mirror of https://github.com/mist64/cbmsrc.git
Michael Steil
4 years ago
5 changed files with 1847 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
.nam C/128 HEX LOADER (06/20/86) |
.forml 60 |
; MOS Technology HEX loader for C/128 by Fred Bowen |
; |
; April 2, 1986 original (beta) release |
; June 20, 1986 modification: add 'program overwrite' error check (FAB) |
; August 25, 1986 modification: add bank check to overwrite check (FAB) |
; |
; system equates |
cursor_on = $cd6f ;EDITOR: turn cursor on |
cursor_off = $cd9f ;EDITOR: turn cursor off |
close_all = $ff4a ;KERNEL: close all open files |
stash = $ff77 ;KERNEL: banked indirect store routine |
primm = $ff7d ;KERNEL: print immediate utility |
setbnk = $ff68 ;KERNEL: set file name bank |
get_config = $ff6b ;KERNEL: translate memory config to MMU data |
setlfs = $ffba ;KERNEL: set la, fa, sa |
setnam = $ffbd ;KERNEL: set file name |
open = $ffc0 ;KERNEL: open file |
close = $ffc3 ;KERNEL: close file |
chkin = $ffc6 ;KERNEL: open input channel |
clrchn = $ffcc ;KERNEL: close channel |
basin = $ffcf ;KERNEL: input character |
bsout = $ffd2 ;KERNEL: output character |
stop = $ffe1 ;KERNEL: test for stop key |
getin = $ffe4 ;KERNEL: input character (keyboard) |
clall = $ffe7 ;KERNEL: init file tables & restore default chnls |
mmucr = $ff00 ;I/O: memory configuration register |
config = $00 ; system ROMs, I/O, RAM-0 |
; system variables |
status = $90 ;I/O status byte |
stash_vector = $2b9 ;pointer for banked memory store subroutine |
*=$59 ;use BASIC's domain |
load_address *=*+2 ;load address (2 bytes, low/high) |
load_offset *=*+2 ;load offset (3 bytes, low/high/bank) |
bank *=*+1 ;bank destination for load (0-15) |
record_count *=*+2 ;input record count |
checksum *=*+2 ;record checksum |
next_address *=*+2 ;expected next address for contiguity |
first *=*+1 ;flags first record |
last_index *=*+1 ;last index from previous record |
count *=*+1 ;temporary (number of data bytes per record) |
index *=*+1 ;temporary (index from record sa to store byte) |
temp *=*+1 ;temporary |
disk *=*+1 ;la/fa/sa used for disk I/O |
stack_ptr *=*+1 ;save for good return to call |
*=$200 ;input buffer |
buffer *=*+20 ;filename buffer |
.page |
; constants |
break_key = $03 ;stop key character |
bell = $07 ;bell character |
cr = $0d ;carriage return |
return = cr |
rvs = $12 ;reverse field character |
delete = $14 ;delete character |
esc = $1b ;escape character |
space = $20 ;space character |
comma = $2c ;comma character |
rvs_off = $92 ;reverse field off character |
bs = $9d ;backspace character (cursor left) |
.page |
* = $1300 ;loader origin |
start lda #config |
sta mmucr ;configure memory |
jsr clall ;clear all channels |
sei |
ldx #load_address |
ldy #0 |
5$ lda $00,x ;save BASIC zero page |
sta end,y |
iny |
inx |
cpx #stack_ptr+1 |
bcc 5$ |
tsx |
stx stack_ptr ;save for clean return |
cli |
jsr primm |
.byte cr,'C/128 HEX LOADER V082586' |
.byte cr,'(C)1986 BY COMMODORE BUSINESS MACHINES',cr,cr,0 |
jsr primm |
.byte cr,'OBJECT FILE ([UNIT#,][DRIVE:]FILENAME) ? ',esc,'Q',0 |
.page |
ldx #20 ;16 char name + 4 char (8,0:) = 20 total |
stx count ;save maximum input character count |
jsr cursor_on ;turn on cursor |
ldx #0 ;read characters from keyboard until <cr> |
10$ stx temp ;save buffer pointer |
jsr get_key ;get a character from keyboard |
ldx temp ;restore buffer pointer |
tay ;save character |
and #$7f ;mask to 7-bits |
cmp #return |
beq 40$ ;...branch if <cr> |
cmp #delete |
bne 20$ ;...branch if not <delete> |
cpx #0 ;check buffer pointer |
beq 25$ ;...branch if at start of line (ignore <delete>) |
dex ;decrement buffer pointer |
bpl 30$ ;...branch always (print <delete>) |
20$ cmp #space |
bcc 25$ ;...branch if control code (ignore) |
tya ;restore character |
sta buffer,x ;put character into buffer |
inx ;increment buffer pointer |
cpx count ;check buffer pointer |
bcc 30$ ;...branch if not a end of line |
dex ;at end of line (ignore everything but <cr> and <delete>) |
25$ lda #bell ;substitute <bell> to warn user |
30$ jsr bsout ;print the character |
jmp 10$ ;loop for next character |
40$ jsr cursor_off ;turn off cursor |
ldx temp ;character input count |
bne 50$ ;...branch if name given (not null) |
jmp done ;exit to BASIC |
50$ stx count ;save filename length |
jsr primm |
.byte cr,'LOAD ADDRESS ([BANK][4 HEX DIGIT ADDR]) ? ',esc,'Q',0 |
jsr cursor_on ;turn on cursor |
ldx #0 ;read characters from keyboard until <cr> |
stx load_offset ;init offset value |
stx load_offset+1 |
stx load_offset+2 |
60$ stx temp ;save digit counter |
jsr get_key ;get a character from keyboard |
ldx temp |
sta last_index ;save character (to print later) |
and #$7f ;mask to 7-bits |
cmp #return |
beq 90$ ;...branch if <cr> |
cmp #delete |
bne 70$ ;...branch if not <delete> |
cpx #0 ;check digit counter |
beq 76$ ;...branch if at start of line (ignore <delete>) |
dex ;decrement digit counter |
ldy #4 |
65$ lsr load_offset+2 ;shift entire value right one nibble |
ror load_offset+1 |
ror load_offset |
dey |
bne 65$ |
beq 80$ ;...branch always (print <delete>) |
70$ cpx #5 |
bcs 76$ ;...branch if 5 digits already input (ignore) |
cmp #'0' |
bcc 76$ ;...branch if control code (ignore) |
cmp #':' |
bcc 71$ ;...branch if in range (0-9) |
cmp #'A' |
