =ted+9 |
tedicr =ted+10 |
tedcrh =ted+12 ;high byte of ted cursor register |
tedcrl =ted+13 ;low byte of ted cursor register |
tedmlo =ted+14 ;start of ls bytes of sound freq. values |
tedmhi =ted+16 ;start of ms 2 bits of sound freq. values |
tedvoi =ted+17 ;ls nybble is vol, ms nybble is voice on/off bits |
tedcbr =ted+19 ;character base |
romon =ted+62 |
romoff =ted+63 |
cbrlsb =$04 ;lsb of character base in char. base reg |
; screen editor constants |
; |
llen =40 ;single line 40 columns |
nlines =25 ;25 rows on screen |
cr =$0d ;carriage return |
lf =$0a ;line feed |
.page |
; basic zp storage |
; |
*=0 |
pdir *=*+1 ;6510 port data dir reg |
port *=*+1 ;6510 internal i/o port |
srchtk *=*+1 ;token 'search' looks for (run-time stack) |
zpvec1 *=*+2 ;temp (renumber) |
zpvec2 *=*+2 ;temp (renumber) |
integr |
charac *=*+1 |
endchr *=*+1 |
trmpos *=*+1 |
verck *=*+1 |
count *=*+1 |
dimflg *=*+1 |
valtyp *=*+1 |
intflg *=*+1 |
garbfl |
dores *=*+1 |
subflg *=*+1 |
inpflg *=*+1 |
domask |
tansgn *=*+1 |
channl *=*+1 |
poker |
linnum *=*+2 |
temppt *=*+1 |
lastpt *=*+2 |
tempst *=*+9 |
index |
index1 *=*+2 |
index2 *=*+2 |
resho *=*+1 |
resmoh *=*+1 |
addend |
resmo *=*+1 |
reslo *=*+1 |
*=*+1 |
txttab *=*+2 |
vartab *=*+2 |
arytab *=*+2 |
strend *=*+2 |
fretop *=*+2 |
frespc *=*+2 |
memsiz *=*+2 |
curlin *=*+2 |
txtptr *=*+2 ;pointer to basic text used by chrget,etc. |
form ;used by print using |
fndpnt *=*+2 ;pointer to item found by search |
datlin *=*+2 |
datptr *=*+2 |
inpptr *=*+2 |
varnam *=*+2 |
fdecpt |
varpnt *=*+2 |
lstpnt |
andmsk |
forpnt *=*+2 |
eormsk =forpnt+1 |
vartxt |
opptr *=*+2 |
opmask *=*+1 |
grbpnt |
tempf3 |
defpnt *=*+2 |
dscpnt *=*+2 |
*=*+1 |
helper *=*+1 ;flags 'help' or 'list' |
jmper *=*+1 |
size *=*+1 |
oldov *=*+1 |
tempf1 *=*+1 |
ptarg1 =tempf1 ;multiply defined for instr |
ptarg2 =tempf1+2 |
str1 =tempf1+4 |
str2 =tempf1+7 |
positn =tempf1+10 |
match =tempf1+11 |
temp =tempf1 ;multiply defined for graphic subs |
arypnt |
highds *=*+2 |
hightr *=*+2 |
tempf2 |
*=*+1 |
deccnt |
lowds *=*+2 |
grbtop |
dptflg |
lowtr *=*+1 |
expsgn *=*+1 |
tenexp =lowds+1 |
dsctmp |
fac |
facexp *=*+1 |
facho *=*+1 |
facmoh *=*+1 |
indice |
facmo *=*+1 |
faclo *=*+1 |
facsgn *=*+1 |
degree |
sgnflg *=*+1 |
bits *=*+1 |
argexp *=*+1 |
argho *=*+1 |
argmoh *=*+1 |
argmo *=*+1 |
arglo *=*+1 |
argsgn *=*+1 |
strng1 |
arisgn *=*+1 |
facov *=*+1 |
strng2 |
polypt |
curtol |
fbufpt *=*+2 |
autinc *=*+2 ;inc. val for auto (0=off) |
mvdflg *=*+1 ;flag if 10k hires allocated |
noze ;using's leading zero counter |
keynum *=*+1 |
hulp ;counter |
keysiz *=*+1 |
syntmp *=*+1 ;used as temp for indirect loads |
dsdesc *=*+3 ;descriptor for ds$ |
tos *=*+2 ;top of run time stack |
tmpton *=*+2 ;temps used by music (tone & vol) |
voicno *=*+1 |
runmod *=*+1 ;flags run/direct mode |
parsts ;dos parser status word |
point *=*+1 ;using's pointer to dec.pt |
; graphic zp storage |
graphm *=*+1 ;current graphic mode |
colsel *=*+1 ;current color selected |
mc1 *=*+1 ;multicolor1 |
fg *=*+1 ;foreground color |
scxmax *=*+1 ;maximum # of columns |
scymax *=*+1 ;maximum # of rows |
ltflag *=*+1 ;paint-left flag |
rtflag *=*+1 ;paint-right flag |
stopnb *=*+1 ;stop paint if not background/not same color |
grapnt *=*+2 |
vtemp1 *=*+1 |
vtemp2 *=*+1 |
; kernal zp storage |
; |
*=$90 |
status *=*+1 ;i/o operation status byte |
stkey *=*+1 ;stop key flag |
spverr *=*+1 ;temporary |
verfck *=*+1 ;load or verify flag |
c3p0 *=*+1 ;ieee buffered char flag |
bsour *=*+1 ;char buffer for ieee |
xsav *=*+1 ;temp for basin |
ldtnd *=*+1 ;index to logical file |
dfltn *=*+1 ;default input device # |
dflto *=*+1 ;default output device # |
msgflg *=*+1 ;os message flag |
sal *=*+1 |
sah *=*+1 |
eal *=*+1 |
eah *=*+1 |
t1 *=*+2 ;temporary 1 |
t2 *=*+2 ;temporary 2 |
time *=*+3 ;24 hour clock in 1/60th seconds |
r2d2 *=*+1 ;serial bus usage |
tpbyte *=*+1 ;byte to be written/read on/off tape |
bsour1 *=*+1 ;temp used by serial routine |
sedeal ;temp. for scrolling |
fpverr *=*+1 |
dcount *=*+1 |
fnlen *=*+1 ;length current file n str |
la *=*+1 ;current file logical addr |
sa *=*+1 ;current file 2nd addr |
fa *=*+1 ;current file primary addr |
fnadr *=*+2 ;addr current file name str |
errsum *=*+1 |
tmp0 |
stal *=*+1 |
stah *=*+1 |
memuss *=*+2 ;load ram base |
tapebs *=*+2 ;base pointer to cass buffer |
tmp2 *=*+2 |
wrbase *=*+2 ;pointer to data for tape writes |
imparm *=*+2 ;pointer to immediate string for primm |
fetptr *=*+2 ;pointer to byte to be fetched in banking fetchl routine |
; variables for screen editor |
; |
sedsal *=*+2 ;temp. for scrolling |
rvs *=*+1 ;rvs field on flag |
indx *=*+1 |
lsxp *=*+1 ;x pos at start |
lstp *=*+1 |
sfdx *=*+1 ;shift mode on print |
crsw *=*+1 ;input vs get flag |
pnt *=*+2 ;pointer to row |
pntr *=*+1 ;pointer to column |
qtsw *=*+1 ;quote switch |
sedt1 *=*+1 ;editor temp. use |
tblx *=*+1 |
datax *=*+1 |
insrt *=*+1 ;insert mode flag |
*=*+25 ;area for use by banking software |
cirseg *=*+1 ;degrees/circle-segment |
user *=*+2 ;screen editor color ip |
keytab *=*+2 ;keyscan table indirect |
tmpkey *=*+1 |
ndx *=*+1 ;index to keyboard q |
stpflg *=*+1 ;pause flag |
; monitor zp storage |
; |
t0 *=*+2 |
chrptr *=*+1 |
bufend *=*+1 |
chksum *=*+1 ;temp for checksum calc |
length *=*+1 |
pass *=*+1 ;which pass we're doing str |
type *=*+1 ;what type of block we're dealing with |
usekdy *=*+1 ;(b.7=1)=> use for wr, (b.6=1)=> use for rd |
xstop *=*+1 ;save x reg for quick stopkey test |
curbnk *=*+1 ;current bank configuration |
xon *=*+1 ;char to send for an x-on |
xoff *=*+1 ;char to send for an x-off |
sedt2 *=*+1 ;editor temp. use |
*=$ff |
lofbuf *=*+1 |
fbuffr *=*+16 |
savea *=*+1 ;temp locations |
savey *=*+1 ;...for save & restore |
savex *=*+1 ;...for save & restore |
colkey *=*+16 ;default color/luminance table |
sysstk ;bottom of system stack |
.page |
*=$200 |
buf *=*+buflen ;basic/monitor buffer |
oldlin *=*+2 ;basic storage |
oldtxt *=*+2 ;basic storage |
; basic/dos interface vars |
; |
xcnt *=*+1 ;dos loop counter |
fnbufr *=*+16 ;area for filename |
dosf1l *=*+1 ;dos filename 1 len |
dosds1 *=*+1 ;dos disk drive 1 |
dosf1a *=*+2 ;dos filename 1 addr |
dosf2l *=*+1 ;dos filename 2 len |
dosds2 *=*+1 ;dos disk drive 2 |
dosf2a *=*+2 ;dos filename 2 addr |
dosla *=*+1 ;dos logical addr |
dosfa *=*+1 ;dos phys addr |
dossa *=*+1 ;dos sec. addr |
dosdid *=*+2 ;dos dsk identif. |
didchk *=*+1 ;dos did flg |
dosstr *=*+1 ;dos output str. buf |
dosspc =*-fnbufr ;space used by dos rout. |
*=*+48 ;area to build dos string |
.page |
vwork ;graphics vars |
xypos |
xpos *=*+2 ;current x position |
ypos *=*+2 ;current y position |
dest |
xdest *=*+2 ;x-coordinate destination |
ydest *=*+2 ;y-coordinate destination |
; line drawing variables |
; |
xyabs |
xabs *=*+2 |
yabs *=*+2 |
xysgn |
xsgn *=*+2 |
ysgn *=*+2 |
fct |
fct1 *=*+2 |
fct2 *=*+2 |
errval *=*+2 |
lesser *=*+1 |
greatr *=*+1 |
; angle routine variables |
; |
angsgn *=*+1 ;sign of angle |
sinval *=*+2 ;sine of value of angle |
cosval *=*+2 ;cosine of value of angle |
angcnt *=*+2 ;temps for angle distance routines |
.page |
; the following 24 bytes are multiply defined, beginning on this |
; page, and continuing for the next 4 pages. |
params =* |
*=*+1 ;placeholder |
bnr *=*+1 ;pointer to begin. no. |
enr *=*+1 ;pointer to end no. |
dolr *=*+1 ;dollar flag |
flag *=*+1 ;comma flag |
swe *=*+1 ;counter |
usgn *=*+1 ;sign exponent |
uexp *=*+1 ;pointer to exponent |
vn *=*+1 ;# of digits before decimal point |
chsn *=*+1 ;justify flag |
vf *=*+1 ;# of pos before decimal point (field) |
nf *=*+1 ;# of pos after decimal point (field) |
posp *=*+1 ;+/- flag (field) |
fesp *=*+1 ;exponent flag (field) |
etof *=*+1 ;switch |
cform *=*+1 ;char counter (field) |
sno *=*+1 ;sign no |
blfd *=*+1 ;blank/star flag |
begfd *=*+1 ;pointer to begin of field |
lfor *=*+1 ;length of format |
endfd *=*+1 ;pointer to end of field |
*=*+3 ;placeholder |
parend =* |
.page |
; general use parameters. (multiply defined with print using) |
*=params |
xcentr *=*+2 |
ycentr *=*+2 |
xdist1 *=*+2 |
ydist1 *=*+2 |
xdist2 *=*+2 |
ydist2 *=*+2 |
disend |
*=*+2 ;placeholder |
colcnt *=*+1 ;char's col. counter |
rowcnt *=*+1 |
strcnt *=*+1 |
; box drawing variables. (multiply defined with print using) |
*=params |
xcord1 *=*+2 ;point 1 x-coord. |
ycord1 *=*+2 ;point 1 y-coord. |
boxang *=*+2 ;rotation angle |
xcount *=*+2 |
ycount *=*+2 |
bxleng *=*+2 ;length of a side |
xcord2 *=*+2 |
ycord2 *=*+2 |
; circle drawing variables. (multiply defined with print using) |
*=params |
xcircl *=*+2 ;circle center, x coordinate |
ycircl *=*+2 ;circle center, y coordinate |
xradus *=*+2 ;x radius |
yradus *=*+2 ;y radius |
rotang *=*+4 ;rotation angle |
angbeg *=*+2 ;arc angle start |
angend *=*+2 ;arc angle end |
xrcos *=*+2 ;x radius * cos(rotation angle) |
yrsin *=*+2 ;y radius * sin(rotation angle) |
xrsin *=*+2 ;x radius * sin(rotation angle) |
yrcos *=*+2 ;y radius * cos(rotation angle) |
.page |
; shape and move-shape variables (multiply defined with print using) |
*=params |
*=*+1 ;placeholder |
keylen *=*+1 |
keynxt *=*+1 |
strsz *=*+1 ;string len |
gettyp *=*+1 ;replace shape mode |
strptr *=*+1 ;string pos'n counter |
oldbyt *=*+1 ;old bit map byte |
newbyt *=*+1 ;new string or bit map byte |
*=*+1 ;placeholder |
xsize *=*+2 ;shape column length |
ysize *=*+2 ;shape row length |
xsave *=*+2 ;temp for column length |
stradr *=*+2 ;save shape string descriptor |
bitidx *=*+1 ;bit index into byte |
savsiz *=*+4 ;temp work locations |
*=parend |
; graphic variables |
; |
chrpag *=*+1 ;high byte of address of char rom for 'char' command |
bitcnt *=*+1 ;temp for gshape |
scalem *=*+1 ;scale mode flag |
width *=*+1 ;double width flag |
filflg *=*+1 ;box fill flag |
bitmsk *=*+1 ;temp for bit mask |
numcnt *=*+1 |
trcflg *=*+1 ;flags trace mode |
t3 *=*+1 |
t4 *=*+2 |
vtemp3 *=*+1 ;graphic temp storage |
vtemp4 *=*+1 |
vtemp5 *=*+1 |
adray1 *=*+2 ;ptr to routine: convert float -> integer |
adray2 *=*+2 ;ptr to routine: convert integer -> float |
.page |
*=$2fe |
bnkvec *=*+2 ;vector for function cart. users |
ierror *=*+2 ;indirect error (output error in .x) |
imain *=*+2 ;indirect main (system direct loop) |
icrnch *=*+2 ;indirect crunch (tokenization routine) |
iqplop *=*+2 ;indirect list (char list) |
igone *=*+2 ;indirect gone (char dispatch) |
ieval *=*+2 ;indirect eval (symbol evaluation) |
iesclk *=*+2 ;escape token crunch, |
iescpr *=*+2 ;..list, |
iescex *=*+2 ;..and execute |
itime *=*+2 ;60 hz interrupt vector (before jiffy) |
cinv *=*+2 ;irq ram vector |
cbinv *=*+2 ;brk instr ram vector |
iopen *=*+2 ;indirects for code |
iclose *=*+2 ;conforms to kernal spec 8/19/80 |
ichkin *=*+2 |
ickout *=*+2 |
iclrch *=*+2 |
ibasin *=*+2 |
ibsout *=*+2 |
istop *=*+2 |
igetin *=*+2 |
iclall *=*+2 |
usrcmd *=*+2 |
iload *=*+2 |
isave *=*+2 ;savesp |
*=*+1 ;*******************************************available |
tapbuf *=*+192 ;cassette tape buffer |
wrlen *=*+2 ;length in 2's compl. of data to be written to cassette |
rdcnt *=*+2 ;length in 2's compl. of data to be read from cassette |
inpqln =64 ;length of rs232 input queue |
inpque *=*+inpqln |
hiwatr =$38 ;x-off trip point |
lowatr =$08 ;x-on trip point |
estksz =30 ;size of cassette error stack |
estakl *=*+estksz ;low addr |
estakh *=*+estksz ;high addr |
chrget *=*+6 |
chrgot *=*+12 |
qnum *=*+15 |
; indirect load subroutine area |
; |
indsub *=*+14 ;shared rom fetch sub |
zero *=*+3 ;numeric constant for basic, downloaded from rom |
indtxt *=*+11 ;txtptr |
indin1 *=*+11 ;index & index1 |
indin2 *=*+11 ;index2 |
indst1 *=*+11 ;strng1 |
indlow *=*+11 ;lowtr |
indfmo *=*+11 ;facmo |
; declarations for print using |
; |
puchrs |
pufill *=*+1 ;print using fill symbol |
pucoma *=*+1 ;print using comma symbol |
pudot *=*+1 ;print using d.p. symbol |
pumony *=*+1 ;print using monetary symbol |
tmpdes *=*+4 ;temp for instr |
errnum *=*+1 ;used by error trapping routine-last error number |
errlin *=*+2 ;line # of last error - ffff if no error |
trapno *=*+2 ;line to go to on error.. ffxx if none set |
tmptrp *=*+1 ;hold trap # tempor. |
errtxt *=*+2 |
oldstk *=*+1 |
tmptxt *=*+2 ;used by do-loop. could be mult. assigned |
tmplin *=*+2 |
mtimlo *=*+2 ;table of pending jiffies till turnoff (in 2's comp) |
mtimhi *=*+2 |
usrpok *=*+3 |
rndx *=*+5 |
dejavu *=*+1 ;'cold' or 'warm' reset status (must be in page 5!) |
; tables for open files |
; |
lat *=*+10 ;logical file numbers |
fat *=*+10 ;primary device numbers |
sat *=*+10 ;secondary addresses |
; system storage |
; |
keyd *=*+10 ;irq keyboard buffer |
memstr *=*+2 ;start of memory |
msiz *=*+2 ;top of memory |
timout *=*+1 ;ieee timeout flag |
; cassette declarations... |
; |
filend *=*+1 ;filend reached::=1, 0 otherwise |
ctally *=*+1 ;#of chars left in buffer (for r&w) |
cbufva *=*+1 ;#of total valid chars in buffer (for r.o.) |
tptr *=*+1 ;pointer to next chr in buffer (for r&w) |
fltype *=*+1 ;contains type of current cass file |
bufmax =191 ;size of the buffer for data entries (excluding type) |
; |
; tape block types |
; |
eot =5 ;end of tape |
blf =1 ;basic load file |
bdf =2 ;basic data file |
plf =3 ;fixed program type |
bdfh =4 ;basic data file header |
; screen editor storage |
; |
color *=*+1 ;active attribute byte |
flash *=*+1 ;character flash flag |
*=*+1 ;*******************************************available |
hibase *=*+1 ;base location of screen (top) |
xmax *=*+1 |
rptflg *=*+1 ;key repeat flag |
kount *=*+1 |
delay *=*+1 |
shflag *=*+1 ;shift flag byte |
lstshf *=*+1 ;last shift pattern |
keylog *=*+2 ;indirect for keyboard table setup |
mode *=*+1 |
autodn *=*+1 ;auto scroll down flag(=0 on,<>0 off) |
lintmp *=*+1 |
rolflg *=*+1 |
; monitor non-zp storage |
; |
format *=*+1 |
msal *=*+3 |
wrap *=*+1 |
tmpc *=*+1 |
diff *=*+1 |
pch *=*+1 |
pcl *=*+1 |
flgs *=*+1 |
acc *=*+1 |
xr *=*+1 |
yr *=*+1 |
sp *=*+1 |
invl *=*+1 |
invh *=*+1 |
cmpflg *=*+1 ;used by various monitor routines |
bad *=*+1 |
kyndx *=*+1 ;used for programmable keys |
keyidx *=*+1 |
keybuf *=*+8 ;table of p.f. lengths |
maxkys =128 |
pkybuf *=*+maxkys ;p.f. key storage area |
; kennedy interface variables... |
; |
kdata *=*+1 ;temp for data write to kennedy |
kdycmd *=*+1 ;select for kennedy rd or wr |
kdynum *=*+1 ;kennedy's dev# |
kdyprs *=*+1 ;kennedy present::=$ff, else::=$00 |
kdytyp *=*+1 ;temp stor. for type of open for kdy |
; |
; and constants... |
; |
tedrva =$fef0 |
tedrvb =$fef1 |
tedrvc =$fef2 |
drva2 =$fef3 |
drvb2 =$fef4 |
drvc2 =$fef5 |
italk =$40 ;ieee talk |
ilstn =$20 ;listen |
iutalk =$5f ;untalk |
iulstn =$3f ;unlisten |
kcmd1 =$81 ;state change |
kcmd2 =$82 ;sec. addr |
kcmd3 =$83 ;dout |
kcmd4 =$84 ;din |
savram *=*+256 ;1 page used by banking routines |
pat =savram ;physical address table for banking |
lngjmp =savram+4 ;long jump address for banking 'long' routine |
fetarg =savram+6 ;storage for long jumps |
fetxrg =savram+7 |
fetsrg =savram+8 |
stktop *=*+196 ;basic run-time stack |
stkbot =* |
; cassette primitive r&w variables |
; |
typenb ;doubly defined |
wrout *=*+1 ;byte to be written on tape |
parity *=*+1 ;temp for parity calc |
tt1 *=*+1 ;temp for write-header |
tt2 *=*+1 ;temp for write-header |
*=*+1 ;*************************************available |
rdbits *=*+1 ;local index for readbyte routine |
errsp *=*+1 ;pointer to the current entry in the error stack |
fperrs *=*+1 ;number of first pass errors |
; |
; *** don't ever re-order the following 3 variables !!! *** |
; |
dsamp1 *=*+2 ;time constant for x cell sample |
dsamp2 *=*+2 ;time constant for y cell sample |
zcell *=*+2 ;time constant for z cell verify |
srecov *=*+1 ;stack marker for stopkey recover |
drecov *=*+1 ;stack marker for dropout recover |
trsave *=*+4 ;parmeters passed to rdblok |
rdetmp *=*+1 ;temp stat save for rdblok |
ldrscn *=*+1 ;#consec. shorts to find in leader |
cderrm *=*+1 ;#errors fatal in rd countdown |
vsave *=*+1 ;temp for verify command |
t1pipe *=*+4 ;pipe temp for t1 |
enext *=*+1 ;read error propagate |
; for rs-232... |
; |
uoutq *=*+1 ;user char to send |
uoutfg *=*+1 ;0::=empty, 1::=full |
soutq *=*+1 ;system char to send |
soutfg *=*+1 ;0::=empty, 1::=full |
inqfpt *=*+1 ;ptr to front of input queue |
inqrpt *=*+1 ;ptr to rear of input queue |
inqcnt *=*+1 ;# of chars in input queue |
astat *=*+1 ;temp ststus word for the acia |
aintmp *=*+1 ;temp for input routine |
alstop *=*+1 ;flg to indicate if we're paused locally |
arstop *=*+1 ;flg to indicate if remote is paused |
apres *=*+1 ;flg to indicate if acia in system |
; indirect routine downloaded here... |
; |
kludes *=*+12 |
sinner =kludes+6 |
scbot *=*+1 |
sctop *=*+1 |
sclf *=*+1 |
scrt *=*+1 |
scrdis *=*+1 |
insflg *=*+1 |
lstchr *=*+1 |
logscr *=*+1 |
tcolor *=*+1 |
bitabl *=*+4 |
sareg *=*+1 ;reg's for sys command |
sxreg *=*+1 |
syreg *=*+1 |
spreg *=*+1 |
lstx *=*+1 ;key scan index |
stpdsb *=*+1 ;flag to disable ctl-s pause |
ramrom *=*+1 ;msb flags monitor fetches from ram (0) or rom (1) |
colsw *=*+1 ;msb flags color/lum. table in ram (0) or rom (1) |
ffrmsk *=*+1 ;rom mask (split screen) |
vmbmsk *=*+1 ;v.m. base mask (split screen) |
lsem *=*+1 ;motor lock semaphore for cassette (**02/08/84) |
palcnt *=*+1 ;pal tod (**02/17/84) |
tedatr =$0800 ;ted attribute bytes |
tedscn =$0c00 ;ted character pointers |
basbgn =$1000 |
grbase =$2000 ;graphic base is the same as basic beginning |
bmcolr =$1c00 |
bmlum =$1800 |
chrbas =$d000 ;beginning of 'character rom' |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
.page |
.subttl 'ed1 ted 07/10/84' |
.byte >dclver,<dclver ;mark declare version |
ldtb2 ;screen lines low byte table |
.byte <linz0 ;**must** be at $d802...if this is changed, tell basic! |
.byte <linz1 |
.byte <linz2 |
.byte <linz3 |
.byte <linz4 |
.byte <linz5 |
.byte <linz6 |
.byte <linz7 |
.byte <linz8 |
.byte <linz9 |
.byte <linz10 |
.byte <linz11 |
.byte <linz12 |
.byte <linz13 |
.byte <linz14 |
.byte <linz15 |
.byte <linz16 |
.byte <linz17 |
.byte <linz18 |
.byte <linz19 |
.byte <linz20 |
.byte <linz21 |
.byte <linz22 |
.byte <linz23 |
.byte <linz24 |
ldtb1 ;screen lines high byte table |
.byte >linz0 |
.byte >linz1 |
.byte >linz2 |
.byte >linz3 |
.byte >linz4 |
.byte >linz5 |
.byte >linz6 |
.byte >linz7 |
.byte >linz8 |
.byte >linz9 |
.byte >linz10 |
.byte >linz11 |
.byte >linz12 |
.byte >linz13 |
.byte >linz14 |
.byte >linz15 |
.byte >linz16 |
.byte >linz17 |
.byte >linz18 |
.byte >linz19 |
.byte >linz20 |
.byte >linz21 |
.byte >linz22 |
.byte >linz23 |
.byte >linz24 |
.page |
scrorg ;return max. # rows, cols of screen |
ldx #llen |
ldy #nlines |
rts |
plot ;set or read cursor position |
bcs plot10 |
stx tblx ;.c=0 means set it |
stx lsxp |
sty pntr |
sty lstp |
jsr sreset ;(in case it's outside window) |
jsr stupt |
plot10 |
ldx tblx ;.c=1 means read it |
ldy pntr |
rts |
;**************************************** |
; |
; cint: initialize screen & editor |
; |
;**************************************** |
cint |
lda #$0c ;set up base of screen |
sta hibase |
lda #3 |
sta dflto |
lda #0 |
sta dfltn |
sta mode ;always pet mode |
sta graphm ;always text mode |
sta ndx ;no keys in buffer yet |
