[DATA] #Plane to track, based off ICAO or ICAO24 which is the unique transponder address of a plane. ICAO = icaohere #Optional Per Plane Overrides ; OVERRIDE_REG= ; OVERRIDE_ICAO_TYPE= ; OVERRIDE_TYPELONG = ; OVERRIDE_OWNER = ; DATA_LOSS_MINS = 20 ; CONCEAL_AC_ID = True ; CONCEAL_PIA = False [MAP] #Optional, map selection moved to mainconf, this is for map overlays per plane #Tar1090 overlays option, should be seperated by comma no space, remove option all together to disable any OVERLAYS = nexrad [AIRPORT] #Requires a list of airport types, this plane could land/takeoff at #Choices: small_airport, medium_airport, large_airport, heliport, seaplane_base TYPES = [small_airport, medium_airport, large_airport] #TITLE for Twitter, PB and Discord are Just text added to the front of each message/tweet sent [TWITTER] ENABLE = FALSE TITLE = ACCESS_TOKEN = athere ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = atshere [DISCORD] ENABLE = FALSE #WEBHOOK URL https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks URL = webhookurl #Role to tag optional, the role ID ROLE_ID = Title = USERNAME = plane-notify [META] ENABLE = False FB_PAGE_ID = IG_USER_ID = ACCESS_TOKEN = [TELEGRAM] ENABLE = FALSE TITLE = Title Of Telegram message ROOM_ID = -100xxxxxxxxxx BOT_TOKEN = xxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [MASTODON] ENABLE = FALSE ACCESS_TOKEN = mastodonaccesstoken APP_URL = mastodonappurl