@ -16,53 +16,51 @@ class Plane:
self.callsign = None |
self.takeoff_time = None |
self.reg = None |
self.map_file_name = icao.upper() + "_map.png" |
def getICAO(self): |
return self.icao |
def run(self, plane_Dict): |
def run(self, ac_dict): |
#Import Modules |
#Clear Terminal |
print("\033[H\033[J") |
#print("\033[H\033[J") |
#Ability to Remove old Map |
import os |
#Setup Geopy |
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim |
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="OpenSkyBot", timeout=5) |
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="NotifyBot", timeout=5) |
import time |
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style |
from defOpenSky import pullOpenSky |
from defADSBX import pullADSBX |
#Setup Config File |
import configparser |
config = configparser.ConfigParser() |
config.read(self.conf_file) |
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() |
self.config.read(self.conf_file) |
main_config = configparser.ConfigParser() |
main_config.read('mainconf.ini') |
if config.getboolean('GOOGLE', 'STATICMAP_ENABLE'): |
if self.config.getboolean('GOOGLE', 'STATICMAP_ENABLE'): |
from defMap import getMap |
else: |
from defSS import getSS |
if config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'): |
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'): |
from defDiscord import sendDis |
#Setup Tweepy |
if config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'): |
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'): |
from defTweet import tweepysetup |
tweet_api = tweepysetup() |
self.tweet_api = tweepysetup() |
#Setup PushBullet |
if config.getboolean('PUSHBULLET', 'ENABLE'): |
if self.config.getboolean('PUSHBULLET', 'ENABLE'): |
from pushbullet import Pushbullet |
pb = Pushbullet(config['PUSHBULLET']['API_KEY']) |
pb_channel = pb.get_channel(config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'CHANNEL_TAG')) |
self.pb = Pushbullet(self.config['PUSHBULLET']['API_KEY']) |
self.pb_channel = pb.get_channel(self.config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'CHANNEL_TAG')) |
#Set Plane ICAO |
icao = config.get('DATA', 'ICAO').upper() |
#Pre Set Non Reseting Variables |
running_Count +=1 |
start_time = time.time() |
print (Back.MAGENTA, "--------", running_Count, "-------------------------------------------------------------", Style.RESET_ALL) |
self.running_Count +=1 |
self.start_time = time.time() |
print (Back.MAGENTA, "--------", self.running_Count, "----------------------------- ICAO:", self.icao, "--------------------------", Style.RESET_ALL) |
#Reset Variables |
self.below_desired_ft = None |
self.geo_alt_ft = None |
@ -71,189 +69,201 @@ class Plane:
self.on_ground = None |
#Get API States for Plane |
self.plane_Dict = None |
if config.get('DATA', 'SOURCE') == "OPENS": |
plane_Dict, failed = pullOpenSky(icao) |
print (Fore.YELLOW) |
print ("OpenSky Sourced Data: ", plane_Dict) |
print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
elif config.get('DATA', 'SOURCE') == "ADSBX": |
plane_Dict, failed = pullADSBX(icao) |
print (Fore.YELLOW) |
print ("ADSBX Sourced Data: ", plane_Dict) |
print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
if main_config.get('DATA', 'SOURCE') == "OPENS": |
raise NotImplementedError |
#plane_Dict, failed = pullOpenSky(icao) |
#print (Fore.YELLOW) |
#print ("OpenSky Sourced Data: ", plane_Dict) |
#print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
elif main_config.get('DATA', 'SOURCE') == "ADSBX": |
self.val_error = False |
if ac_dict != None: |
try: |
self.plane_Dict = {'icao' : ac_dict['icao'], 'callsign' : ac_dict['call'], 'reg' : ac_dict['reg'], 'latitude' : float(ac_dict['lat']), 'longitude' : float(ac_dict['lon']), 'geo_alt_ft' : int(ac_dict['galt']), 'on_ground' : bool(int(ac_dict["gnd"]))} |
if self.plane_Dict['on_ground']: |
self.plane_Dict['geo_alt_ft'] = 0 |
except ValueError as e: |
self.plane_Dict = None |
self.val_error = True |