sta stpflg ;flag 'no ctl-s yet' |
lda #<shflog ;set shift logic indirects |
sta keylog |
lda #>shflog |
sta keylog+1 |
lda #10 |
sta xmax ;maximum type ahead buffer size |
sta rolflg ;flag 'roll ok, if in basic, and if in direct mode' |
sta delay |
lda #$80 |
sta rptflg ;make all keys repeat |
lda #16 ;init color to gk. blue |
sta color |
lda #4 |
sta kount ;delay between key repeats |
setbig ;setup full screen window, clear it & clear wrap table |
jsr sreset |
clsr ;clear screen |
jsr home ;start at top of window |
cls10 |
jsr scrset ;point to line |
jsr clrln ;clear the line |
cpx scbot ;done? |
inx |
bcc cls10 ;no |
home ;home cursor |
ldx sctop ;move to top of window |
stx tblx |
stx lsxp ;(for input after home or clear) |
stu10 |
ldy sclf ;move to left side of window |
sty pntr |
sty lstp |
stupt |
ldx tblx ;set pointers to beginning of line |
scrset |
lda ldtb2,x ;.x=line # to set up |
sta pnt |
lda ldtb1,x ;pointer to screen ram |
sta pnt+1 |
;pointer to screen ram, fall into 'scolor' |
; |
scolor |
lda pnt ;generate color pointer |
sta user |
lda pnt+1 |
and #$03 |
ora #>tedatr ;address of ted attribute byte area |
sta user+1 |
rts |
; remove character from queue |
; |
lp2 |
ldy kyndx ;are there any pf keys? |
beq lp3 ;branch if not |
ldy keyidx ;get index to current char |
lda pkybuf,y ;get current byte |
dec kyndx ;1 byte down |
inc keyidx ;bump index to next char |
cli |
rts |
lp3 |
ldy keyd ;get key from irq buffer |
ldx #0 |
lp1 |
lda keyd+1,x |
sta keyd,x |
inx |
cpx ndx |
bne lp1 |
dec ndx |
tya |
cli |
clc ;always good return from keybd! |
rts |
loop4 |
jsr print |
loop3 ;turn on cursor |
jsr scolor ;set up (user) to point to start of current attr bytes row |
ldy pntr ;get column |
lda (user),y ;get old color |
pha ;save it |
lda color ;make cursor flash in current color |
sta (user),y |
tya ;calculate current screen position |
clc |
adc pnt |
sta tedcrl ;point cursor there |
lda pnt+1 |
adc #0 ;(.c will be clear for sbc following!) |
sbc #>tedscn-1 ;ted crsr posn. is relative to start of screen |
sta tedcrh |
waitky |
lda ndx ;are there any keys ready? |
ora kyndx ;or any in the pf key buffer? |
beq waitky ;loop if not |
; turn off cursor |
; |
pla ;get saved color |
sta (user),y ;put it in |
lda #$ff ;point cursor to cuba |
sta tedcrh ;(it's the only way to turn it off) |
sta tedcrl |
jsr lp2 ;get key input |
cmp #$83 ;<shift><run/stop>? |
bne lp22 |
ldx #9 |
sei ;fill buffer with load/run cmds |
stx ndx |
lp21 |
lda runtb-1,x |
sta keyd-1,x |
dex |
bne lp21 |
lp211 |
beq loop3 |
lp22 |
cmp #cr ;<cr>? |
bne loop4 |
sta crsw ;flag - we pass chars now |
jsr fndend ;check nxt line for cont |
stx lintmp ;save last line number of sentence |
jsr fistrt ;find begining of line |
lda #0 |
sta qtsw ;clear quote mode |
ldy sclf ;retrieve from line start if left it |
lda lsxp ;input started row |
bmi lp80 ;flag we left start line |
cmp tblx |
bcc lp80 |
ldy lstp ;input started column |
cmp lintmp ;on start line |
bne lp70 |
cpy indx ;past start column |
beq lp75 ;ok if the same |
lp70 |
bcs clp2 ;yes - null input |
lp75 |
sta tblx ;start from here on input |
lp80 |
sty pntr |
jmp lop5 |
; input a line until carriage return |
; |
loop5 |
tya |
pha |
txa |
pha |
lda crsw ;passing chars to input |
beq lp211 ;no - buffer on screen (jmp's to loop3) |
bpl lop5 ;not done - get next char |
clp2 |
lda #0 ;input done clear flag |
sta crsw |
jmp clppat ;**patch 01/03/84 fab |
nop ;** |
lop5 |
jsr stupt ;set pnt and user |
jsr get1ch ;get a screen char |
sta datax |
and #$3f |
asl datax |
bit datax |
bpl lop54 |
ora #$80 |
lop54 |
bcc lop52 |
ldx qtsw |
bne lop53 |
lop52 |
bvs lop53 |
ora #$40 |
lop53 |
jsr qtswc |
ldy tblx ;on input end line ? |
cpy lintmp |
bcc clp00 ;no |
ldy pntr ;on input end column ? |
cpy indx |
bcc clp00 ;no |
ror crsw ;c=1 minus flags last char sent |
bmi clp1 ;always |
clp00 |
jsr nxtchr ;at next char |
clp1 |
cmp #$de ;a pi ? |
bne clp7 ;no |
lda #$ff ;translate |
clp7 |
sta datax |
pla |
tax |
pla |
tay |
lda datax |
clc ;**patch 12/22/83 tvr |
rts |
qtswc |
cmp #$22 |
bne qtswl |
lda qtsw |
eor #$1 |
sta qtsw |
lda #$22 |
qtswl |
rts |
loop2 |
lda datax |
sta lstchr ;save for next escape test |
pla |
tay |
lda insrt |
beq lop2 |
lsr qtsw |
lop2 |
pla |
tax |
pla |
clc ;good return |
; cli ;shouldn't be necessary here |
rts |
nxt33 |
ora #$40 |
nxt3 |
ldx rvs |
beq nvs |
nc3 |
ora #$80 |
nvs |
ldx insrt |
beq nvsa |
dec insrt |
nvsa |
bit insflg ;are we in auto insert? |
bpl nvs1 ;branch if not |
pha ;save char. |
jsr insert ;make room |
ldx #0 |
stx insrt ;make sure insert flag is off |
pla |
nvs1 |
jsr dspp ;fall thru to movchr! (will return to 'loop2') |
.page |
; movchr - move to next char position |
; insert blank line if at end of line |
; y = column position |
; on exit - carry set = abort - scroll disabled |
; |
movchr |
cpy scrt |
bcc movc10 ;easy if not at end of line |
ldx tblx |
cpx scbot |
bcc movc10 ;skip if not last line of screen |
bit scrdis |
bmi movc30 ;abort if scrolling disabled |
movc10 |
jsr stupt ;set pnt address |
jsr nxtchr ;move to next char position |
bcc movc30 ;done if not move to new line |
jsr getbit ;check if on a continued line |
bcs movc20 ;skip ahead if not |
sec ;incase we abort |
bit scrdis |
bvs movc30 |
jsr scrdwn ;else insert a blank line |
movc20 |
clc ;for clean exit |
movc30 |
rts |
; skip to next line |
; wrap to top if scroll disabled |
; |
nxln |
ldx tblx |
cpx scbot ;of the bottom of window ? |
bcc nxln1 ;no |
bit scrdis ;what if scrolling is disabled? |
bpl doscrl ;branch if scroll is enabled |
lda sctop ;wrap to top |
sta tblx |
bcs nowhop ;always |
doscrl |
jsr scrup ;scroll it all |
clc ;indicate scroll ok |
nxln1 |
inc tblx |
nowhop |
jmp stupt ;set line base adr |
;end |
;(07/10/84) tvr & fab: pressing a fct key during a 'getkey' cmd returned |
; a error and shouldn't have. code needed a 'clc'. |
@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
.page |
.subttl 'openchannel' |
;*************************************** |
;* chkin -- open channel for input * |
;* * |
;* the number of the logical file to be* |
;* opened for input is passed in .x. * |
;* chkin searches the logical file * |
;* to look up device and command info. * |
;* errors are reported if the device * |
;* was not opened for input ,(e.g. * |
;* cassette write file), or the logical* |
;* file has no reference in the tables.* |
;* device 0, (keyboard), and device 3 * |
;* (screen), require no table entries * |
;* and are handled separate. * |
;*************************************** |
nchkin |
jsr lookup ;see if file known |
beq jx310 ;yup... |
jmp error3 ;no...file not open |
jx310 |
jsr jz100 ;extract file info (returns w/.a=fa & flags set) |
beq jx320 ;is keyboard...done. |
; |
; could be screen, keyboard, or serial |
; |
cmp #3 |
beq jx320 ;is screen...done. |
bcs jx330 ;is serial...address it |
cmp #2 |
bne opcasi ;open cass for input |
jsr aready ;open rs-232 for input |
bcs excp1 ;carry set if acia not ready |
lda fa |
jx320 |
sta dfltn ;all input comes from here |
clc ;good exit |
excp1 |
rts |
; |
; a serial device has to be a talker |
; |
jx330 |
tax ;device # for dflto |
jsr ttalk ;tell him to talk |
bit status ;anybody home? (case of no devices on bus) |
bmi dnpci ;no... |
lda sa ;a second? |
bpl jx340 ;yes...send it |
jsr ttkatn ;no...let go |
jmp jx350 |
jx340 |
jsr ttksa ;send second |
jx350 |
txa ;restore dev# |
bit status ;secondary address sent ok? |
bpl jx320 ;yep, done |
dnpci |
jmp error5 ;input channel device not present |
opcasi |
ldx sa ;open cass for input |
cpx #$60 ;is command a read? |
beq jx320 ;yes |
jmp error6 |
.page |
;*************************************** |
;* chkout -- open channel for output * |
;* * |
;* the number of the logical file to be* |
;* opened for output is passed in .x. * |
;* chkout searches the logical file * |
;* to look up device and command info. * |
;* errors are reported if the device * |
;* was not opened for input ,(e.g. * |
;* keyboard), or the logical file has * |
;* reference in the tables. * |
;* device 0, (keyboard), and device 3 * |
;* (screen), require no table entries * |
;* and are handled separate. * |
;*************************************** |
nckout |
jsr lookup ;is file in table? |
beq ck5 ;yes... |
jmp error3 ;no...file not open |
ck5 |
jsr jz100 ;extract table info (returns w/.a=fa & flags set) |
bne ck10 ;no...something else. |
ck20 |
jmp error7 ;yes...not output file |
; |
; could be screen, serial, or tape |
; |
ck10 |
cmp #3 |
beq ck30 ;is screen...done |
bcs ck40 ;is serial...address it |
cmp #2 |
bne optapo ;open tape for output |
jsr aready ;open rs-232 for output |
bcs excp2 ;carry set if acia not ready |
lda fa |
ck30 |
sta dflto ;all output goes here |
clc ;good exit |
excp2 |
rts |
ck40 |
tax ;save device for dflto |
jsr tlistn ;tell him to listen |
bit status ;anybody home? (case of no devices on bus) |
bmi dnpco ;no... |
lda sa ;is there a second? |
bpl ck50 ;yes... |
jsr tscatn ;no...release lines |
bne ck60 ;branch always |
ck50 |
jsr tsecnd ;send second... |
ck60 |
txa |
bit status ;speaketh ye? |
bpl ck30 ;yep, done |
dnpco |
jmp error5 ;device not present |
optapo |
ldx sa ;open tape for output |
cpx #$60 ;read? |
beq ck20 ;yes...bad! |
bne ck30 ;always |
.page |
;***** tedisk support routines... {state transition} ***** |
tstkdy |
pha ;save .a |
stx wrbase ;save .x |
ldx #$30 ;starting i/o offset |
lda fa ;load file address |
cmp #8 ;=8? |
beq tstok |
nok8 cmp #9 ;=9? |
bne notprs |
ldx #0 ;must be $fec0 |
tstok lda #$55 ;write a pattern to cmd channel |
sta tedrva-48,x |
eor tedrva-48,x ;is it the same |
bne notprs |
lda tedrvb-48,x ;i tied a status bit hi |
and #2 |
bne notprs ;br, he is blown away |
stx usekdy ;store offset into i/o slot |
clc ;ok |
.byte $24 |
notprs sec ;sorry not home |
ldx wrbase ;restore .x |
pla ;restore .a |
rts ;45 bytes |
patchb lda tedrvc-48,x ;wait for rdy ack to go hi |
bpl patchb |
bmi ptchbb ;bra |
patcha lda #0 |
sta tedrva-48,x ;clear cmd channel |
ptchbb lda #$40 |
sta tedrvc-48,x ;set dav hi |
ldx wrbase ;restor .x |
pla ;restore .a for ciout, data for acptr |
clc ;ok |
rts ;* |
patchd sta tedrvc |
sta drvc2-48 |
sta tedrvc-48 |
dex |
stx drva2-48 |
jmp ptchdd |
;this is in the patch area: |
;ptchdd inx ;.x=0 |
; stx drvb2-48 |
; stx tedrva-48 |
; rts ;x must = 0 on rts !!! |
ttalk |
jsr tstkdy ;who do we talk to??? |
bcc kdy1 ;he's out there |
jmp talk ;serial dev. |
kdy1 pha ;save (a)data |
lda #italk |
sta kdycmd |
lda usekdy |
ora #$40 ;write to kdy |
sta usekdy |
lda #kcmd1 |
jmp kdy75 ;finish up |
ttkatn |
bit usekdy ;do an open in with no sa... |
bvs kdy5 ;kdy is pres...do nothing |
jmp tkatn ;serial |
ttksa |
bit usekdy ;do an open in with sa... |
bvs kdy3 ;kdy is pres |
jmp tksa |
kdy3 |
pha ;save (a) data |
lda sa |
sta kdycmd |
lda #kcmd2 |
jmp kdy75 |
tlistn |
jsr tstkdy ;do an open out with fa... |
bcc kdy4 ;he's out there... |
jmp listn |
kdy4 |
pha ;save (a) data |
lda #ilstn |
sta kdycmd |
lda usekdy |
ora #$80 |
sta usekdy |
lda #kcmd1 ;tell tedisk to listen |
jmp kdy75 |
tscatn |
bit usekdy ;do an open out with no sa... |
bmi kdy5 |
jmp scatn |
kdy5 |
rts ;do nothing for kdy |
tsecnd |
bit usekdy ;do an open out with sa... |
bmi kdy6 |
jmp secnd |
kdy6 |
pha ;save (a) data |
sta kdycmd |
lda #kcmd2 |
jmp kdy75 |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
.page |
.subttl 'vectors 02/17/84' |
*=$ff4c |
jmp print ;**must be here**... basic needs this jump |
jmp primm ;**must be here**... basic needs this jump |
jmp entry ;**must be here**... basic needs this jump |
*=$ff80 |
.if palmod |
.byte $84 ;release number of ted kernal (msb=1=pal version) |
.else |
.byte $04 ;release number of ted kernal (msb=0=ntsc version) |
.endif |
jmp cint |
jmp ioinit |
jmp ramtas |
jmp restor ;restore vectors to initial system |
jmp vector ;change vectors for user |
jmp setmsg ;control o.s. messages |
jmp tsecnd ;send sa after listen /cheap/ |
jmp ttksa ;send sa after talk /cheap/ |
jmp memtop ;set/read top of memory |
jmp membot ;set/read bottom of memory |
jmp scnkey ;scan keyboard |
jmp settmo ;set timeout in ieee |
jmp tacptr ;handshake ieee byte in /cheap/ |
jmp tciout ;handshake ieee byte out /cheap/ |
jmp tuntlk ;send untalk out ieee /cheap/ |
jmp tunlsn ;send unlisten out ieee /cheap/ |
jmp tlistn ;send listen out ieee /cheap/ |
jmp ttalk ;send talk out ieee /cheap/ |
jmp readss ;return i/o status byte |
jmp setlfs ;set la, fa, sa |
jmp setnam ;set length and fn adr |
open jmp (iopen) ;open logical file |
close jmp (iclose) ;close logical file |
chkin jmp (ichkin) ;open channel in |
ckout jmp (ickout) ;open channel out |
clrch jmp (iclrch) ;close i/o channel |
basin jmp (ibasin) ;input from channel |
bsout jmp (ibsout) ;output to channel |
jmp loadsp ;load from file |
jmp savesp ;save to file |
jmp settim ;set internal clock |
jmp rdtim ;read internal clock |
stop jmp (istop) ;scan stop key |
getin jmp (igetin) ;get char from q |
clall jmp (iclall) ;close all files |
judtim jmp udtim ;increment clock |
jscrog jmp scrorg ;screen org |
jplot jmp plot ;read/set x,y coord |
jmp iobase |
.page |
; the following code is necessary to prevent the problem where |
; the reset button is pressed while the rom is banked out. since |
; the ted chip has no reset pin, the processor will attempt to |
; fetch the reset vectors without banking in rom, and will get |
; garbage. this code is copied into ram behind the reset vectors, |
; and will switch the rom back on before transferring execution |
; to the reset routine. |
gostrt |
sta romon |
jmp start |
.wor gostrt ;initialization code |
.wor puls ;interrupt handler |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
.page |
.subttl 'assem' |
; simple assembler |
; syntax: a 1111 lda ($00,x) |
; a 1111 dex: (':' = terminator) |
assem |
bcc as005 |
jmp error |
as005 |
jsr t0tot2 |
as010 |
ldx #0 |
stx hulp+1 ;clear left mnemonic |
as020 |
jsr gnc ;get a char |
bne as025 ;check for eol |
cpx #0 |
bne as025 |
jmp main ;if eol & no mnemonic, exit cleanly |
as025 |
cmp #$20 ;is it a space ? |
beq as010 ;yes - start again |
sta msal,x ;no - save char |
inx |
cpx #3 ;got three chars ? |
bne as020 ;no - loop |
as030 |
dex ;squished all three ? |
bmi as045 ;yes |
lda msal,x ;no - first in last out |
sec ;no borrow |
sbc #$3f ;normalize |
ldy #5 ;set for 5 shift rights |
as040 |
lsr a |
ror hulp+1 ;left mnemonic |
ror hulp ;right mnemonic |
dey ;done 5 shifts? |
bne as040 ;no-loop |
beq as030 ;always |
as045 |
ldx #2 ;move index past mnemonic |
as050 |
jsr gnc ;get a char |
beq as100 ;done if eol |
cmp #' ' ;a space |
beq as050 ;yes-skip it |
jsr chrtst ;a hex #? |
bcs as070 ;no-buffer if |
jsr rdob2 ;fin a read byte |
ldy t0 ;shift t0 to t0+1 |
sty t0+1 |
sta t0 ;save byte |
lda #'0 ;buffer ascii 0 |
sta hulp,x |
inx |
as070 |
sta hulp,x |
inx |
cpx #10 ;watch buffer size |
bcc as050 ;branch if not full |
as100 |
stx t1 ;save input # of chars |
ldx #0 |
stx wrap ;start trial at zero |
as110 |
ldx #0 |
stx tmpc ;disa index=0 |
lda wrap ;get trial byte |
jsr dset ;digest it |
ldx format ;save format for later |
stx t1+1 |
tax ;index into mnemonic table |
lda mnemr,x ;get compressed |
jsr tstrx ;mnemonic and test |
lda mneml,x |
jsr tstrx |
ldx #6 ;six format bits |
as210 |
cpx #3 |
bne as230 |
ldy length |
beq as230 ;skip-single byte instr |
as220 |
lda format |
cmp #$e8 ;a relative instr? |
lda #'0 ;test zeros |
bcs as250 ;no-3 byte |
jsr tst2 ;test a byte,2 chars |
dey |
bne as220 |
as230 |
asl format |
bcc as240 |
lda char1-1,x |
jsr tstrx ;test syntax |
lda char2-1,x |
beq as240 |
jsr tstrx ;test more syntax |
as240 |
dex |
bne as210 |
beq as300 |
as250 |
jsr tst2 ;test a word,4 chars |
jsr tst2 |
as300 |
lda t1 ;check # chars of both |
cmp tmpc |
beq as310 ;match, skip |
jmp tst05 ;fail |
as310 |
ldy length |
beq as500 ;if only 1 byte instr skip |
lda t1+1 ;get saved format |
cmp #$9d ;a relative instr? |
bne as400 ;no-skip |
lda t0 ;calculate a relative |
sbc t2 ;(.c=1 already) |
sta diff |
lda t0+1 |
sbc t2+1 |
bcc as320 |
bne aerr ;out of range |
ldx diff |
bmi aerr |
bpl as340 |
as320 |
tay |
iny ;out of range,y=$ff |
bne aerr |
ldx diff |
bpl aerr |
as340 |
dex ;subtract 2 for instr |
dex |
txa |
ldy length ;set index to length |
bne as420 ;branch always |
as400 |
lda t0-1,y ;no-put byte out there |
as420 |
sta (t2),y |
dey |
bne as400 |
as500 |
lda wrap ;get good op code |
sta (t2),y |
jsr cronly ;get ready to overstrike line |
ldx #msgasm ;print 'a(sp)' |
jsr msgxxx |
jsr dis400 ;disassemble one line |
inc length |
lda length |
jsr addt2 ;update address |
lda #'a ;set up next line with 'a nnnn ' for convience |
sta keyd ;put it in the keyboard buffer |
lda #$20 |
sta keyd+1 |
sta keyd+6 |
lda t2+1 |
jsr makhex |
sta keyd+2 |
stx keyd+3 |
lda t2 |
jsr makhex |
sta keyd+4 |
stx keyd+5 |
lda #7 |
sta ndx |
jmp main |
; test char in .a with char in hulp |
; |
tst2 |
jsr tstrx ;do two tests |
tstrx |
stx sxreg |
ldx tmpc ;get current position |
cmp hulp,x ;same char |
beq tst10 ;yes-skip |
pla ;pull jsr off stack |
pla |
tst05 |
inc wrap ;try next trial |
beq aerr ;=0 tried all,sorry |
jmp as110 |
aerr |
jmp error |
tst10 |
inx |
stx tmpc |
ldx sxreg ;restore x |
rts |
; character test |
; test for char between 0-f |
; if 0<=char<=f then carry=0 |
; |
chrtst |
cmp #'a |
bcc chr10 ;must be 0-9 |
cmp #'g |
rts |
chr10 |
cmp #'0 |
bcc chr20 ;error |
cmp #': |
rts |
rdob2 |
jsr hexit |
asl a |
asl a |
asl a |
asl a |
sta bad |
jsr gnc |
jsr hexit |
ora bad |
chr20 |
sec |
rts |
hexit |
cmp #$3a |
php |
and #$0f |
plp |
bcc hex09 |
adc #8 |
hex09 |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
.page |
.subttl 'banking' |
;*********************************************************************** |
; |
; software supporting banking hardware |
; |
; ******* this code must fit *entirely* between $fc00-$fcff ******* |
; |
; |
; set up each of the four possible slots, and test if there is a |
; device in that slot. if so, store that devices number in the cor- |
; responding entry in the physical address translation (pat) table. |
; if a device is found to have a number of '1', it will be logged in the |
; table, and a jump to that devices cold-start routine will be performed. |
; |
;*********************************************************************** |
poll |
ldx #3 |
stx xsav |
lda #0 |
poll10 |
sta pat,x ;first zero out all pat entries |
dex |
bpl poll10 |
poll20 ;set up and test each bank |
ldx xsav |
lda dblx,x ;set up both upper & lower banks |
tax |
sta bnksel,x |
ldy #2 |
poll30 |
lda $8007,y ;test for 'cbm' (in ascii) |
cmp cbmmsg,y |
bne poll50 ;no match |
dey |
bpl poll30 ;keep looking |
lda $8006 ;it's 'cbm'...now get device number |
ldx xsav |
sta pat,x |
cmp #1 ;autostart? |
bne poll50 ;no |
stx curbnk ;yes, give them the bank configuration, |
jsr $8000 ;.. then go to cold start routine. |
poll50 |
dec xsav |
bpl poll20 |
rts |
cbmmsg .byte 'CBM' |
.page |
;************************************************* |
; |
; call every active cartridges cold start routine. |
; |
;************************************************* |
phenix |
sei |
ldx #3 |
phen2 |
lda pat,x |
beq phen3 ;no cartridge in this slot if 0 |
