mirror of https://github.com/mist64/cbmsrc.git
Michael Steil
4 years ago
18 changed files with 5093 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
.subttl CUT and PASTE types of operations |
; |
; |
; |
; entry: buf_pos text buffer pointer to destination. |
; abuf_start pointer to source in bank one. |
; x,a = number of bytes to load from one. |
; |
; exit: error if insufficient room. |
; information transfered from abuffer area into the |
; text buffer. text buffer is left at the end of the inserted |
; information. |
; |
; BUFSAVE: ( effect a cut type of operation ). |
; entry: cut_start_pos text buffer pointer of start of text to "cut" |
; cut_end_pos text buffer pointer to end of text to cut. |
; |
; abuf_start destination start address. |
; ( may be "played with" for appends.. ) |
; abuf_end max legal position to moditfy. |
; |
; exit: error returned in insufficient room for operation. |
; information transferd from the text buffer in bank 0 |
; to the buffer in bank one. |
; x,a = number of bytes saved |
; |
buf_save |
ldax cut_end_pos len <- number of bytes to cut |
sbcx cut_start_pos |
stax abuf_len |
; |
adcx abuf_start x,a <= calced end address |
bcs 90$ |
cmpx abuf_end if > end address |
bcc 10$ |
90$ lda #error_insufficient_memory |
sec return unhappy |
rts |
10$ stax abuf_end |
ldax cut_start_pos move buffer to start of ara to "cut" |
jsr buf_position |
; |
20$ ldax abuf_start while start <> end |
cmpx abuf_end |
beq 30$ do |
; |
jsr buf_remove remove byte from text buffer |
ldy #0 stash it out |
sta mmu_bank1 |
sta (abuf_start),y |
sta mmu_normal |
incd abuf_start inc start address |
jmp 20$ |
; |
30$ ldax abuf_len x,a <= number of bytes moved |
clc return happy |
rts |
; |
; entry: buf_pos text buffer pointer to destination. |
; abuf_start pointer to source in bank one. |
; x,a = number of bytes to load from one. |
; |
; exit: error if insufficient room. |
; information transfered from abuffer area into the |
; text buffer. text buffer is left at the end of the inserted |
; information. |
; |
; |
buf_load |
stax abuf_len len <= number of bytes to load |
adcx abuf_start end <= ending pointer |
stax abuf_end |
; |
jsr buf_return_free x,a <= space to fit |
cmpx abuf_len if x,a < lengtth of buffer |
bcs 20$ |
lda #error_insufficient_memory |
sec return error |
rts |
; |
20$ ldax abuf_start while start <> end |
cmpx abuf_end |
beq 30$ |
; |
ldy #0 do a <= char from bank one |
sta mmu_bank1 |
lda (abuf_start),y |
sta mmu_normal |
jsr buf_insert insert the char |
bcs 90$ |
incd abuf_start start <= start + 1 |
jmp 20$ |
; |
; |
30$ clc ;return happy |
rts |
; |
90$ lda #99 return the unknown error |
sec |
rts |
; |
; |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
version .macro |
.byte "2.0" |
.endm |
.blist |
.include macro ; decalre macros |
.include declare ; declare variables and memory map |
*=code_start ; init pc |
jmp init ; code |
; |
jsr $ff7d ; primm.... |
.byte "(C)1986 COMMODORE ELECTRONICS, LTD.",$0d |
.byte "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED",cr,00 |
rts |
; |
.include kernal |
.include buf |
.include main |
.include keyproc |
.include keyops |
.include plot |
.include bufop |
.include command |
.include dos |
.include help |
.ifgt *-text_start |
*** error *** code overflow |
.endif |
.end |
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
.subttl 16 bit macro definitions |
; |
ram .macro %a,%b |
%a = curram |
.ifb <%b> |
curram = curram+1 |
.else |
curram = curram+%b |
.endif |
.endm |
zpage .macro %a,%b |
%a = curzpage |
.ifb <%b> |
curzpage = curzpage+1 |
.else |
curzpage = curzpage+%b |
.endif |
.ifgt curzpage-$0090 |
ERROR- too many zero page variables..... |
.endif |
.endm |
; |
; |
; double precision macros |
; |
; |
ldax .macro %a |
lda %a ; x,a <= %a |
ldx %a+1 |
.endm |
; |
stax .macro %a |
sta %a ; %a <= x,a |
stx %a+1 |
.endm |
; |
cmpx .macro %a |
cpx %a+1 ; compare x,a with %a |
.ifn >%a |
bne *+5 |
.else |
bne *+4 |
.endif |
cmp %a |
.endm |
; |
; |
cmpi .macro %a |
cpx #>%a ; compare x,a with #%a |
bne *+4 |
cmp #<%a |
.endm |
; |
ldai .macro %a |
