Browse Source

Change output format, show last contact time, Update Twitter usage

Jxck-S 4 years ago
  1. 66


@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ class Plane:
#Platform for determining OS for strftime
import platform
from datetime import datetime
from tabulate import tabulate
from defAirport import getAirport
if self.config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "GOOGLESTATICMAP":
from defMap import getMap
@ -79,9 +81,9 @@ class Plane:
if ac_dict != None:
#print (Fore.YELLOW + "OpenSky Sourced Data: ", ac_dict)
self.plane_Dict ={'icao' : ac_dict.icao24.upper(), 'callsign' : ac_dict.callsign, 'latitude' : ac_dict.latitude, 'longitude' : ac_dict.longitude, 'on_ground' : bool(ac_dict.on_ground)}
self.plane_Dict ={'icao' : ac_dict.icao24.upper(), 'callsign' : ac_dict.callsign, 'latitude' : ac_dict.latitude, 'longitude' : ac_dict.longitude, 'on_ground' : bool(ac_dict.on_ground), 'last_contact' : ac_dict.last_contact}
if ac_dict.geo_altitude != None:
self.plane_Dict['geo_alt_ft'] = float(ac_dict.geo_altitude) * 3.281
self.plane_Dict['geo_alt_ft'] = round(float(ac_dict.geo_altitude) * 3.281)
elif self.plane_Dict['on_ground']:
self.plane_Dict['geo_alt_ft'] = 0
except ValueError as e:
@ -96,9 +98,10 @@ class Plane:
elif main_config.get('DATA', 'SOURCE') == "ADSBX":
self.val_error = False
if ac_dict != None:
#print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict + Style.RESET_ALL)
#print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict, Style.RESET_ALL)
self.plane_Dict = {'icao' : ac_dict['icao'], 'callsign' : ac_dict['call'], 'reg' : ac_dict['reg'], 'latitude' : float(ac_dict['lat']), 'longitude' : float(ac_dict['lon']), 'geo_alt_ft' : int(ac_dict['galt']), 'on_ground' : bool(int(ac_dict["gnd"]))}
#postime is divided by 1000 to get seconds from milliseconds, from timestamp expects secs.
self.plane_Dict = {'icao' : ac_dict['icao'], 'callsign' : ac_dict['call'], 'reg' : ac_dict['reg'], 'latitude' : float(ac_dict['lat']), 'longitude' : float(ac_dict['lon']), 'geo_alt_ft' : int(ac_dict['galt']), 'on_ground' : bool(int(ac_dict["gnd"])), 'last_contact' : round(float(ac_dict["postime"])/1000)}
if self.plane_Dict['on_ground']:
self.plane_Dict['geo_alt_ft'] = 0
except ValueError as e:
@ -112,26 +115,45 @@ class Plane:
self.plane_Dict['from_location'] = ac_dict["from"]
self.plane_Dict = None
print (Fore.CYAN + "ICAO:", self.icao + Style.RESET_ALL)
#print (Fore.CYAN + "ICAO:", self.icao + Style.RESET_ALL)
#Print out data, and convert to locals
if self.val_error is False:
if self.plane_Dict == None:
self.feeding = False
print(tabulate([[(Fore.CYAN + "ICAO" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.icao + Style.RESET_ALL)]], [], 'fancy_grid'))
print("No Data")
elif self.plane_Dict != None:
self.feeding = True
if "reg" in self.plane_Dict.keys():
print(Fore.CYAN + "Registration: ", self.reg)
if "from_location" in self.plane_Dict.keys():
print("From: ", self.from_location)
if "to_location" in self.plane_Dict.keys():
print("To: ", self.to_location)
print (Fore.CYAN + "Callsign: ", self.callsign)
print ("On Ground: ", self.on_ground)
print ("Latitude: ", self.latitude)
print ("Longitude: ", self.longitude)
print ("GEO Alitude Ft: ", self.geo_alt_ft, Style.RESET_ALL)
#if "reg" in self.plane_Dict.keys():
#print(Fore.CYAN + "Registration: ", self.reg)
#if "from_location" in self.plane_Dict.keys():
#print("From: ", self.from_location)
#if "to_location" in self.plane_Dict.keys():
#print("To: ", self.to_location)
if "last_contact" in self.plane_Dict.keys():
last_contact = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.last_contact)
time_since = - last_contact