txa |
pha |
lda dblx,x ;select low and high rom |
tax |
sta bnksel,x |
stx curbnk |
jsr $8000 ;call it's cold start routine |
pla |
tax |
phen3 |
dex |
bne phen2 ;do slots 3,2,1 - ext2, ext1, int |
sta bnksel ;set up system bank |
stx curbnk ;..as current bank |
cli |
rts |
dblx .byte %00000000,%00000101,%00001010,%00001111 |
.page |
;*********************************************** |
; fetch a byte long |
; entry: |
; your bank in acc |
; target bank in x |
; target address in fetptr,fetptr+1 |
; offset from address in y |
; |
; return with value in a |
;*********************************************** |
fetchl |
sta bnksel,x |
tax |
lda (fetptr),y |
sta bnksel,x |
rts |
.page |
;*********************************************************************** |
; call a subroutine in another bank |
; enter with: |
; your bank in acc |
; target bank in x |
; fetxrg, fetarg, fetsrg loaded with x, a, and s to go into routine |
; address in lngjmp, lngjmp+1 |
; |
; return with: |
; fetxrg, fetarg, fetsrg loaded with x, a, and s from routine |
;*********************************************************************** |
long |
pha ;save return bank combo |
stx curbnk ;set up target bank combo |
sta bnksel,x |
ldx fetxrg |
lda fetsrg |
pha |
lda fetarg |
plp |
jsr lngrt1 |
sta fetarg |
php |
pla |
sta fetsrg |
stx fetxrg |
pla |
sta curbnk |
tax |
sta bnksel,x |
rts |
lngrt1 |
jmp (lngjmp) |
.page |
;*********************************************************************** |
; |
; long irq routine. |
; called by a bank which has received an interrupt, and wishes to have |
; the system roms (kernal/basic) service the interrupt. |
; |
; the users irq vector should point to the following routine in his rom: |
; |
; pha ;save accum. |
; txa |
; pha ;save x reg |
; tya |
; pha ;save y reg |
; . |
; . |
; determine if this is an interrupt to be serviced by the kernal. |
; if so.... |
; jmp lngirq |
; |
; *note* before calling this routine, curbank must contain your bank # |
; |
;*********************************************************************** |
puls ;entry for normal irq's |
pha |
txa |
pha |
tya |
pha |
lngirq ;entry for irq's passed from banking cartridges |
sta bnksel ;select system roms |
jmp krnirq ;kernal irq routine |
irqret |
ldx curbnk ;restore previous bank |
sta bnksel,x |
pla |
tay |
pla |
tax |
pla |
rti |
.page |
gobvec |
ldx curbnk |
sta $fdd0,x |
jmp (bnkvec) |
*=$fcf1 ;jump table for banking routines |
jmp gobvec |
jmp phenix |
jmp fetchl |
jmp long |
jmp lngirq |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
.page |
.subttl 'channelio' |
;*************************************** |
;* getin -- get character from channel * |
;* channel is determined by dfltn. * |
;* if device is 0, keyboard queue is * |
;* examined and a character removed if * |
;* available. if queue is empty, z * |
;* flag is returned set. devices 1-31 * |
;* advance to basin. * |
;*************************************** |
ngetin |
lda dfltn ;check device |
bne bn10 ;not keyboard |
lda ndx ;queue index |
ora kyndx |
beq gn20 ;nobody there...exit |
sei |
jmp lp2 ;go remove a character |
;*************************************** |
;* basin-- input character from channel* |
;* input differs from get on device * |
;* #0 function which is keyboard. the * |
;* screen editor makes ready an entire * |
;* line which is passed char by char * |
;* up to the carriage return. other * |
;* devices are: * |
;* 0 -- keyboard * |
;* 3 -- screen * |
;* 1 -- cassette * |
;* 2 -- rs-232 * |
;* 4-31 -- serial bus * |
;*************************************** |
nbasin |
lda dfltn ;check device |
bne bn10 ;is not keyboard... |
; |
; input from keyboard |
; |
lda pntr ;save current... |
sta lstp ;... cursor column |
lda tblx ;save current... |
sta lsxp ;... line number |
jmp loop5 ;blink cursor until return |
bn10 |
cmp #3 ;is input from screen? |
bne bn30 ;nope, try cassette, 232 or serial |
ora crsw |
sta crsw ;fake a carriage return |
lda scrt ;say we ended... |
sta indx ;...up on this line |
jmp loop5 ;pick up characters |
casi |
jsr savxy |
cmp #1 |
bne rs232i |
jsr getcas |
jmp rstxy |
rs232i |
jsr agetch |
jmp rstxy |
; |
; input from serial bus |
; |
bn30 |
bcc casi ;<3 |
lda status ;status from last |
beq tacptr ;was good |
lda #$0d ;bad...all done |
gn20 |
clc ;valid data, good return |
rts |
getcas ;get a chr from the cassette buffer |
ldy tptr ;test for bufr empty |
cpy #bufmax |
bcc notmt1 ;-mt |
jsr rdblok ;mt, read another block |
bcc getcas ;!bra, try again |
rts ;bad exit, carry should be set |
notmt1 |
ldy tptr ;get bufptr |
lda (tapebs),y ;get chr |
pha ;save it |
iny ;try to look at next chr |
cpy #bufmax |
bcs notovr ;no next chr |
lda (tapebs),y ;get next chr |
bne notovr ;..ok, not a #00 |
lda #64 ;wooops!, eof |
jsr udst ;flag it so |
notovr |
inc tptr ;advance buf ptr |
pla ;chr to be returned |
clc ;sucess flag |
rts |
.page |
;*************************************** |
;* bsout -- out character to channel * |
;* determined by variable dflto: * |
;* 0 -- invalid (rs232?) * |
;* 1 -- cassette * |
;* 2 -- rs-232 * |
;* 3 -- screen * |
;* 4-31 -- serial bus * |
;*************************************** |
nbsout |
pha ;preserve .a |
lda dflto ;check device |
cmp #3 ;is it the screen? |
bne bo10 ;nope, try somethin else... |
; |
; print to crt |
; |
pla ;restore data |
jmp print ;print on crt |
bo10 |
bcc bo9 ;<3 |
pla |
jmp tciout ;print to serial bus |
bo9 |
jsr savaxy |
cmp #1 ;is it cass? |
bne boa ;nope, try 232 |
ldy tptr |
;char to write is on top of stack...how much we got? |
cpy #bufmax |
bcc less1 ;ok, less than the max# |
jsr wfblok |
;buf is full, write the block out to tape |
bcs wrerr1 ;somebody goofed... |
lda #bdf ;set up a new output buffer... |
sta type |
ldy #0 ;reset tape buf ptr |
less1 |
pla ;get the chr to write... |
sta (tapebs),y ;into buffer |
iny ;advance buf ptr |
sty tptr ;save it (or reset it...) |
bcc boa1 ;good exit, tell 'em (.c=0 always!) |
wrerr1 |
pla ;ditch data |
lda #0 |
jmp rstxy ;(.c=1) |
boa |
pla |
jsr aputch ;input a char to queue |
boa1 |
jmp rstaxy |
.page |
; ***** tedisk support routines... {channel i/o} ***** |
; |
tacptr |
stx wrbase ;save .x |
bit usekdy ;use kdy for rd? |
bvs kdy8 ;yes b.6=1 |
ldx wrbase ;restore .x |
jmp acptr ;...else serial |
kdy8 |
lda usekdy ;get i/o slot |
and #%00110000 |
tax ;$fec0, $fef0 |
lda #kcmd4 |
sta tedrva-48,x ;write command |
kdy85 |
lda tedrvc-48,x ;wait for rdy to go low |
bmi kdy85 |
lda #$00 |
sta drva2-48,x ;setup dat/dir for inputs |
sta tedrvc-48,x ;drop rdy low |
kdy86 |
lda tedrvc-48,x ;wait for rdy to go high |
bpl kdy86 |
lda tedrvb-48,x ;retr status |
and #3 ;mask status bits |
cmp #3 ;eoi ? |
bne kdy88 |
lda #$40 |
kdy88 |
jsr udst ;update status for basic |
lda tedrva-48,x ;get data |
pha ;* |
lda #$40 |
sta tedrvc-48,x ;set rdy high |
kdy89 |
lda tedrvc-48,x ;wait for dav to go low |
bmi kdy89 |
lda #$ff |
sta drva2-48,x ;turn ports around i got data & status |
lda #$00 |
sta tedrva-48,x ;clear cmd chnl |
sta tedrvc-48,x ;drop rdy low |
kdy90 |
jmp patchb ;finish up |
nop ;extra byte |
tciout |
bit usekdy ;use kdy for wr? |
bmi kdy7 ;yes b.7=1 |
jmp ciout ;else serial |
kdy7 |
pha ;save (a) |
sta kdycmd |
lda #kcmd3 |
kdy75 stx wrbase |
pha ;save cmd |
lda usekdy |
and #%00110000 |
tax ;get i/o offset |
pla ;retr. cmd |
sta tedrva-48,x ;send cmd |
kdy76 |
lda tedrvc-48,x ;wait for dav ack |
bmi kdy76 |
lda kdycmd ;ret state cmd |
sta tedrva-48,x |
lda #$00 |
sta tedrvc-48,x ;drop dav low |
kdy77 |
lda tedrvc-48,x ;wait for rdy to go high |
bpl kdy77 |
lda tedrvb-48,x ;retr status |
and #3 ;mask status |
kdy79 |
jsr udst ;update basic |
jmp patcha ;finish up |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
.page |
.subttl 'close all files' |
;************************************* |
;* clall -- close all logical files * |
;* deletes all table entries and * |
;* restores default i/o channels * |
;* and clears serial port devices. * |
;************************************* |
nclall |
lda #0 |
sta ldtnd ;forget all files |
;**************************************** |
;* clrch -- clear channels * |
;* unlisten or untalk serial devcs, but * |
;* leave others alone. default channels * |
;* are restored. * |
;**************************************** |
nclrch |
ldx #3 |
cpx dflto ;is output channel serial? |
bcs jx750 ;no... |
jsr tunlsn ;yes...unlisten it |
jx750 |
cpx dfltn ;is input channel serial? |
bcs clall2 ;no... |
jsr tuntlk ;yes...untalk it |
; |
; restore default values |
; |
clall2 |
stx dflto ;output chan=3=screen |
lda #0 |
sta dfltn ;input chan=0=keyboard |
rts |
;***** tedisk support routines {state change} ***** |
; |
tunlsn |
bit usekdy ;unlisten patch |
bmi kdy9 ;kdy was listening... |
jmp unlsn ;serial was... |
kdy9 |
pha ;save (a) |
lda #iulstn |
sta kdycmd |
lda usekdy ;status shows unlisten |
and #$7f |
sta usekdy |
lda #kcmd1 |
jmp kdy75 ;send cmd |
tuntlk |
bit usekdy ;untalk patch |
bvs kdya |
jmp untlk |
kdya |
pha ;save (a) |
lda #iutalk |
sta kdycmd |
lda usekdy |
and #$bf |
sta usekdy |
lda #kcmd1 |
jmp kdy75 ;send cmd |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
.page |
.subttl 'close' |
;*************************************** |
;* close -- close logical file * |
;* * |
;* the logical file number of the * |
;* file to be closed is passed in .a. * |
;* keyboard, screen, and files not * |
;* open pass straight through. tape * |
;* files open for write are closed by * |
;* dumping the last buffer and * |
;* conditionally writing an end of * |
;* tape block.serial files are closed * |
;* by sending a close file command if * |
;* a secondary address was specified * |
;* in its open command. * |
;*************************************** |
nclose |
ror wrbase ;save serial close flag |
jsr jltlk ;look file up |
beq jx050 ;open... |
clc ;else return |
rts |
jx050 |
jsr jz100 ;extract table data |
txa ;save table index |
pha |
lda fa ;check device number |
beq jx150 ;is keyboard...done |
cmp #3 |
beq jx150 ;is screen...done |
bcs jx120 ;is serial address it |
cmp #2 ;rs232? |
bne jx115 ;no, was tape |
; |
; rs232 close ;...by brute force |
; |
php ;!mutex |
sei |
jsr ainit ;reset pointers, variables, & acia |
plp ;!mutex |
beq jx150 ;always |
; |
; close tape data file |
; |
jx115 |
lda sa ;was it a tape read? |
and #$f |
beq jx150 ;yes |
ldy tptr ;else a write |
cpy #bufmax |
bcc jx116 ;buf not full |
jsr wfblok ;else write out a full block first |
bcs jx117 ;write exception |
lda #bdf ;setup new block |
sta type |
ldy #0 |
sty tptr |
jx116 |
lda #0 |
sta (tapebs),y |
jsr wfblok ;write out final block |
bcc jx118 ;ok |
jx117 |
pla ;get index off stack |
lda #0 ;error exit (stop key pressed) |
rts |
jx118 |
lda sa ;write eot-block? |
cmp #$62 |
bne jx150 ;no |
jsr wreot ;yes |
jmp jx150 |
; |
; close a serial file |
; |
jx120 |
bit wrbase ;do a real close? |
bpl ropen ;yep |
lda fa ;no if a disk & sa=$f |
cmp #8 |
bcc ropen ;>8 ==>not a disk, do real close |
lda sa |
and #$f |
cmp #$f |
beq jx150 ;sa=$f, no real close |
ropen |
jsr clsei ;else do a real close |
; entry to remove a give logical file |
; from table of logical, primary, |
; and secondary addresses |
jx150 |
pla ;get table index off stack |
tax |
dec ldtnd |
cpx ldtnd ;is deleted file at end? |
beq jx170 ;yes...done |
; delete entry in middle by moving |
; last entry to that position. |
ldy ldtnd |
lda lat,y |
sta lat,x |
lda fat,y |
sta fat,x |
lda sat,y |
sta sat,x |
jx170 |
clc ;close exit |
jx175 |
rts |
; lookup tablized logical file data |
; |
lookup |
lda #0 |
sta status |
txa |
jltlk |
ldx ldtnd |
jx600 |
dex |
bmi jz101 |
cmp lat,x |
bne jx600 |
rts |
; |
; routine to fetch table entries |
; |
jz100 |
lda lat,x |
sta la |
lda sat,x |
sta sa |
lda fat,x ;must return w/.a=fa & flags set! |
sta fa |
jz101 |
rts |
;rsr 5/12/82 - modify for cln232 |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
.page |
.subttl 'cmds1 02/17/84' |
;********************************************** |
; |
; monitor with mini-assembler/disassembler |
; |
;********************************************** |
entry |
ldx #0 ;call entry*************** |
stx flgs |
beq ent010 ;always (.x=msgmon=0) |
entbrk |
cld ;break entry*************** |
ldx #5 |
ent005 |
pla ;save regs & flags |
sta pch,x |
dex |
bpl ent005 |
ldx #msgbrk |
ent010 |
stx syreg |
lda #$c0 |
sta msgflg ;enable kernal msgs |
tsx |
stx sp |
ldx syreg |
jsr msgxxx |
lda tedvcr ;make sure screen is enabled |
ora #$10 |
sta tedvcr |
lda #0 ;zero out 'last address' reg |
sta t2 |
sta t2+1 |
cli ;be sure to allow these! |
dspreg |
ldx #msgreg |
jsr msgxxx |
lda pch |
jsr puthex |
ldy #0 |
dspr10 |
lda pcl,y |
jsr puthxs |
iny |
cpy #6 |
bcc dspr10 |
bcs main ;always |
error |
jsr putqst |
main |
jsr crlf |
ldx #0 ;'getbuf' now in-line! |
stx chrptr |
main00 |
jsr basin |
sta buf,x |
inx |
cmp #cr ;read one line into buffer |
bne main00 |
dex |
stx bufend |
main01 |
jsr gnc ;get a character from buffer |
beq main ;end of line |
cmp #' ' ;skip leading spaces |
beq main01 |
ldx #cmdqty-1 |
main05 |
cmp cmdchr,x |
beq main10 |
dex |
bpl main05 |
bmi error |
main10 |
cpx #cmdls |
bcs main30 ;load/save don't use parse, handle seperatly |
txa |
asl a |
tax |
lda cmdtbl+1,x |
pha |
lda cmdtbl,x |
pha |
jmp parse ;cute but effective |
main30 |
sta cmpflg |
jmp lodsav |
dspmem |
bcs dspm20 ;no range, do 1/2 screen |
jsr t0tot2 ;else move 'from' value into place |
jsr parse |
bcc dspm30 ;got 'to', go dump |
dspm20 |
lda #11 ;do 12 lines |
sta t0 |
bne dspm40 |
dspm30 ;calculate # of lines |
jsr sub0m2 ;calculate bytes |
lsr a |
ror t0 ;divide by 8 |
lsr a |
ror t0 |
lsr a |
ror t0 |
sta t0+1 |
dspm40 |
jsr stop ;is stop key down? |
beq dspm70 |
jsr dmpone |
lda #8 ;add 8 to 'starting address' |
jsr addt2 |
dspm60 |
jsr dect0 ;test if dump finished |
bcs dspm40 |
dspm70 |
jmp main |
setreg |
bcs dspm70 ;no arg's, done |
lda t0 |
ldy t0+1 |
sta pcl |
sty pch |
ldy #0 |
setr10 |
jsr parse |
bcs dspm70 ;quit anytime arg list is empty |
lda t0 |
sta flgs,y |
iny |
cpy #5 |
bcc setr10 |
bcs dspm70 ;always ('main') |
setmem |
bcs setm20 |
jsr t0tot2 |
ldy #0 |
setm10 |
jsr parse |
bcs setm20 |
lda t0 |
sta (t2),y |
iny |
cpy #8 |
bcc setm10 |
setm20 ;**(02/06/84 fix: fab) |
jsr primm ;clear all modes & cursor up |
.byte $1b,$4f,$91,0 |
jsr dmpone |
jmp main |
go |
bcs go10 |
lda t0 |
sta pcl |
lda t0+1 |
sta pch |
go10 |
ldx sp |
txs |
ldx #0 |
go15 |
lda pch,x |
pha |
inx |
cpx #3 |
bne go15 |
ldx xr |
ldy yr |
lda acc |
rti |
.BYTE 'G' ;GO |
cmdtbl |
.wor $8003-1 ;use basic's warm start vector |
.wor dspmem-1 |
.wor dspreg-1 |
.wor go-1 |
.wor trnsfr-1 |
.wor compar-1 |
.wor disasm-1 |
.wor assem-1 |
.wor assem-1 |
.wor hunt-1 |
.wor fill-1 |
.wor setmem-1 |
.wor setreg-1 |
dmpone |
jsr crlf |
lda #'>' ;flag as dump |
jsr bsout |
jsr putt2 ;print address |
ldy #0 |
dmp150 |
jsr pick1 ;***patch 01/16/84 to select ram/rom |
jsr puthxs ;print hex byte, space |
iny |
cpy #8 |
bcc dmp150 |
jsr primm ;block off ascii dump & turn rvs on |
.byte ':',18,0 |
ldy #0 |
dmp155 |
jsr pick1 ;***patch 01/16/84 to select ram/rom |
and #$7f ;no weird stuff |
cmp #$20 |
bcs dmp156 |
lda #'.' |
dmp156 |
jsr bsout |
iny |
cpy #8 |
bcc dmp155 |
rts |
compar |
lda #0 ;flag 'compare' |
.byte $2c |
trnsfr |
lda #$80 ;flag 'transfer' |
tnsf10 |
sta wrbase+1 ;**02/17 |
jsr range ;get sa in t2, len in t1 |
bcs tnsf99 ;no defaults, please |
jsr parse ;get new addr. |
bcs tnsf99 |
jsr crlf |
ldy #0 |
tnsf15 |
jsr pick1 ;**02/17/84 mod to fetch from ram or rom |
bit wrbase+1 ;**02/17 |
bpl tnsf20 ;branch if compare |
sta (t0),y ;else transfer |
tnsf20 |
cmp (t0),y ;correct? |
beq tnsf30 |
jsr stop |
beq tnsf98 |
jsr putt2 |
tnsf30 |
inc t0 |
bne tnsf35 |
inc t0+1 |
tnsf35 |
jsr inct2 |
jsr dect1 |
bcs tnsf15 |
tnsf98 |
jmp main |
tnsf99 |
jmp error |
nop ;**02/17/84 placeholder |
;02/06/84 fab: fixes ascii display @ 'dmpone' should quote mode be set |
;02/17/84 tvr: transfer & compare now use ram/rom switch for fetches |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
.page |
.subttl 'cmds2 02/07/84' |
; hunt for bytes or string |
; syntax: h 0000 1111 'af... <or> h 0000 1111 22 33 44 ... |
hunt |
jsr range ;get sa in t2, calculate length, put in t1 |
bcs tnsf99 ;error if eol |
ldy #0 |
jsr gnc ;get first char |
cmp #$27 ;is it a ' |
bne ht50 ;no-must be hex |
jsr gnc ;yes-get first string chr |
ht30 |
sta xcnt,y ;save in buf (** 02/07/84 fix: was 'hulp') |
iny |
jsr gnc ;get next |
beq ht80 ;yes-end of string |
cpy #$20 ;no-32 char yet? |
bne ht30 ;no-get more |
beq ht80 ;yes-go look for it |
ht50 |
sty bad ;zero for rdob |
jsr pargot ;finish hex read |
ht60 |
lda t0 |
sta xcnt,y ;save in buf (** 02/07/84 fix) |
iny |
jsr parse ;get next character |
bcs ht80 ;no more -go look for bytes |
cpy #$20 ;32 bytes yet? |
bne ht60 ;no-get more |
ht80 |
sty cmpflg ;yes-start search |
jsr crlf ;next line |
ht85 |
ldx #0 |
ldy #0 |
ht90 |
jsr pick1 ;***patch 01/16/84 to select fetches from ram or rom |
cmp xcnt,x ;same? (** 02/07/84 fix) |
bne ht100 ;no-move on |
iny |
inx |
cpx cmpflg ;checked full string? |
bne ht90 ;no-check on |
jsr stop |
beq tnsf98 ;stop (goto 'main') |
jsr putt2 ;print address found |
ht100 |
jsr inct2 ;increment t2 |
jsr dect1 ;decrement byte counter |
bcs ht85 ;loop if not done |
bcc tnsf98 ;goto 'main' |
.page |
; load/save/verify |
; |
; l {"name"} {,device-number} |
; v {"name"} {,device-number} |
; s "name",device-number,starting-address,ending-address |
lodsav |
ldy #1 |
sty fa |
sty sa |
dey |
sty fnlen ;(.y=0) |
sty status |
sty verfck |
lda #>xcnt ;(** 02/07/84 fix: was 'hulp') |
sta fnadr+1 |
lda #<xcnt |
sta fnadr |
l1 |
jsr gnc ;look for name |
beq l5 ;branch if no name (must be default load) |
cmp #' ' |
beq l1 ;skip spaces |
cmp #'"' |
bne errl |
ldx chrptr |
l3 |
cpx bufend |
bcs l5 ;eol, must be load |
lda buf,x ;get chr |
inx |
cmp #'"' ;pass everything up to closing quote |
beq l8 |
sta (fnadr),y |
inc fnlen |
iny |
cpy #17 ;check length of name (02/07/84 fix: 16 max.) |
bcc l3 |
errl |
jmp error |
nop |
l8 |
stx chrptr |
jsr gnc ;trash delimitor |
jsr parse ;get device # |
bcs l5 ;use default |
lda t0 ;(** 02/07/84 fix: removed 'and #$0f') |
beq errl ;can't be device 0, |
cmp #3 |
beq errl ;..or device 3 |
sta fa |
jsr parse ;get starting address |
bcs l5 ;none, must be load |
jsr t0tot2 ;save sa in t2 |
jsr parse ;get ending address |
bcs errl ;can't default now! |
jsr crlf ;prep for 'saving...' msg |
ldx t0 ;pickup end addr |
ldy t0+1 |
lda cmpflg |
cmp #'s ;check that this is a save |
bne errl |
lda #0 |
sta sa |
lda #<t2 ;pointer to start. addr |
jsr $ffd8 |
l999 |
jmp main |
l5 |
lda cmpflg ;check for load |
cmp #'v ;..or verify |
beq l6 |
cmp #'l |
bne errl |
lda #0 ;flag load |
l6 |
jsr $ffd5 |
lda status |
and #$10 |
beq l999 ;ok to cont. |
lda cmpflg ;l & v have diff. err. msgs |
cmp #'l |
beq errl |
ldx #msgver |
jsr msgxxx |
bmi l999 ;always |
fill |
jsr range ;sa in t2, len in t1 |
bcs errl ;error if eol |
jsr parse ;get fill value |
bcs errl |
ldy #0 |
fill10 |
lda t0 |
sta (t2),y |
jsr inct2 |
jsr dect1 |
bcs fill10 |
bcc l999 |
;02/07/84 fix: move tedmon string buffer from 'hulp' to 'xcnt' |
