Archive of an old project to create tools for 8-bit development. This has been superseded
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// Jenkins file to build our dev docker images based on alpine, debian & ubuntu
properties( [
buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '7', numToKeepStr: '10')),
pipelineTriggers([cron('H H * * *')])
// Repository name use, must end with / or be '' for none
repository= ''
// Architectures to build images
AMD64 = 'amd64'
ARM64 = 'arm64v8'
ARM32 = 'arm32v7'
architectures = [ AMD64, ARM64, ARM32 ]
// Predicates for architectures
def targetAny = { target -> true }
def targetNotArm32 = { target -> target != ARM32 }
// The tools to build
// target is the docker target to build this tool
// label is shown in the build logs
// include = predicate to filter out tools not compilable on a platform
tools = [
[ target:"asmx", label:"asmx Assembler", include: targetAny ],
[ target:"beebasm", label:"beebasm Assembler", include: targetAny ],
[ target:"dasm", label:"dasm Assembler", include: targetAny ],
[ target:"z88dk", label:"z88dk Z80 C compiler & Assembler", include: targetAny ],
// beebjit currently fails on ARM32 with a warning in the sound driver
[ target:"beebjit", label:"beebjit BBC Micro Emulator", include: targetNotArm32 ],
[ target:"tools", label:"disk image tool", include: targetAny ],
// The go arch
def goarch = {
architecture -> switch( architecture ) {
case 'amd64':
return 'amd64'
case 'arm32v6':
case 'arm32v7':
return 'arm'
case 'arm64v8':
return 'arm64'
return architecture
// The go arch variant
def goVariant = {
architecture -> switch( architecture ) {
case 'arm32v6':
return '6'
case 'arm32v7':
return '7'
return '""'
def dockerTag2 = {
tag -> '' + tag
def dockerTag = {
architecture -> dockerTag2( architecture + '-latest' )
def dockerBuild = {
architecture, target -> [
goarch( architecture ),
goVariant( architecture ),
].join(' ')
targets = [:]
architectures.each {
architecture -> targets[architecture] = {
node( architecture) {
stage( "Prepare" ) {
// Checkout project & pull relevant images
checkout scm
sh label: "Pull dev image", script: dockerBuild(architecture,'dev')
sh label: "Pull golang image", script: dockerBuild(architecture,'goDev')
stage( "Base Image") {
// Base image with X11 support
sh label: "Install xvfb", script: dockerBuild(architecture,'base')
stage( "Fetch sources" ) {
sh dockerBuild(architecture,'src')
tools.each {
target -> L:{
if( target.include( architecture ) ) {
stage( ) {
sh label: target.label, script: dockerBuild(architecture,
stage( "Push" ) {
sh label: 'Push ' + architecture +' image', script: 'docker push ' + dockerTag(architecture)
stage( "Build" ) {
parallel targets
stage( "MultiArch" ) {
node( "amd64" ) {
stage( "MultiArch" ) {
def multiImage = dockerTag2( 'latest' )
architectures.each {
architecture -> sh label: "Pull " + architecture, script: 'docker pull ' + dockerTag( architecture )
sh label: "Create manifest", script: 'docker manifest create ' + multiImage + ' ' + architectures.collect { architecture -> dockerTag( architecture ) } .join(' ')
architectures.each {
architecture -> sh label: "Annotate " + architecture, script: [
'docker manifest annotate',
'--os linux',
'--arch', goarch( architecture ),
goVariant( architecture ) == '' ? '' : '--variant v' + goVariant( architecture ),
dockerTag( architecture )
].join(' ')
sh label: "Push manifest", script: 'docker manifest push -p ' + multiImage