bcc 76$ ;...branch if >9 and <A (ignore) |
cmp #'F'+1 |
bcs 76$ ;...branch if >F (ignore) |
sbc #7 ;adjust if in range (A-F) |
71$ sbc #47 ;adjust to (0-15) |
asl a ;shift low nibble to high |
asl a |
asl a |
asl a |
ldy #4 ;multiply previous value by 16, then add new digit |
75$ asl a |
rol load_offset ;low |
rol load_offset+1 ;high |
rol load_offset+2 ;bank |
dey |
bne 75$ |
inx ;increment digit counter |
lda last_index ;recall digit and print it |
.byte $2c ;skip next instruction |
76$ lda #bell ;substitute <bell> to warn user |
80$ jsr bsout ;print the character |
jmp 60$ ;loop for next character |
90$ ldx temp |
stx first ;flags null input vs. $0000 for offset calculations |
jsr bsout ;print <cr> |
jsr cursor_off ;turn off cursor |
.page |
; open object file |
open_file |
ldx #8 |
stx disk ;default disk unit |
ldx #0 ;parse filename (look for [unit,]) |
stx temp ;init |
1$ lda buffer,x |
cmp #'9'+1 ;numeric? |
bcs 5$ ;...no |
cmp #'0' |
bcc 5$ ;...no |
sbc #'0' ;convert ascii to binary |
sta index ;save digit |
lda temp ;convert binary to decimal |
asl a |
bcs 9$ |
ldy #3 |
2$ asl temp ;3 shifts (8) + 1 shift (2) -> x10 |
bcs 9$ |
dey |
bne 2$ |
adc temp |
bcs 9$ |
adc index ;add current digit |
sta temp |
bcs 9$ |
inx |
cpx count |
bne 1$ ;...loop until done or EOL |
beq 9$ |
3$ jmp error5 ;bad unit# or filename |
5$ cmp #',' ;found non-numeric |
bne 9$ ;...not <comma>, must not be a unit # |
lda temp ;...got <comma>, use as unit # |
sta disk |
inx |
ldy #0 ;squish unit# from buffer |
6$ cpx count |
beq 7$ |
lda buffer,x |
sta buffer,y |
iny |
inx |
bne 6$ |
7$ sty count |
9$ ldx count |
lda #',' ;append ',S' to filename |
sta buffer,x |
inx |
lda #'S' |
sta buffer,x |
inx |
stx count |
lda disk ;la |
cmp #31 |
bcs 3$ |
cmp #8 |
bcc 3$ |
tay ;sa |
tax ;fa |
jsr setlfs |
lda count ;fnlen |
ldx #<buffer ;fnadr |
ldy #>buffer |
jsr setnam |
ldx #0 |
jsr setbnk ;fnbank (RAM-0) |
jsr open ;open object file |
bcc 20$ ;...branch if open successful |
10$ jmp error0 ;else report disk error |
.page |
; begin actual load |
20$ lda #0 |
sta last_index ;init previous record index |
sta next_address+1 ;init for contiguity check |
sta record_count ;init record count |
sta record_count+1 |
lda #load_address |
sta stash_vector ;set pointer for banked memory stores |
ldx disk ;set channel |
jsr chkin |
bcs 10$ ;...branch on disk error |
next_record |
jsr stop |
bne 10$ ;...branch if no STOP key |
jmp error3 ;...else BREAK |
10$ jsr get_character |
cmp #';' ;record initiator? |
bne next_record ;no...keep looking |
lda #0 |
sta checksum ;reset record checksum |
sta checksum+1 |
sta index ;reset memory index pointer |
jsr get_byte ;read record's byte count |
bne 30$ ;...branch if not last record (not null) |
jsr get_byte ;check record count |
cmp record_count+1 |
bne 20$ ;...branch if sums do not match- error |
jsr get_byte |
cmp record_count |
bne 20$ |
jmp done ;exit to BASIC, all done correctly |
20$ jmp error4 ;...branch if mismatch (missing record) |
30$ sta count ;save record's byte count |
jsr add_checksum ;add byte count to checksum |
inc record_count ;increment record count |
bne 40$ |
inc record_count+1 |
40$ lda first |
beq 44$ ;...branch if not first record (or null sa given) |
jsr offset_calc ;else read first address & calculate offset |
jmp 50$ |
44$ jsr get_byte ;get record's starting address (high) |
pha |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
pla |
clc |
adc load_offset+1 ;add user offset (high) to starting address |
sta load_address+1 |
jsr get_byte ;get low address |
pha |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
pla |
clc |
adc load_offset ;add user offset (low) to starting address |
sta load_address |
bcc 50$ |
inc load_address+1 ;add any carry to high byte |
50$ jsr check_address ;check for program overwrite |
lda load_address ;check contiguity |
cmp next_address |
bne 55$ ;...branch if beginning new block |
lda load_address+1 |
cmp next_address+1 |
beq 60$ |
55$ lda #cr ;display starting address of new block |
jsr bsout |
jsr display_address ;write load address |
jsr primm |
.byte ' -> ',0 ;position cursor for ending address |
60$ jsr get_byte ;get data byte |
ldy index ;get current memory index |
sty last_index ;save it for last address check |
inc index ;increment it for next memory index |
ldx bank ;get bank for memory store |
sei ;disable interrupts for non-system banks |
jsr stash ;store data byte--> sta (load_address),y |
cli |
jsr add_checksum ;add byte to checksum |
dec count ;decrement record byte count |
bne 60$ ;...loop until done all bytes for this record |
jsr get_byte ;get record checksum (high) |
cmp checksum+1 ;compare with calculated checksum |
bne 65$ ;...branch if checksum error |
jsr get_byte ;get record checksum (low) |
cmp checksum ;compare with calculated checksum |
65$ php ;save result- checksum error is non-fatal |
clc |
lda last_index ;add last index to last record index for last address |
adc load_address |
tay |
lda load_address+1 |
adc #0 |
tax |
jsr display_byte ;print the record ending address |
tya |
jsr display_byte |
iny |
sty next_address ;save for determining contiguity |
bne 70$ |
inx |
70$ stx next_address+1 |
plp ;check for non-fatal errors |
bne error2 |
jsr primm |
.byte bs,bs,bs,bs,0 ;format next for overwrite |
jmp next_record ;continue with next record |