print("Got data but some data is invalid!") |
print(e) |
else: |
self.plane_Dict = None |
print (Fore.YELLOW) |
print ("ADSBX Sourced Data: ", self.plane_Dict) |
print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
print (Fore.CYAN) |
print ("Failed:", failed) |
print ("ICAO:", icao) |
print ("ICAO:", self.icao) |
print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
#Pull Variables from plane_Dict |
if failed is False: |
if plane_Dict == None: |
feeding = False |
elif plane_Dict != None: |
locals().update(plane_Dict) |
if self.val_error is False: |
if self.plane_Dict == None: |
self.feeding = False |
elif self.plane_Dict != None: |
self.__dict__.update(self.plane_Dict) |
print (Fore.CYAN) |
if config.get('DATA', 'SOURCE') == "ADSBX": |
print("Registration: ", reg) |
if main_config.get('DATA', 'SOURCE') == "ADSBX": |
print("Registration: ", self.reg) |
else: |
print("Registration: ", "Only shows when using ADSBX!") |
print ("Callsign: ", callsign) |
print ("On Ground: ", on_ground) |
print ("Latitude: ", latitude) |
print ("Longitude: ", longitude) |
print ("GEO Alitude Ft: ", geo_alt_ft) |
print ("Callsign: ", self.callsign) |
print ("On Ground: ", self.on_ground) |
print ("Latitude: ", self.latitude) |
print ("Longitude: ", self.longitude) |
print ("GEO Alitude Ft: ", self.geo_alt_ft) |
print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
#Lookup Location of coordinates |
if longitude != None and latitude != None: |
combined = f"{latitude}, {longitude}" |
if self.longitude != None and self.latitude != None: |
self.combined = f"{self.latitude}, {self.longitude}" |
try: |
location = geolocator.reverse(combined) |
except: |
print ("Geopy API Error") |
self.location = geolocator.reverse(self.combined) |
except BaseException as e: |
print ("Geopy API Error", e) |
print (Fore.YELLOW) |
# print ("Geopy debug: ", location.raw) |
print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
feeding = True |
self.feeding = True |
else: |
print (Fore.RED + 'No Location') |
feeding = False |
self.feeding = False |
print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
#Figure if valid location, valid being geopy finds a location |
if feeding: |
if self.feeding: |
try: |
geoError = location.raw['error'] |
self.geoError = self.location.raw['error'] |
except KeyError: |
invalid_Location = False |
geoError = None |
self.invalid_Location = False |
self.geoError = None |
else: |
invalid_Location = True |
self.invalid_Location = True |
print ("Invalid Location: ", invalid_Location) |
print ("Invalid Location: ", self.invalid_Location) |
if invalid_Location: |
if self.invalid_Location: |
print (Fore.RED) |
print (geoError) |
print (self.geoError) |
print ("Likely Over Water or Invalid Location") |
print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
#Convert Full address to sep variables only if Valid Location |
elif invalid_Location is False: |
address = location.raw['address'] |
country = address.get('country', '') |
country_code = address.get('country_code', '').upper() |
state = address.get('state', '') |
county = address.get('county', '') |
city = address.get('city', '') |
town = address.get('town', '') |
hamlet = address.get('hamlet', '') |
elif self.invalid_Location is False: |
self.address = self.location.raw['address'] |
self.country = self.address.get('country', '') |
self.country_code = self.address.get('country_code', '').upper() |
self.state = self.address.get('state', '') |
self.county = self.address.get('county', '') |
self.city = self.address.get('city', '') |
self.town = self.address.get('town', '') |
self.hamlet = self.address.get('hamlet', '') |
# print (Fore.YELLOW) |
# print ("Address Fields debug: ", address) |
# print ("Address Fields debug: ", self.address) |
# print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
print (Fore.GREEN) |
print("Entire Address: ", location.address) |
print ("Country Code: ", country_code) |
print ("Country: ", country) |
