Browse Source

Diversion/route change, Circling, Clean keys

-New route system check on takeoff/1 min after then every 10 mins,
checks for divert and route change.
-Circling detection, stores traces of track changes, time and coordinates,
triggers once total change of past 20 mins 720 deg and within 15 miles of centroid.
-Sneaky cleaned up keys -_- ;)
Jack Sweeney 3 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 68
  3. 2
  4. 34
  5. 164


@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ discord-webhook = "*"
selenium = "*"
opensky-api = {editable = true, git = "", subdirectory = "python"}
webdriver-manager = "*"
shapely = "*"
python_version = "3.9"

Pipfile.lock generated

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"_meta": {
"hash": {
"sha256": "d41ac7cee51c5e9792798cbe020d3a1231ee1e0af3555771bd296c9afbd77d72"
"sha256": "5131229ab384051accd51e665cc63da8e2d08a651ad0c9df09041fca9f306977"
"pipfile-spec": 6,
"requires": {
@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
"version": "==2021.5.30"
"chardet": {
"charset-normalizer": {
"hashes": [
"markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4'",
"version": "==4.0.0"
"markers": "python_version >= '3'",
"version": "==2.0.4"
"colorama": {
"hashes": [
@ -71,19 +71,19 @@
"geopy": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==2.1.0"
"version": "==2.2.0"
"idna": {
"hashes": [
"markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3'",
"version": "==2.10"
"markers": "python_version >= '3'",
"version": "==3.2"
"oauthlib": {
"hashes": [
@ -114,10 +114,12 @@
@ -126,14 +128,17 @@
"index": "pypi",
@ -176,11 +181,11 @@
"hashes": [
"markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4'",
"version": "==2.25.1"
"markers": "python_version >= '2.7' and python_version not in '3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5'",
"version": "==2.26.0"
"requests-oauthlib": {
"hashes": [
@ -198,6 +203,35 @@
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==3.141.0"
"shapely": {
"hashes": [
"index": "pypi",
"version": "==1.7.1"
"six": {
"hashes": [


@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ try:
from defOpenSky import pull_opensky
planeData, failed = pull_opensky(planes)
if failed == False:
if planeData.states != []:
if planeData != None and planeData.states != []:
# print(planeData.time)
for key, obj in planes.items():
has_data = False


@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
def calculate_from_bearing(frm, to):
'''Calculate inital bearing from one coordinate to next (two tuples of coordinates(lat/lng) in degrees in, returns single bearing)'''
from math import atan2, cos, radians, sin, degrees
frm = (radians(frm[0]), radians(frm[1]))
to = (radians(to[0]), radians(to[1]))
y = sin(to[1]- frm[1]) * cos(to[0])
x = cos(frm[0]) * sin(to[0]) - sin(frm[0]) * cos(to[0]) * cos(to[1]-frm[1])
from_bearing = degrees(atan2(y, x))
if from_bearing < 0:
from_bearing += 360
return from_bearing
def calculate_cardinal(d):
'''Finds cardinal direction from bearing degree'''
dirs = ['N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE', 'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW']
ix = int(round(d / (360. / len(dirs))))
card = dirs[ix % len(dirs)]
return card
def calculate_deg_change(new_heading, original_heading):
'''Calculates change between two headings, returns negative degree if change is left, positive if right'''
normal = abs(original_heading-new_heading)
across_inital = 360 - abs(original_heading-new_heading)
if across_inital < normal:
direction = "left" if original_heading < new_heading else "right"
track_change = across_inital
direction = "right" if original_heading < new_heading else "left"
track_change = normal
if direction == "left":
track_change *= -1
print(f"Track change of {track_change}° which is {direction}")
return track_change