.page |
error0 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'DISK ERROR',rvs_off,' ',0 |
jsr clrchn |
lda #0 |
jsr setnam |
ldx disk |
ldy #15 ;prepare to read disk command channel |
jsr setlfs |
jsr open |
bcs error1 ;??? must be device not present |
ldx #0 |
jsr chkin |
bcs 20$ |
10$ jsr basin ;input error message from disk |
jsr bsout ;print it |
cmp #cr |
beq 20$ |
lda status |
and #$bf |
beq 10$ ;loop until EOL or error |
20$ jmp done |
error1 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'DEVICE NOT PRESENT',cr,0 |
jmp done |
error2 jsr primm |
.byte bell,' ',rvs,'CHECKSUM ERROR',0 |
dec next_address |
jmp next_record ;fake non-contiguous block by trashing next_address |
error3 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'BREAK',cr,0 |
jmp done |
error4 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'RECORD COUNT BAD',cr,0 |
jmp done |
error5 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'INVALID DEVICE SPECIFIED',cr,0 |
jmp done |
error6 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'PROGRAM OVERWRITE',cr,0 |
; jmp done |
done jsr clrchn ;finished with load |
lda disk |
jsr close_all ;close disk channel |
sei |
ldx stack_ptr |
txs |
ldx #load_address ;restore zero page |
ldy #0 |
10$ lda end,y |
sta $00,x |
iny |
inx |
cpx #stack_ptr |
bcc 10$ |
cli |
rts ;return to caller |
.page |
get_key |
jsr getin ;loop until keypress |
beq get_key |
cmp #break_key |
bne 10$ |
jmp error3 ;exit if STOP key |
10$ rts |
get_character |
lda #0 |
sta status ;clean slate |
jsr basin ;get next character from channel |
bcs 10$ ;...branch if I/O error |
pha |
lda status |
and #%10111111 ;mask EOI bit |
bne 10$ ;...branch if I/O error |
pla |
rts |
10$ jmp error0 ;...report disk error and exit |
add_checksum |
clc ;add current byte to record checksum |
adc checksum |
sta checksum |
bcc 10$ |
inc checksum+1 |
10$ rts |
offset_calc |
jsr get_byte ;get first record's starting address (high) |
sta load_address+1 |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
jsr get_byte ;get low address |
sta load_address |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
sec |
lda load_offset ;calculate offset= alt_adr - rec_adr |
pha ;save sa |
sbc load_address |
sta load_offset |
lda load_offset+1 |
pha ;save sa |
sbc load_address+1 |
sta load_offset+1 |
pla ;pop first load address (original load_offset) |
sta load_address+1 |
pla |
sta load_address |
lda #0 |
sta first ;squash first record flag |
rts |
check_address |
ldx bank ;check for record overwrite of program |
jsr get_config |
and #$c0 |
bne 20$ ;it's okay: bank is not same |
lda load_address+1 |
jsr 10$ ;check record starting address |
ldy count |
dey |
tya |
clc ;calculate address of last byte of record |
adc load_address |
lda load_address+1 ;(only concerned with high bytes...) |
adc #0 ;(fall into subroutine) |
10$ cmp #>start ;beginning of this program |
bcc 20$ ;...branch if below program- ok |
cmp #>end+1 ;end of this program |
bcs 20$ ;...branch if above program- ok |
jmp error6 ;...error- loading this record would overwrite! |
20$ rts |
.page |
; read ascii hex byte and return binary in .a |
get_byte |
lda #0 ;space |
sta temp |
jsr get_character ;get most significant digit |
jsr get_binary ;convert to binary |
asl a ;shift to most significant nibble |
asl a |
asl a |
asl a |
sta temp ;save it |
jsr get_character ;get least significant digit |
jsr get_binary ;convert to binary |
ora temp ;merge nibbles |
rts |
get_binary |
cmp #':' ;convert ascii hex digit to binary |
php |
and #$0f ;mask it |
plp |
bcc 10$ ;...branch if it was numeric (0-9) |
adc #8 ;else in range (A-F), add 9 (assumes .c=1) |
10$ rts |
; write address |
display_address |
lda load_address+1 ;print current address, high/low |
jsr display_byte ;print high byte |
lda load_address ;print low byte (fall into display_byte) |
display_byte |
pha ;save byte to unpack |
lsr a ;most significant nibble |
lsr a |
lsr a |
lsr a |
jsr display_digit ;convert binary to ascii & print it |
pla |
and #$0f ;least significant nibble (fall into display_digit) |
display_digit |
clc ;convert binary nibble to ascii |
adc #$f6 |
bcc 10$ |
adc #$06 |
10$ adc #$3a |
jmp bsout ;print it and RTS |
end |
.end |
@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
.nam C/65 HEX LOADER (03/20/90) |
.forml 60 |
; MOS Technology HEX loader for the C/65 by Fred Bowen |
; |
; April 2, 1986 original (beta) release |
; June 20, 1986 modification: add 'program overwrite' error check (FAB) |
; August 25, 1986 modification: add bank check to overwrite check (FAB) |
; March 20, 1990 conversion to C65 (ver 900214) (FAB) |
; |
; system equates |
cursor = $e030 ;EDITOR: turn cursor on/off (.c) |
close_all = $ff50 ;KERNEL: close all open files |
stash = $ff77 ;KERNEL: banked indirect store routine |
primm = $ff7d ;KERNEL: print immediate utility |
setbnk = $ff6b ;KERNEL: set file name bank |
setlfs = $ffba ;KERNEL: set la, fa, sa |
setnam = $ffbd ;KERNEL: set file name |
open = $ffc0 ;KERNEL: open file |
close = $ffc3 ;KERNEL: close file |
chkin = $ffc6 ;KERNEL: open input channel |
clrchn = $ffcc ;KERNEL: close channel |
basin = $ffcf ;KERNEL: input character |
bsout = $ffd2 ;KERNEL: output character |
stop = $ffe1 ;KERNEL: test for stop key |
