@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ class Plane:
self.last_longitude = None |
self.last_contact = None |
self.landing_plausible = False |
self.last_squawk = None |
self.squawk = None |
self.nav_modes = None |
self.last_nav_modes = None |
def getICAO(self): |
return self.icao |
def run_OPENS(self, ac_dict): |
@ -41,20 +45,16 @@ class Plane:
else: |
self.feeding = True |
self.run_check() |
def run_ADSBX(self, ac_dict): |
#Parse ADBSX Vector |
def run_ADSBXv1(self, ac_dict): |
#Parse ADBSX V1 Vector |
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style |
self.printheader("head") |
#print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict, Style.RESET_ALL) |
try: |
#postime is divided by 1000 to get seconds from milliseconds, from timestamp expects secs. |
self.__dict__.update({'icao' : ac_dict['icao'], 'callsign' : ac_dict['call'], 'reg' : ac_dict['reg'], 'latitude' : float(ac_dict['lat']), 'longitude' : float(ac_dict['lon']), 'geo_alt_ft' : int(ac_dict['galt']), 'on_ground' : bool(int(ac_dict["gnd"])), 'last_contact' : round(float(ac_dict["postime"])/1000)}) |
self.__dict__.update({'icao' : ac_dict['icao'], 'callsign' : ac_dict['call'], 'reg' : ac_dict['reg'], 'squawk' : ac_dict['sqk'], 'latitude' : float(ac_dict['lat']), 'longitude' : float(ac_dict['lon']), 'geo_alt_ft' : int(ac_dict['galt']), 'on_ground' : bool(int(ac_dict["gnd"])), 'last_contact' : round(float(ac_dict["postime"])/1000)}) |
if self.on_ground: |
self.geo_alt_ft = 0 |
if "to" in ac_dict.keys(): |
self.to_location = ac_dict["to"] |
if "from" in ac_dict.keys(): |
self.from_location = ac_dict["from"] |
except ValueError as e: |
print("Got data but some data is invalid!") |
@ -64,6 +64,46 @@ class Plane:
else: |
self.feeding = True |
self.run_check() |
def run_ADSBXv2(self, ac_dict): |
#Parse ADBSX V2 Vector |
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style |
self.printheader("head") |
#print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict, Style.RESET_ALL) |
try: |
self.__dict__.update({'icao' : ac_dict['hex'].upper(), 'reg' : ac_dict['r'], 'squawk' : ac_dict['squawk'], 'latitude' : float(ac_dict['lat']), 'longitude' : float(ac_dict['lon'])}) |
if 'alt_geom' in ac_dict: |
self.geo_alt_ft = int(ac_dict['alt_geom']) |
elif 'alt_geom' not in ac_dict and 'alt_baro' in ac_dict: |
self.geo_alt_ft =int(ac_dict['alt_baro']) |
if 'flight' in ac_dict: |
self.callsign = ac_dict['flight'] |
if ac_dict['alt_baro'] == "ground": |
self.geo_alt_ft = 0 |
self.on_ground = True |
elif ac_dict['alt_baro'] != "ground": |
self.on_ground = False |
if'nav_modes' in ac_dict: |
self.nav_modes = ac_dict['nav_modes'] |
for idx, mode in enumerate(self.nav_modes): |
if mode == ('tcas' or 'lnav' or 'vnav'): |
self.nav_modes[idx] = self.nav_modes[idx].upper() |
else: |
self.nav_modes[idx] = self.nav_modes[idx].capitalize() |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta |
#Create last seen timestamp from how long ago in secs a pos was rec |
now = datetime.now() |
last_pos_datetime = now - timedelta(seconds= ac_dict["seen_pos"]) |
self.last_contact = datetime.timestamp(last_pos_datetime) |
except (ValueError, KeyError) as e: |
print("Got data but some data is invalid!") |
print(e) |
print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict, Style.RESET_ALL) |
self.printheader("foot") |
else: |
self.feeding = True |
self.run_check() |
def printheader(self, type): |
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style |
if type == "head": |
@ -137,15 +177,15 @@ class Plane:
time_since_contact = self.get_time_since(self.last_contact) |
output = [ |
[(Fore.CYAN + "ICAO" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.icao + Style.RESET_ALL)], |
[(Fore.CYAN + "Callsign" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.callsign + Style.RESET_ALL)], |
[(Fore.CYAN + "Callsign" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.callsign + Style.RESET_ALL)] if self.callsign != None else None, |
[(Fore.CYAN + "Reg" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.reg + Style.RESET_ALL)] if "reg" in self.__dict__ else None, |
[(Fore.CYAN + "From" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.from_location + Style.RESET_ALL)] if "from_location" in self.__dict__ else None, |
[(Fore.CYAN + "To" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.to_location + Style.RESET_ALL)] if "to_location" in self.__dict__ else None, |
[(Fore.CYAN + "Squawk" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.squawk + Style.RESET_ALL)] if "squawk" in self.__dict__ else None, |
[(Fore.CYAN + "Latitude" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(self.latitude) + Style.RESET_ALL)], |
[(Fore.CYAN + "Longitude" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(self.longitude) + Style.RESET_ALL)], |
[(Fore.CYAN + "Last Contact" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(time_since_contact).split(".")[0]+ Style.RESET_ALL)], |