@ -28,9 +28,7 @@ class Plane:
self.landing_plausible = False
self.nav_modes = None
self.last_nav_modes = None
self.recheck_to = None
self.speed = None
self.nearest_airport_dict = None
self.recent_ra_types = {}
self.db_flags = None
self.sel_nav_alt = None
@ -38,6 +36,11 @@ class Plane:
self.squawk = None
self.emergency_already_triggered = None
self.last_emergency = None
self.recheck_route_time = None
self.known_to_airport = None
self.track = None
self.last_track = None
self.circle_history = None
if self.config.has_option('DATA', 'DATA_LOSS_MINS'):
self.data_loss_mins = self.config.getint('DATA', 'DATA_LOSS_MINS')
@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ class Plane:
#print (Fore.YELLOW + "OpenSky Sourced Data: ", ac_dict)
self.__dict__.update({'icao' : ac_dict.icao24.upper(), 'callsign' : ac_dict.callsign, 'latitude' : ac_dict.latitude, 'longitude' : ac_dict.longitude, 'on_ground' : bool(ac_dict.on_ground), 'squawk' : ac_dict.squawk})
self.__dict__.update({'icao' : ac_dict.icao24.upper(), 'callsign' : ac_dict.callsign, 'latitude' : ac_dict.latitude, 'longitude' : ac_dict.longitude, 'on_ground' : bool(ac_dict.on_ground), 'squawk' : ac_dict.squawk, 'track' : float(ac_dict.heading)})
if ac_dict.baro_altitude != None:
self.alt_ft = round(float(ac_dict.baro_altitude) * 3.281)
elif self.on_ground:
@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ class Plane:
#print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict, Style.RESET_ALL)
#postime is divided by 1000 to get seconds from milliseconds, from timestamp expects secs.
self.__dict__.update({'icao' : ac_dict['icao'].upper(), 'callsign' : ac_dict['call'], 'reg' : ac_dict['reg'], 'latitude' : float(ac_dict['lat']), 'longitude' : float(ac_dict['lon']), 'alt_ft' : int(ac_dict['alt']), 'on_ground' : bool(int(ac_dict["gnd"])), 'squawk' : ac_dict['sqk']})
self.__dict__.update({'icao' : ac_dict['icao'].upper(), 'callsign' : ac_dict['call'], 'reg' : ac_dict['reg'], 'latitude' : float(ac_dict['lat']), 'longitude' : float(ac_dict['lon']), 'alt_ft' : int(ac_dict['alt']), 'on_ground' : bool(int(ac_dict["gnd"])), 'squawk' : ac_dict['sqk'], 'track' : float(ac_dict["trak"])})
if self.on_ground:
self.alt_ft = 0
self.last_pos_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ac_dict['postime'])/1000)
@ -120,6 +123,8 @@ class Plane:
self.nav_modes[idx] = self.nav_modes[idx].capitalize()
self.squawk = ac_dict.get('squawk')
if "track" in ac_dict:
self.track = ac_dict['track']
if "nav_altitude_fms" in ac_dict:
self.sel_nav_alt = ac_dict['nav_altitude_fms']
elif "nav_altitude_mcp" in ac_dict:
@ -181,27 +186,55 @@ class Plane:
overlays = ""
return overlays
def route_info(self):
from lookup_route import lookup_route
extra_route_info = lookup_route(self.reg, (self.latitude, self.longitude), self.type, self.alt_ft)
if extra_route_info is None and not self.recheck_to:
self.recheck_to = True
route_to = None
elif extra_route_info is not None:
from lookup_route import lookup_route, clean_data
def route_format(extra_route_info, type):
from defAirport import get_airport_by_icao
to_airport = get_airport_by_icao(extra_route_info['apdstic'])
to_airport = get_airport_by_icao(self.known_to_airport)
code = to_airport['iata_code'] if to_airport['iata_code'] != "" else to_airport['icao']
airport_text = f"{code}, {to_airport['name']}"
if 'arrivalRelative' in extra_route_info.keys() and "In" in extra_route_info['arrivalRelative']:
arrival_rel = "in ~" + extra_route_info['arrivalRelative'].strip("In ")
if 'time_to' in extra_route_info.keys() and type != "divert":
arrival_rel = "in ~" + extra_route_info['time_to']
arrival_rel = None
if extra_route_info['apdstic'] != self.nearest_airport_dict['icao']:
if self.known_to_airport != self.nearest_from_airport:
if type == "inital":
header = "Going to"
elif type == "change":
header = "Now going to"