print ("State: ", state) |
print ("City: ", city) |
print ("Town: ", town) |
print ("Hamlet: ", hamlet) |
print ("County: ", county) |
print("Entire Address: ", self.location.address) |
print ("Country Code: ", self.country_code) |
print ("Country: ", self.country) |
print ("State: ", self.state) |
print ("City: ", self.city) |
print ("Town: ", self.town) |
print ("Hamlet: ", self.hamlet) |
print ("County: ", self.county) |
print(Style.RESET_ALL) |
#Check if below desire ft |
if geo_alt_ft is None: |
below_desired_ft = False |
elif geo_alt_ft < 10000: |
below_desired_ft = True |
if self.geo_alt_ft is None: |
self.below_desired_ft = False |
elif self.geo_alt_ft < 10000: |
self.below_desired_ft = True |
#Check if tookoff |
tookoff = bool(invalid_Location is False and below_desired_ft and on_ground is False and ((last_feeding is False and feeding) or (last_on_ground))) |
print ("Tookoff Just Now:", tookoff) |
self.tookoff = bool(self.invalid_Location is False and self.below_desired_ft and self.on_ground is False and ((self.last_feeding is False and self.feeding) or (self.last_on_ground))) |
print ("Tookoff Just Now:", self.tookoff) |
#Check if Landed |
landed = bool(last_below_desired_ft and invalid_Location is False and ((last_feeding and feeding is False and last_on_ground is False) or (on_ground and last_on_ground is False))) |
print ("Landed Just Now:", landed) |
self.landed = bool(self.last_below_desired_ft and self.invalid_Location is False and ((self.last_feeding and self.feeding is False and self.last_on_ground is False) or (self.on_ground and self.last_on_ground is False))) |
print ("Landed Just Now:", self.landed) |
#Chose city town county or hamlet for location as not all are always avalible. |
if feeding and invalid_Location is False: |
aera_hierarchy = city or town or county or hamlet |
if self.feeding and self.invalid_Location is False: |
self.aera_hierarchy = self.city or self.town or self.county or self.hamlet |
#Takeoff Notifcation and Landed |
if tookoff: |
tookoff_message = ("Just took off from" + " " + aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code) |
if self.tookoff: |
tookoff_message = ("Just took off from" + " " + self.aera_hierarchy + ", " + self.state + ", " + self.country_code) |
print (tookoff_message) |
#Google Map or tar1090 screenshot |
if config.getboolean('GOOGLE', 'STATICMAP_ENABLE'): |
getMap(aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code) |
if self.config.getboolean('GOOGLE', 'STATICMAP_ENABLE'): |
getMap(self.aera_hierarchy + ", " + self.state + ", " + self.country_code) |
else: |
getSS(icao) |
getSS(self.icao) |
#Discord |
if config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'): |
dis_message = config.get('DISCORD', 'TITLE') + " " + tookoff_message |
sendDis(dis_message) |
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'): |
self.dis_message = self.config.get('DISCORD', 'TITLE') + " " + self.tookoff_message |
sendDis(dis_message, self.map_file_name) |
#PushBullet |
if config.getboolean('PUSHBULLET', 'ENABLE'): |
with open("map.png", "rb") as pic: |
if self.config.getboolean('PUSHBULLET', 'ENABLE'): |
with open(self.map_file_name, "rb") as pic: |
map_data = pb.upload_file(pic, "Tookoff IMG") |
push = pb_channel.push_note(config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'TITLE'), tookoff_message) |
push = pb_channel.push_file(**map_data) |
push = self.pb_channel.push_note(self.config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'TITLE'), self.tookoff_message) |
push = self.pb_channel.push_file(**map_data) |
#Twitter |
if config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'): |
tweet_api.update_with_media("map.png", status = tookoff_message) |
takeoff_time = time.time() |
os.remove("map.png") |
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'): |
self.tweet_api.update_with_media(self.map_file_name, status = self.tookoff_message) |
self.takeoff_time = time.time() |