[(Fore.CYAN + "On Ground" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(self.on_ground) + Style.RESET_ALL)], |
[(Fore.CYAN + "GEO Alitude" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str("{:,} ft".format(self.geo_alt_ft)) + Style.RESET_ALL)] |
[(Fore.CYAN + "GEO Alitude" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str("{:,} ft".format(self.geo_alt_ft)) + Style.RESET_ALL)], |
[(Fore.CYAN + "Nav Modes" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + ', '.join(self.nav_modes) + Style.RESET_ALL)] if "nav_modes" in self.__dict__ and self.nav_modes != None else None, |
] |
output = list(filter(None, output)) |
print(tabulate(output, [], 'fancy_grid')) |
@ -161,11 +201,11 @@ class Plane:
if self.last_on_ground: |
self.tookoff = True |
self.trigger_type = "no longer on ground" |
self.tookoff_header = "Took off from " |
self.type_header = "Took off from " |
elif self.last_feeding is False and self.feeding and self.landing_plausible == False: |
self.tookoff = True |
self.trigger_type = "data acquisition" |
self.tookoff_header = "Took off near " |
self.type_header = "Took off near " |
else: |
self.tookoff = False |
else: |
@ -179,7 +219,7 @@ class Plane:
if self.on_ground and self.last_on_ground is False and self.last_below_desired_ft: |
self.landed = True |
self.trigger_type = "now on ground" |
self.landed_header = "Landed in " |
self.type_header = "Landed in " |
self.landing_plausible = False |
#Set status for landing plausible |
elif self.last_below_desired_ft and self.last_feeding and self.feeding is False and self.last_on_ground is False: |
@ -190,7 +230,7 @@ class Plane:
self.landing_plausible = False |
self.landed = True |
self.trigger_type = "data loss" |
self.landed_header = "Landed near " |
self.type_header = "Landed near " |
else: |
self.landed = False |
@ -263,59 +303,26 @@ class Plane:
#Set Twitter Title |
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'): |
self.twitter_title = self.icao if self.config.get('TWITTER', 'TITLE') == "icao" else self.callsign if self.config.get('TWITTER', 'TITLE') == "callsign" else self.config.get('TWITTER', 'TITLE') |
#Takeoff Notifcation and Landed |
if self.tookoff: |
if invalid_Location is False: |
tookoff_message = (self.tookoff_header + aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code + ". ") |
else: |
tookoff_message = ("Took off") |
print (tookoff_message) |
#Google Map or tar1090 screenshot |
if self.config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "GOOGLESTATICMAP": |
getMap((aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code), self.icao) |
elif self.config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "ADSBX": |
getSS(self.icao, self.overlays) |
if nearest_airport_dict != None: |
append_airport(self.map_file_name, nearest_airport_dict['icao'], nearest_airport_dict['name'], nearest_airport_dict['distance']) |
airport_string = nearest_airport_dict['icao'] + ", " + nearest_airport_dict["name"] |
else: |
airport_string = "" |
else: |
raise Exception("Map option not set correctly in this planes conf") |
#Discord |
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'): |
dis_message = (self.dis_title + " " + tookoff_message + airport_string).strip() |
sendDis(dis_message, self.map_file_name, self.config) |
#PushBullet |
if self.config.getboolean('PUSHBULLET', 'ENABLE'): |
with open(self.map_file_name, "rb") as pic: |
map_data = self.pb.upload_file(pic, "Tookoff IMG") |
self.pb_channel.push_note(self.config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'TITLE'), tookoff_message) |
self.pb_channel.push_file(**map_data) |
#Twitter |
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'): |
twitter_media_map_obj = self.tweet_api.media_upload(self.map_file_name) |
alt_text = "Call: " + self.callsign + " On Ground: " + str(self.on_ground) + " Alt: " + str(self.geo_alt_ft) + " Last Contact: " + str(time_since_contact) + " Trigger: " + self.trigger_type |
self.tweet_api.create_media_metadata(media_id= twitter_media_map_obj.media_id, alt_text= alt_text) |
self.tweet_api.update_status(status = ((self.twitter_title + " " + tookoff_message).strip()), media_ids=[twitter_media_map_obj.media_id]) |
#self.tweet_api.update_with_media(self.map_file_name, status = (self.twitter_title + " " + tookoff_message).strip()) |
self.takeoff_time = time.time() |
os.remove(self.map_file_name) |
if self.landed: |
self.landed_time_msg = "" |
if self.takeoff_time != None: |
#Takeoff and Land Notification |
if self.tookoff or self.landed: |
if self.tookoff: |
self.takeoff_time = time.time() |
self.landed_time_msg = None |
elif self.landed and self.takeoff_time != None: |
self.landed_time = time.time() - self.takeoff_time |
if platform.system() == "Linux": |
self.landed_time_msg = time.strftime("Apx. flt. time %-H Hours : %-M Mins. ", time.gmtime(self.landed_time)) |
