Mirror of https://github.com/Jxck-S/plane-notify This is the backend to ElonsJet and other bots
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
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#Github Updated - NotifyBot 8
#Import Modules
#Setup Geopy
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="OpenSkyBot", timeout=5)
import json
import time
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
import datetime
from defOpenSky import pullplane
from defMap import getMap
#Setup PushBullet
from pushbullet import Pushbullet
pb = Pushbullet("<pushbulletapikey>")
pb_channel = pb.get_channel('<channeltaghere>')
#Setup Tweepy
from defTweet import tweepysetup
tweet_api = tweepysetup()
#Set Plane ICAO
TRACK_PLANE = '<planeicaohere>'
#Pre Set Variables
geo_altitude = None
geo_alt_ft = None
last_geo_alt_ft = None
last_below_desired_ft = None
feeding = None
last_feeding = None
last_on_ground = None
on_ground = None
invalid_Location = None
longitude = None
latitude = None
geo_alt_m = None
running_Count = 0
icao = None
callsign = None
takeoff_time = None
#Begin Looping program
while True:
running_Count += 1
start_time = time.time()
print (Back.MAGENTA, "--------", running_Count, "-------------------------------------------------------------", Style.RESET_ALL)
#Reset Variables
below_desired_ft = None
geo_alt_ft = None
longitude = None
latitude = None
on_ground = None
geo_alt_m = None
#Get API States for Plane
planeData = None
planeData = pullplane(TRACK_PLANE)
print ("Opensky Error")
print (Fore.YELLOW)
print ("OpenSky Debug", planeData)
#Pull Variables from planeData
if planeData != None:
for dataStates in planeData.states:
icao = (dataStates.icao24)
callsign = (dataStates.callsign)
longitude = (dataStates.longitude)
latitude = (dataStates.latitude)
on_ground = (dataStates.on_ground)
geo_alt_m = (dataStates.geo_altitude)
if geo_alt_m != None:
geo_alt_ft = geo_alt_m * 3.281
elif geo_alt_m == None and on_ground:
geo_alt_ft = 0
print (Fore.CYAN)
print ("ICAO: ", icao)
print ("Callsign: ", callsign)
print ("On Ground: ", on_ground)
print ("Latitude: ", latitude)
print ("Longitude: ", longitude)
print ("GEO Alitude Ft: ", geo_alt_ft)
#Lookup Location of coordinates
if longitude != None and latitude != None:
combined = f"{latitude}, {longitude}"
location = geolocator.reverse(combined)
print ("Geopy API Error")
print (Fore.YELLOW)
print ("Geopy debug: ", location.raw)
feeding = True
print (Fore.RED + 'Not Feeding')
feeding = False
#Figure if valid location, valid being geopy finds a location
if feeding:
geoError = location.raw['error']
except KeyError:
invalid_Location = False
geoError = None
invalid_Location = True
print ("Invalid Location: ", invalid_Location)
if invalid_Location:
print (Fore.RED)
print (geoError)
print ("Likely Over Water or Invalid Location")
#Convert Full address to sep variables only if Valid Location
elif invalid_Location is False:
address = location.raw['address']
country = address.get('country', '')
country_code = address.get('country_code', '').upper()
state = address.get('state', '')
county = address.get('county', '')
city = address.get('city', '')
town = address.get('town', '')
hamlet = address.get('hamlet', '')
# print (Fore.YELLOW)
# print ("Address Fields debug: ", address)
# print(Style.RESET_ALL)
print (Fore.GREEN)
print("Entire Address: ", location.address)
print ("Country Code: ", country_code)
print ("Country: ", country)
print ("State: ", state)
print ("City: ", city)
print ("Town: ", town)
print ("Hamlet: ", hamlet)
print ("County: ", county)
#Check if below desire ft
if geo_alt_ft is None:
below_desired_ft = False
elif geo_alt_ft < 10000:
below_desired_ft = True
#Check if tookoff
tookoff = bool(invalid_Location is False and below_desired_ft and on_ground is False and ((last_feeding is False and feeding) or (last_on_ground)))
print ("Tookoff Just Now:", tookoff)
#Check if Landed
landed = bool(last_below_desired_ft and invalid_Location is False and ((last_feeding and feeding is False and last_on_ground is False) or (on_ground and last_on_ground is False)))
print ("Landed Just Now:", landed)
#Chose city town county or hamlet for location as not all are always avalible.
if feeding and invalid_Location is False:
aera_hierarchy = city or town or county or hamlet
#Takeoff Notifcation and Landed
if tookoff:
tookoff_message = ("Just took off from" + " " + aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code)
print (tookoff_message)
getMap(aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code)
with open("map.png", "rb") as pic:
map_data = pb.upload_file(pic, "Tookoff")
push = pb_channel.push_note("title", tookoff_message)
push = pb_channel.push_file(**map_data)
tweet_api.update_with_media("map.png", status = tookoff_message)
takeoff_time = time.time()
if landed:
landed_time_msg = ""
if takeoff_time != None:
landed_time = time.time() - takeoff_time
landed_time_msg = time.strftime("Apx. flt. time %H Hours : %M Mins ", time.gmtime(landed_time))
landed_message = ("Landed just now in" + " " + aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code + ". " + landed_time_msg)
print (landed_message)
getMap(aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code)
with open("map.png", "rb") as pic:
map_data = pb.upload_file(pic, "Landed")
push = pb_channel.push_note("title", landed_message)
push = pb_channel.push_file(**map_data)
tweet_api.update_with_media("map.png", status = landed_message)
takeoff_time = None
landed_time = None
time_since_tk = None
#Set Variables to compare to next check
last_feeding = feeding
last_geo_alt_ft = geo_alt_ft
last_on_ground = on_ground
last_below_desired_ft = below_desired_ft
print ("Rechecking OpenSky")
planeDataMSG = str(planeData)
if takeoff_time != None:
elapsed_time = time.time() - takeoff_time
time_since_tk = time.strftime("Time Since Take off %H Hours : %M Mins : %S Secs", time.gmtime(elapsed_time))
elapsed_calc_time = time.time() - start_time
print (Back.MAGENTA, "--------", running_Count, "------------------------Elapsed Time- ", elapsed_calc_time, "-------------------------------------", Style.RESET_ALL)
print ("")