@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "ArducamTOFCamera.hpp" |
// #include <atomic>
#include <chrono> |
#include <cstring> |
#include <fstream> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
@ -10,25 +11,60 @@
#include <Eigen/Dense> |
#include <open3d/Open3D.h> |
using namespace Arducam; |
#define LOCAL static inline |
// MAX_DISTANCE value modifiable is 2 or 4
#define MAX_DISTANCE 4000 |
#define WITH_VT_100 1 |
#if WITH_VT_100 |
#define ESC(x) "\033" x |
#define NL ESC("[K\n") |
#else |
#define ESC(x) "" |
#define NL "\n" |
#endif |
using namespace Arducam; |
cv::Rect seletRect(0, 0, 0, 0); |
cv::Rect followRect(0, 0, 0, 0); |
int max_width = 640; |
int max_height = 480; |
int max_range = 0; |
bool enable_confidence_ct = false; |
int confidence_value = 0; |
// std::atomic<int> confidence_value{0};
void on_confidence_changed(int pos, void* userdata) |
{ |
// confidence_value = pos;
confidence_value = pos; |
} |
void onMouse(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param) |
{ |
if (x < 4 || x > (max_width - 4) || y < 4 || y > (max_height - 4)) |
return; |
switch (event) { |
break; |
seletRect.x = x - 4 ? x - 4 : 0; |
seletRect.y = y - 4 ? y - 4 : 0; |
seletRect.width = 8; |
seletRect.height = 8; |
break; |
default: |
followRect.x = x - 4 ? x - 4 : 0; |
followRect.y = y - 4 ? y - 4 : 0; |
followRect.width = 8; |
followRect.height = 8; |
break; |
} |
} |
void display_fps(void) |
LOCAL void display_fps(void) |
{ |
using std::chrono::high_resolution_clock; |
using namespace std::literals; |
@ -38,13 +74,18 @@ void display_fps(void)
++count; |
auto duration_ms = (time_end - time_beg) / 1ms; |
if (duration_ms >= 1000) { |
std::cout << "fps:" << count << std::endl; |
std::cout << "fps: " << count << NL; |
count = 0; |
time_beg = time_end; |
} |
#if WITH_VT_100 |
else { |
std::cout << "\n"; |
} |
#endif |
} |
void save_image(float* image, int width, int height) |
LOCAL void save_image(float* image, int width, int height) |
{ |
using namespace std::literals; |
// filename = "depth_$width$_$height$_f32_$time.raw"
@ -56,7 +97,7 @@ void save_image(float* image, int width, int height)
file.close(); |
} |
cv::Mat matRotateClockWise180(cv::Mat src) |
LOCAL cv::Mat matRotateClockWise180(cv::Mat src) |
{ |
if (src.empty()) { |
std::cerr << "RorateMat src is empty!"; |
@ -67,7 +108,7 @@ cv::Mat matRotateClockWise180(cv::Mat src)
return src; |
} |
void getPreview(cv::Mat preview_ptr, cv::Mat amplitude_image_ptr) |
LOCAL void getPreview(cv::Mat preview_ptr, cv::Mat amplitude_image_ptr) |
{ |
auto len = preview_ptr.rows * preview_ptr.cols; |
for (int line = 0; line < preview_ptr.rows; line++) { |
@ -78,55 +119,185 @@ void getPreview(cv::Mat preview_ptr, cv::Mat amplitude_image_ptr)
} |
} |
void getPreviewRGB(cv::Mat preview_ptr, cv::Mat amplitude_image_ptr) |
LOCAL void getPreviewRGB(cv::Mat preview_ptr, cv::Mat amplitude_image_ptr) |
{ |
preview_ptr.setTo(cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), amplitude_image_ptr < confidence_value); |
// cv::GaussianBlur(preview_ptr, preview_ptr, cv::Size(7, 7), 0);
} |
void onMouse(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param) |
LOCAL bool getControl(ArducamTOFCamera& tof, Arducam::Control mode, float& val, float alpha = 1.0) |
{ |
if (x < 4 || x > (max_width - 4) || y < 4 || y > (max_height - 4)) |
return; |
switch (event) { |
int tmp = 0; |
Arducam::TofErrorCode ret = tof.getControl(mode, &tmp); |
if (ret != 0) { |
std::cerr << "Failed to get control" << std::endl; |
return false; |
} |
val = tmp / alpha; |
return true; |
} |
break; |