getin = $ffe4 ;KERNEL: input character (keyboard) |
clall = $ffe7 ;KERNEL: init file tables & restore default chnls |
;mmucr = $ff00 ;I/O: memory configuration register |
;config = $00 ; system ROMs, I/O, RAM-0 |
; system variables |
status = $90 ;I/O status byte |
*=$59 ;use BASIC's domain |
load_address *=*+2 ;load address (2 bytes, low/high) |
load_offset *=*+2 ;load offset (3 bytes, low/high/bank) |
bank *=*+1 ;bank destination for load (0-15) |
record_count *=*+2 ;input record count |
checksum *=*+2 ;record checksum |
next_address *=*+2 ;expected next address for contiguity |
first *=*+1 ;flags first record |
last_index *=*+1 ;last index from previous record |
count *=*+1 ;temporary (number of data bytes per record) |
index *=*+1 ;temporary (index from record sa to store byte) |
temp *=*+1 ;temporary |
disk *=*+1 ;la/fa/sa used for disk I/O |
stack_ptr *=*+1 ;save for good return to call |
*=$200 ;input buffer |
buffer *=*+20 ;filename buffer |
.page |
; constants |
break_key = $03 ;stop key character |
bell = $07 ;bell character |
cr = $0d ;carriage return |
return = cr |
rvs = $12 ;reverse field character |
delete = $14 ;delete character |
esc = $1b ;escape character |
space = $20 ;space character |
comma = $2c ;comma character |
rvs_off = $92 ;reverse field off character |
bs = $9d ;backspace character (cursor left) |
.page |
* = $1300 ;loader origin |
start jsr clall ;clear all channels |
sei |
ldx #load_address |
ldy #0 |
5$ lda $00,x ;save BASIC zero page |
sta end,y |
iny |
inx |
cpx #stack_ptr+1 |
bcc 5$ |
tsx |
stx stack_ptr ;save for clean return |
cli |
jsr primm |
.byte cr,'C/65 HEX LOADER V032090' |
.byte cr,'(C)1990 BY COMMODORE BUSINESS MACHINES',cr,0 |
jsr primm |
.byte cr,'OBJECT FILE ([UNIT#,][DRIVE:]FILENAME) ? ',esc,'Q',0 |
.page |
ldx #20 ;16 char name + 4 char (8,0:) = 20 total |
stx count ;save maximum input character count |
ldx #0 ;read characters from keyboard until <cr> |
10$ stx temp ;save buffer pointer |
jsr get_key ;get a character from keyboard |
ldx temp ;restore buffer pointer |
tay ;save character |
and #$7f ;mask to 7-bits |
cmp #return |
beq 40$ ;...branch if <cr> |
cmp #delete |
bne 20$ ;...branch if not <delete> |
cpx #0 ;check buffer pointer |
beq 25$ ;...branch if at start of line (ignore <delete>) |
dex ;decrement buffer pointer |
bpl 30$ ;...branch always (print <delete>) |
20$ cmp #space |
bcc 25$ ;...branch if control code (ignore) |
tya ;restore character |
sta buffer,x ;put character into buffer |
inx ;increment buffer pointer |
cpx count ;check buffer pointer |
bcc 30$ ;...branch if not a end of line |
dex ;at end of line (ignore everything but <cr> and <delete>) |
25$ lda #bell ;substitute <bell> to warn user |
30$ jsr bsout ;print the character |
bra 10$ ;loop for next character |
40$ ldx temp ;character input count |
beq done ;...null input, exit to BASIC |
50$ stx count ;save filename length |
jsr primm |
.byte cr,'LOAD ADDRESS ([BANK][4 HEX DIGIT ADDR]) ? ',esc,'Q',0 |
ldx #0 ;read characters from keyboard until <cr> |
stx load_offset ;init offset value |
stx load_offset+1 |
stx load_offset+2 |
60$ stx temp ;save digit counter |
jsr get_key ;get a character from keyboard |
ldx temp |
sta last_index ;save character (to print later) |
and #$7f ;mask to 7-bits |
cmp #return |
beq 90$ ;...branch if <cr> |
cmp #delete |
bne 70$ ;...branch if not <delete> |
cpx #0 ;check digit counter |
beq 76$ ;...branch if at start of line (ignore <delete>) |
dex ;decrement digit counter |
ldy #4 |
65$ lsr load_offset+2 ;shift entire value right one nibble |
ror load_offset+1 |
ror load_offset |
dey |
bne 65$ |
beq 80$ ;...branch always (print <delete>) |
70$ cpx #5 |
bcs 76$ ;...branch if 5 digits already input (ignore) |
cmp #'0' |
bcc 76$ ;...branch if control code (ignore) |
cmp #':' |
bcc 71$ ;...branch if in range (0-9) |
cmp #'A' |
bcc 76$ ;...branch if >9 and <A (ignore) |
cmp #'F'+1 |
bcs 76$ ;...branch if >F (ignore) |
sbc #7 ;adjust if in range (A-F) |
71$ sbc #47 ;adjust to (0-15) |
asl a ;shift low nibble to high |
asl a |
asl a |
asl a |
ldy #4 ;multiply previous value by 16, then add new digit |
75$ asl a |
rol load_offset ;low |
rol load_offset+1 ;high |
rol load_offset+2 ;bank |
dey |
bne 75$ |
inx ;increment digit counter |
lda last_index ;recall digit and print it |
.byte $2c ;skip next instruction |
76$ lda #bell ;substitute <bell> to warn user |
80$ jsr bsout ;print the character |
bra 60$ ;loop for next character |
90$ ldx temp |
stx first ;flags null input vs. $0000 for offset calculations |
jsr bsout ;print <cr> |
.page |
; open object file |
open_file |
ldx #8 |
stx disk ;default disk unit |
ldx #0 ;parse filename (look for [unit,]) |
stx temp ;init |
1$ lda buffer,x |
cmp #'9'+1 ;numeric? |
bcs 5$ ;...no |
cmp #'0' |
bcc 5$ ;...no |
sbc #'0' ;convert ascii to binary |
sta index ;save digit |
lda temp ;convert binary to decimal |
asl a |
bcs 9$ |
ldy #3 |
2$ asl temp ;3 shifts (8) + 1 shift (2) -> x10 |
bcs 9$ |
dey |
bne 2$ |
adc temp |
bcs 9$ |
adc index ;add current digit |
sta temp |
bcs 9$ |
inx |
cpx count |
bne 1$ ;...loop until done or EOL |
beq 9$ |
5$ cmp #',' ;found non-numeric |
bne 9$ ;...not <comma>, must not be a unit # |
lda temp ;...got <comma>, use as unit # |
sta disk |
inx |
ldy #0 ;squish unit# from buffer |
6$ cpx count |
beq 7$ |