;02/07/84 fix: remove load/save/ver masking of 't0' to 4 bits! |
;02/07/84 fix: allow 16 char. max. file name length |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
.page |
.subttl 'disasm 01/16/84' |
disasm |
bcs disa10 ;use a default length from current sa |
jsr t0tot2 |
jsr parse |
bcc disa20 ;got sa,ea. use 'em |
disa10 |
lda #20 ;guess at 1/2 page |
sta t0 |
bne disa30 |
disa20 |
jsr sub0m2 ;put ea-sa in t0 |
disa30 |
jsr crlf |
jsr stop |
beq l999 ;stop ('main') |
jsr dis300 ;disassemble 1 line |
inc length |
lda length |
jsr addt2 |
lda length |
jsr subt0 |
bcs disa30 |
bcc l999 ;always done ('main') |
dis300 |
lda #'. |
jsr bsout |
jsr putspc |
dis400 |
jsr putt2 |
jsr putspc |
ldy #0 |
jsr pick1 ;***patch 01/16/84 select fetches from ram or rom |
jsr dset ;get instr & digest it |
pha ;dump (length+1) bytes |
ldx length ;(.y=0 from 'dset' above) |
inx |
pradr0 |
dex |
bpl pradrl ;pad non-printers |
jsr primm ;print 3 spaces |
.byte ' ',0 |
jmp pradrm |
nop |
pradrl |
jsr pick1 ;***patch 01/16/84 select fetches from ram or rom |
jsr puthxs |
pradrm |
iny |
cpy #3 |
bcc pradr0 |
pla |
ldx #3 |
jsr prmne ;print mnemonic |
ldx #6 ;6 format bits |
pradr1 |
cpx #3 |
bne pradr3 ;if x=3 print adr val |
ldy length |
beq pradr3 ;no print if len=0 |
pradr2 |
lda format |
cmp #$e8 ;relative addressing mode? |
jsr pick1 ;***patch 01/16/84 select fetches from ram or rom |
bcs reladr |
jsr puthex |
dey |
bne pradr2 |
pradr3 |
asl format ;test next format bit |
bcc pradr4 ;no print if=0 |
lda char1-1,x |
jsr bsout |
lda char2-1,x |
beq pradr4 |
jsr bsout |
pradr4 |
dex |
bne pradr1 |
rts |
reladr |
jsr pcadj3 ;pcl,h + disp + 1 into a,x |
clc ;add 1 |
adc #1 |
bne relad2 |
inx |
relad2 |
jmp putwrd |
pcadj3 |
ldx t2+1 |
tay |
bpl pcadj4 |
dex |
pcadj4 |
adc t2 |
bcc pcrts |
inx |
pcrts |
rts |
; disassembler digest routine |
; |
dset |
tay |
lsr a ;even/odd test |
bcc ieven |
lsr a ;test b1 |
bcs err ;xxxxxx11 instr bad |
cmp #$22 |
beq err ;10001001 instr bad |
and #$7 ;mask 3 bits for adr mode |
ora #$80 ;add indexing offset |
ieven |
lsr a ;left/right test |
tax |
lda nmode,x ;index into mode table |
bcs rtmode ;if carry set use lsb for |
lsr a ;print format index |
lsr a |
lsr a ;if carry clr use msb |
lsr a |
rtmode |
and #$0f ;mask for 4-bit index |
bne getfmt ;$0 for bad opcodes |
err |
ldy #$80 ;sub $80 for bad opcode |
lda #0 ;set format index to zero |
getfmt |
tax |
lda nmode2,x ;index into prt format tab |
sta format ;save for adr field format |
and #3 ;mask 2-bit length. 0=1byte |
sta length ;1=2byte,2=3byte |
tya ;op code |
and #$8f ;mask for 1xxx1010 test |
tax ;save in x |
tya ;op code again |
ldy #3 |
cpx #$8a |
beq mnndx3 |
mnndx1 |
lsr a |
bcc mnndx3 ;form index into mnemonic tab |
lsr a |
mnndx2 |
lsr a ;1xxx1010->00101xxx |
ora #$20 ;xxxyyy01->00111xxx |
dey ;xxxyyy10->00110xxx |
bne mnndx2 ;xxxyy100->00100xxx |
iny ;xxxxx000->000xxxxx |
mnndx3 |
dey |
bne mnndx1 |
rts ;(.y=0 is assumed!) |
; print mnemonic |
; enter x=3 characters |
; |
prmne |
tay |
lda mneml,y ;fetch 3 char mnemonic |
sta t1 |
lda mnemr,y |
sta t1+1 |
prmn1 |
lda #0 |
ldy #5 |
prmn2 |
asl t1+1 ;shift 5 bits of char |
rol t1 ;into a |
rol a ;clear carry |
dey |
bne prmn2 |
adc #$3f ;add '?' offset |
jsr bsout |
dex |
bne prmn1 |
jmp putspc ;finish with space |
nmode |
.byte $40,2,$45,3 |
.byte $d0,8,$40,9 |
.byte $30,$22,$45,$33 |
.byte $d0,8,$40,9 |
.byte $40,2,$45,$33 |
.byte $d0,8,$40,9 |
.byte $40,$02,$45,$b3 |
.byte $d0,$08,$40,$09 |
.byte 0,$22,$44,$33 |
.byte $d0,$8c,$44,0 |
.byte $11,$22,$44,$33 |
.byte $d0,$8c,$44,$9a |
.byte $10,$22,$44,$33 |
.byte $d0,8,$40,9 |
.byte $10,$22,$44,$33 |
.byte $d0,8,$40,9 |
.byte $62,$13,$78,$a9 |
nmode2 |
.byte 0,$21,$81,$82 |
.byte 0,0,$59,$4d |
.byte $91,$92,$86,$4a |
.byte $85,$9d |
char1 |
.byte ',),#($' |
char2 |
.byte 'Y',0,'X$$',0 |
mneml |
.byte $1c,$8a,$1c,$23 |
.byte $5d,$8b,$1b,$a1 |
.byte $9d,$8a,$1d,$23 |
.byte $9d,$8b,$1d,$a1 |
.byte 0,$29,$19,$ae |
.byte $69,$a8,$19,$23 |
.byte $24,$53,$1b,$23 |
.byte $24,$53,$19,$a1 |
.byte 0,$1a,$5b,$5b |
.byte $a5,$69,$24,$24 |
.byte $ae,$ae,$a8,$ad |
.byte $29,0,$7c,0 |
.byte $15,$9c,$6d,$9c |
.byte $a5,$69,$29,$53 |
.byte $84,$13,$34,$11 |
.byte $a5,$69,$23,$a0 |
mnemr |
.byte $d8,$62,$5a,$48 |
.byte $26,$62,$94,$88 |
.byte $54,$44,$c8,$54 |
.byte $68,$44,$e8,$94 |
.byte 0,$b4,8,$84 |
.byte $74,$b4,$28,$6e |
.byte $74,$f4,$cc,$4a |
.byte $72,$f2,$a4,$8a |
.byte 0,$aa,$a2,$a2 |
.byte $74,$74,$74,$72 |
.byte $44,$68,$b2,$32 |
.byte $b2,0,$22,0 |
.byte $1a,$1a,$26,$26 |
.byte $72,$72,$88,$c8 |
.byte $c4,$ca,$26,$48 |
.byte $44,$44,$a2,$c8 |
regk |
.byte cr,$20,$20,$20 |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
; ****************************************************************** |
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; * * |
; * V E R S I O N 3 . 5 * |
; * * |
; * * |
; * * |
; ****************************************************************** |
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; * SOFTWARE. * |
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; ****************************************************************** |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
.page |
.subttl 'ed2 ted 01/17/84' |
; ****** scroll routines ****** |
; |
movlin |
lda ldtb2,x |
sta sedeal |
sta sedsal |
lda ldtb1,x |
sta sedsal+1 |
and #$03 |
ora #>tedatr |
sta sedeal+1 |
movl10 |
lda (sedsal),y ;move character byte |
sta (pnt),y |
lda (sedeal),y ;move color byte |
sta (user),y |
cpy scrt ;done a whole line ? |
iny |
bcc movl10 ;no |
rts |
; ****** scroll down ****** |
; |
scrdwn |
ldx lsxp |
bmi scd30 ;skip if new line flag already set |
cpx tblx |
bcc scd30 ;skip if old line is below scroll area |
inc lsxp ;else inc start line number |
scd30 |
ldx scbot ;scroll down, start bottom |
scd10 |
jsr scrset ;set 'pnt' to line |
ldy sclf |
cpx tblx ;test if at destination line |
beq scd20 ;done if yes |
dex ;point to previous line as source |
jsr getbt1 |
inx |
jsr putbt1 ;move continuation byte |
dex |
jsr movlin ;move one line |
bcs scd10 ;always |
scd20 |
jsr clrln ;set line to blanks |
jmp setbit ;mark as continuation line |
; ****** scroll up ****** |
; |
scrup |
ldx sctop |
scru00 |
inx |
jsr getbt1 ;find first non-continued line |
bcc scru15 |
cpx scbot |
bcc scru00 |
ldx sctop |
inx |
jsr clrbit ;clear to only scroll 1 line |
scru15 |
dec tblx |
bit lsxp |
bmi scru20 ;no change if already new line |
dec lsxp ;move input up one |
scru20 |
ldx sctop |
cpx sedt2 |
bcs scru30 |
dec sedt2 ;in case doing insert |
scru30 |
jsr scr10 ;scroll |
ldx sctop |
jsr getbt1 |
php |
jsr clrbit ;make sure top line is not continuation |
plp |
bcc scru10 ;done if top line off |
bit logscr ;logical scroll ? |
bmi scrup ;no - keep scrolling |
scru10 |
rts |
scr10 |
jsr scrset |
ldy sclf |
cpx scbot ;at last line ? |
bcs scr40 ;yes |
inx ;point to next line |
jsr getbt1 |
dex |
jsr putbt1 ;move continuation byte |
inx |
jsr movlin ;move one line |
bcs scr10 |
scr40 |
jsr clrln ;make last line blank |
lda #$7f ;check for slo-scroll screen |
jsr keyscn ;**01/17/84 mod |
cmp #$df |
bne scr80 ;no commodore key |
ldy #0 ;delay |
scr60 |
nop |
dex |
bne scr60 |
dey |
bne scr60 |
scr80 |
rts |
.byte $ea,$ea,$ea |
;**************************************************** |
; clear one line subroutine |
; enter with x=line number |
; entry at clrln - clear entire line |
; clrprt - y=starting column number |
;**************************************************** |
; |
clrln |
ldy sclf |
jsr clrbit ;make sure non-continued line |
clrprt |
jsr scrset |
dey |
clr10 |
iny |
lda #' ' |
sta (pnt),y ;print space |
lda color |
sta (user),y ;update color ram |
cpy scrt |
bne clr10 |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
.page |
.subttl 'ed.3 ted 01/18/84' |
; ****** general keyboard scan ****** |
; |
scnkey |
lda #0 |
sta shflag |
ldy #64 ;last key index |
sty sfdx ;null key found |
jsr keyscn ;raise all lines (**01/17/84 mod) |
tax ;check for a key down |
cpx #$ff ;no keys down? |
bne scn10 ;branch if somthing down |
jmp ckit2 |
scn10 |
ldy #0 ;init key counter |
lda #<mode1 |
sta keytab |
lda #>mode1 |
sta keytab+1 |
lda #$fe ;start with 1st column |
scn20 |
ldx #8 ;8 row keybrd |
pha |
scn22 |
pla |
pha |
jsr keyscn ;debounce (**01/17/84 mod) |
sta tmpkey |
pla |
pha |
jsr keyscn ;(**01/17/84 mod) |
cmp tmpkey |
bne scn22 |
scn30 |
lsr a ;look for key down |
bcs ckit ;none |
pha |
lda (keytab),y ;get char code |
cmp #$05 |
bcs spck2 ;if not special key go on |
cmp #$03 ;could it be a stop key? |
beq spck2 ;branch if so |
ora shflag |
sta shflag ;put shift bit in flag byte |
bpl ckut |
spck2 |
sty sfdx ;save key number |
ckut |
pla |
ckit |
iny |
cpy #65 |
bcs ckit1 ;branch if finished |
dex |
bne scn30 |
sec |
pla ;reload column info |
rol a |
bne scn20 ;always branch |
ckit1 |
pla ;dump column output...all done |
lda sfdx ;check function keys |
jmp (keylog) ;sent to 'shflog' at init |
keyscn ;** 01/17/84 mod for new keyboard port |
sta $fd30 |
sta keybrd |
lda keybrd |
rts |
.page |
; shift logic |
; |
shflog |
lda shflag |
cmp #$03 ;commodore shift combination? |
bne keylg2 ;branch if not |
lda mode |
bmi shfout ;don't shift if it's locked out |
lda lstshf ;was it done recently? |
bne shfout ;yes- ignore it |
lda tedcbr ;character base register |
eor #cbrlsb ;lsb of char base in cbr |
sta tedcbr ;get characters from new area |
lda #%00001000 |
;disallow cbm/shift again until 'lstshf' |
sta lstshf ;...is reset by 'ckit2' shifting it right |
bne shfout ;always |
keylg2 |
asl a |
cmp #8 ;was it a control key |
bcc nctrl ;branch if not |
lda #6 ;else use table #4 |
ldx stpdsb ;is the pause disable set? |
bne nctrl ;branch if so |
ldx sfdx ;get the number of the key pressed |
cpx #13 ;'s'? |
bne nctrl |
stx stpflg ;flag 'pause' |
rts |
nctrl |
tax |
lda keycod,x |
sta keytab |
lda keycod+1,x |
sta keytab+1 |
; fall into shfout |
; |
shfout |
ldy sfdx ;get key index |
lda (keytab),y ;get char code |
tax ;save the char |
cpy lstx ;same as prev char index? |
beq rpt10 ;yes |
ldy #$10 ;no - reset delay before repeat |
sty delay |
bne ckit2 ;always |
rpt10 |
and #$7f ;unshift it |
bit rptflg ;check for repeat disable |
bmi rpt20 ;yes |
bvs scnrts |
cmp #$7f ;no keys ? |
beq ckit2 ;yes - get out |
cmp #$14 ;an inst/del key ? |
beq rpt20 ;yes - repeat it |
cmp #$20 ;a space key ? |
beq rpt20 ;yes |
cmp #$1d ;a crsr left/right ? |
beq rpt20 ;yes |
cmp #$11 ;a crsr up/dwn ? |
bne scnrts ;no - exit |
rpt20 |
ldy delay ;time to repeat ? |
beq rpt40 ;yes |
dec delay |
bne scnrts |
rpt40 |
dec kount ;time for next repeat ? |
bne scnrts ;no |
ldy #4 ;yes - reset ctr |
sty kount |
ldy ndx ;no repeat if queue full |
dey |
bpl scnrts |
ckit2 |
.byte $ea,$ea ;**mod to save bytes 01/13/84 fab. |
lsr lstshf |
ckit3 |
ldy sfdx ;get index of key |
sty lstx ;save this index to key found |
cpx #$ff ;a null key or no key ? |
beq scnrts ;branch if so |
txa ;need x as index so... |
ldx #0 |
stx stpflg ;clear pause flag- we have a key |
ldx #7 |
dokey1 |
cmp funtab,x ;is it a function key? |
beq dopfky ;yes |
dex |
bpl dokey1 |
ldx ndx ;get # of chars in key queue |
cpx xmax ;irq buffer full ? |
bcs scnrts ;yes - no more insert |
sta keyd,x ;put raw data here |
inx |
stx ndx ;update key queue count |
scnrts |
rts |
dopfky |
lda keybuf,x ;find length of function key string |
sta kyndx |
lda #0 ;find index to start of string |
fndky1 |
dex |
bmi fndky2 |
clc |
adc keybuf,x |
bcc fndky1 ;always |
fndky2 |
sta keyidx |
rts |
funtab |
.byte $85,$89,$86,$8a |
.byte $87,$8b,$88,$8c |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
.page |
.subttl 'ed.4 ted 01/16/84' |
; print a character on the screen |
; |
print |
sta datax ;save a copy of character |
pha ;save reg's |
txa |
pha |
tya |
pha |
print1 |
lda stpflg ;is there a pause going on? |
bne print1 ;if so, loop until the keyboard routine clears it. |
sta crsw |
lopwrk = loop2-1 |
lda #>lopwrk ;push 'loop2' onto stack for common return mechanism |
pha |
lda #<lopwrk |
pha |
ldy pntr |
lda datax |
cmp #cr ;if <cr> or <shift><cr> jump out now |
beq nxt1 |
cmp #$8d |
beq nxt1 |
ldx lstchr ;see if last char. was an <escape> |
cpx #$1b |
bne print3 ;no |
jmp escape ;go service <escape> & rts to loop2 |
print3 |
tax ;set flags per last char. |
bmi goshft ;see if last char. was shifted |
cmp #$20 ;is this a control chr? |
bcc ctlchr ;yes |
cmp #$60 ;lower case? |
bcc print2 ;no |
and #$df ;yes, convert to pet ascii |
bne print4 ;always |
print2 |
and #$3f |
print4 |
jsr qtswc ;if quote char, toggle quote switch |
jmp nxt3 ;put char on screen, do rts |
goshft |
jmp shiftd ;go service a shifted char. |
nxt1 |
jsr fndend ;find the end of the current line |
inx |
jsr clrbit ;set next line as non-continued |
ldy sclf ;and point to start of next line |
sty pntr |
jsr nxln ;set up next line & fall thru to 'togm' |
toqm |
lda #0 ;turn off modes |
sta insrt |
sta rvs |
sta qtsw |
sta flash |
rts |
ctlchr |
cmp #$1b ;is char. 'escape'? |
beq chk3 ;yes, ignore & just quit |
ldx insrt ;are we in insert mode? |
beq ctlc10 ;no. |
ctlc05 |
jmp nc3 ;yes, go make reverse, and print it |
ctlc10 |
cmp #$14 ;is char. 'delete'? |
bne ctlc20 ;no |
jmp delete ;yes...service & rts to loop2 |
ctlc20 |
ldx qtsw ;are we in quote-mode? |
bne ctlc05 ;yes, make reverse, and print it |
cmp #$12 ;is char 'reverse on'? |
bne ctlc30 ;no. |
sta rvs ;yes, set reverse flag |
ctlc30 |
cmp #$13 ;is char. 'home'? |
bne ctlc40 ;no |
cmp lstchr ;deja vu? |
bne ctlc35 ;no |
jsr sreset ;yes- reset window to max. |
ctlc35 |
jmp home ;yes...service & rts to loop2 |
ctlc40 |
cmp #$1d ;is char 'cursor right'? |
beq crsrrt ;yes |
cmp #$11 ;is char. 'cursor down'? |
beq crsrdn ;yes |
ctlc60 |
cmp #$0e ;is char. 'set lower case'? |
beq lower ;yes |
cmp #$08 ;is char. 'lock in this mode'? |
beq lock ;yes |
cmp #$09 ;is char. 'unlock keyboard'? |
beq unlock ;yes |
ctlc90 |
ldx #15 ;test if one of 16 colors |
chk1 |
cmp coltab,x |
beq chk2 |
dex |
bpl chk1 |
rts |
chk2 |
pha |
jsr chkpat ;***patch 01/16/84 fetch color & lum from ram (or rom) table |
sta color |
pla |
chk3 |
rts ;done, return to loop2 |
crsrrt |
jsr nxtchr ;cursor right |
bcs cdn10 ;branch if wrap |
rts |
crsrdn |
jsr nxln ;cursor down |
cdn10 |
jsr getbit ;a wrapped line? |
bcs cdrts |
sec |
ror lsxp ;flag we left line |
cdrts |
clc |
critgo |
rts ;return to loop2 (sometimes) |
crsrup |
ldx sctop ;cursor up |
cpx tblx ;at top of window? |
bcs critgo ;yes...do nothing |
cup10 |
jsr cdn10 ;about to wrap? |
dec tblx ;up a line |
jmp stupt ;& rts to loop2 |
cleft |
jsr bakchr ;move back |
bcs critgo ;abort if at top left |
bne cdrts ;no - exit |
inc tblx |
bne cup10 ;go set flag if needed |
lower ;set lower character set |
lda tedcbr ;get character base reg. |
ora #cbrlsb ;set lsb (point to lower char set) |
bne upper2 ;always |
lock |
lda #$80 ;lock keyboard in current mode |
ora mode ;set lock bit on |
bmi ulock2 ;always |
unlock |
lda #$7f ;unlock keyboard |
and mode |
ulock2 |
sta mode |
rts ;return to loop2 |
upper ;set upper charscter set |
lda tedcbr ;get character base reg. |
and #$ff-cbrlsb ;clear lsb (point to upper case) |
upper2 |
sta tedcbr |
rts ;return to loop2 |
shiftd ;process shifted keycodes |
and #$7f ;for some obscure reason |
cmp #$7f |
bne shft10 |
lda #$5e |
shft10 |
cmp #$20 ;is it a function key? |
bcc shft15 ;yes |
jmp nxt33 ;no, print it |
shft15 |
ldx qtsw ;are we in quote mode? |
beq shft25 ;no |
shft21 |
ora #$40 ;make reverse |
jmp nc3 ;...and print it. |
shft25 |
cmp #$14 ;is char. 'insert'? |
beq insert ;yes...service & rts to loop2 |
shft30 |
ldx insrt ;are we in insert mode? |
bne shft21 ;yes, make reverse, and print. |
cmp #$11 ;is char. 'cursor up'? |
beq crsrup ;yes |
cmp #$12 ;is char. 'reverse off'? |
bne shft40 ;no |
lda #0 |
sta rvs |
shft40 |
cmp #$1d ;is char. 'cursor left'? |
beq cleft ;yes |
cmp #$13 ;is char. 'clear screen'? |
bne shft50 |
jmp clsr ;yes...service & rts to loop2 |
shft50 |
cmp #$02 ;is char. 'flash on'? |
bne shft55 ;no |
lda #$80 |
sta flash |
shft55 |
cmp #$04 ;is char. 'flash off'? |
bne shft60 ;no |
lda #0 |
sta flash |
shft60 |
cmp #$0e ;is char. 'set upper char set'? |
beq upper ;yes |
ora #$80 ;restore msb |
jmp ctlc90 ;test for color, return |
delete |
jsr cleft ;move back 1 position |
jsr savpos ;save column & row positions |
bcs delout ;abort if at top left corner |
deloop |
cpy scrt ;at right margin? |
bcc delop1 ;no - skip ahead |
ldx tblx |
inx |
jsr getbt1 ;is next line a wrapped line? |
bcs delop1 ;yes - continue with delete |
jsr doblnk ;no - blank last character |
delout |
lda sedt1 ;restore column and row positions |
sta pntr |
lda sedt2 |
sta tblx |
jmp stupt ;restore pnt & rts to loop2 |
delop1 |
jsr nxtchr |
jsr get1ch ;get next character |
jsr bakchr |
jsr dsppc ;move it back 1 position |
jsr nxtchr ;move up 1 position |
jmp deloop ;loop until at end of line |
; insert a character |
; |
insert |
jsr savpos ;save column & row positions |
jsr fndend ;move to last char on the line |
cpx sedt2 ;last row equal to starting row? |
bne ins10 ;no - skip ahead |
cpy sedt1 ;is last position before starting position? |
ins10 |
bcc ins50 ;yes - no need to move anything |
jsr movchr ;move to next char position |
bcs insout ;abort if scroll needed but disabled |
ins30 |
jsr bakchr |
jsr get1ch ;move char forward 1 position |
jsr nxtchr |
jsr dsppc |
jsr bakchr |
ldx tblx |
cpx sedt2 ;at original position |
bne ins30 |
cpy sedt1 |
bne ins30 ;no - loop till we are |
jsr doblnk ;insert a blank |
ins50 |
inc insrt ;inc insert count |
bne insout ;only allow up to 255 |
dec insrt |
insout |
jmp delout ;restore original position |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
.page |
.subttl 'ed.5 ted 12/09/83' |
;************************************************************ |
;* |
;* routines involved in executing escape functions |
;* |
;************************************************************ |
; escape sequence handler |
; entry: character following escape character in .a |
escape |
and #$7f |
sec |
sbc #'a ;table begins at ascii 'a' & ends at 'w' |
cmp #$17 ;'w'-'a'+1 |
bcs none ;invalid char...ignore it! |
escgo ;get address of escape routine, push it, & rts to it |
asl a ;multiply index by 2 |
tax |
lda escvct+1,x ;get high byte |
pha |
lda escvct,x ;and low |
pha |
none |
rts ;and go to that address, if any |
escvct |
.word auton-1 ;a auto insert |
.word sethtb-1 ;b set bottom |
.word autoff-1 ;c cancel auto insert |
.word dline-1 ;d delete line |
.word none-1 ;e select non-flashing cursor |
.word none-1 ;f flashing cursor |
.word none-1 ;g enable bell |
.word none-1 ;h disable bell |
.word iline-1 ;i insert line |
.word fndsol-1 ;j move to start of line |
.word fndend-1 ;k move to end of line |
.word scrsw0-1 ;l enable scrolling |
.word scrsw1-1 ;m disable scrolling |
.word setbig-1 ;n normal size screen (40 x 25) |
.word toqm-1 ;o cancel insert,quote, and reverse |
.word etstol-1 ;p erase to start of line |
.word etol-1 ;q erase to end of line |
.word setsml-1 ;r reduced size screen (38 x 23) |
.word none-1 ;s solid cursor (not underscore) |
.word sethtt-1 ;t set top of page |
.word none-1 ;u underscore cursor |
.word suup-1 ;v scroll up |
