Data Formats
Data is provided in GeoJSON (*.geojson
) and GeoPackage (*.gpkg
) format.
Additionally, for GeoJSON formats a minified version (*.min.geojson
) is also
All data complies with the GeoJSON format (provided in EPSG:4326, bounded to $[-180, -90, 180, 90]$ and geometries valid as per ST_IsValid on GEOS 3.9.3).
All data provided at J2000 epoch, positions converted from 0...24h right ascension to -180...180 degrees longitude as per GeoJSON requirements, so 0...12h becomes 0...180 degrees, and 12...24h becomes -180...0 degrees.
The data can be accessed from several API endpoints:
<!-- From GitHub -->
<!-- From the Website -->
<!-- From jsDelivr -->
asterisms.<data format>
) with 65 objects the following attributes:
id: Name without spaces
n: Proper name
es: Proper name in Spanish
p: Priority 1..6 (~Average brightness)
loc_lon, loc_lat: Center location of name string
constellations.<data format>
) with 89 objects. Additionally a
file with the data (no coordinates) is also provided:
id: 3-letter designator
name: full IAU name
desig: 3-letter designator again
gen: genitive for naming stars.
rank: 1-3 for differential name display by size/brightness
en: English name ... and names in 18 further languages
display_ra, display_dec, display_scale: for single constellation display
Traditional Chinese constellations<data format>
) with 312 objects. Additionally a
file with the data (no coordinates) is also provided:
- id: numerical id
- name: Chinese name
- en: English translation
- pinyin: pinyin transcription
- desig: also Chinese name, for compatibility
- rank: so far only 1; differential name display by size/brightness
- display_ra, display_dec, display_scale: for single constellation display
Constellation boundaries
constellations.borders.<data format>
) with 257 objects.
- ids: String with format "3-letter designator A, 3-letter designator B" identifying the constellations surrounding the border.
constellations.bounds.<data format>
) with 89 objects. See
Constellation lines for field descriptions.
Traditional Chinese constellations<data format>
) with 84 objects.
- ids: border id.<data format>
) with 28 objects. See
Constellation lines for field descriptions.
Constellation lines
constellations.lines.<data format>
) with 89 objects.
id: 3-letter designator
rank: 1-3 for differential name display by size/brightness
name: full IAU name
Traditional Chinese constellations<data format>
) with 255
- id: numerical id
- rank: so far only 1; differential name display by size/brightness
- name: Chinese name
- en: English translation
Deep Space Objects
with 724 rows:
id: Short designator
name: Proper name... and names in several languages.
Traditional Chinese DSO names<data format>
with 6 rows
- id: Hipparcos number
- name: Chinese name
- desig: IAU designation
- en: English translation
- pinyin: Pinyin transcription
Several files:
dsos.6.<data format>
,dsos.14.<data format>
,dsos.20.<data format>
: the number indicates limit magnitude. -
dsos.bright.<data format>
: hand selected DSOs. -
lg.<data format>
: Local group . -
messier.<data format>
Messier objects.
All objects are POINT
id: Short designator
desig: Designator
type: Object type: gg (galaxy cluster), g: (galaxy), s: (spiral galaxy), s0: (lenticular gal.), sd: (dwarf spheroidal gal.), i: (irregular gal.), e: (elliptical gal.), oc: (open cluster), gc: (globular cluster), dn: (dark nebula), bn: (bright nebula), sfr: (star forming region), rn: (reflection nebula), en: (emission nebula), pn: (planetary nebula), snr: (supernova remnant).
morph: Morphology classification depending on type
mag: Apparent magnitude, 999 if n.a.
dim: Angular dimensions in arcminutes
bv: Blue minus visual magnitude color inder (b-v)
br: Relative brightness to magnitude 0, computed as $100^{-1 * mag / 5}$
name: Proper name
Additional fields on lg.<data format>
sub: Sub group membership:
(Milky Way, Andromeda, NGC 3109, gen. LG) -
pop: MW populations
(Old halo, young halo, bulge & disk), M31 populationsM31|GP
(gen. M31, great plane) -
str: Tidal streams
(Magellanic Stream, Sagittarius Stream, Canis Major/Monoceros Stream, Fornax-Leo-Sculptor Great Circle)
: Magnitude independent, all stars with a name/designation other
than HIP/HD
- id: Hipparcos number
- name: , Proper name and names in 17 further languages
- desig: , Standard designation, first from list below
- bayer: , Bayer
- flam: , Flamsteed
- var: , Variable star
- gliese: , Gliese
- hd: , Henry Draper
- hip: Hipparcos number again
Traditional Chinese star names<data format>
with 3056 rows
- id: Hipparcos number
- name: Chinese name
- desig: IAU designation
- en: English translation
- pinyin: Pinyin transcription
stars.6.<data format>
, stars.8.<data format>
, stars.14.<data format>
: the
number indicates limit magnitude:
id: Short designator
mag: Apparent magnitude, 999 if n.a.
bv: b-v color index.
br: Relative brightness to magnitude 0, computed as $100^{-1 * mag / 5}$
name: Proper name
Milky Way
mw.<data format>
with 5 rows:
- id: Milky Way outlines in 5 brightness steps (ol1-ol5).
Some constellations have been removed from the original dataset ( since the
object consisted only on a single point, that does not conform with the GeoJSON standard (POINT
are not valid). ↩︎