lda buffer,x |
sta buffer,y |
iny |
inx |
bne 6$ |
7$ sty count |
9$ ldx count |
lda #',' ;append ',S' to filename |
sta buffer,x |
inx |
lda #'S' |
sta buffer,x |
inx |
stx count |
lda disk ;la |
cmp #31 |
bcs error5 ;bad unit # |
cmp #8 |
bcc error5 ;bad unit # |
tay ;sa |
tax ;fa |
jsr setlfs |
lda count ;fnlen |
ldx #<buffer ;fnadr |
ldy #>buffer |
jsr setnam |
ldx #0 |
jsr setbnk ;fnbank (RAM-0) |
jsr open ;open object file |
bcs error0 ;...report disk error |
.page |
; begin actual load |
20$ lda #0 |
sta last_index ;init previous record index |
sta next_address+1 ;init for contiguity check |
sta record_count ;init record count |
sta record_count+1 |
ldx disk ;set channel |
jsr chkin |
bcs error0 ;...branch on disk error |
next_record |
jsr stop |
beq error3 ;...branch if STOP key- BREAK |
10$ jsr get_character |
cmp #';' ;record initiator? |
bne next_record ;no...keep looking |
lda #0 |
sta checksum ;reset record checksum |
sta checksum+1 |
sta index ;reset memory index pointer |
jsr get_byte ;read record's byte count |
bne 30$ ;...branch if not last record (not null) |
jsr get_byte ;check record count |
cmp record_count+1 |
bne error4 ;...branch if sums do not match- error |
jsr get_byte |
cmp record_count |
bne error4 ;...branch if mismatch (missing record) |
bra done ;exit to BASIC, all done correctly |
30$ sta count ;save record's byte count |
jsr add_checksum ;add byte count to checksum |
inw record_count ;increment record count |
40$ lda first |
beq 44$ ;...branch if not first record (or null sa given) |
jsr offset_calc ;else read first address & calculate offset |
bra 50$ |
44$ jsr get_byte ;get record's starting address (high) |
pha |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
pla |
clc |
adc load_offset+1 ;add user offset (high) to starting address |
sta load_address+1 |
jsr get_byte ;get low address |
pha |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
pla |
clc |
adc load_offset ;add user offset (low) to starting address |
sta load_address |
bcc 50$ |
inc load_address+1 ;add any carry to high byte |
50$ jsr check_address ;check for program overwrite |
lda load_address ;check contiguity |
cmp next_address |
bne 55$ ;...branch if beginning new block |
lda load_address+1 |
cmp next_address+1 |
beq 60$ |
55$ lda #cr ;display starting address of new block |
jsr bsout |
jsr display_address ;write load address |
jsr primm |
.byte ' -> ',0 ;position cursor for ending address |
60$ jsr get_byte ;get data byte |
ldy index ;get current memory index |
sty last_index ;save it for last address check |
inc index ;increment it for next memory index |
ldz bank ;get bank for memory store |
ldx #load_address |
jsr stash ;store data byte--> sta (load_address),y |
jsr add_checksum ;add byte to checksum |
dec count ;decrement record byte count |
bne 60$ ;...loop until done all bytes for this record |
jsr get_byte ;get record checksum (high) |
cmp checksum+1 ;compare with calculated checksum |
bne 65$ ;...branch if checksum error |
jsr get_byte ;get record checksum (low) |
cmp checksum ;compare with calculated checksum |
65$ php ;save result- checksum error is non-fatal |
clc |
lda last_index ;add last index to last record index for last address |
adc load_address |
tay |
lda load_address+1 |
adc #0 |
tax |
jsr display_byte ;print the record ending address |
tya |
jsr display_byte |
iny |
sty next_address ;save for determining contiguity |
bne 70$ |
inx |
70$ stx next_address+1 |
plp ;check for non-fatal errors |
bne error2 |
jsr primm |
.byte bs,bs,bs,bs,0 ;format next for overwrite |
bra next_record ;continue with next record |
.page |
error0 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'DISK ERROR',rvs_off,' ',0 |
jsr clrchn |
lda #0 |
jsr setnam |
ldx disk |
ldy #15 ;prepare to read disk command channel |
jsr setlfs |
jsr open |
bcs error1 ;??? must be device not present |
ldx #0 |
jsr chkin |
bcs 20$ |
10$ jsr basin ;input error message from disk |
jsr bsout ;print it |
cmp #cr |
beq 20$ |
lda status |
and #$bf |
beq 10$ ;loop until EOL or error |
20$ bra done |
error1 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'DEVICE NOT PRESENT',cr,0 |
bra done |
error2 jsr primm |
.byte bell,' ',rvs,'CHECKSUM ERROR',0 |
dec next_address |
bra next_record ;fake non-contiguous block by trashing next_address |
error3 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'BREAK',cr,0 |
bra done |
error4 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'RECORD COUNT BAD',cr,0 |
bra done |
error5 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'INVALID DEVICE SPECIFIED',cr,0 |
bra done |
error6 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'PROGRAM OVERWRITE',cr,0 |
; jmp done |
done jsr clrchn ;finished with load |
lda disk |
jsr close_all ;close disk channel |
sei |
ldx stack_ptr |
txs |
ldx #load_address ;restore zero page |
ldy #0 |
10$ lda end,y |
sta $00,x |
iny |
inx |
cpx #stack_ptr |
bcc 10$ |
cli |
rts ;return to caller |
.page |
get_key |
clc |
jsr cursor ;turn on cursor |
10$ jsr getin ;loop until keypress |
beq 10$ |
pha |
sec |
jsr cursor ;turn off cursor |
pla |
cmp #break_key |
beq error3 ;exit if STOP key |
rts |
get_character |
lda #0 |
sta status ;clean slate |
jsr basin ;get next character from channel |
bcs error0 ;...branch if I/O error |
pha |