.word sddn-1 ;w scroll down |
.page |
;***************************** |
; |
; window modes |
; |
;***************************** |
setsml ;set small screen (38 x 23) |
jsr sreset ;first be sure entire... |
jsr clsr ;...screen is clear & un-wrapped |
lda #1 |
tax |
jsr sttop ;set top at 1,1 |
lda #nlines-2 |
ldx #llen-2 |
jsr stbot ;set bottom at 39,23 |
jmp home ;put cursor within window & rts |
sethtt |
clc ;set top of window |
.byte $24 |
sethtb |
sec ;set bottom of window |
ldx pntr |
lda tblx |
bcc sttop |
stbot |
sta scbot |
stx scrt |
jmp rewrap |
sreset ;reset screen to full window |
lda #nlines-1 ;max # of rows |
ldx #llen-1 ;max # of columns |
jsr stbot |
lda #0 |
tax ;fall thru to set top |
sttop |
sta sctop ;set top of window |
stx sclf |
rewrap |
lda #0 ;make all lines non-continued |
ldx #4 |
rewra1 |
sta bitabl-1,x |
dex |
bne rewra1 |
rts |
;***************************** |
; |
; insert line |
; |
;***************************** |
iline |
jsr scrdwn ;insert a blank line |
jsr stu10 ;move to start of line |
inx |
jsr getbt1 |
php |
jsr putbit ;set continuation same as in previous line |
plp |
bcs linrts ;skip if was wrapped |
sec |
ror lsxp ;set flag - new line |
linrts |
rts |
;************************** |
; |
; delete line |
; |
;************************** |
dline |
jsr fistrt ;find start of line |
lda sctop ;save current of window |
pha |
lda tblx ;make 1st display line top of window |
sta sctop |
lda logscr ;make sure logical scrl is off |
pha |
lda #$80 |
sta logscr |
jsr scru15 ;scroll the top line away |
pla |
sta logscr |
lda sctop ;make old 1st line of this 1 current |
sta tblx |
pla |
sta sctop |
sec |
ror lsxp ;set flag - new line |
jmp stu10 ;make this line the current one |
;****************************** |
; |
; erase to end of line |
; |
;****************************** |
etol |
jsr savpos |
etol2 |
jsr clrprt ;blank rest of line |
inc tblx ;move to next line |
jsr stupt |
ldy sclf |
jsr getbit ;check if next is wrapped line |
bcs etol2 ;yes - blank next line |
etout |
jmp delout ;exit and restore original position |
;***************************** |
; |
; erase to start of line |
; |
;***************************** |
etstol |
jsr savpos |
etsto2 |
jsr doblnk ;do a blank |
cpy sclf ;done a line ? |
bne ets100 ;no |
jsr getbit ;at top of line |
bcc etout ;yes - exit |
ets100 jsr bakchr ;back up |
bcc etsto2 ;always |
;***************************** |
; |
; scroll up |
; |
;***************************** |
suup |
jsr savpos |
txa |
pha |
jsr scrup |
pla |
sta sedt2 |
jmp etout ;always |
;***************************** |
; |
; scroll down |
; |
;***************************** |
sddn |
jsr savpos |
jsr getbit |
bcs sddn2 |
sec |
ror lsxp ;set flag - left line |
sddn2 |
lda sctop |
sta tblx ;scroll from screen top |
jsr scrdwn |
jsr clrbit ;make first line non-continued |
jmp etout ;always |
;******************************** |
; |
; scrolling enable/disable |
; |
;******************************** |
scrsw0 |
lda #0 ;enable scrolling |
.byte $2c |
scrsw1 |
lda #$80 ;disable scrolling |
sta scrdis |
rts |
;******************************* |
; |
; auto insert on/off |
; |
;******************************* |
autoff |
lda #0 |
.byte $2c |
auton |
lda #$ff |
sta insflg |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
.page |
.subttl 'ed.6 ted 12/09/83' |
; grab a character |
get1ch |
ldy pntr ;get char/color index |
lda (user),y ;get the color |
sta tcolor |
lda (pnt),y ;get the character |
rts |
; wrap table subroutines |
; |
getbit |
ldx tblx |
getbt1 |
jsr bitpos ;get byte & bit positions |
and bitabl,x |
cmp #1 ;make carry clear if zero |
jmp bitout |
; putbit - set bit according to carry |
; |
putbit |
ldx tblx |
putbt1 |
bcs setbit ;go if to mark as wrappped line |
; clrbit - clear wrap bit |
; |
clrbit |
jsr bitpos ;get byte & bit positions |
eor #$ff ;invert bit position |
and bitabl,x ;clear bit |
bitsav |
sta bitabl,x |
bitout |
ldx bitmsk |
rts |
; setbit - set bit to mark as wrapped line |
; |
setbit |
bit scrdis ;check for line-link disable |
bvs getbt1 |
jsr bitpos ;get byte & bit position |
ora bitabl,x ;set wrap bit |
bne bitsav ;always |
; bitpos - get byte & bit position of wrap bit |
; input - x = row number |
; output - x = byte number |
; a = bit mask |
bitpos |
stx bitmsk |
txa |
and #$07 ;get bit position |
tax |
lda scbits,x ;get bit mask |
pha |
lda bitmsk |
lsr a |
lsr a ;shift to get byte position |
lsr a |
tax |
pla |
rts |
scbits .byte $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01 |
; ****** move to end/start of line |
; |
fndsol |
ldy sclf ;will move to start of line... |
sty pntr ;set to leftmost column |
; ****** find beginning of line |
; |
fistrt |
jsr getbit ;find start of current line |
bcc fnd0 ;branch if found |
dec tblx ;up a line |
bpl fistrt ;always |
inc tblx ;whoops went too far |
fnd0 |
jmp stupt ;set line base adr |
; ****** find last non-blank char of line |
; |
; pntr= column # |
; tblx= line # |
fndend |
inc tblx |
jsr getbit ;is this line continued |
bcs fndend ;branch if so |
dec tblx ;found it - compensate for inc tblx |
jsr stupt |
ldy scrt ;get right margin |
sty pntr ;point to right margin |
eloup2 |
jsr get1ch |
cmp #$20 |
bne endbye ;yes |
cpy sclf ;are we at the left margin? |
bne eloup1 ;no- keep going |
jsr getbit ;are we on a wrapped line? |
bcc endbye ;no- get out |
eloup1 |
jsr bakchr |
bcc eloup2 ;ok- not at top left |
endbye |
sty indx ;remember this |
rts |
; ****** move to next char |
; |
; scroll if enabled |
; wrap to top if disabled |
nxtchr |
pha |
ldy pntr |
cpy scrt ;are we at the right margin? |
bcc bumpnt ;branch if not |
.space 1 |
jsr nxln ;point to nextline |
ldy sclf ;point to first char of 1st line |
dey |
sec ;set to show moved to new line |
bumpnt iny ;increment char index |
sty pntr |
pla |
rts |
; ****** backup one char |
; |
; wrap up and stop a top left |
bakchr |
ldy pntr |
dey |
bmi bakot1 |
cpy sclf ;are we at the left margin |
bcs bakout ;no - past it |
bakot1 |
ldy sctop |
cpy tblx ;are we at top line last character? |
bcs bakot2 ;leave with carry set |
dec tblx ;else backup a line |
pha |
jsr stupt ;set line base adr |
pla |
ldy scrt ;move cursor to right side |
bakout |
sty pntr |
cpy scrt ;set z-flag if moved to new line |
clc ;always clear |
bakot2 |
rts |
; ****** save row & column position |
; |
savpos |
ldy pntr |
sty sedt1 |
ldx tblx |
stx sedt2 |
rts |
doblnk |
lda #$20 |
dspp |
ldy pntr |
sta (pnt),y |
jsr scolor |
lda color |
ora flash |
sta (user),y |
rts |
dsppc |
ldy pntr |
sta (pnt),y |
jsr scolor |
lda tcolor |
sta (user),y |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
.page |
.subttl 'ed.7 ted 12/09/83' |
keycod ;keyboard mode 'dispatch' |
.word mode1 |
.word mode2 |
.word mode3 |
.word contrl ;control keys |
mode1 ;unshifted,no control |
.byte $14 ; del |
.byte $0d ; return |
.byte $5c ; pound-l |
.byte $8c ; f8 (help) |
.byte $85 ; f1 |
.byte $89 ; f2 |
.byte $86 ; f3 |
.byte $40 ; @ |
.byte $33 ; 3 |
.byte $57 ; w |
.byte $41 ; a |
.byte $34 ; 4 |
.byte $5a ; z |
.byte $53 ; s |
.byte $45 ; e |
.byte $01 ; shift |
.byte $35 ; 5 |
.byte $52 ; r |
.byte $44 ; d |
.byte $36 ; 6 |
.byte $43 ; c |
.byte $46 ; f |
.byte $54 ; t |
.byte $58 ; x |
.byte $37 ; 7 |
.byte $59 ; y |
.byte $47 ; g |
.byte $38 ; 8 |
.byte $42 ; b |
.byte $48 ; h |
.byte $55 ; u |
.byte $56 ; v |
.byte $39 ; 9 |
.byte $49 ; i |
.byte $4a ; j |
.byte $30 ; 0 |
.byte $4d ; m |
.byte $4b ; k |
.byte $4f ; o |
.byte $4e ; n |
.byte $11 ; crsr down |
.byte $50 ; p |
.byte $4c ; l |
.byte $91 ; crsr up |
.byte $2e ; . |
.byte $3a ; : |
.byte $2d ; - |
.byte $2c ; , |
.byte $9d ; crsr left |
.byte $2a ; * |
.byte $3b ; ; |
.byte $1d ; crsr right |
.byte $1b ; escape |
.byte $3d ; = |
.byte $2b ; + |
.byte $2f ; / |
.byte $31 ; 1 |
.byte $13 ; home |
.byte $04 ; control |
.byte $32 ; 2 |
.byte $20 ; space |
.byte $02 ; commodore key |
.byte $51 ; q |
.byte $03 ; stop |
.byte $ff ;end of table null |
mode2 ;shifted,no control |
.byte $94 ; insert |
.byte $8d ; shift return |
.byte $a9 ; pound-l |
.byte $88 ; f7 |
.byte $8a ; f4 |
.byte $87 ; f5 |
.byte $8b ; f6 |
.byte $ba ; @ |
.byte $23 ; # |
.byte $d7 ; w |
.byte $c1 ; a |
.byte $24 ; $ |
.byte $da ; z |
.byte $d3 ; s |
.byte $c5 ; e |
.byte $01 ; shift |
.byte $25 ; % |
.byte $d2 ; r |
.byte $c4 ; d |
.byte $26 ; & |
.byte $c3 ; c |
.byte $c6 ; f |
.byte $d4 ; t |
.byte $d8 ; x |
.byte $27 ; ' |
.byte $d9 ; y |
.byte $c7 ; g |
.byte $28 ; ( |
.byte $c2 ; b |
.byte $c8 ; h |
.byte $d5 ; u |
.byte $d6 ; v |
.byte $29 ; ) |
.byte $c9 ; i |
.byte $ca ; j |
.byte $5e ; ~ |
.byte $cd ; m |
.byte $cb ; k |
.byte $cf ; o |
.byte $ce ; n |
.byte $11 ; crsr down |
.byte $d0 ; p |
.byte $cc ; l |
.byte $91 ; crsr up |
.byte $3e ; > |
.byte $5b ; { |
.byte $dd ; - |
.byte $3c ; < |
.byte $9d ; crsr left |
.byte $c0 ; * |
.byte $5d ; } |
.byte $1d ; crsr right |
.byte $1b ; escape |
.byte $5f ; left arrow |
.byte $db ; + |
.byte $3f ; ? |
.byte $21 ; ! |
.byte $93 ; clr screen |
.byte $04 ; control |
.byte $22 ; " |
.byte $a0 ; shifted space |
.byte $02 ; commodore key |
.byte $d1 ; q |
.byte $83 ; run |
.byte $ff ;end of table null |
mode3 ;commodore key (left window graphics) |
.byte $94 ; insert |
.byte $8d ; shifted return |
.byte $a8 ; pound-l |
.byte $88 ; f7 |
.byte $8a ; f4 |
.byte $87 ; f5 |
.byte $8b ; f6 |
.byte $a4 ; @ |
.byte $96 ; color 10 |
.byte $b3 ; w |
.byte $b0 ; a |
.byte $97 ; color 11 |
.byte $ad ; z |
.byte $ae ; s |
.byte $b1 ; e |
.byte $01 ; shift |
.byte $98 ; color 12 |
.byte $b2 ; r |
.byte $ac ; d |
.byte $99 ; color 13 |
.byte $bc ; c |
.byte $bb ; f |
.byte $a3 ; t |
.byte $bd ; x |
.byte $9a ; color 14 |
.byte $b7 ; y |
.byte $a5 ; g |
.byte $9b ; color 15 |
.byte $bf ; b |
.byte $b4 ; h |
.byte $b8 ; u |
.byte $be ; v |
.byte $29 ; ) |
.byte $a2 ; i |
.byte $b5 ; j |
.byte $30 ; 0 |
.byte $a7 ; m |
.byte $a1 ; k |
.byte $b9 ; o |
.byte $aa ; n |
.byte $11 ; crsr down |
.byte $af ; p |
.byte $b6 ; l |
.byte $91 ; crsr up |
.byte $3e ; > |
.byte $5b ; { |
.byte $dc ; - |
.byte $3c ; < |
.byte $9d ; crsr left |
.byte $df ; * |
.byte $5d ; } |
.byte $1d ; crsr right |
.byte $1b ; escape |
.byte $de ; pi |
.byte $a6 ; + |
.byte $3f ; ? |
.byte $81 ; color 8 |
.byte $93 ; cls |
.byte $04 ; control |
.byte $95 ; color 9 |
.byte $a0 ; shifted space |
.byte $02 ; commodore key |
.byte $ab ; q |
.byte $83 ; run |
.byte $ff ;end of table null |
contrl |
.byte $ff ; del |
.byte $ff ; return |
.byte $1c ; pound-l |
.byte $ff ; f8 (help) |
.byte $ff ; f1 |
.byte $ff ; f2 |
.byte $ff ; f3 |
.byte $ff ; @ |
.byte $1c ; 3 |
.byte $17 ; w |
.byte $01 ; a |
.byte $9f ; 4 |
.byte $1a ; z |
.byte $13 ; s |
.byte $05 ; e |
.byte $ff ; shift |
.byte $9c ; 5 |
.byte $12 ; r |
.byte $04 ; d |
.byte $1e ; 6 |
.byte $03 ; c |
.byte $06 ; f |
.byte $14 ; t |
.byte $18 ; x |
.byte $1f ; 7 |
.byte $19 ; y |
.byte $07 ; g |
.byte $9e ; 8 |
.byte $02 ; b |
.byte $08 ; h |
.byte $15 ; u |
.byte $16 ; v |
.byte $12 ; 9 |
.byte $09 ; i |
.byte $0a ; j |
.byte $92 ; 0 |
.byte $0d ; m |
.byte $0b ; k |
.byte $0f ; o |
.byte $0e ; n |
.byte $ff ; crsr down |
.byte $10 ; p |
.byte $0c ; l |
.byte $ff ; crsr up |
.byte $84 ; flash off |
.byte $1b ; : |
.byte $ff ; - |
.byte $82 ; flash on |
.byte $ff ; crsr left |
.byte $ff ; * |
.byte $1d ; ; |
.byte $ff ; crsr right |
.byte $1b ; escape |
.byte $06 ; = |
.byte $ff ; + |
.byte $ff ; / |
.byte $90 ; 1 |
.byte $ff ; home |
.byte $ff ; control |
.byte $05 ; 2 |
.byte $ff ; space |
.byte $ff ; commodore key |
.byte $11 ; q |
.byte $ff ; stop |
.byte $ff ;end of table null |
runtb .byte $44,$cc,$22,$2a,cr,'RUN',cr ;dload '* : run |
coltab |
.byte $90,$05,$1c,$9f,$9c,$1e,$1f,$9e |
.byte $81,$95,$96,$97,$98,$99,$9a,$9b |
collum |
.byte $00,$71,$32,$63,$44,$35,$46,$77 |
.byte $48,$29,$5a,$6b,$5c,$6d,$2e,$5f |
linz0 = tedscn |
linz1 = linz0+llen |
linz2 = linz1+llen |
linz3 = linz2+llen |
linz4 = linz3+llen |
linz5 = linz4+llen |
linz6 = linz5+llen |
linz7 = linz6+llen |
linz8 = linz7+llen |
linz9 = linz8+llen |
linz10 = linz9+llen |
linz11 = linz10+llen |
linz12 = linz11+llen |
linz13 = linz12+llen |
linz14 = linz13+llen |
linz15 = linz14+llen |
linz16 = linz15+llen |
linz17 = linz16+llen |
linz18 = linz17+llen |
linz19 = linz18+llen |
linz20 = linz19+llen |
linz21 = linz20+llen |
linz22 = linz21+llen |
linz23 = linz22+llen |
linz24 = linz23+llen |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
.page |
.subttl 'error handler' |
;*************************************** |
;* stop -- check stop key flag and * |
;* return z flag set if flag true. * |
;* also closes active channels and * |
;* flushes keyboard queue. * |
;* also returns key downs from last * |
;* keyboard row in .a. * |
;*************************************** |
nstop lda stkey ;value of last row |
cmp #$7f ;check stop key position |
bne stop2 ;not down |
php |
jsr clrch ;clear channels |
sta ndx ;flush queue |
plp |
stop2 rts |
;************************************ |
;* * |
;* error handler * |
;* * |
;* prints kernal error message if * |
;* bit 6 of msgflg set. returns * |
;* with error # in .a and carry. * |
;* * |
;************************************ |
error1 lda #1 ;too many files |
.byte $2c |
error2 lda #2 ;file open |
.byte $2c |
error3 lda #3 ;file not open |
.byte $2c |
error4 lda #4 ;file not found |
.byte $2c |
error5 lda #5 ;device not present |
.byte $2c |
error6 lda #6 ;not input file |
.byte $2c |
error7 lda #7 ;not output file |
.byte $2c |
error8 lda #8 ;missing file name |
.byte $2c |
error9 lda #9 ;bad device # |
pha ;error number on stack |
jsr clrch ;restore i/o channels |
ldy #ms1-ms1 |
bit msgflg ;are we printing error? |
bvc erexit ;no... |
jsr msg ;print "cbm i/o error #" |
pla |
pha |
ora #$30 ;make error # ascii |
jsr bsout ;print it |
erexit pla |
sec |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
.page |
.subttl 'init (kernal) 02/17/84' |
;**************************************** |
; |
; start - all kernal initialization |
; is done here. |
; |
;**************************************** |
start |
ldx #$ff |
sei |
txs |
cld |
jsr spkpat ;see which cartridge slots are occupied (and go if autostart) |
jsr ioinit ;initialize ted, i/o |
jsr ud60 ;test for run/stop key down <and> 'cold' reset |
php ;(save for 'jmp to monitor' test later) |
bmi start1 ;key not down, do full init |
lda #$a5 |
cmp dejavu ;test for 'cold' or 'warm' reset |
beq start2 ;it is 'warm' reset w/ run/stop down: skip 'ramtas' |
start1 |
jsr ramtas ;find mem top, init system storage, download ram code |
start2 |
jsr restor ;set up indirects |
jsr cint ;initialize screen & editor |
plp |
bmi basic ;branch to basic if no run/stop key |
jmp entry ;go to monitor |
basic |
jmp $8000 ;go to basic |
;******************************************** |
; |
; restor - set kernal indirects and vectors |
; |
;******************************************** |
restor |
ldx #<vectss |
ldy #>vectss |
clc |
; vector - set kernal indirect and vectors (user) |
; |
vector |
stx tmp2 |
sty tmp2+1 |
ldy #vectse-vectss-1 |
movos1 |
lda itime,y ;get from storage |
bcs movos2 ;c...want storage to user |
lda (tmp2),y ;...want user to storage |
movos2 |
sta itime,y ;put in storage |
bcc movos3 |
sta (tmp2),y ;put in user |
movos3 |
dey |
bpl movos1 |
rts |
vectss |
.wor ntime,srvirq,entbrk |
.wor nopen,nclose,nchkin |
.wor nckout,nclrch,nbasin |
.wor nbsout,nstop,ngetin |
.wor nclall,entbrk |
.wor nload,nsave |
vectse |
.page |
;************************************ |
; |
; ioinit - initialize i/o |
; |
;************************************ |
ioinit |
lda #%00001111 ;set up 6510 port |
sta pdir |
lda #%00001000 |
sta port |
ldx #$ff |
stx xport ;init 6529 |
stx drva2 ;cmd channel all outputs |
inx ;.x=0 |
stx drvb2 ;inputs |
stx tedrva ;clear cmd |
lda #%01000000 ;($40) |
sta drvc2 ;set up handshake line |
; sta tedrvc ;init line to '1' |
jsr patchd |
initlp |
lda table,x ;(.x=0 initially) |
sta ted,x ;init ted registers |
inx |
cpx #26 |
bne initlp |
jmp ainit ;init rs-232 buffers & rts |
table |
.byte $f1,$39 ;0,1: t1 |
.byte 0,0 ;2,3: t2 |
.byte 0,0 ;4,5: t3 |
.byte $1b ;6: elm=0, bmm=0, blnk=1, 25 rows, y=3 |
.if palmod |
.byte $08 ;7: rev. video on,pal,freeze=0,mcm=0,40col,x=0 |
.else |
.byte $48 ;7: rev. video on,ntsc,freeze=0,mcm=0,40col,x=0 |
.endif |
.byte 0,0 ;8,9: kbd, int read (don't care) |
.byte $02 ;10: disable all interrupts except raster |
.byte $cc ;11: raster compare (end of screen) |
.byte 0,0 ;12,13: cursor position |
.byte 0,0 ;14,15: lsb of sound 1 & 2 |
.byte 0 ;16: msb of sound 2 off |
.byte 0 ;17: no voice, volume off |
.byte $04 ;18: bm base, charset from rom, ms bits sound 1 off |
.byte $d0 ;19: character base @ $d000, single clock, status |
.byte $08 ;20: vm base @ $c00 |
.byte $71 ;21: bkgd 0, ful lum, white |
.byte $5b ;22: bkgd 1, med lum, lt. red |
.byte $75 ;23: bkgd 2, ful lum, lt. green (not used) |
.byte $77 ;24: bkgd 3, ful lum, yellow (not used) |
.byte $6e ;25: exterior (ful lum)-1, dk. blue |
.page |
;***************************************** |
; |
; ramtas - memory size check and set |
; |
;***************************************** |
ramtas |
lda #0 ;zero low memory |
tay |
ramtz0 |
sta $0002,y ;zero page (skip over 6510 port!) |
sta $0200,y ;user buffers and vars |
sta $0300,y ;system space and user space |
sta $0400,y ;basic stuff |
sta $0700,y ;editor stuff |
iny |
bne ramtz0 |
; set top of memory |
; |
ramtbt |
ldx #8 ;(.y=0 already) |
stx t1 ;set up a counter |
ramtlp ;copy reset vector & code into ram, in case of a reset |
lda gostrt-1,x ;..while rom is banked out. |
sta gostrt-1,x |
cmp gostrt-$c000-1,x ;test if write appeared in lowest 16k bank. |
bne ramtzx ;nope |
iny ;yes, means write may have bled thru. count # of occurances |
ramtzx |
cmp gostrt-$8000-1,x ;test if write appeared in second 16k bank. |
bne ramtzy ;nope |
dec t1 |
ramtzy |
dex |
bne ramtlp ;go for 8 bytes |
cpy #8 ;did all 8 bytes bleed thru to lowest 16k? |
beq ramtz3 ;yes, means 16k system |
lda t1 ;did all 8 bytes bleed thru to second 16k? |
bne ramtz1 ;must be 64k system |
ldy #$7f ;32k system, top of ram at $7ff6 |
.byte $2c |
ramtz3 |
ldy #$3f ;16k system, top of ram at $3ff6 |
ldx #$f6 |
.byte $2c |
ramtz1 |
ldy #$fd ;64k system..top of memory @ $fd00 (*assume x=0*) |
ramtz2 |
clc |
jsr settop |
lda #$10 ;set bottom of ram at $1000 |
sta memstr+1 |
ldx #pfkend-pfktbl |
pfinit |
lda pfktbl-1,x ;init prog. function keys |
sta keybuf-1,x |
dex |
bne pfinit |
stx kyndx ;clear key count |
ldx #ugh-sobsob-1 |
mmm |
lda sobsob,x ;download indirect routine for save & verify |
sta kludes,x |
dex |
bpl mmm |
ldx #15 |
mmmm |
lda collum,x ;download color default values to mr. f's table |
sta colkey,x ;now mr. f can choose his own colors!!! |
dex |
bpl mmmm |
lda #$a5 |
sta dejavu |
; ted is now 'warm': set flag to show ram is init-ed |
; |
lda #$04 |
sta ffrmsk ;fetch characters from rom |
lda #$18 |
sta vmbmsk ;set video matrix base pointer |
rts |
.byte $ea,$ea ;(** 01/24/84 patch to conform to 'ces' release!) |
pfktbl |
.byte key2-key1 |
.byte key3-key2 |
.byte key4-key3 |
.byte key5-key4 |
.byte key6-key5 |
.byte key7-key6 |
.byte key8-key7 |
.byte pfkend-key8 |
key1 |
KEY2 |
.BYTE 'DLOAD',34 |
KEY3 |