lda #<%a ; x,a <= #%a |
ldx #>%a |
.endm |
; |
; |
incd .macro %a |
inc %a ; inc double precision %a |
.ifn >%a |
bne *+5 |
.else |
bne *+4 |
.endif |
inc %a+1 |
.endm |
; |
decd .macro %a |
pha ; dec double precision %a |
lda %a |
.ifn >%a |
bne *+5 |
.else |
bne *+4 |
.endif |
dec %a+1 |
dec %a |
pla |
.endm |
; |
adcx .macro %a |
cld ; add %a to x,a |
clc ; ( carry is only good condition code ) |
adc %a |
pha |
txa |
adc %a+1 |
tax |
pla |
.endm |
; |
sbcx .macro %a |
cld ; sub %a from x,a |
sec ; ( carry is only good condition code ) |
sbc %a |
pha |
txa |
sbc %a+1 |
tax |
pla |
.endm |
; |
cmpdr .macro %a,%b,%r ; double compare %a to %b using .%r |
ld%r %a+1 |
cp%r %b+1 |
.ifn >%a |
.ifn >%b |
bne *+2+3+3 |
.else |
bne *+2+3+2 |
.endif |
.else |
.ifn >%b |
bne *+2+2+3 |
.else |
bne *+2+2+2 |
.endif |
.endif |
ld%r %a |
cp%r %b |
.endm |
; |
cpa .macro %a |
cmp %a |
.endm |
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
; |
print jsr clrchn |
jsr parse ; parse the filename ( we'll ignore the name ) |
bcs 90$ |
lda #0 ; set up kernal for no name |
jsr setnam |
lda #printer_lfn set up lfs etc. using users device |
ldy #0 |
ldx list_device ; ( puke if device is not 4 or 5 ) |
cpx #4 |
beq 10$ |
cpx #5 |
beq 10$ |
lda #error_numeric_value_illegal |
sec |
rts |
; |
10$ jsr setlfs |
; |
jsr open ; attempt the open |
bcc 90$ ; puke if error |
; |
ldx #print_lfn ; attach the printer.. |
jsr ckout |
bcc 90$ |
; |
; save current buffer position |
; ; point to start of buffer |
jsr start of file |
; |
20$ jsr forward while can get a byte |
bcs 80$ |
jsr bsout do print the byte |
jsr stop if stop key |
bne 20$ |
jsr 80$ close the file |
lda #error_stop return stop key error |
sec |
rts |
; |
80$ jsr clrchn |
ldx #print_lfn ; close the file |
jsr close |
jsr clrchn |
clc ; return happy |
rts |
; |
90$ jsr 80$ ; close the file |
lda #error_device_not_present |
sec ; return error |
rts |
; |
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
.subttl validate routine |
; |
; |
; validate: |
; the purpose of this routines is too attempt to keep the |
; cursor within the middle lines of the screen. |
; I.E. moveing up and down operations result in the |
; cursor being placed on the top or bottom lines of the screen. |
; this function detects when the cursor is near the edge of |
; a window, and examines the text buffer to see if a more |
; optimal location can be selected. |
; |
; |
; validate works a follows: |
; copy cursor line to temp location. |
; modify temp location based on various rules for cursor placement |
; compare temp tto cursor line |
; if different |
; cursor lione <= temp |
; force new_screen |
; |
ram val_temp,1 |
; |
validate |
lda cur_line a <= cur_line |
bpl 10$ if .a < 0 |
lda #0 .a <= 0 |
; |
10$ sta val_temp val_temp <= .a |
; |
sec .a <= max desired line |
lda nlines |
sbc hyster_lines |
; |
cmp val_temp if .a < val_temp |
bcs 20$ |
; |
ldax cr_count_post .a <= mim(hyster_lines,cr_count_post) |
jsr 100$ |
; |
eor #$ff .a <= nlines - .a |
sec |
adc nlines |
; |
cmp val_temp if .a < val_temp |
bcs 20$ |
sta val_temp val_temp <= .a |
; |
20$ lda val_temp if val_temp < hyster_lines |
cmp hyster_lines |
bcs 50$ |
ldax cr_count_pre .a <= min(hyster_lines,cr_count_pre) |
jsr 100$ |
cmp val_temp if .a > val_temp |
bcc 50$ |
beq 50$ |
; |
sta val_temp val_temp <= .a |
; |
50$ lda cr_count_post+1 |
; if < 255 lines after cursor |
bne 70$ |
sec |
lda nlines a <= nlines - number of crs behind us |
sbc cr_count_post |
bcc 70$ if .a > 0 |
; |
cmp val_temp if .a > val_temp |
bcc 70$ |
beq 70$ |
sta val_temp select a new cursor line |
; |
; if cr_count_pre < val_temp |
70$ ldx cr_count_pre+1 |
bne 80$ |
lda cr_count_pre |
cmp val_temp |
bcs 80$ |
sta val_temp val_temp <= cr_count_pre |
; |
80$ lda val_temp if val_temp <> cur_line |
cmp cur_line |
beq 88$ |
sta cur_line cur_line <= val_temp |
inc new_screen force a new_screen |
88$ clc return happy |
rts |
; |
; |
100$ cpx #0 .a <= min( hyster_lines, (x,a) ) |
bne 110$ |
cmp hyster_lines |
bcc 120$ |
110$ lda hyster_lines |
120$ rts |
; |
Reference in new issue