lda status |
and #%10111111 ;mask EOI bit |
bne error0 ;...branch if I/O error |
pla |
rts |
add_checksum |
clc ;add current byte to record checksum |
adc checksum |
sta checksum |
bcc 10$ |
inc checksum+1 |
10$ rts |
offset_calc |
jsr get_byte ;get first record's starting address (high) |
sta load_address+1 |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
jsr get_byte ;get low address |
sta load_address |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
sec |
lda load_offset ;calculate offset= alt_adr - rec_adr |
pha ;save sa |
sbc load_address |
sta load_offset |
lda load_offset+1 |
pha ;save sa |
sbc load_address+1 |
sta load_offset+1 |
pla ;pop first load address (original load_offset) |
sta load_address+1 |
pla |
sta load_address |
lda #0 |
sta first ;squash first record flag |
rts |
check_address |
ldx bank ;check for record overwrite of program |
bne 20$ ;it's okay: bank is not same |
lda load_address+1 |
jsr 10$ ;check record starting address |
ldy count |
dey |
tya |
clc ;calculate address of last byte of record |
adc load_address |
lda load_address+1 ;(only concerned with high bytes...) |
adc #0 ;(fall into subroutine) |
10$ cmp #>start ;beginning of this program |
bcc 20$ ;...branch if below program- ok |
cmp #>end+1 ;end of this program |
bcc error6 ;...error- loading this record would overwrite! |
20$ rts |
.page |
; read ASCII hex byte and return binary in .a |
get_byte |
lda #0 ;space |
sta temp |
jsr get_character ;get most significant digit |
jsr get_binary ;convert to binary |
asl a ;shift to most significant nibble |
asl a |
asl a |
asl a |
sta temp ;save it |
jsr get_character ;get least significant digit |
jsr get_binary ;convert to binary |
ora temp ;merge nibbles |
rts |
get_binary |
cmp #':' ;convert ascii hex digit to binary |
php |
and #$0f ;mask it |
plp |
bcc 10$ ;...branch if it was numeric (0-9) |
adc #8 ;else in range (A-F), add 9 (assumes .c=1) |
10$ rts |
; write address |
display_address |
lda load_address+1 ;print current address, high/low |
jsr display_byte ;print high byte |
lda load_address ;print low byte (fall into display_byte) |
display_byte |
pha ;save byte to unpack |
lsr a ;most significant nibble |
lsr a |
lsr a |
lsr a |
jsr display_digit ;convert binary to ascii & print it |
pla |
and #$0f ;least significant nibble (fall into display_digit) |
display_digit |
clc ;convert binary nibble to ascii |
adc #$f6 |
bcc 10$ |
adc #$06 |
10$ adc #$3a |
jmp bsout ;print it and RTS |
end |
.end |
@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
.nam C/65 HEX LOADER (03/20/90) |
.forml 60 |
; MOS Technology HEX loader for the C/65 by Fred Bowen |
; |
; April 2, 1986 original (beta) release |
; June 20, 1986 modification: add 'program overwrite' error check (FAB) |
; August 25, 1986 modification: add bank check to overwrite check (FAB) |
; March 20, 1990 conversion to C65 (ver 900214) (FAB) |
; |
; system equates |
cursor = $e030 ;EDITOR: turn cursor on/off (.c) |
close_all = $ff50 ;KERNEL: close all open files |
stash = $ff77 ;KERNEL: banked indirect store routine |
primm = $ff7d ;KERNEL: print immediate utility |
setbnk = $ff6b ;KERNEL: set file name bank |
setlfs = $ffba ;KERNEL: set la, fa, sa |
setnam = $ffbd ;KERNEL: set file name |
open = $ffc0 ;KERNEL: open file |
close = $ffc3 ;KERNEL: close file |
chkin = $ffc6 ;KERNEL: open input channel |
clrchn = $ffcc ;KERNEL: close channel |
basin = $ffcf ;KERNEL: input character |
bsout = $ffd2 ;KERNEL: output character |
stop = $ffe1 ;KERNEL: test for stop key |
getin = $ffe4 ;KERNEL: input character (keyboard) |
clall = $ffe7 ;KERNEL: init file tables & restore default chnls |
;mmucr = $ff00 ;I/O: memory configuration register |
;config = $00 ; system ROMs, I/O, RAM-0 |
; system variables |
status = $90 ;I/O status byte |
*=$59 ;use BASIC's domain |
load_address *=*+2 ;load address (2 bytes, low/high) |
load_offset *=*+2 ;load offset (3 bytes, low/high/bank) |
bank *=*+1 ;bank destination for load (0-15) |
record_count *=*+2 ;input record count |
checksum *=*+2 ;record checksum |
next_address *=*+2 ;expected next address for contiguity |
first *=*+1 ;flags first record |
last_index *=*+1 ;last index from previous record |
count *=*+1 ;temporary (number of data bytes per record) |
index *=*+1 ;temporary (index from record sa to store byte) |
temp *=*+1 ;temporary |
disk *=*+1 ;la/fa/sa used for disk I/O |
stack_ptr *=*+1 ;save for good return to call |
*=$200 ;input buffer |
buffer *=*+20 ;filename buffer |
.page |
; constants |
break_key = $03 ;stop key character |
bell = $07 ;bell character |
cr = $0d ;carriage return |
return = cr |
rvs = $12 ;reverse field character |
delete = $14 ;delete character |
esc = $1b ;escape character |
space = $20 ;space character |
comma = $2c ;comma character |
rvs_off = $92 ;reverse field off character |
bs = $9d ;backspace character (cursor left) |
.page |
* = $c400 ;loader origin |
start jsr clall ;clear all channels |
; sei |
; ldx #load_address |
; ldy #0 |
;5$ lda $00,x ;save BASIC zero page |
; sta end,y |
; iny |
; inx |
; cpx #stack_ptr+1 |
; bcc 5$ |
tsx |
stx stack_ptr ;save for clean return |
; cli |
jsr primm |
.byte cr,'C/65 HEX LOADER V032090' |
.byte cr,'(C)1990 BY COMMODORE BUSINESS MACHINES',cr,0 |
; jsr primm |
; .byte cr,'OBJECT FILE ([UNIT#,][DRIVE:]FILENAME) ? ',esc,'Q',0 |