KEY4 |
KEY5 |
.BYTE 'DSAVE',34 |
KEY6 |
KEY7 |
KEY8 |
pfkend |
.page |
setnam |
sta fnlen ;set up filename |
stx fnadr |
sty fnadr+1 |
rts |
setlfs |
sta la ;set up la, fa, sa |
stx fa |
sty sa |
rts |
setmsg |
sta msgflg ;enable/disable kernal messages |
readss |
lda status ;read i/o status |
udst |
ora status ;update i/o status |
sta status |
rts |
settmo |
sta timout ;update timeout flag |
rts |
; manage top of memory |
; |
memtop |
bcc settop |
; carry set - read top of memory |
; |
gettop |
ldx msiz |
ldy msiz+1 |
; carry clear - set top of memory |
; |
settop |
stx msiz |
sty msiz+1 |
rts |
; manage bottom of memory |
; |
membot |
bcc setbot |
; carry set - read bottom of memory |
; |
ldx memstr |
ldy memstr+1 |
; carry clear - set bottom of memory |
; |
setbot |
stx memstr |
sty memstr+1 |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
.page |
.subttl 'interrupt 01/16/84' |
;******************************* |
; |
; irq / break service routine |
; |
;******************************* |
krnirq ;enter from 'puls' in non-banking rom |
tsx |
lda $104,x ;get old status |
and #$10 ;test if irq or break |
bne puls1 ;branch if break |
jmp (cinv) ;usually goes to srvirq |
puls1 |
jmp (cbinv) ;usually goes to monitor |
srvirq |
lda tedirq |
and #%00000010 ;is this a raster interrupt? |
beq srv010 ;no, go test for acia |
jsr srvspl ;service split screen |
srv010 ;test the acia |
bit apres ;see if acia is present |
bpl srv020 ;no, don't poll |
lda acia+1 |
sta astat ;read sensitive device |
bpl srv020 ;no acia interrupt |
jsr ain ;did we get a char? |
jsr aout ;can we send a char? |
srv020 |
jsr dtimeo ;see if cass interrupt |
lda tedirq |
and #%00000010 ;is this a raster interrupt? |
beq srv080 ;nope |
sta tedirq ;turn off interrupt |
bit ted+11 ;line 20 or end of screen? |
lda #$cc ;assume line 20 |
bvc srv070 ;it was line 20! just reload raster compare reg. |
jmp (itime) |
ntime |
jsr judt2 ;update jiffy clock +++ |
jsr domus ;service sound generators |
; *** 01/16/84 fix: remove function key handler from irq |
; (let screen editor do it all) |
lda curbnk ;save old bank configuration, |
pha |
lda #0 |
sta curbnk ;make kernal (temporarily) the new configuration, |
php |
cli ;key scan must be interruptable |
jsr scnkey ;scan keyboard |
plp ;protect our retreat |
pla ;get old 'current bank' |
sta curbnk |
srv060 |
lda #$a1 ;set up to load raster compare reg for line 20 |
srv070 |
sta ted+11 |
srv080 |
jmp irqret ;restore registers, exit from irq |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
.nam ted_kernal |
.include disclaim |
.include declare |
true =-1 |
false =0 |
truted =true |
palmod =false |
*=$d800 |
.include ed1 |
.include ed2 |
.include ed3 |
.include ed4 |
.include ed5 |
.include ed6 |
.include ed7 |
.include serial |
.include tapsup |
.include tapwrt |
.include tapred |
.include rs232 |
.include messages |
.include channelio |
.include openchanl |
.include close |
.include clall |
.include open |
.include load |
.include save |
.include errorhdlr |
.include init |
.include cmds1 |
.include cmds2 |
.include disasm |
.include assem |
.include util |
.include banking |
*=$ce00 |
.include interrupt |
.include split |
.include music |
.include time |
.include overflow |
.include patches |
.include vectors |
.end |
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
.page |
.subttl 'load' |
;********************************** |
;* load * |
;* * |
;* fa: 0= invalid * |
;* 1= cassette * |
;* 2= invalid * |
;* 3-31= serial * |
;* * |
;* sa: 0= alternate load * |
;* .x,.y= load address * |
;* 1= normal load * |
;* * |
;* .a: 0= load * |
;* >0= verify only * |
;* * |
;* ending address returned in x,y * |
;* * |
;********************************** |
loadsp |
stx memuss ;.x has low alt start |
sty memuss+1 |
load |
jmp (iload) ;monitor load entry |
nload |
sta verfck ;store verify flag |
lda #0 |
sta status ;clear status |
lda fa ;check device number |
bne ld20 |
ld10 |
jmp error9 ;bad device #-keyboard |
ld20 |
cmp #3 |
beq ld10 ;disallow screen load |
bcs ldieee ;>=4 |
cmp #2 |
beq ld10 ;no load from rs232 |
jmp ldcass ;some of our people listen to them when they program |
; |
; load from serial |
; |
ldieee |
ldy fnlen ;must have file name |
bne ld25 ;yes...ok |
jmp error8 ;missing file name |
ld25 |
ldx sa ;save sa in .x |
jsr luking ;tell user looking |
lda #$60 ;special load command |
sta sa |
jsr openi ;open the file |
lda fa |
jsr ttalk ;%% establish the channel |
lda sa |
jsr ttksa ;%% tell it to load |
jsr tacptr ;%% get first byte |
sta eal |
lda status ;test status for error |
lsr a |
lsr a |
bcs ld90 ;file not found...actually i'm just too lazy |
jsr tacptr ;%% |
sta eah |
txa ;find out old sa |
bne ld30 ;sa<>0 use disk address |
lda memuss ;else load where user wants |
sta eal |
lda memuss+1 |
sta eah |
ld30 |
jsr loding ;tell user loading |
ld40 |
lda #$fd ;mask off timeout |
and status |
sta status |
jsr stop ;stop key? |
bne ld45 ;no... |
jmp break ;stop key pressed |
ld45 |
jsr tacptr ;%% get byte off ieee |
tax |
lda status ;was there a timeout? |
lsr a |
lsr a |
bcs ld40 ;yes...try again |
txa |
ldy verfck ;performing verify? |
beq ld50 ;no...load |
ldy #0 |
sta vsave ;temp for check |
lda #eal ;verify it |
sta sinner |
jsr kludes |
cmp vsave |
beq ld60 ;o.k.... |
lda #sperr ;no good...verify error |
jsr udst ;update status |
.byte $2c ;skip next store |
ld50 |
sta (eal),y |
ld60 |
inc eal ;increment store addr |
bne ld64 |
inc eah |
ld64 |
bit status ;eoi? |
bvc ld40 ;no...continue load |
jsr tuntlk ;%% close channel |
jsr clsei ;close the file |
bcc ld180 ;branch always |
ld90 |
jmp error4 ;file not found |
; |
; set end load addresses |
; |
ld180 |
ldx eal ;.c=0 already! |
ldy eah |
ld190 |
rts |
; |
; load from cassette |
; |
ldcass |
jsr tstply ;tell user to press the little buttons |
bcs ld190 ;stop key pressed |
jsr luking ;tell user searching |
ld101 |
lda fnlen ;ark!, have we a name for this creature? |
beq ld150 ;no |
jsr faf ;yes get a named file |
bcc ld170 |
beq ld190 ;stopkey again |
bcs ld90 ;error |
ld150 |
jsr fah ;nothing in particular (any header) |
beq ld190 ;stop key |
bcs ld90 ;no header |
ld170 |
lda type ;is it a movable program? |
cmp #blf |
beq ld175 ;basic load file |
cmp #plf ;perhaps a fixed file? |
bne ld101 ;another throw of the dice |
ld173 |
ldy #0 ;fixed load |
lda (tapebs),y ;get starting address from header |
sta memuss ;into memuss |
iny |
lda (tapebs),y |
sta memuss+1 |
jmp ld179 |
ld175 |
lda sa ;check for a monitor load |
bne ld173 ;i'm sorry, excuse me... |
ld179 |
sec ;calculate tape ea-sa |
ldy #2 |
lda (tapebs),y |
ldy #0 |
sbc (tapebs),y |
tax ;low to .x |
ldy #3 |
lda (tapebs),y |
ldy #1 |
sbc (tapebs),y |
tay ;high to .y |
clc ;ea = sa + (tape ea-sa) |
txa |
adc memuss |
sta eal |
tya |
adc memuss+1 |
sta eah |
lda memuss ;set up starting address |
sta stal |
lda memuss+1 |
sta stah |
jsr loding ;tell user loading |
jsr rvblok ;read a variable (program) block |
bcc ld180 ;all correct |
lda #29 ;load error |
bit verfck |
bpl ld190 ;it really was |
lda #28 ;it was a verify error |
bne ld190 ;always |
; subroutine to print to console: |
; searching {for filename} |
; |
luking |
lda msgflg ;supposed to print? |
bpl ld115 ;...no |
ldy #ms5-ms1 ;"searching" |
jsr msg |
lda fnlen |
beq ld115 |
ldy #ms6-ms1 ;"for" |
jsr msg |
; |
; subroutine to output file name |
; |
outfn |
ldy fnlen ;is there a name? |
beq ld115 ;no...done |
ldy #0 |
ld110 |
lda #fnadr |
sta sinner |
jsr kludes |
jsr bsout |
iny |
cpy fnlen |
bne ld110 |
ld115 |
rts |
; |
; subroutine to print: |
; loading/verifing |
; |
loding |
ldy #ms10-ms1 ;assume 'loading' |
lda verfck ;check flag |
beq ld410 ;are doing load |
ldy #ms21-ms1 ;are 'verifying' |
ld410 |
jmp spmsg |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
.page |
.subttl 'messages' |
MS6 .BYTE 'FOR',$A0 |
MS18 .BYTE CR,'OK',$8D |
;print message to screen only if |
;output enabled |
spmsg bit msgflg ;printing messages? |
bpl msg10 ;no... |
msg lda ms1,y |
php |
and #$7f |
jsr bsout |
iny |
plp |
bpl msg |
msg10 clc |
rts |
;.end |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
.page |
.subttl 'music' |
domus |
ldx #1 ;service tone generators |
domus0 |
lda mtimlo,x |
ora mtimhi,x ;check each voices's duration counter |
beq domus1 ;not set, do next |
inc mtimlo,x ;stored as 2's complement |
bne domus1 |
inc mtimhi,x |
bne domus1 |
lda domtab,x ;timer timed out..turn off voice |
and tedvoi |
sta tedvoi |
domus1 |
dex |
bpl domus0 |
rts |
domtab |
.byte $ef,$9f ;if voice 2, turn off 2 & 3 |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
.page |
.subttl 'open' |
;*********************************** |
;* * |
;* open function * |
;* * |
;* creates an entry in the logical * |
;* files tables consisting of * |
;* logical file number--la, device * |
;* number--fa, and secondary cmd-- * |
;* sa. * |
;* * |
;* a file name descriptor, fnadr & * |
;* fnlen are passed to this routine* |
;* * |
;* on entry c=0==>normal open * |
;* with file tables used * |
;* ...c=1==> xmit open only * |
;* * |
;*********************************** |
nopen |
ldx la ;check file # |
op98 |
jsr lookup ;see if in table |
bne op100 ;not found...o.k. |
jmp error2 ;file open |
op100 |
ldx ldtnd ;logical device table end |
cpx #10 ;maximum # of open files |
bcc op110 ;less than 10...o.k. |
jmp error1 ;too many files |
op110 |
inc ldtnd ;new file |
lda la |
sta lat,x ;store logical file # |
lda sa |
ora #$60 ;make sa an serial command |
sta sa |
sta sat,x ;store command # |
lda fa |
sta fat,x ;store device # |
; |
; perform device specific open tasks |
; |
beq op300 ;is keyboard...done. |
cmp #3 |
beq op300 ;is screen...done. |
bcc op150 ;devices 1 or 2 |
jsr openi ;is on serial...open it |
op300 |
clc ;done |
rts |
op150 |
cmp #2 |
bne op152 |
; |
; open for rs-232 |
; |
jsr ainit ;init |
tax ;x=0 |
avery |
inx |
beq ahere ;i think he's home |
stx acia+3 ;write to control reg |
cpx acia+3 ;verify control reg |
beq avery ;so far, so good |
jmp error5 ;verify error |
ahere |
sec |
ror apres ;indicate to sysm that acia is present |
lda #fnadr ;set up indirect subby |
sta sinner |
ldy #0 |
jsr kludes ;get control byte |
sta acia+3 |
iny |
jsr kludes ;get command byte |
sta acia+2 |
clc ;don't shoot. |
rts |
; |
; open for cassette |
; |
op152 |
lda sa |
and #$f |
bne op200 ;non-zero =>tape write |
jsr tstply ;tell user to press play for tape read |
bcs op180 ;doesn't want to play |
jsr luking ;tell: searching |
lda fnlen |
beq op170 ;=0=>looking for any file |
jsr faf ;looking for named file |
bcc op171 ;found it! |
beq op180 ;stop key pressed... |
op160 |
jmp error4 ;file not found (.a=0 .c=1) |
op170 |
jsr fah |
beq op180 ;get any header |
bcs op160 ;file not found |
cmp #eot |
beq op160 ;nothin' left |
op171 |
ldy #bufmax ;force a read upon first input from buffer |
sty tptr |
lda #bdf ;tell sysm type of cominng data |
sta type |
op175 |
clc ;everything's fine |
op180 |
rts |
op200 |
jsr tstrec ;tell: press play & record for tape write |
bcs op180 |
lda #bdfh |
sta type |
jsr tphead ;write out data block header |
bcs op201 ;woops! |
lda #bdf ;!c=0 /setup type for next data block |
sta type |
ldy #0 |
sty tptr |
sty ctally |
op201 |
rts ;(.c=0) |
openi |
lda sa |
bmi op175 ;no sa...done |
ldy fnlen |
beq op175 ;no file name...done |
lda #0 ;clear the serial status |
sta status |
lda fa |
jsr tlistn ;device la to listen |
bit status ;anybody home |
bmi unp ;nope |
lda sa |
ora #$f0 |
jsr tsecnd |
lda status ;anybody home?...get a dev -pres? |
bpl op35 ;yes...continue |
; this routine is called by other |
; kernal routines which are called |
; directly by os. kill return |
; address to return to os. |
unp |
pla |
pla |
jmp error5 ;device not present |
op35 |
lda fnlen |
beq op45 ;no name...done sequence |
; |
; send file name over serial |
; |
ldy #0 |
op40 |
lda #fnadr |
sta sinner |
jsr kludes |
jsr tciout |
iny |
cpy fnlen |
bne op40 |
op45 |
jmp cunlsn ;jsr unlsn: clc: rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
.page |
.subttl 'overflow' |
msgs=* |
msgmon=*-msgs |
.BYTE CR,' PC SR AC XR YR SP',CR,';',$A0 |
.BYTE 'A',$A0 |
.BYTE ' ERRO',$D2 |
msgxxx |
lda msgs,x |
php |
and #$7f |
jsr bsout |
inx |
plp |
bpl msgxxx |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
.page |
.subttl 'patches 02/17/84' |
; ** clppat ** fixes: open4,4 <cr> cmd4 <cr> list <cr> problem |
; from 'ed.1' |
; |
clppat |
lda #cr ;pass a <return> |
ldx dfltn |
cpx #3 ;is input from screen? |
beq clppa1 ;yes |
ldx dflto |
cpx #3 ;is output to the screen? |
beq clppa2 ;yes |
clppa1 |
jsr print ;force it |
clppa2 |
lda #cr |
jmp clp7 ;return to in-line code |
; ** chkpat ** fixes: allows selection between rom or ram color |
; tables in 'ed.4'. |
; |
chkpat |
lda colkey,x ;assume fetch is from ram (default) |
bit colsw |
bpl chkpa1 ;it is from ram |
lda collum,x ;no, fetch from rom table |
chkpa1 |
rts |
; ** pick1 ** fixes: allows selection between rom or ram reads |
; in the monitor. |
; |
pick1 |
bit ramrom |
bmi pick2 ;branch if ram |
lda (t2),y ;fetch byte from rom (default) |
rts |
pick2 |
lda #t2 ;use subbie to fetch from ram |
sta sinner |
jmp kludes |
; ** spkpat ** fixes: babbling speech module |
; |
spkpat |
lda #$09 |
sta $fd20 ;shut up |
ora #$80 |
sta $fd20 ;shut up now (texans think this way...) |
jmp poll |
; ** sobsob, wimper ** code to download for ram fetch routine |
; |
sobsob |
php |
sei |
sta romoff |
wimper |
lda ($00),y |
sta romon |
plp |
rts |
ugh |
; +++ patches for cassette |
; |
judt2 |
lda xport |
and #4 |
bne supz |
; else sw is down |
bit lsem |
bmi exitz |
lda port |
and #$f7 ;***patch 16mar84 tvr |
sta port |
exitz |
.if palmod |
dec palcnt ;test if 5th jiffy (pal system only) |
bpl pal001 ;it's not |
lda #4 |
sta palcnt ;reset counter |
jsr udtim ;give one extra tick to correct |
pal001 |
.endif |
jmp udtim |
supz |
sta lsem ; ac.7=0 from jsr castst |
jsr motoff |
jmp exitz |
ptchdd ;84.2.13 |
inx ;x=0 |
stx drvb2-48 |
stx tedrva-48 |
lda #$80 |
;+++patch 2mar84 - reset white noise generator |
sta ted+17 |
rts ;x must =0 on rts !!! ****** |
;**patch 16mar84 fix to eliminate cassette/serial bus interference |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
.page |
.subttl 'rs232' |
; interrupt handler |
; |
aout |
lda astat |
and #$10 |
beq txnmt ; tx reg is busy |
lda xport ;hardware xoff? |
and #$02 |
beq txnmt ;yes! |
ldx #0 ; preload |
bit soutfg ; got a system char to send |
bpl nosysc ; nope |
; yep, send sys char |
lda soutq ; get sys char |
stx soutfg ; reset flag |
jmp aoutc ; send it |
nosysc |
bit uoutfg ; have a user char to send? |
bpl txnmt ; nope |
; yes, send user char |
bit alstop ; are we ~s'ed? |
bmi txnmt ; yep... |
lda uoutq ; else...get char |
stx uoutfg ; reset flag |
; send some char |
aoutc |
sta acia |
lda astat ; update status |
and #$ef |
sta astat |
txnmt ; just passing thru exit |
rts |
ain |
lda astat |
and #$8 |
beq rxfull ; no char has been received |
lda astat ; got one...reset stat bit |
and #$f7 |
sta astat |
lda acia |
beq notacc |
; it's a null, don't let thru for x-disable |
sta aintmp ; save char |
cmp xon ; is it a ~q |
bne trycs ; nope |
; got a ~q |
lda #0 |
sta alstop ; tell local xmit to go |
beq rxfull ; !bra, what character? |
trycs |
cmp xoff ; is it a ~s |
bne notacc ; nope |
; got a ~s |
lda #$ff |
sta alstop ; tell local xmit to stop |
bne rxfull ; !bra, i didn't see that... |
notacc |
lda inqcnt |
cmp #inpqln-1 ; is queue full |
beq rxfull ; yep |
cmp #hiwatr ; high water mark |
bne nohw ; nope |
; hit high water mark, tell sender to stop |
lda xoff : x-sw is off |
beq nohw |
sta soutq ; ~s |
lda #$ff |
sta soutfg ; flag it present |
sta arstop ; flag remote stopped |
nohw |
; not full, insert char |
ldx inqfpt ; do: inqfpt <- inqfpt+1 mod 64 |
inx |
txa |
and #$3f |
sta inqfpt |
tax |
lda aintmp ; get char to insert |
sta inpque,x ; insert it |
inc inqcnt ; another drop in the bucket |
rxfull ; error exit |
rts ; all ok |
; get a char out of the input buffer |
agetch |
lda inqcnt ; got any? |
beq bukbuk ; nope, inqcnt=0 then return a $00 |
; not empty |
php ; save int enb bit |
; { mut-ex begin |
sei |
ldx inqrpt ; do: inqrpt <- inqrpt+1 mod 64 |
inx |
txa |
and #$3f |
sta inqrpt |
plp |
; mut-ex end } |
tax |
lda inpque,x ; get char from queue |
pha ; save it |
dec inqcnt ; one less |
lda inqcnt |
cmp #lowatr ; low watermark? |
bne notlow ; nope |
; hit low water mark |
bit arstop ; is remote ~s'ed |
bpl notlow ; nope, then don't ~q |
lda xon |
beq notlow ; x-sw is off |
sta soutq ; send a ~q |
sec |
ror soutfg ; flag it |
lsr arstop ; remote now not ~s'ed (msb cleared) |
aready ; entry for chkin & chkout |
bit apres ; is he there? |
bpl anrdy ; no, don't even bother to look |
bukbuk ; i'll just be jumping in here |
pha |
notlow ; here too |
lda astat ; get status definition |
and #$4f ; use bits 0..3, and 6 |
eor #$40 ; invert dsr |
sta status |
pla |
anrdy |
clc |
rts |
; put a character in the output queue |
aputch |
bit uoutfg |
bmi aputch ; busy wait for buffer empty |
sta uoutq ; now, put it in the buf |
sec ; flag buf as full |
ror uoutfg |
jmp bukbuk ; update status exit |
; initialize rs-232 variables & pointers |
; reset to 0: |
; uoutfg - user out buf is empty |
; inqfpt - make front=rear |
; inqrpt |
; inqcnt - no chars in queue |
; soutfg - sysm out buf is empty |
; alstop - we're not ~s'ed |
; arstop - i'll assume remote isn't either |
; apres - acia assumed not to be present yet |
; xon - x-on is deselected |
; xoff - x-off is deselected |
ainit |
lda #0 |
ldx #11 |
gerber |
sta uoutq,x ; clear above flags (and some others) |
dex |
bpl gerber |
sta acia+1 ; programmed reset of the acia |
sta xon ; deselect handshake protocol |
sta xoff |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
.page |
.subttl 'save' |
;*********************************** |
;* save * |
;* * |
;* fa: 0= invalid * |
;* 1= cassette * |
;* 2= invalid * |
;* 4-31= serial device * |
;* * |
;* start of save in indirect @.a * |
;* end of save is @ .x, .y * |
;* * |
;*********************************** |
savesp |
stx eal |
sty eah |
tax ;set up start |
lda $00,x |
sta stal |
lda $01,x |
sta stah |
save |
jmp (isave) |
nsave |
lda fa ;***monitor entry |
bne sv20 |
sv10 |
jmp error9 ;bad device # eg: screen or kbd |
sv20 |
cmp #3 |
beq sv10 |
cmp #2 |
beq sv10 ;beneath my dignity to save to rs232 |
bcc stape ;save tape |
wombat |
lda #$61 |
sta sa |
ldy fnlen |
bne sv25 |
jmp error8 ;missing file name |
; |
; choose the serial bus |
; |
sv25 |
jsr openi |
jsr saving |
lda fa |
jsr tlistn ;%% |
lda sa |
jsr tsecnd ;%% |
ldy #0 |
lda stah |
sta sah |
lda stal |
sta sal |
lda sal |
jsr tciout ;%% |
lda sah |
jsr tciout ;%% |
sv30 |
sec ;compare start to end |
lda sal |
sbc eal |
lda sah |
sbc eah |
bcs sv50 ;have reached end |
lda #sal |
sta sinner |
jsr kludes |
jsr tciout ;%% |
jsr stop |
bne sv40 |
break |
jsr clsei |
lda #0 |
sec |
rts |
sv40 |
inc sal ;increment current address |
bne sv30 |
inc sal+1 |
bne sv30 |
sv50 |
jsr tunlsn ;%% |
clsei |
bit sa |
bmi clsei2 |
lda fa |
jsr tlistn |
lda sa |
and #$ef |
ora #$e0 |
jsr tsecnd |
cunlsn |
jsr tunlsn ;entry for openi |
clsei2 |
clc |
rts |