elif platform.system() == "Windows": |
self.landed_time_msg = time.strftime("Apx. flt. time %#H Hours : %#M Mins. ", time.gmtime(self.landed_time)) |
self.takeoff_time = None |
self.landed_time = None |
elif self.landed: |
self.landed_time_msg = None |
if invalid_Location is False: |
landed_message = (self.landed_header + aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code + ". " + self.landed_time_msg) |
message = (self.type_header + aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code + ".") + ((" " + self.landed_time_msg) if self.landed_time_msg != None else "") |
else: |
landed_message = ("Landed" + ", " + self.landed_time_msg) |
print (landed_message) |
message = ("Landed" + ((" " + self.landed_time_msg) if self.landed_time_msg != None else "") if self.landed else "Tookoff" if self.tookoff else "") |
print (message) |
#Google Map or tar1090 screenshot |
if self.config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "GOOGLESTATICMAP": |
getMap((aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code), self.icao) |
@ -326,31 +333,58 @@ class Plane:
airport_string = nearest_airport_dict['icao'] + ", " + nearest_airport_dict["name"] |
else: |
airport_string = "" |
else: |
raise Exception("Map option not set correctly in this planes conf") |
#Discord |
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'): |
dis_message = (self.dis_title + " " + landed_message + " " + airport_string).strip() |
dis_message = (self.dis_title + " " + message + " " + airport_string).strip() |
sendDis(dis_message, self.map_file_name, self.config) |
#PushBullet |
if self.config.getboolean('PUSHBULLET', 'ENABLE'): |
with open(self.map_file_name, "rb") as pic: |
map_data = self.pb.upload_file(pic, "Landed IMG") |
self.pb_channel.push_note(self.config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'TITLE'), landed_message) |
map_data = self.pb.upload_file(pic, "Tookoff IMG") |
self.pb_channel.push_note(self.config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'TITLE'), message) |
self.pb_channel.push_file(**map_data) |
#Twitter |
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'): |
twitter_media_map_obj = self.tweet_api.media_upload(self.map_file_name) |
alt_text = "Call: " + self.callsign + " On Ground: " + str(self.on_ground) + " Alt: " + str(self.geo_alt_ft) + " Last Contact: " + str(time_since_contact) + " Trigger: " + self.trigger_type |
self.tweet_api.create_media_metadata(media_id= twitter_media_map_obj.media_id, alt_text= alt_text) |
self.tweet_api.update_status(status = ((self.twitter_title + " " + landed_message).strip()), media_ids=[twitter_media_map_obj.media_id]) |
#self.tweet_api.update_with_media(self.map_file_name, status = (self.twitter_title + " " + landed_message).strip()) |
self.takeoff_time = None |
self.landed_time = None |
self.time_since_tk = None |
self.tweet_api.update_status(status = ((self.twitter_title + " " + message).strip()), media_ids=[twitter_media_map_obj.media_id]) |
#self.tweet_api.update_with_media(self.map_file_name, status = (self.twitter_title + " " + tookoff_message).strip()) |
os.remove(self.map_file_name) |
self.last_contact = None |
#Squawks |
squawks =[("7500", "Hijacking"), ("7600", "Radio Failure"), ("7700", "Emergency")] |
if self.feeding: |
for squawk in squawks: |
if self.squawk == squawk[0] and self.squawk != self.last_squawk: |
squawk_message = ("Squawking " + squawk[0] + ", " + squawk[1]) |
print(squawk_message) |
#Google Map or tar1090 screenshot |
# if self.config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "GOOGLESTATICMAP": |
# getMap((aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code), self.icao) |
if self.config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "ADSBX": |
getSS(self.icao, self.overlays) |
#Discord |
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'): |
dis_message = (self.dis_title + " " + squawk_message) |
sendDis(dis_message, self.map_file_name, self.config) |
os.remove(self.map_file_name) |
#Nav Modes Notifications |
if self.nav_modes != None and self.last_nav_modes != None: |
new_modes = [] |
for mode in self.nav_modes: |
if mode not in self.last_nav_modes: |
new_modes.append(mode) |
#Discord |
if new_modes != []: |
modes_string = ", ".join(new_modes) |
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'): |
dis_message = (self.dis_title + " " + modes_string + " mode enabled.").strip() |
getSS(self.icao, self.overlays) |
sendDis(dis_message, self.map_file_name, self.config) |
#Set Variables to compare to next check |
self.last_feeding = self.feeding |
@ -359,6 +393,8 @@ class Plane:
self.last_below_desired_ft = self.below_desired_ft |
self.last_longitude = self.longitude |
self.last_latitude = self.latitude |
self.last_squawk = self.squawk |
self.last_nav_modes = self.nav_modes |
if self.takeoff_time != None: |