LOCAL bool checkExit() |
{ |
int key = cv::waitKey(500); |
switch (key) { |
case 27: |
case 'q': |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
seletRect.x = x - 4 ? x - 4 : 0; |
seletRect.y = y - 4 ? y - 4 : 0; |
seletRect.width = 8; |
seletRect.height = 8; |
break; |
bool processKey(const open3d::geometry::PointCloud& pcd, float* depth_ptr, const Arducam::FrameFormat& format) |
{ |
auto key = cv::waitKey(1); |
switch (key) { |
case 27: |
case 'q': { |
return false; |
} break; |
case 's': { |
open3d::io::WritePointCloudToPCD( //
"pointcloud.pcd", pcd, |
{ |
open3d::io::WritePointCloudOption::IsAscii::Ascii, |
open3d::io::WritePointCloudOption::Compressed::Uncompressed, |
}); |
} break; |
case 'r': { |
save_image(depth_ptr, format.width, format.height); |
} break; |
case '=': |
case '.': { |
if (enable_confidence_ct) { |
confidence_value += 1; |
if (confidence_value > 255) { |
confidence_value = 255; |
} |
std::cout << "confidence value: " << confidence_value << NL; |
} |
} break; |
case '-': |
case ',': { |
if (enable_confidence_ct) { |
confidence_value -= 1; |
if (confidence_value < 0) { |
confidence_value = 0; |
} |
std::cout << "confidence value: " << confidence_value << NL; |
} |
} break; |
case '>': |
case ']': { |
if (enable_confidence_ct) { |
confidence_value += 5; |
if (confidence_value > 255) { |
confidence_value = 255; |
} |
std::cout << "confidence value: " << confidence_value << NL; |
} |
} break; |
case '<': |
case '[': { |
if (enable_confidence_ct) { |
confidence_value -= 5; |
if (confidence_value < 0) { |
confidence_value = 0; |
} |
std::cout << "confidence value: " << confidence_value << NL; |
} |
} break; |
default: |
followRect.x = x - 4 ? x - 4 : 0; |
followRect.y = y - 4 ? y - 4 : 0; |
followRect.width = 8; |
followRect.height = 8; |
break; |
} |
return true; |
} |
bool getControl(ArducamTOFCamera& tof, Arducam::Control mode, float& val, float alpha = 1.0) |
bool pc_loop(ArducamTOFCamera& tof, std::shared_ptr<open3d::geometry::PointCloud>& pcd, Eigen::Matrix4d transfrom) |
{ |
int tmp = 0; |
Arducam::TofErrorCode ret = tof.getControl(mode, &tmp); |
if (ret != 0) { |
std::cerr << "Failed to get control" << std::endl; |
Arducam::FrameFormat format; |
ArducamFrameBuffer* frame = tof.requestFrame(500); |
if (frame == nullptr) { |
return checkExit(); |
} |
frame->getFormat(FrameType::DEPTH_FRAME, format); |
std::cout << "frame: (" << format.width << "x" << format.height << ")" << NL; |
max_height = format.height; |
max_width = format.width; |
float* depth_ptr = (float*)frame->getData(FrameType::DEPTH_FRAME); |
float* confidence_ptr = (float*)frame->getData(FrameType::CONFIDENCE_FRAME); |
cv::Mat result_frame(format.height, format.width, CV_8U); |
cv::Mat depth_frame(format.height, format.width, CV_32F, depth_ptr); |
cv::Mat confidence_frame(format.height, format.width, CV_32F, confidence_ptr); |
// depth_frame = matRotateClockWise180(depth_frame);
// result_frame = matRotateClockWise180(result_frame);
// confidence_frame = matRotateClockWise180(confidence_frame);
depth_frame.convertTo(result_frame, CV_8U, 255.0 / 7000, 0); |
cv::applyColorMap(result_frame, result_frame, cv::COLORMAP_RAINBOW); |
getPreviewRGB(result_frame, confidence_frame); |
// confidence_frame.convertTo(confidence_frame, CV_8U, 255.0 / 1024, 0);
// cv::imshow("confidence", confidence_frame);
cv::rectangle(result_frame, seletRect, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 2); |
cv::rectangle(result_frame, followRect, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1); |