; subroutine to output: |
; 'saving <file name>' |
; |
saving |
lda msgflg |
bpl svrts ;no print |
ldy #ms11-ms1 ;'saving' |
jsr msg |
jmp outfn ;<file name> |
; |
; save to tape |
; |
stape |
jsr tstrec ;tell play&rec |
bcs sabort ;stop key pressed |
jsr saving ;tell user |
ldx #plf |
lda sa |
and #1 |
bne svs ;1->plf, 0->bdf |
ldx #blf |
svs |
stx type |
jsr tphead ;write tape header |
bcs sabort |
lda #0 |
sta type |
jsr wvblok ;write actual tape data |
bcs sabort |
lda sa |
and #2 ;write eot? |
beq sgex ;no |
jsr wreot ;yep |
bcs sabort |
sgex |
clc ;good exit |
sabort ;bad exit |
lda #0 ;break error |
svrts |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
.page |
.subttl 'serial' |
; command serial bus device to talk |
; |
talk |
ora #$40 ;make a talk adr |
.byte $2c |
; command serial bus device to listen |
; |
listn |
ora #$20 ;make a listen adr |
list1 |
pha |
bit c3p0 ;character left in buf? |
bpl list2 ;no... |
; send buffered character |
; |
sec ;initialize eoi flag |
ror r2d2 |
jsr isour ;send last character |
lsr c3p0 ;buffer clear flag |
lsr r2d2 ;clear eoi flag |
list2 |
pla ;talk/listen address |
sta bsour |
sei |
jsr datahi |
jsr clklo |
list5 |
lda port ;assert attention |
ora #%00000100 |
sta port |
isoura |
sei |
jsr clklo ;set clock line low |
jsr datahi |
jsr w1ms ;delay 1 ms |
isour |
sei ;no irq's allowed |
jsr datahi ;make sure data is released |
jsr debpia ;data should be low |
bcs nodev ;%% |
jsr clkhi ;clock line high |
bit r2d2 ;eoi flag test |
bpl noeoi |
; do the eoi |
; |
isr02 |
jsr debpia ;wait for data to go high |
bcc isr02 ;%% |
isr03 |
lda port ;wait for data to go low |
cmp port |
bne isr03 |
asl a |
bcs isr03 |
noeoi |
jsr debpia ;wait for data high |
bcc noeoi ;%% |
jsr clklo ;set clock low |
; set to send data |
; |
lda #$08 ;count 8 bits |
sta dcount |
isr01 |
jsr debpia ;debounce the bus & shift data-in bit to carry bit |
bcc frmerr ;...if data=low then, frame error |
ror bsour ;next bit into carry |
bcs isrhi |
jsr datalo |
bne isrclk |
isrhi |
jsr datahi |
isrclk |
jsr dilly |
jsr clkhi ;clock hi |
jsr dilly ;mod for ted 1.7 mhz clk |
lda port |
and #%11111110 ;data high |
ora #%00000010 ;clock low |
sta port |
dec dcount |
bne isr01 |
isr04 |
txa |
pha |
ldx #120 |
isr04a |
lda port |
cmp port |
bne isr04a |
asl a |
bcc isr04b |
dex |
bne isr04a |
pla |
tax |
bcs frmerr ;always |
isr04b |
pla |
tax |
cli ;irq's ok now |
rts |
nodev |
lda #$80 |
jmp csberr |
frmerr |
lda #$03 ;framing error |
csberr |
jsr udst ;commodore serial bus error entry |
cli ;irq's were off...turn on |
clc ;make sure no kernal error returned |
bcc dlabye ;turn atn off ,release all lines |
; send secondary address after listen |
; |
secnd |
sta bsour ;buffer character |
jsr isoura ;send it |
; release attention after listen |
; |
scatn |
lda port |
and #%11111011 |
sta port ;release attention |
rts |
; talk second address |
; |
tksa |
sta bsour ;buffer character |
jsr isoura ;send second addr |
bit status ;sa sent ok? |
bmi dlabye ;no, get out! |
tkatn |
sei ;shift over to listener. no irq's |
jsr datalo ;data line low |
jsr scatn |
jsr clkhi ;clock line high jsr/rts |
tkatn1 |
bit port ;wait for clock to go low ( use bit ( timing shit )) |
bvs tkatn1 ;%% |
cli ;irq's okay now |
rts |
.byte $ff ; free |
; buffered output to serial bus |
; |
ciout |
bit c3p0 ;buffered char? |
bmi ci2 ;yes...send last |
sec ;no... |
ror c3p0 ;set buffered char flag |
bne ci4 ;branch always |
ci2 |
pha ;save current char |
jsr isour ;send last char |
pla ;restore current char |
ci4 |
sta bsour ;buffer current char |
clc ;carry-good exit |
rts |
; send untalk command on serial bus |
; |
untlk |
sei |
jsr clklo |
lda port ;pull atn |
ora #%00000100 |
sta port |
lda #$5f ;untalk command |
bne untlk2 ;!bra |
; send unlisten command on serial bus |
; |
unlsn |
lda #$3f ;unlisten command |
untlk2 |
jsr list1 ;send it |
; release all lines |
; |
dlabye |
jsr scatn ;always release atn |
; delay then release clock and data |
; |
dladlh |
txa ;delay at least 60 us (max=120us w. 2x ted clock) |
ldx #20 |
dlad00 |
dex |
bne dlad00 |
tax |
jsr clkhi |
jmp datahi |
; input a byte from serial bus |
; |
acptr |
sei ;no irq allowed |
lda #$00 ;set eoi/error flag |
sta dcount |
jsr clkhi ;make sure clock line is released |
acp00a |
txa |
pha |
acpz |
jsr debpia |
bpl acpz |
eoiacp |
ldx #32 |
jsr datahi |
acpy |
lda port |
cmp port |
bne acpy |
asl a |
bpl acp01 |
dex |
bne acpy |
lda dcount |
beq acp00c |
pla |
tax |
lda #2 |
jmp csberr |
; timer ran out do an eoi thing |
; |
acp00c |
jsr datalo |
ldx #64 |
hohum |
dex |
bne hohum |
lda #$40 |
jsr udst |
inc dcount |
bne eoiacp |
; do the byte transfer from serial bus |
; |
acp01 |
ldx #$8 ;set up counter |
acp03 |
lda port ;%% wait for clk hi |
asl a ;shift clk to d7, data into carry |
bpl acp03 ;clock still low... |
ror bsour1 ;rotate data bit in |
acp03a |
lda port ;debounce, then wait for clk low |
cmp port |
bne acp03a |
asl a |
bmi acp03a ;clk still hi...wait |
dex ;another bit ??? |
bne acp03 ;more bits..... |
stx dcount ;update dcount |
pla ;restore x |
tax ;from stack |
; ...exit... |
; |
jsr datalo ;set data low to do frame handshake |
lda #%01000000 |
bit status ;check for eoi |
bvc acp04 ;none... |
jsr dladlh ;delay then set data high |
acp04 |
lda bsour1 ;return constructed byte in acc |
cli ;irq is ok now |
clc ;good exit |
rts |
clkhi |
lda port ;set clock line high (inverted) |
and #%11111101 |
sta port |
rts |
clklo |
lda port ;set clock line low (inverted) |
ora #%00000010 |
sta port |
rts |
datahi |
lda port ;set data line high (inverted) |
and #%11111110 |
sta port |
rts |
datalo |
lda port ;set data line low (inverted) |
ora #%00000001 |
sta port |
rts |
debpia |
lda port ;debounce the pia |
cmp port |
bne debpia |
asl a ;%% data bit->carry, clock bit->d7 |
rts |
w1ms |
jsr twait1 ;delay 1ms using t2 |
lda #$10 |
bzywt |
bit tedirq |
beq bzywt ;wait until t2 times out |
sta tedirq ;reset t2 interrupt |
rts |
w16ms |
jsr twait3 ;delay 16ms using t2 |
lda #$10 |
bzywt2 |
bit tedirq |
beq bzywt2 ;wait until t2 times out |
sta tedirq ;reset t2 interrupt |
rts |
; timer timeout setup routine for 16ms, 1ms & 256us deltas |
; |
twait1 |
lda #$04 ;entry for 1ms time delay |
bne stime |
twait3 |
lda #$40 ;entry for 16ms time delay |
stime |
php ;to save int enb bit |
pha ;save high time val |
sei ;can't be interrupted here |
lda #0 |
sta timr2l |
pla |
sta timr2h ;start timer running |
lda #$10 |
sta tedirq ;clear any prior flag |
plp ;restore int enb bit |
rts |
; dilly dally for the data to setup to clock pos tran |
; |
dilly |
txa |
ldx #5 |
dally |
dex |
bne dally |
tax |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
.page |
.subttl 'split 01/24/84' |
;********************************************************** |
; |
; split - service split screen |
; |
; test for 3 cases: |
; 1) raster before line 20 (wait for 20, then flip if ss) |
; 2) after 20, but before end of screen (exit) |
; 3) after end of screen ( flip to graphics) |
; |
;********************************************************** |
srvspl |
lda ted+28 ;check bit 8 of raster value- if set, def. eos |
and #1 |
bne spls55 ;end of screen |
lda ted+29 ;now test lower 8 bits of raster value |
cmp #$a3 ;is this line 20 ($a1) or end of screen ($cc) |
bcs spls50 ;it's past line 20 |
bit graphm ;is current mode split screen? |
bvc splrts ;no, we have no need for this interrupt |
lda #%00001000 ;point vm base at real vm area ($0800) |
sta ted+20 |
lda ted+6 ;set up to display text screen |
and #%11011111 ;clear bmm |
tay ;wait... |
lda ted+7 |
and #%11101111 ;clear mcm |
tax ;wait... |
lda ted+18 ;set 'fetch from rom' bit on. |
ora ffrmsk |
pha ;wait... |
spls30 ;wait for edge of visible screen |
lda ted+29 |
cmp #$a3 |
bcc spls30 |
pla |
sta ted+18 |
sty ted+6 |
stx ted+7 |
rts |
spls50 |
cmp #$cc ;is this the end of screen? |
bcc splrts ;not yet |
spls55 |
ldx graphm ;what is current mode? |
beq splrts ;branch if text |
bpl spls60 ;branch if not mcm |
lda ted+7 |
ora #%00010000 ;set mcm |
sta ted+7 |
spls60 |
lda ted+6 |
ora #%00100000 ;set bmm |
sta ted+6 |
lda ted+18 ;turn off 'fetch from rom' bit |
and #%11111011 |
sta ted+18 |
lda vmbmsk ;point vmbase at bit map vm |
sta ted+20 |
splrts |
rts |
.byte $ea,$ea,$ea,$ea,$ea,$ea,$ea,$ea |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
.page |
.subttl 'tapred 01/17/84' |
; *** tape read routines *** |
; |
; primitives first... |
; |
; read a dipole from tape |
; |
; if c=1 then error |
; else if v=1 then short |
; else if n=0 then long |
; else word |
; end |
; end |
; end |
; n : v |
; local parms... ----- |
tshrtd .byte $40 ; token for a short 0 : 1 |
tlongd .byte $00 ; and a long 0 : 0 |
twordd .byte $80 ; and word dipole 1 : 0 |
; trigger on negative edge (beginning) of dipole |
; |
rddipl |
ldx dsamp1 ; setup x,y with 1st sample point |
ldy dsamp1+1 |
badeg1 |
lda dsamp2+1 ; put 2nd samp value on stack in reverse order |
pha |
lda dsamp2 |
pha |
lda #$10 |
rwtl ; wait till rd line is high |
bit port |
beq rwtl ; !ls! |
rwth ;it's high...now wait till it's low |
bit port |
bne rwth ; caught the edge |
stx timr2l |
sty timr2h |
; go! ...ta |
pla ;go! ...ta |
sta timr3l |
pla |
sta timr3h ;go! ...tb |
; clear timer flags |
lda #$50 ; clr ta,tb |
sta tedirq |
; um...check that edge again |
casdb1 |
lda port |
cmp port |
bne casdb1 ; something is going on here... |
and #$10 ; a look at that edge again |
bne badeg1 ; woa! got a bad edge trigger !ls! |
; must have been a valid edge |
; |
; do stop key check here |
jsr balout |
lda #$10 |
wata ; wait for ta to timeout |
bit port ; kuldge, kludge, kludge !!! <<><>> |
bne rshort ; kuldge, kludge, kludge !!! <<><>> |
bit tedirq |
beq wata |
; now do the dipole sample #1 |
casdb2 |
lda port |
cmp port |
bne casdb2 |
and #$10 |
bne rshort ; shorts anyone? |
; perhaps a long or a word? |
lda #$40 |
watb |
bit tedirq |
beq watb |
; wait for tb to timeout |
; now do the dipole sample #2 |
casdb3 |
lda port |
cmp port |
bne casdb3 |
and #$10 |
bne rlong ; looks like a long from here !ls! |
; or could it be a word? |
lda zcell |
sta timr2l |
lda zcell+1 |
sta timr2h |
; go! z-cell check |
; clear ta flag |
lda #$10 |
sta tedirq ; verify +180 half of word dipole |
lda #$10 |
wata2 |
bit tedirq |
beq wata2 ; check z-cell is low |
casdb4 |
lda port |
cmp port |
bne casdb4 |
and #$10 |
beq rderr1 ; !ls! |
bit twordd ; got a word dipole |
bmi dipok ; !bra |
rshort |
bit tshrtd ; got a short |
bvs dipok ; !bra |
rlong |
bit tlongd ; got a long |
dipok |
clc ; everything's fine |
rts |
rderr1 |
sec ; i'm confused |
rts |
; read a bit |
; emulate a simple deterministic finite automaton |
tzerob .byte $40 ; zero bit |
toneb .byte $00 ; one bit |
twordm .byte $80 ; word marker |
; bool cond equ d(t) d(f) |
; --------------------------------- |
; c=1=> error ::: bcs bcc |
; v=1=> short ::: bvs bvc |
; (n=0)&(v=0)=> long ::: bpl bmi |
; (n=1)&(v=0)=> word ::: bmi bpl |
rdbit |
s0 |
jsr rddipl |
bcs s8 |
bvs s3 |
bpl s1 |
bmi s6 |
s1 ; d(c,l,w)=s10 |
jsr rddipl |
bcs s8 |
bvs s2 |
bvc s8 |
s2 ; final state {1} |
bit toneb |
clc |
rts |
s3 |
jsr rddipl |
bvs s4 |
bpl s5 |
bmi s8 |
s4 |
jsr rddipl |
bcs s8 |
bvs s4 |
bpl s8 |
bmi s6 |
s5 ; final state {0} |
bit tzerob |
clc |
rts |
s6 |
jsr rddipl |
bcs s8 |
bvs s8 |
bpl s7 |
bmi s8 |
s7 ; final state {w} |
bit twordm |
clc |
rts |
s8 ; final state {error} |
sec |
rts |
; sync on a word marker |
; ...attempt to do a fixed # of times as defined by value passed |
; in accumulator and report failure when it occurs. |
wsync |
tsx ; mark stack |
stx drecov |
clc |
ror enext ; no propagation of errors |
cli ; enable interrupts |
wserr |
jsr rdbit |
bcs wserr ; a dipole error |
bvs wserr ; a zero |
bpl wserr ; a one |
; else got a wm! |
jsr setd1 ; setup t1 for delta 1 |
clc |
rts |
; read a byte from tape into (tpbyte) |
; c=0=>ok, (c=1)&(a=1)=>parity error, (c=1)&(a=2)=> timing error |
; |
rdbyte ; look for a wm, then read a byte |
bit enext ; a carry over error? |
bmi rdbite ; yep |
jsr wsync |
bcs rdbite ; ok, well |
rdbytd ; read a byte directly, don't look for a wm... |
lda #1 |
sta parity |
ldx #8 ; init counter |
stx rdbits |
sec |
ror enext ; assume error propagate |
rdbylp |
jsr rdbit |
bcs rdbite ; read bit in error |
bvs rdzero ; read a 0 |
bpl rdone ; read a 1 |
bmi rdbite ; got a wm! |
rdzero |
clc |
ror tpbyte ; shift a 0 into tpbyte |
inc parity |
dec rdbits |
bne rdbylp ; more bits |
beq rdpary ; no more, check parity |
rdone |
sec |
ror tpbyte ; shift a 1 into tpbyte |
dec rdbits |
bne rdbylp ; more bits |
; else do parity |
rdpary |
jsr rdbit |
bcs rdbite ; bad bit |
bvs pzero ; parbit=0 |
bpl pone ; parbit=1 |
bmi rdbite ; bad bit |
pzero |
lda parity |
and #1 |
bne rdbite ; parity should be a 0 but its not! |
beq rbytok |
pone |
lda parity |
and #1 |
beq rdbite ; parity should be a 1 but its not! |
; else ok... |
rbytok |
clc ; good exit |
bcc mork |
rdbite ; error exit |
sec |
mork |
sei |
php ; save status |
clc |
ror enext ; no next error |
plp ; restore status |
rts |
; ### read first elemental tape block ### |
; assume counter & pointer are already specified |
rtblok |
tsx ; save stack mark |
stx srecov |
lda verfck ; fix verify flag |
beq fload ; a load =0, leave alone |
sec ; a verify== msb=1 |
ror verfck |
fload |
jsr moton ; roll 'em |
jsr faster |
lda trsave ; get counter & pointer values for 1st pass |
sta tapebs |
lda trsave+1 |
sta tapebs+1 |
lda trsave+2 |
sta rdcnt |
lda trsave+3 |
sta rdcnt+1 |
jsr ldsync ; sync on first leader |
ldy #0 ; init errlist, #errors, & checksum |
sty errsp |
sty fperrs |
sty chksum |
sty errsum |
sty type ; !assume no type initially |
lda #tapebs ; set up kludes in case of verify |
sta sinner |
bit typenb ; does a type exist in this block? |
bpl rtl1 ; no |
jsr rdbyte |
bcs fpterr ; first pass type error |
lda tpbyte |
sta type ; type is ok |
eor chksum ; !type is included in checksum |
sta chksum |
jmp rtl1 ; continue with data |
fpterr |
sec |
ror type ; set msb of type to=1=>error |
rtl1 |
jsr rdbyte ; read a byte from the block |
bcs rerrfb ; first eblock read error |
; else ok |
ldy #0 ; read a byte from tape to tpbyte |
jsr kludes ; acc <= byte in memory at desired location |
nop |
bit verfck ; if we are doing a load |
bmi rtl111 |
lda tpbyte ; acc <= byte from tape |
rtl111 |
cmp tpbyte ; if acc <> byte from tape |
bne rerrfb ; go execute code for error! |
fpload |
sta (tapebs),y ;stash byte |
mc6809 |
eor chksum ; update checksum |
sta chksum |
jmp rincfp |
rerrfb ; *** read error |
ldy errsp |
cpy #estksz |
bcs errovf ; bra if errsp>=estksz |
lda tapebs ; put address in table |
sta estakl,y |
lda tapebs+1 |
sta estakh,y |
inc errsp ; another entry |
inc errsum ; another error |
jmp rincfp |
errovf ; error table overflow |
lda #$ff |
sta errsp |
; special case of ptr, simulate errors>>>30 |
rincfp |
inc tapebs |
bne incnt1 |
inc tapebs+1 |
incnt1 |
inc rdcnt |
bne rtl1 |
inc rdcnt+1 |
bne rtl1 ; done with first eblock |
lda errsp ; errsp=>fperrs on entry to 2nd pass |
sta fperrs |
jsr rdbyte ; get chksum |
lda fperrs |
bne errfp ; we have some fp errors |
; else no errors detected, test checksum |
lda tpbyte ; check checksum |
cmp chksum |
bne ckerr ; branch if bad; else good |
errfp |
jmp rtebk2 ; no checksum error & 0<=errors<=30 |
ckerr |
lda pass ; first eblock fatal, but was this the second pass? |
bmi rtebk2 ; no, so try to read 2nd pass |
jmp reberr ; read fatal error exit #1 |
; ### read elemental tape block for second pass ### |
; |
rtebk2 |
lda pass |
bmi wasfp ; that was the fp |
lda fperrs ; was 2nd pass, any errors? |
beq nerrfp ; nope |
jmp reberr ; yep, read fatal error exit #2 |
nerrfp |
jmp rebgd ; good exit |
wasfp ; have read fp & 0<=errors<=30 |
lda #0 |
sta errsp ; reset error pointer |
sta chksum |
lda trsave ; restore pointers & counters |
sta tapebs |
lda trsave+1 |
sta tapebs+1 |
lda trsave+2 |
sta rdcnt |
lda trsave+3 |
sta rdcnt+1 |
; clc ; tell no servo calc |
jsr ldsync ; sync on second block hopefuly |
bit typenb ; is there a type? |
bpl rtl2 ; no |
jsr rdbyte ; get sp type |
bit type ; how was fp type ? |
bpl udcks ; ok--use it |
lda tpbyte ; fp was bad--rely on sp |
sta type |
bcc udcks ; sp was good, don't ror in error flag |
ror type |
udcks |
lda type |
eor chksum ; !type is included in checksum |
sta chksum |
rtl2 |
jsr rdbyte |
ror rdetmp ; save returned status |
lda tpbyte ; compute checksum |
eor chksum |
sta chksum |
; was this a bad byte in fp? |
bit fperrs ; errors >>>30? |
bmi notbad ; yes, don't try to fix |
ldy errsp |
cpy fperrs |
beq notbad ; no errors in stack |
lda estakl,y |
cmp tapebs |
bne notbad ; nope |
lda estakh,y |
cmp tapebs+1 |
bne notbad ; nope |
inc errsp ; byte was bad, advance ptr |
; but is this one ok? |
lda rdetmp |
bmi e2both ; fp & sp errors |
; else sp is good, replace it |
ldy #0 |
jsr kludes |
; acc <- byte in ram ( maybe from behind rom ) |
nop ; make mem addresses come out the same |
bit verfck ; if this is a load |
bmi rtl222 |
lda tpbyte ; acc <- byte read from tape |
rtl222 |
cmp tpbyte ; if acc <> byte from tape |
bne e2both ; go commit error code |
spload |
dec errsum ; 1 less error |
sta (tapebs),y ; stash byte ( in case of load ) |
e2both ; have an unrecoverable fp & sp error |
; just ignore...it'll get caught |
notbad ; advance pointer & counter |
inc tapebs |
bne inccn2 |
inc tapebs+1 |
inccn2 |
inc rdcnt |
bne rtl2 |
inc rdcnt+1 |
bne rtl2 |
; done with sp read |
jsr rdbyte ; read chksum byte |
spserr |
lda #0 ; make system staus word say ok. |
sta status |
lda type ; good return with type in accumilaator |
ldx errsum ; if no errors to speak of |
beq rebgd ; go exit with carry clear |
bit verfck ; if verify command |
bmi mvexit ; exit with a bad verify |
; fall through to irrecoverable error |
reberr ; read an block in error |
lda #$60 ; indicate unrecoverable error. |
sta status |
sec |
jmp bweep ; !bra |
mvexit |
lda #$10 ; indicate verify error |
sta status |
sec |
jmp bweep |
rebgd ; good exit |
clc |
bweep |
jsr motoff |
jsr slower |
rts |
; $$$ read a fixed length data block $$$ |
; |
fldbtb .byte <tapbuf,>tapbuf,$41,$ff |
rdblok |
ldy #3 ; 4-bytes |
ateam |
lda fldbtb,y |
sta trsave,y |
dey |
bpl ateam |
sty typenb ; enable type read of tape(msb=1) y=$ff |
; fixed block must be a write |
lda verfck ; save intended flag |
pha |
iny ; y=0 |
sty verfck ; enable write (=0) |
sty tptr ; reset fixed buffer pointer (=0) |
jsr rtblok ; read header |
pla |
sta verfck ; restore flag |
; point to beg of buffer with tapebs |
jmp bufini ; does rts ; !carry preserved |
; $$$ read a variable length block $$$ |
; |
rvblok |
lda stal ; sta(l,h) => trsave(0,1) |
sta trsave |
lda stah |
sta trsave+1 |
clc |
lda eal ; ((((sta-ea)+1)<xor> $ffff)+1) => trsave(2,3) |
sbc stal |
eor #$ff |
sta trsave+2 |
lda eah |
sbc stah |
eor #$ff |
sta trsave+3 |
clc ; disable type read |
ror typenb |
jmp rtblok ; does rts |
; $$$ sync on leader $$$ |
dstab .byte <ids1,>ids1,<ids2,>ids2,<izcell,>izcell |
sparms= dsamp1 ; keep these samp vals contiguous !!!!!! |
; *** note: these values not changed whenn tape speed changed |
; ( see definitins for tshort,tlong, and tbyte ) |