elif type == "divert":
header = "Now diverting to"
area = f"{to_airport['municipality']}, {to_airport['region']}, {to_airport['iso_country']}"
route_to = f"Going to {area} ({airport_text})" + f" arriving {arrival_rel}" if arrival_rel is not None else ""
route_to = f"{header} {area} ({airport_text})" + (f" arriving {arrival_rel}" if arrival_rel is not None else "")
route_to = f"Will be returning to {airport_text}" + f" {arrival_rel}" if arrival_rel is not None else ""
route_to = None
if type == "inital":
header = "Will be returning to"
elif type == "change":
header = "Now returning to"
elif type == "divert":
header = "Now diverting back to"
route_to = f"{header} {airport_text}" + (f" {arrival_rel}" if arrival_rel is not None else "")
return route_to
extra_route_info = clean_data(lookup_route(self.reg, (self.latitude, self.longitude), self.type, self.alt_ft))
route_to = None
if extra_route_info is None:
elif extra_route_info is not None:
if "divert_icao" in extra_route_info.keys():
if self.known_to_airport != extra_route_info["divert_icao"]:
self.known_to_airport = extra_route_info['divert_icao']
route_to = route_format(extra_route_info, "divert")
elif "dest_icao" in extra_route_info.keys():
#Inital Destination Found
if self.known_to_airport is None:
self.known_to_airport = extra_route_info['dest_icao']
route_to = route_format(extra_route_info, "inital")
#Destination Change
elif self.known_to_airport != extra_route_info["dest_icao"]:
self.known_to_airport = extra_route_info['dest_icao']
route_to = route_format(extra_route_info, "change")
return route_to
def run_empty(self):
@ -332,8 +365,12 @@ class Plane:
landed_time_msg = None
#Proprietary Route Lookup
self.nearest_airport_dict = nearest_airport_dict
self.nearest_from_airport = nearest_airport_dict['icao']
route_to = self.route_info()
if route_to is None:
self.recheck_route_time = 1
self.recheck_route_time = 10
elif self.landed and self.takeoff_time != None:
landed_time = datetime.utcnow() - self.takeoff_time
if trigger_type == "data loss":
@ -382,11 +419,14 @@ class Plane:
self.tweet_api.create_media_metadata(media_id= twitter_media_map_obj.media_id, alt_text= alt_text)
self.tweet_api.update_status(status = ((self.twitter_title + " " + message).strip()), media_ids=[twitter_media_map_obj.media_id])
#Recheck Proprietary Route Lookup a minute later if infomation was not available on takeoff.
if self.recheck_to and self.takeoff_time is not None and (datetime.utcnow() - self.takeoff_time).total_seconds() > 60:
if self.landed:
self.recheck_route_time = None
self.known_to_airport = None
self.nearest_from_airport = None
#Recheck Proprietary Route Info.
if self.takeoff_time is not None and self.recheck_route_time is not None and (datetime.utcnow() - self.takeoff_time).total_seconds() > 60 * self.recheck_route_time:
self.recheck_route_time += 10
route_to = self.route_info()
self.recheck_to = False
self.nearest_takeoff_airport = None
if route_to != None:
@ -399,6 +439,16 @@ class Plane:
tweet = self.tweet_api.user_timeline(count = 1)[0]
self.tweet_api.update_status(status = f"{self.twitter_title} {route_to}".strip(), in_reply_to_status_id =
if self.circle_history is not None:
#Expires traces for circles
if self.circle_history["traces"] != []:
for trace in self.circle_history["traces"]:
if ( - datetime.fromtimestamp(trace[0])).total_seconds() >= 20*60:
print("Trace Expire, removed")
#Expire touchngo
if "touchngo" in self.circle_history.keys() and ( - datetime.fromtimestamp(self.circle_history['touchngo'])).total_seconds() >= 10*60:
if self.feeding:
emergency_squawks ={"7500" : "Hijacking", "7600" :"Radio Failure", "7700" : "General Emergency"}
@ -453,6 +503,73 @@ class Plane:
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
dis_message = (self.dis_title + " Sel. alt. " + str("{:,} ft".format(self.sel_nav_alt)))