std::cout << "select Rect distance: " << cv::mean(depth_frame(seletRect)).val[0] << NL; |
cv::imshow("preview", result_frame); |
depth_frame.setTo(0, confidence_frame < confidence_value); |
auto depth_image = open3d::geometry::Image(); |
depth_image.Prepare(max_width, max_height, 1, 4); |
memcpy(depth_image.data_.data(), depth_frame.data, depth_image.data_.size()); |
float fx, fy, cx, cy; |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_FX, fx, 100); |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_FY, fy, 100); |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_CX, cx, 100); |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_CY, cy, 100); |
std::cout << "fx: " << fx << " fy: " << fy << " cx: " << cx << " cy: " << cy << NL; |
auto curr = open3d::geometry::PointCloud::CreateFromDepthImage( //
depth_image, {max_width, max_height, fx, fy, cx, cy}, Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(), 1000.0, 5000.0); |
curr->Transform(transfrom); |
// auto voxel_down_pcd = pcd->VoxelDownSample(20);
// auto tuple = voxel_down_pcd->RemoveStatisticalOutliers(20, 2.0);
// auto inlier_cloud = voxel_down_pcd->SelectByIndex(std::get<std::vector<size_t>>(tuple));
// pcd->points_ = inlier_cloud->points_;
display_fps(); |
if (!processKey(*curr, depth_ptr, format)) { |
return false; |
} |
val = tmp / alpha; |
pcd->points_ = curr->points_; |
tof.releaseFrame(frame); |
return true; |
} |
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) |
{ |
ArducamTOFCamera tof; |
ArducamFrameBuffer* frame; |
const char* cfg_path = nullptr; |
if (argc > 2) { |
confidence_value = atoi(argv[2]); |
} |
if (argc > 1) { |
const char* cfg_path = argv[1]; |
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-") != 0) { |
cfg_path = argv[1]; |
} |
} |
if (cfg_path != nullptr) { |
if (tof.openWithFile(cfg_path)) { |
std::cerr << "Failed to open camera with cfg: " << cfg_path << std::endl; |
return -1; |
@ -148,120 +319,42 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
auto info = tof.getCameraInfo(); |
std::cout << "open camera with (" << info.width << "x" << info.height << ")" << std::endl; |
uint8_t* preview_ptr = new uint8_t[info.width * info.height * 2]; |
cv::namedWindow("preview", cv::WINDOW_NORMAL); |
cv::setMouseCallback("preview", onMouse); |
// if (info.device_type == Arducam::DeviceType::DEVICE_VGA) {
// // only vga support confidence
// cv::createTrackbar("confidence", "preview", NULL, 255, on_confidence_changed);
// }
float fx, fy, cx, cy; |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_FX, fx, 100); |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_FY, fy, 100); |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_CX, cx, 100); |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_CY, cy, 100); |
std::cout << "fx: " << fx << " fy: " << fy << " cx: " << cx << " cy: " << cy << std::endl; |
if (info.device_type == Arducam::DeviceType::DEVICE_VGA) { |
// only vga support confidence
enable_confidence_ct = true; |
cv::createTrackbar("confidence", "preview", NULL, 255, on_confidence_changed); |
cv::setTrackbarPos("confidence", "preview", confidence_value); |
} |
Eigen::Matrix4d m = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); |
m << 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, -1, 0, 0, |
0, 0, -1, 0, |
0, 0, 0, 1; |
// clang-format off
m << 1, 0, 0, 0, |
0, -1, 0, 0, |
0, 0, -1, 0, |
0, 0, 0, 1; |
// clang-format on
open3d::camera::PinholeCameraIntrinsic camera_intrinsic(max_width, max_height, fx, fy, cx, cy); |
auto pcd = std::make_shared<open3d::geometry::PointCloud>(); |
open3d::visualization::Visualizer vis; |