ids1= 268-10 ; dipole sample #1 initial delta |
ids2= 536-22 ; dipole sample #2 initial delta |
izcell=536-11 ; initial delta for a z-cell verify |
ldsync |
ldx #5 |
fweep |
lda dstab,x |
sta sparms,x |
dex |
bpl fweep |
molson |
lda #10 ; find 10 consecutive good shorts |
sta ldrscn |
ale |
jsr rddipl |
bcs molson ; dipole read in error |
bvc molson ; read a long or a word |
; got a short |
dec ldrscn |
bne ale ; counting down |
; measure dipole down-time via skewed samples to minimize |
; sample-point granularity. |
; |
; ...this is as good as it gets folks: |
sigma = 16 ; number of skewed samples (x3) |
accm=wrbase ; use wrbase for servo accumulator |
servo |
lda #0 |
sta accm |
sta accm+1 ; init accum |
ldy #sigma ; for 2:1 sample ratio |
sum |
ldx #0 |
lda #$10 |
swhi |
bit port ; wait till high |
beq swhi |
swlo |
bit port |
bne swlo |
; caught neg. edge: |
;************************************************************************** |
; caution!!!, the following loop is sensitive to crossing page boundaries: |
;************************************************************************** |
srvlow |
inx |
beq servo ; error, re-try |
bit port ; you figure it out... |
beq srvlow ; keep counting |
srvhi |
inx |
beq servo |
bit port |
bne srvhi |
;************************************************************************* |
; |
; add current count to accm |
txa |
clc |
adc accm |
sta accm |
lda #0 |
adc accm+1 |
sta accm+1 |
dey |
bne sum |
; do *3 ---inherent in #of samples taken |
lsr accm+1 ; do /4 |
ror accm |
lsr accm+1 |
ror accm |
lda accm ; 3/4 absolute good for: |
sta dsamp1 ; d1 |
asl a ; 6/4 for: |
sta dsamp2 ; d2, and |
sta zcell ; z-cell |
lda accm+1 |
sta dsamp1+1 |
rol a |
sta dsamp2+1 |
sta zcell+1 |
; ...i have a feeling we're not in kansas anymore |
spansh ; span all shorts till a wm |
jsr rddipl |
bcs spansh ; error |
bvs spansh ; short |
bpl spansh ; long |
; else got a word (maybe) |
jsr rddipl |
bcs spansh ; error:backup |
bvs spansh ; short:backup |
bmi spansh ; word:backup |
; ok, have seen a bm & have consumed it |
clc ; boundary case |
ror enext |
jsr setd1 ; get ready for first byte |
lda #3 ; max # of erros allowed in countdown |
sta cderrm |
jsr rdbytd ; gobble up cd.9 |
bcc rdcdok ; its ok |
dec cderrm ; first error |
rdcdok |
jsr rdbyte ; read a countdown byte |
bcc rcdok2 ; got a good read |
dec cderrm ; another error |
bne rcdok2 ; not fatal |
jmp ldsync ; else==00, start from scratch |
rcdok2 |
lda tpbyte |
and #$f |
cmp #1 ; is cdbyte=1? |
bne rdcdok ; no |
; got cdbyte=1 |
lda tpbyte ; specify pass |
and #$80 ; msb of type=>pass |
sta pass |
rts ; good return |
; find any header |
; ---read tape until one of the following block types is found: |
; bdfh - basic data file header |
; blf - basic load file |
; |
; if c=0 then success /* ac=type of header found */ |
; else if ac=0 then stop/key/pressed |
; else end/of/tape /* ac=5 */ |
; fi |
; fi |
fah |
jsr rdblok ; read a data-type block |
bcs fhderr ; hey! stop key??? if not keep looking |
lda type |
cmp #eot |
beq fah40 ; no more blocks |
cmp #blf |
beq gothed ; good nuf |
cmp #plf |
beq gothed ; good |
cmp #bdfh |
bne fah |
gothed |
tax ; is this necessary??? |
bit msgflg ; r we printing messages? |
bpl ctlo ; nope |
jsr primm |
.byte $d,'FOUND ',0 |
ldy #4 |
fah55 ; output filename |
lda (tapebs),y |
jsr bsout |
iny |
cpy #21 |
bne fah55 |
; <wait 8 seconds> or <wait for <<run/stop> or <commodore> key>> |
fah45 |
ldx #$ff |
tapewt |
jsr w16ms |
jsr w16ms |
dex |
beq ctlo |
lda #$7f |
jsr keyscn ;** 01/17/84 mod for new keyboard port |
; cmp #$ef ; was this the space key? |
; beq fah ; yep, skip this file |
cmp #$7f ; was it the run/stop key |
beq fhderr ; yep |
cmp #$df ; how about the commodore key? |
bne tapewt ; no, continue with timeout loop |
; else: yes, load this file |
ctlo ; got a timeout or user pressed commodore key |
clc |
lda type |
fah40 |
rts |
.byte $ea,$ea,$ea |
fhderr |
lda #0 |
rts |
; find a file |
; |
; if c=0 then sucess /* ac=type of header found */ |
; else if ac=0 then stop/key/pressed |
; else end/of/tape /* ac=5 */ |
; fi |
; fi |
faf |
jsr fah ; pick any card |
bcs faf35 ; ...not that one |
cmp #eot ; if end of tape |
beq faf30 ; go quit |
; ok let's take a look |
ldy #$ff |
faf20 |
iny ; if filename matches |
cpy fnlen |
beq faf40 ; goto faf40 |
lda #fnadr |
sta sinner |
jsr kludes |
cmp tapbuf+4,y |
beq faf20 |
lsr type ; if type <> 1 or 3 |
bcc faf ; go load next header |
ldy #$ff |
; read two bytes of prog into tape buffer |
sty trsave+3 ; and go find next file |
dey |
sty trsave+2 |
ldy #1 |
jsr ateam |
jmp faf |
faf35 |
lda #0 ; stop key pressed exit |
faf30 ; forced error exit |
sec |
rts |
faf40 |
clc |
lda type ; ac returns type of header found |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
.page |
.subttl 'tape support' |
; if cas plat sw is not pressed give message & wait until pressed |
; entry to test sw for record: |
; |
tstrec ;i just have to keep thinking about the 68000... |
sec |
.byte $24 |
tstply |
clc |
lda xport |
and #4 |
beq pok |
php |
jsr primm |
.byte cr,'PRESS PLAY ',0 |
plp |
bcc qq2 |
jsr primm |
.byte '& RECORD ',0 |
qq2 |
jsr primm |
.byte 'ON TAPE',0 |
waitpl |
jsr tstsky ; does user want to play some more? |
bcs pabort ; nope, boo... |
lda xport |
and #4 |
bne waitpl ; play still not down |
jsr primm ; finally! |
.byte cr,'OK',0 |
pok |
clc ; everything's fine |
pabort ; ooops |
rts ; exit |
; prep system for cassette useage... |
; stop dma's by blanking screen & disable interrupts |
; |
; call motor/on after this routine to allow ds clk to setup |
; |
faster |
sei ; pass on the irq's |
; select screen blanking: 1.7mhz clock & no dma's |
; |
lda tedvcr ; have mutex from above <sei> |
and #$ef |
sta tedvcr |
lda tedicr |
and #$fd ; raster int off |
ora #$08 ; t1 int on |
sta tedicr |
rts |
; restore system to normal(?) mode of operation... |
; restore timer t1, re-enable dma's & irq's |
slower ; !carry preserved |
sei |
lda tedvcr ; de-select blanking |
ora #$10 |
sta tedvcr |
lda tedicr |
and #$f7 ; t1 int off |
ora #$02 ; raster int on |
sta tedicr |
cli ; yes, you too |
rts ; !carry preserved |
; turn motor on & delay |
; modifies a,x,y |
; |
moton |
php ; !preserve carry |
sec |
ror lsem |
lda port |
and #$f5 ; motor on & init write line to high |
sta port ; ...have to write inverted |
ldx #30 ; wait 480ms for motor to come up to speed |
md1 ; to do skewed servo |
jsr w16ms ; ...wait 16ms |
dex |
bne md1 |
plp ; !restore carry |
rts |
.byte 'C1984COMMODORE' |
; turn motor off |
motoff ; !carry preserved |
lda port |
ora #$08 |
sta port ; !carry preserved |
rts |
; write blanks to tape buffer |
; modifies a,x |
blkbuf |
ldy #0 |
lda #$20 |
blklop |
sta (tapebs),y |
iny |
cpy #bufmax+1 |
bne blklop |
rts |
; setup tape pointer to reserved buffer |
bufini |
pha ; !save ac |
lda #<tapbuf |
sta tapebs |
lda #>tapbuf |
sta tapebs+1 |
pla ; !restore ac |
rts |
balout ; error recovery for stop-key pressed |
jsr tstsky |
bcc cont |
jsr motoff ; restore system |
jsr slower |
ldx srecov |
txs |
lda #0 |
sta srecov |
sec |
cont |
rts ; blind faith |
d2 = 13200 ; dead man-2 |
dtimeo |
lda tedirq ; was this a t1 int |
and tedicr |
and #$08 |
bne nott1 ; no return |
rts |
nott1 |
sta tedirq ; yep, clear it |
sei |
lda #<d2 ; set up d2 |
sta timr1l ; timeout sets up d2 |
lda #>d2 |
sta timr1h |
ldx drecov ; get stack mark |
txs |
sec ; indicate error |
rts ; return to upper lexical level |
; word marker sets this time up |
d1 = 18600 ; dead man-1 |
setd1 ; setup delta #1 for byte read |
lda #<d1 |
sta timr1l |
lda #>d1 |
sta timr1h |
lda #$08 ; clear any pending t1 int's |
sta tedirq |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
.page |
.subttl 'tape write' |
; *** tape write routines *** |
; |
; primitives first... |
; <w>ait for <t>imer to <t>oggle <t>wice |
wttt |
sec |
bcs wtts |
; <w>ait for <t>imer to <t>oggle |
wtt |
clc |
wtts |
sty t1pipe+2 ; save x,y |
stx t1pipe+3 |
ldy t1pipe ; pre-load for spipe |
ldx t1pipe+1 |
lda #$10 |
w1 ; wait for timeout |
bit tedirq |
beq w1 |
sty timr2l ; reload timer with latch |
stx timr2h |
sta tedirq ; clear flag |
lda port ; toggle write line |
eor #$02 |
sta port |
php ; preserve carry (pass indicator) |
jsr balout ; do stopkey check |
plp ; restore carry |
ldy t1pipe+2 ; restore x,y |
ldx t1pipe+3 |
bcs wtt ; if c=1 then do twice |
rts |
tshort=212-4 ; 240us / 8 cycles(4us) to setup |
tlong= 424-4 ; 480us / " " |
tbyte= 850-4 ; 960us / " " |
; setup >byte< dipole time: 306 cycles |
setupb |
lda #<tbyte |
sta t1pipe |
lda #>tbyte |
sta t1pipe+1 |
rts |
; setup >short< dipole time: 163 cycles |
setups |
lda #<tshort |
sta t1pipe |
lda #>tshort |
sta t1pipe+1 |
rts |
; setup >long< dipole time: 234 cycles |
setupl |
lda #<tlong |
sta t1pipe |
lda #>tlong |
sta t1pipe+1 |
rts |
; write a 0 on tape; ie: s,l |
write0 |
jsr setups |
jsr wttt |
jsr setupl |
jmp wttt ; does rts |
; write a 1 on tape; ie: l,s |
write1 |
jsr setupl |
jsr wttt |
jsr setups |
jmp wttt ; does rts |
; write a word marker on tape; ie: b,l |
writew |
jsr setupb |
jsr wttt |
jsr setupl |
jmp wttt ; does rts |
; write the byte in (tpbyte) to the tape with leading word marker, |
; and ending odd parity. |
wrbyte |
sta tpbyte ; save byte to be written |
lda #1 |
sta parity |
jsr writew |
ldx #8 ; #of bits |
twloop |
ror tpbyte ; lsb first |
bcs aone |
inc parity ; count the zeros |
jsr write0 |
jmp wjoin |
aone |
jsr write1 |
wjoin |
dex ; done yet? |
bne twloop ; nope |
ror parity ; yep, get parity |
bcs aoneb |
jsr write0 |
jmp wjoin2 |
aoneb |
jsr write1 |
wjoin2 |
rts |
; write elemental block to tape as defined by: |
; (wrbase{+1})::=@beg of data to be written |
; (wrlen{+1})::= 2's compl of numeric length of data |
; pass::= {=0 for pass1}, {=$80 for pass2} |
welemb |
tsx ; save stack mark |
stx srecov ; ...for stopkey |
lda port ; assert external line low |
ora #$02 |
sta port |
jsr setups ; get ready for short* |
ldy #1 |
sty timr2h ; prime t2 to use as one-shot |
lda #$10 ; clear any flag |
sta tedirq |
; lots & lots of shorts... |
bit pass ; what pass are we doing |
bpl l1loop |
; y=1... shorter shorts for second pass |
ldy #$40 ; hi loop index...for first pass |
ldx #$fe ; low loop index...for both passes |
; write leader 1 |
l1loop |
jsr wttt |
dex |
bne l1loop |
dey |
bne l1loop |
; now write countdown loop |
ldy #9 |
cdloop |
tya |
ora pass ; pass modifies b(7) of data |
jsr wrbyte |
dey |
bne cdloop |
; init checksum |
lda type |
sta chksum |
; now write block type |
beq wdloop ; if=0 then no type in block |
jsr wrbyte |
; write data block |
wdloop |
ldy #0 |
lda #wrbase ; fetch byte ( may be under rom ) |
sta sinner |
jsr kludes |
pha ;save |
eor chksum |
sta chksum |
pla |
jsr wrbyte |
inc wrbase |
bne okeefe |
inc wrbase+1 |
okeefe |
inc wrlen ; one more byte |
bne wdloop |
inc wrlen+1 |
bne wdloop |
; data written, now do checksum |
lda chksum |
jsr wrbyte |
; do block end marker; ie: l |
jsr setupl |
jsr wttt |
; do end leader; ie: l*450 |
jsr setups |
ldy #1 ; loop hi |
ldx #$c2 ; loop lo |
l2loop |
jsr wttt |
dex |
bne l2loop |
dey |
bne l2loop ; done with elemental block |
rts |
; write a >fixed length data< block |
; assumed data is in the pre-allocated tape buffer of 192 bytes. |
; *** type must be specified externally !!! *** |
wfblok |
jsr tstrec |
jsr faster ; 1.7mhz/get timer1/no irq's |
jsr moton ; get em goin |
bcs wdabor ; stop key pressed |
lda #$80 |
sta pass |
web |
lda tapebs ; tapebs->wrbase |
sta wrbase |
lda tapebs+1 |
sta wrbase+1 |
; setup length & type |
lda #$41 ; 2's compl of #191 |
sta wrlen |
lda #$ff |
sta wrlen+1 |
jsr welemb |
bcs wdabor ; stop key pressed |
lda pass |
bpl wdone ; if second pass |
lda #0 |
sta pass |
bpl web ; else, do second pass |
; done with both elemental blocks |
wdone ; good exit |
clc |
wdabor ; bad exit |
jsr motoff ; stop em |
jmp slower ; whatever clk/give up timer1/ok irq's & RTS |
; write a tape header |
; ...write starting, ending address, and filename to tape. |
; *** type must be specified externally !!! *** |
tphead |
jsr bufini |
jsr blkbuf |
ldy #0 |
lda stal |
sta (tapebs),y |
iny |
lda stah |
sta (tapebs),y |
iny |
lda eal |
sta (tapebs),y |
iny |
lda eah |
sta (tapebs),y |
iny ; y=4 ; y@ beg of filename |
sty tt2 ; pointer to tape buffer (dest) |
ldy #0 |
sty tt1 ; pointer to filename (source) |
tfname |
ldy tt1 |
cpy fnlen |
beq fnisin ; all done ! |
lda #fnadr ; get filename from under rom |
sta sinner |
jsr kludes |
ldy tt2 |
sta (tapebs),y |
inc tt1 |
inc tt2 |
jmp tfname |
fnisin ; header data area is complete, now write it to tape... |
jmp wfblok ; does rts ; c=0=>ok, else error |
; write a >variable length data< block (ie: program type). |
; block to be written is defined by: (stah/stal,eah/eal) |
; *** type must be specified externallly !!! *** |
wvblok |
jsr tstrec |
jsr faster ; 1.7mhz/get timer1/no irq's |
jsr moton |
bcs wpabor ; stop key pressed |
lda #$80 |
sta pass |
wepb |
lda stal ; starting address -> wrbase |
sta wrbase |
lda stah |
sta wrbase+1 |
; compute: ((( end-start ) <xor> $ffff)+1) -> wrlen |
; by: ((end-start)-1)) <xor> $ffff) -> wrlen |
; |
clc |
lda eal |
sbc stal |
eor #$ff |
sta wrlen |
lda eah |
sbc stah |
eor #$ff |
sta wrlen+1 |
jsr welemb ; write a elem block |
bcs wpabor ; ooops! |
lda pass |
bpl wpdone ; done with both blocks |
lda #0 |
sta pass |
bpl wepb ; write second block |
; done with both elem var blocks |
wpdone ; good exit |
clc |
wpabor ; bad exit |
jsr motoff |
jmp slower ; whatever clk/give up timer1/ok irq's & RTS |
; write end-of-tape block |
wreot |
jsr blkbuf |
lda #eot |
sta type |
jmp wfblok ;& RTS |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
.page |
.subttl 'time 01/17/84' |
;*********************************** |
;* * |
;* time * |
;* * |
;*consists of three functions: * |
;* (1) udtim-- update time. usually* |
;* called every 60th second. * |
;* (2) settim-- set time. .y=msd, * |
;* .x=next significant,.a=lsd * |
;* (3) rdtim-- read time. .y=msd, * |
;* .x=next significant,.a=lsd * |
;* * |
;*********************************** |
; interrupts are coming from timer 1 |
; here we proceed with an increment |
; of the time register. |
udtim |
inc time+2 |
bne ud30 |
inc time+1 |
bne ud30 |
inc time |
; here we check for roll-over 23:59:59 |
; and reset the clock to zero if true |
ud30 |
sec |
lda time+2 |
sbc #$01 |
lda time+1 |
sbc #$1a |
lda time |
sbc #$4f |
bcc ud60 |
; |
; time has rolled--zero register |
; |
ldx #0 |
stx time |
stx time+1 |
stx time+2 |
; |
; set stop key flag here |
; |
ud60 |
lda #$7f ;debounce (** 01/17/84 mod for new keyboard ports) |
jsr keyscn |
sta tmpkey |
lda #$7f |
jsr keyscn |
cmp tmpkey |
bne ud60 |
ora #$7f |
sta stkey ;stkey is now either $ff (no stop) or $7f (stop) |
rts |
rdtim |
sei ;keep time from rolling |
lda time+2 ;get lsd |
ldx time+1 ;get next most sig. |
ldy time ;get msd |
settim |
sei ;keep time from changing |
sta time+2 ;store lsd |
stx time+1 ;next most significant |
sty time ;store msd |
cli |
rts |
;end |
@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
.page |
.subttl 'util' |
; parse entry when 1st char has already been read |
; |
pargot |
dec chrptr |
; get a number in t0,t0+1. z set if no value found, |
; c set if end of line. y is preserved |
parse |
lda #0 |
sta t0 |
sta t0+1 |
sta syreg ;flag for valid number |
par005 |
jsr gnc |
beq par040 |
cmp #$20 |
beq par005 |
par006 |
cmp #$20 |
beq par030 |
cmp #', |
beq par030 |
cmp #'0 ;check if hex, and convert |
bcc parerr |
cmp #'g |
bcs parerr |
cmp #': ;'9'+1 |
bcc par010 |
cmp #'a |
bcc parerr |
sbc #8 ;adjust if in a..f |
par010 |
sbc #$2f ;adjust to 00..0f |
asl a |
asl a ;shift nibble left |
asl a |
asl a |
ldx #4 ;mult old val by 16,add new |
par015 |
asl a |
rol t0 |
rol t0+1 |
dex |
bne par015 |
inc syreg ;make syreg non-zero |
jsr gnc |
bne par006 ;keep going if not e-o-l |
par030 |
lda syreg ;set z flag if a real number |
clc ;flag as number |
par040 |
rts |
parerr |
pla ;pop this call |
pla |
jmp error |
; print t2 as 4 hex digits: .x destroyed, .y preserved |
; |
putt2 |
lda t2 |
ldx t2+1 |
putwrd |
pha |
txa |
jsr puthex |
pla |
puthxs |
jsr puthex |
putspc |
lda #$20 |
.byte $2c |
putqst |
lda #'? |
jmp bsout |
; print .a as 2 hex digits |
; |
puthex |
stx sxreg |
jsr makhex |
jsr bsout |
txa |
ldx sxreg |
jmp bsout |
; convert .a to 2 hex digits & put msb in .a, lsb in .x |
; |
makhex |
pha |
jsr makhx1 |
tax |
pla |
lsr a |
lsr a |
lsr a |
lsr a |
makhx1 |
and #$0f |
cmp #$0a |
bcc makhx2 |
adc #6 |
makhx2 |
adc #'0 |
rts |
cronly |
lda #145 ;cursor up |
jsr bsout |
crlf |
lda #$0d |
jmp bsout |
; get next character: return in .a (return $00 if buffer empty) |
; |
gnc |
stx sxreg |
ldx chrptr |
cpx bufend |
bcs gnc99 |
lda buf,x |
cmp #': ;eol-return with z=1 |
beq gnc99 |
inc chrptr |
gnc98 |
php |
ldx sxreg |
plp |
rts |
gnc99 |
lda #0 |
beq gnc98 |
; move t0,t0+1 to t2,t2+1 |
; |
t0tot2 |
lda t0 |
sta t2 |
lda t0+1 |
sta t2+1 |
rts |
; subtract t2 from t0, result in t0 |
; |
sub0m2 |
sec |
lda t0 |
sbc t2 |
sta t0 |
lda t0+1 |
sbc t2+1 |
sta t0+1 |
rts |
; decrement t0 |
; |
dect0 |
lda #1 |
subt0 |
sta sxreg ;subtract .a from t2 |
sec |
lda t0 |
sbc sxreg |
sta t0 |
lda t0+1 |
sbc #0 |
sta t0+1 |
rts |
; decrement t1 |
; |
dect1 |
sec |
lda t1 |
sbc #1 |
sta t1 |
lda t1+1 |
sbc #0 |
sta t1+1 |
rts |
inct2 |
lda #1 ;increment t2 |
addt2 |
clc ;add .a to t2 |
adc t2 |
sta t2 |
bcc addt2r |
inc t2+1 |
addt2r |
rts |
; read a range - put sa in t2, count in t1 |
; |
range |
bcs rang99 ;no defaults |
jsr t0tot2 |
jsr parse ;get ea |
bcs rang99 |
jsr sub0m2 |
lda t0 ;move t0 to t1 |
sta t1 |
lda t0+1 |
sta t1+1 |
clc ;flag ok |
rang99 |
rts |
savaxy |
sta savea |
savxy |
stx savex |
sty savey |
rts |
rstaxy |
lda savea |
rstxy |
ldx savex |
ldy savey |
rts |
.page |
; test stop key in a sane manner & cause no reg alterations... |
; |
; .c=0 => no stopkey, .c=1 => stopkey pressed |
tstsky |
stx xstop ;save |
jsr ud60 ;do actual stopkey test |
ldx xstop ;restore |
eor #$80 |
asl a |
lda #0 |
rts |
; *** print immediate *** |
; a jsr to this routine is followed by a immediate ascii string, |
; terminated by a $00. the immediate string must not be longer |
; than 255 characters including the terminator. |
; |
primm |
pha ;protect a,x,y |
tya |
pha |
txa |
pha |
tsx ;get sp |
inx ;make it point to return addr low |
inx |
inx |
inx |
lda $0100,x ;get it |
sta imparm ;in base ptr. |
inx ;point to hi |
lda $0100,x ;get it |
sta imparm+1 ;in base ptr. |
inc imparm ;this was actually a return addr minus 1 |
bne ipskip ;...note that a string of only a $0 will work |
inc imparm+1 |
ipskip |
ldy #0 ;we're pointing to 1st byte of string |
emsg |
lda (imparm),y ;loop to output string |
beq priend |
jsr bsout |
iny |
bne emsg |
priend ;shove true return addr in the stack |
tya ;y has offset to add onto imparm base |
tsx |
inx ;x points to ret adr lo |
inx |
inx |
inx |
clc |
adc imparm |
sta $0100,x ;new lo ret adr |
lda #0 |
adc imparm+1 |
inx |
sta $0100,x ;new hi ret adr |
pla |
tax |
pla |
tay |
pla |
rts |
iobase |
ldx #$00 ;return sa of i/o page |
ldy #$fd |
rts |
;end |
Reference in new issue