os.remove(self.map_file_name) |
if landed: |
landed_time_msg = "" |
if takeoff_time != None: |
landed_time = time.time() - takeoff_time |
landed_time_msg = time.strftime("Apx. flt. time %H Hours : %M Mins ", time.gmtime(landed_time)) |
landed_message = ("Landed just now in" + " " + aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code + ". " + landed_time_msg) |
if self.landed: |
self.landed_time_msg = "" |
if self.takeoff_time != None: |
self.landed_time = time.time() - self.takeoff_time |
self.landed_time_msg = time.strftime("Apx. flt. time %H Hours : %M Mins ", self.time.gmtime(landed_time)) |
self.landed_message = ("Landed just now in" + " " + self.aera_hierarchy + ", " + self.state + ", " + self.country_code + ". " + self.landed_time_msg) |
print (landed_message) |
#Google Map or tar1090 screenshot |
if config.getboolean('GOOGLE', 'STATICMAP_ENABLE'): |
getMap(aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code) |
if self.config.getboolean('GOOGLE', 'STATICMAP_ENABLE'): |
getMap(self.aera_hierarchy + ", " + self.state + ", " + self.country_code) |
else: |
getSS(icao) |
getSS(self.icao) |
#Discord |
if config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'): |
dis_message = config.get('DISCORD', 'TITLE') + " " + landed_message |
sendDis(dis_message) |
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'): |
self.dis_message = self.config.get('DISCORD', 'TITLE') + " " + self.landed_message |
sendDis(self.dis_message, self.map_file_name) |
#PushBullet |
if config.getboolean('PUSHBULLET', 'ENABLE'): |
with open("map.png", "rb") as pic: |
if self.config.getboolean('PUSHBULLET', 'ENABLE'): |
with open(self.map_file_name, "rb") as pic: |
map_data = pb.upload_file(pic, "Landed IMG") |
push = pb_channel.push_note(config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'TITLE'), landed_message) |
push = pb_channel.push_file(**map_data) |
push = self.pb_channel.push_note(self.config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'TITLE'), self.landed_message) |
push = self.pb_channel.push_file(**map_data) |
#Twitter |
if config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'): |
tweet_api.update_with_media("map.png", status = landed_message) |
takeoff_time = None |
landed_time = None |
time_since_tk = None |
os.remove("map.png") |
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'): |
self.tweet_api.update_with_media(self.map_file_name, status = self.landed_message) |
self.takeoff_time = None |
self.landed_time = None |
self.time_since_tk = None |
os.remove(self.map_file_name) |
#Set Variables to compare to next check |
last_feeding = feeding |
last_geo_alt_ft = geo_alt_ft |
last_on_ground = on_ground |
last_below_desired_ft = below_desired_ft |
self.last_feeding = self.feeding |
self.last_geo_alt_ft = self.geo_alt_ft |
self.last_on_ground = self.on_ground |
self.last_below_desired_ft = self.below_desired_ft |
elif failed: |
print ("Failed to connect to data source rechecking in 15s") |
elif self.val_error: |
print ("Failed to Parse Will Recheck this Plane After new data") |
if takeoff_time != None: |
elapsed_time = time.time() - takeoff_time |
time_since_tk = time.strftime("Time Since Take off %H Hours : %M Mins : %S Secs", time.gmtime(elapsed_time)) |
print(time_since_tk) |
if self.takeoff_time != None: |
self.elapsed_time = self.time.time() - self.takeoff_time |
self.time_since_tk = self.time.strftime("Time Since Take off %H Hours : %M Mins : %S Secs", time.gmtime(self.elapsed_time)) |
print(self.time_since_tk) |
elapsed_calc_time = time.time() - start_time |
self.elapsed_calc_time = time.time() - self.start_time |
print (Back.MAGENTA, "--------", running_Count, "------------------------Elapsed Time- ", elapsed_calc_time, "-------------------------------------", Style.RESET_ALL) |
print (Back.MAGENTA, "--------", self.running_Count, "------------------------Elapsed Time- ", self.elapsed_calc_time, "-------------------------------------", Style.RESET_ALL) |