vis.CreateVisualizerWindow("Point Cloud", max_width, max_height); |
bool first = true; |
for (;;) { |
Arducam::FrameFormat format; |
frame = tof.requestFrame(200); |
if (frame == nullptr) { |
continue; |
} |
frame->getFormat(FrameType::DEPTH_FRAME, format); |
std::cout << "frame: (" << format.width << "x" << format.height << ")" << std::endl; |
max_height = format.height; |
max_width = format.width; |
float* depth_ptr = (float*)frame->getData(FrameType::DEPTH_FRAME); |
float* confidence_ptr = (float*)frame->getData(FrameType::CONFIDENCE_FRAME); |
// getPreview(preview_ptr, depth_ptr, confidence_ptr);
cv::Mat result_frame(format.height, format.width, CV_8U, preview_ptr); |
cv::Mat depth_frame(format.height, format.width, CV_32F, depth_ptr); |
cv::Mat confidence_frame(format.height, format.width, CV_32F, confidence_ptr); |
// depth_frame = matRotateClockWise180(depth_frame);
// result_frame = matRotateClockWise180(result_frame);
// confidence_frame = matRotateClockWise180(confidence_frame);
depth_frame.convertTo(result_frame, CV_8U, 255.0 / 7000, 0); |
cv::applyColorMap(result_frame, result_frame, cv::COLORMAP_RAINBOW); |
getPreviewRGB(result_frame, confidence_frame); |
// confidence_frame.convertTo(confidence_frame, CV_8U, 255.0 / 1024, 0);
// cv::imshow("confidence", confidence_frame);
cv::rectangle(result_frame, seletRect, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 2); |
cv::rectangle(result_frame, followRect, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1); |
std::cout << "select Rect distance: " << cv::mean(depth_frame(seletRect)).val[0] << std::endl; |
cv::imshow("preview", result_frame); |
depth_frame.setTo(0, confidence_frame < confidence_value); |
auto depth_image = open3d::geometry::Image(); |
depth_image.Prepare(max_width, max_height, 1, 4); |
memcpy(depth_image.data_.data(), depth_frame.data, depth_image.data_.size()); |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_FX, fx, 100); |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_FY, fy, 100); |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_CX, cx, 100); |
getControl(tof, Control::INTRINSIC_CY, cy, 100); |
auto curr_pcd = open3d::geometry::PointCloud::CreateFromDepthImage( //
depth_image, {max_width, max_height, fx, fy, cx, cy}, Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(), 1000.0, 5000.0); |
// memcpy(pcd->points_.data(), curr_pcd->points_.data(), pcd->points_.size());
pcd->points_ = curr_pcd->points_; |
pcd->Transform(m); |
std::cout << ESC("[?25l"); // hide cursor
std::cout << ESC("7"); // save cursor position
for (; pc_loop(tof, pcd, m);) { |
if (first) { |
vis.AddGeometry(pcd); |
first = false; |
} |
// auto voxel_down_pcd = pcd->VoxelDownSample(20);
// auto tuple = voxel_down_pcd->RemoveStatisticalOutliers(20, 2.0);
// auto inlier_cloud = voxel_down_pcd->SelectByIndex(std::get<std::vector<size_t>>(tuple));
// pcd->points_ = inlier_cloud->points_;
vis.UpdateGeometry(pcd); |
vis.PollEvents(); |
vis.UpdateRender(); |
auto key = cv::waitKey(1); |
if (key == 27 || key == 'q') { |
break; |
} else if (key == 's') { |
open3d::io::WritePointCloudToPCD( //
"pointcloud.pcd", *pcd, |
{ |
open3d::io::WritePointCloudOption::IsAscii::Ascii, |
open3d::io::WritePointCloudOption::Compressed::Uncompressed, |
}); |
} else if (key == 'r') { |
save_image(depth_ptr, format.width, format.height); |
} |
display_fps(); |
tof.releaseFrame(frame); |
std::cout << ESC("8"); // restore cursor position
} |
std::cout << ESC("[?25h"); // show cursor
std::cout << ESC("[6B") << NL; // move cursor down 6 lines
vis.DestroyVisualizerWindow(); |