#print(Fore.CYAN + "Time Since Contact:", time_since)
#print (Fore.CYAN + "Callsign: ", self.callsign)
#print ("On Ground: ", self.on_ground)
#print ("Latitude: ", self.latitude)
#print ("Longitude: ", self.longitude)
#print ("GEO Alitude Ft: ", self.geo_alt_ft, Style.RESET_ALL)
output = [
[(Fore.CYAN + "ICAO" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.icao + Style.RESET_ALL)],
[(Fore.CYAN + "Callsign" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.callsign + Style.RESET_ALL)],
[(Fore.CYAN + "Reg" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.reg + Style.RESET_ALL)] if "reg" in self.plane_Dict.keys() else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "From" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.from_location + Style.RESET_ALL)] if "from_location" in self.plane_Dict.keys() else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "To" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.to_location + Style.RESET_ALL)] if "to_location" in self.plane_Dict.keys() else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "Latitude" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(self.latitude) + Style.RESET_ALL)],
[(Fore.CYAN + "Longitude" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(self.longitude) + Style.RESET_ALL)],
[(Fore.CYAN + "Last Contact" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(time_since) + Style.RESET_ALL)],
[(Fore.CYAN + "On Ground" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(self.on_ground) + Style.RESET_ALL)],
[(Fore.CYAN + "GEO Alitude Ft" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(self.geo_alt_ft) + Style.RESET_ALL)]
output = list(filter(None, output))
print(tabulate(output, [], 'fancy_grid'))
#Set Check for inconsistancy in data
if not self.last_recheck_needed:
#Recheck needed if feeding state changes
@ -304,7 +326,11 @@ class Plane:
push = self.pb_channel.push_file(**map_data)
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'):
self.tweet_api.update_with_media(self.map_file_name, status = (self.twitter_title + " " + self.tookoff_message).strip())
twitter_media_map_obj = self.tweet_api.media_upload(self.map_file_name)
alt_text = "Call: " + self.callsign + " On Ground: " + str(self.on_ground) + " Alt: " + str(self.geo_alt_ft) + " Last Contact: " + str(time_since) + " Trigger: " + self.trigger_type
self.tweet_api.create_media_metadata(media_id= twitter_media_map_obj.media_id, alt_text= alt_text)
self.tweet_api.update_status(status = ((self.twitter_title + " " + self.tookoff_message).strip()), media_ids=[twitter_media_map_obj.media_id])
#self.tweet_api.update_with_media(self.map_file_name, status = (self.twitter_title + " " + self.tookoff_message).strip())
self.takeoff_time = time.time()
@ -342,7 +368,11 @@ class Plane:
push = self.pb_channel.push_file(**map_data)
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'):
self.tweet_api.update_with_media(self.map_file_name, status = (self.twitter_title + " " + self.landed_message).strip())
twitter_media_map_obj = self.tweet_api.media_upload(self.map_file_name)
alt_text = "Call: " + self.callsign + " On Ground: " + str(self.on_ground) + " Alt: " + str(self.geo_alt_ft) + " Last Contact: " + str(time_since) + " Trigger: " + self.trigger_type
self.tweet_api.create_media_metadata(media_id= twitter_media_map_obj.media_id, alt_text= alt_text)
self.tweet_api.update_status(status = ((self.twitter_title + " " + self.landed_message).strip()), media_ids=[twitter_media_map_obj.media_id])
#self.tweet_api.update_with_media(self.map_file_name, status = (self.twitter_title + " " + self.landed_message).strip())
self.takeoff_time = None
self.landed_time = None
self.time_since_tk = None