; .page |
; ldx #20 ;16 char name + 4 char (8,0:) = 20 total |
; stx count ;save maximum input character count |
; ldx #0 ;read characters from keyboard until <cr> |
; |
;10$ stx temp ;save buffer pointer |
; jsr get_key ;get a character from keyboard |
; ldx temp ;restore buffer pointer |
; tay ;save character |
; and #$7f ;mask to 7-bits |
; cmp #return |
; beq 40$ ;...branch if <cr> |
; cmp #delete |
; bne 20$ ;...branch if not <delete> |
; cpx #0 ;check buffer pointer |
; beq 25$ ;...branch if at start of line (ignore <delete>) |
; |
; dex ;decrement buffer pointer |
; bpl 30$ ;...branch always (print <delete>) |
; |
;20$ cmp #space |
; bcc 25$ ;...branch if control code (ignore) |
; tya ;restore character |
; sta buffer,x ;put character into buffer |
; inx ;increment buffer pointer |
; cpx count ;check buffer pointer |
; bcc 30$ ;...branch if not a end of line |
; |
; dex ;at end of line (ignore everything but <cr> and <delete>) |
;25$ lda #bell ;substitute <bell> to warn user |
; |
;30$ jsr bsout ;print the character |
; bra 10$ ;loop for next character |
; |
;40$ ldx temp ;character input count |
; beq done ;...null input, exit to BASIC |
; |
;50$ stx count ;save filename length |
jsr primm |
.byte cr,'LOAD ADDRESS ([BANK][4 HEX DIGIT ADDR]) ? ',esc,'Q',0 |
ldx #0 ;read characters from keyboard until <cr> |
stx load_offset ;init offset value |
stx load_offset+1 |
stx load_offset+2 |
60$ stx temp ;save digit counter |
jsr get_key ;get a character from keyboard |
ldx temp |
sta last_index ;save character (to print later) |
and #$7f ;mask to 7-bits |
cmp #return |
beq 90$ ;...branch if <cr> |
cmp #delete |
bne 70$ ;...branch if not <delete> |
cpx #0 ;check digit counter |
beq 76$ ;...branch if at start of line (ignore <delete>) |
dex ;decrement digit counter |
ldy #4 |
65$ lsr load_offset+2 ;shift entire value right one nibble |
ror load_offset+1 |
ror load_offset |
dey |
bne 65$ |
beq 80$ ;...branch always (print <delete>) |
70$ cpx #5 |
bcs 76$ ;...branch if 5 digits already input (ignore) |
cmp #'0' |
bcc 76$ ;...branch if control code (ignore) |
cmp #':' |
bcc 71$ ;...branch if in range (0-9) |
cmp #'A' |
bcc 76$ ;...branch if >9 and <A (ignore) |
cmp #'F'+1 |
bcs 76$ ;...branch if >F (ignore) |
sbc #7 ;adjust if in range (A-F) |
71$ sbc #47 ;adjust to (0-15) |
asl a ;shift low nibble to high |
asl a |
asl a |
asl a |
ldy #4 ;multiply previous value by 16, then add new digit |
75$ asl a |
rol load_offset ;low |
rol load_offset+1 ;high |
rol load_offset+2 ;bank |
dey |
bne 75$ |
inx ;increment digit counter |
lda last_index ;recall digit and print it |
.byte $2c ;skip next instruction |
76$ lda #bell ;substitute <bell> to warn user |
80$ jsr bsout ;print the character |
bra 60$ ;loop for next character |
90$ ldx temp |
stx first ;flags null input vs. $0000 for offset calculations |
jsr bsout ;print <cr> |
.page |
; open object file |
open_file |
; ldx #8 |
; stx disk ;default disk unit |
; |
; ldx #0 ;parse filename (look for [unit,]) |
; stx temp ;init |
;1$ lda buffer,x |
; cmp #'9'+1 ;numeric? |
; bcs 5$ ;...no |
; cmp #'0' |
; bcc 5$ ;...no |
; sbc #'0' ;convert ascii to binary |
; sta index ;save digit |
; lda temp ;convert binary to decimal |
; asl a |
; bcs 9$ |
; ldy #3 |
;2$ asl temp ;3 shifts (8) + 1 shift (2) -> x10 |
; bcs 9$ |
; dey |
; bne 2$ |
; adc temp |
; bcs 9$ |
; adc index ;add current digit |
; sta temp |
; bcs 9$ |
; inx |
; cpx count |
; bne 1$ ;...loop until done or EOL |
; beq 9$ |
; |
;5$ cmp #',' ;found non-numeric |
; bne 9$ ;...not <comma>, must not be a unit # |
; lda temp ;...got <comma>, use as unit # |
; sta disk |
; inx |
; ldy #0 ;squish unit# from buffer |
;6$ cpx count |
; beq 7$ |
; lda buffer,x |
; sta buffer,y |
; iny |
; inx |
; bne 6$ |
;7$ sty count |
; |
;9$ ldx count |
; lda #',' ;append ',S' to filename |
; sta buffer,x |
; inx |
; lda #'S' |
; sta buffer,x |
; inx |
; stx count |
; |
; lda disk ;la |
; cmp #31 |
; bcs error5 ;bad unit # |
; cmp #8 |
; bcc error5 ;bad unit # |
lda #2 ;************************************ [910528] |
sta disk |
tay ;sa |
tax ;fa |
jsr setlfs |
; lda count ;fnlen |
lda #14 ;9600 baud |
sta buffer |
lda #1 |
ldx #<buffer ;fnadr |
ldy #>buffer |
jsr setnam |
ldx #0 |
jsr setbnk ;fnbank (RAM-0) |
jsr open ;open object file |
bcs error0 ;...report disk error |
jsr primm |
.byte cr,'START DOWNLOAD NOW...',cr,0 |
.page |
; begin actual load |
20$ lda #0 |
sta last_index ;init previous record index |
sta next_address+1 ;init for contiguity check |
sta record_count ;init record count |
sta record_count+1 |
ldx disk ;set channel |
jsr chkin |
bcs error0 ;...branch on disk error |
next_record |
jsr stop |
beq error3 ;...branch if STOP key- BREAK |
10$ jsr get_character |
cmp #';' ;record initiator? |
bne next_record ;no...keep looking |
lda #0 |
sta checksum ;reset record checksum |
sta checksum+1 |
sta index ;reset memory index pointer |
jsr get_byte ;read record's byte count |
bne 30$ ;...branch if not last record (not null) |
jsr get_byte ;check record count |
cmp record_count+1 |
bne error4 ;...branch if sums do not match- error |
jsr get_byte |
cmp record_count |
bne error4 ;...branch if mismatch (missing record) |
bra done ;exit to BASIC, all done correctly |
30$ sta count ;save record's byte count |