if self.last_track is not None:
import time
if self.circle_history is None:
self.circle_history = {"traces" : [], "triggered" : False}
#Add touchngo
if self.on_ground or self.alt_ft <= 400:
self.circle_history["touchngo"] = time.time()
#Add a Trace
if self.on_ground is False:
from calculate_headings import calculate_deg_change
track_change = calculate_deg_change(self.track, self.last_track)
track_change = round(track_change, 3)
self.circle_history["traces"].append((time.time(), self.latitude, self.longitude, track_change))
total_change = 0
coords = []
for trace in self.circle_history["traces"]:
total_change += float(trace[3])
coords.append((float(trace[1]), float(trace[2])))
print("Total Bearing Change", round(total_change, 3))
#Check Centroid when Bearing change meets req
if abs(total_change) >= 720 and self.circle_history['triggered'] is False:
print("Circling Bearing Change Met")
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
from geopy.distance import geodesic
aircraft_coords = (self.latitude, self.longitude)
points = MultiPoint(coords)
cent = (points.centroid) #True centroid, not necessarily an existing point
#rp = (points.representative_point()) #A represenative point, not centroid,
distance_to_centroid = geodesic(aircraft_coords, cent.coords).mi
print(f"Distance to centroid of circling coordinates {distance_to_centroid} miles")
if distance_to_centroid <= 15:
print("Within 15 miles of centroid, CIRCLING")
from defAirport import getClosestAirport
nearest_airport_dict = getClosestAirport(self.latitude, self.longitude, ["medium_airport", "large_airport"])
from calculate_headings import calculate_from_bearing, calculate_cardinal
from_bearing = calculate_from_bearing((float(nearest_airport_dict['latitude_deg']), float(nearest_airport_dict['longitude_deg'])), (self.latitude, self.longitude))
cardinal = calculate_cardinal(from_bearing)
from defSS import get_adsbx_screenshot
url_params = f"icao={self.icao}&zoom=10&largeMode=2&hideButtons&hideSidebar&mapDim=0&overlays={self.get_adsbx_map_overlays()}"
get_adsbx_screenshot(self.map_file_name, url_params)
if nearest_airport_dict['distance_mi'] < 3:
if "touchngo" in self.circle_history.keys():
message = f"Doing touch and goes at {nearest_airport_dict['icao']}"
message = f"Circling over {nearest_airport_dict['icao']} at {self.alt_ft}ft"
message = f"Circling {round(nearest_airport_dict['distance_mi'], 2)}mi {cardinal} of {nearest_airport_dict['icao']}, {nearest_airport_dict['name']} at {self.alt_ft}ft"
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
role_id = self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') if self.config.has_option('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') else None
sendDis(message, self.config, self.map_file_name, role_id)
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'):
twitter_media_map_obj = self.tweet_api.media_upload(self.map_file_name)
alt_text = f"Distance to centroid: {distance_to_centroid}, Total change: {total_change}"
self.tweet_api.create_media_metadata(media_id= twitter_media_map_obj.media_id, alt_text= alt_text)
tweet = self.tweet_api.user_timeline(count = 1)[0]
self.tweet_api.update_status(status = f"{self.twitter_title} {message}".strip(), in_reply_to_status_id =, media_ids=[twitter_media_map_obj.media_id])
self.circle_history['triggered'] = True
elif abs(total_change) <= 360 and self.circle_history["triggered"]:
print("No Longer Circling, trigger cleared")
self.circle_history['triggered'] = False
# #Power Up
# if self.last_feeding == False and self.speed == 0 and self.on_ground:
# if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
@ -461,6 +578,7 @@ class Plane:
#Set Variables to compare to next check
self.last_track = self.track
self.last_feeding = self.feeding
self.last_on_ground = self.on_ground
self.last_below_desired_ft = self.below_desired_ft