jsr add_checksum ;add byte count to checksum |
inw record_count ;increment record count |
40$ lda first |
beq 44$ ;...branch if not first record (or null sa given) |
jsr offset_calc ;else read first address & calculate offset |
bra 50$ |
44$ jsr get_byte ;get record's starting address (high) |
pha |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
pla |
clc |
adc load_offset+1 ;add user offset (high) to starting address |
sta load_address+1 |
jsr get_byte ;get low address |
pha |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
pla |
clc |
adc load_offset ;add user offset (low) to starting address |
sta load_address |
bcc 50$ |
inc load_address+1 ;add any carry to high byte |
50$ |
; jsr check_address ;check for program overwrite |
lda load_address ;check contiguity |
cmp next_address |
bne 55$ ;...branch if beginning new block |
lda load_address+1 |
cmp next_address+1 |
beq 60$ |
55$ lda #cr ;display starting address of new block |
jsr bsout |
jsr display_address ;write load address |
jsr primm |
.byte ' -> ',0 ;position cursor for ending address |
60$ jsr get_byte ;get data byte |
ldy index ;get current memory index |
sty last_index ;save it for last address check |
inc index ;increment it for next memory index |
ldz bank ;get bank for memory store |
ldx #load_address |
jsr stash ;store data byte--> sta (load_address),y |
jsr add_checksum ;add byte to checksum |
dec count ;decrement record byte count |
bne 60$ ;...loop until done all bytes for this record |
jsr get_byte ;get record checksum (high) |
cmp checksum+1 ;compare with calculated checksum |
bne 65$ ;...branch if checksum error |
jsr get_byte ;get record checksum (low) |
cmp checksum ;compare with calculated checksum |
65$ php ;save result- checksum error is non-fatal |
clc |
lda last_index ;add last index to last record index for last address |
adc load_address |
tay |
lda load_address+1 |
adc #0 |
tax |
jsr display_byte ;print the record ending address |
tya |
jsr display_byte |
iny |
sty next_address ;save for determining contiguity |
bne 70$ |
inx |
70$ stx next_address+1 |
plp ;check for non-fatal errors |
bne error2 |
jsr primm |
.byte bs,bs,bs,bs,0 ;format next for overwrite |
bra next_record ;continue with next record |
.page |
error0 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'DISK ERROR',rvs_off,' ',0 |
jsr clrchn |
; lda #0 |
; jsr setnam |
; ldx disk |
; ldy #15 ;prepare to read disk command channel |
; jsr setlfs |
; jsr open |
; bcs error1 ;??? must be device not present |
; ldx #0 |
; jsr chkin |
; bcs 20$ |
;10$ jsr basin ;input error message from disk |
; jsr bsout ;print it |
; cmp #cr |
; beq 20$ |
; lda status |
; and #$bf |
; beq 10$ ;loop until EOL or error |
;20$ bra done |
error1 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'DEVICE NOT PRESENT',cr,0 |
bra done |
error2 jsr primm |
.byte bell,' ',rvs,'CHECKSUM ERROR',0 |
dec next_address |
bra next_record ;fake non-contiguous block by trashing next_address |
error3 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'BREAK',cr,0 |
bra done |
error4 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'RECORD COUNT BAD',cr,0 |
bra done |
error5 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'INVALID DEVICE SPECIFIED',cr,0 |
bra done |
error6 jsr primm |
.byte bell,cr,rvs,'PROGRAM OVERWRITE',cr,0 |
; jmp done |
done jsr clrchn ;finished with load |
lda disk |
jsr close_all ;close disk channel |
; sei |
ldx stack_ptr |
txs |
; ldx #load_address ;restore zero page |
; ldy #0 |
;10$ lda end,y |
; sta $00,x |
; iny |
; inx |
; cpx #stack_ptr |
; bcc 10$ |
; cli |
rts ;return to caller |
.page |
get_key |
clc |
jsr cursor ;turn on cursor |
10$ jsr getin ;loop until keypress |
beq 10$ |
pha |
sec |
jsr cursor ;turn off cursor |
pla |
cmp #break_key |
beq error3 ;exit if STOP key |
rts |
get_character |
lda #0 |
sta status ;clean slate |
jsr basin ;get next character from channel |
bcs error0 ;...branch if I/O error |
pha |
lda status |
and #%10111111 ;mask EOI bit |
bne error0 ;...branch if I/O error |
pla |
rts |
add_checksum |
clc ;add current byte to record checksum |
adc checksum |
sta checksum |
bcc 10$ |
inc checksum+1 |
10$ rts |
offset_calc |
jsr get_byte ;get first record's starting address (high) |
sta load_address+1 |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
jsr get_byte ;get low address |
sta load_address |
jsr add_checksum ;add to checksum |
sec |
lda load_offset ;calculate offset= alt_adr - rec_adr |
pha ;save sa |
sbc load_address |
sta load_offset |
lda load_offset+1 |
pha ;save sa |
sbc load_address+1 |
sta load_offset+1 |
pla ;pop first load address (original load_offset) |
sta load_address+1 |
pla |
sta load_address |
lda #0 |
sta first ;squash first record flag |
rts |
;check_address |
; ldx bank ;check for record overwrite of program |
; bne 20$ ;it's okay: bank is not same |
; |
; lda load_address+1 |
; jsr 10$ ;check record starting address |
; ldy count |
; dey |
; tya |
; clc ;calculate address of last byte of record |
; adc load_address |
; lda load_address+1 ;(only concerned with high bytes...) |
; adc #0 ;(fall into subroutine) |
; |
;10$ cmp #>start ;beginning of this program |
; bcc 20$ ;...branch if below program- ok |
; cmp #>end+1 ;end of this program |
; bcc error6 ;...error- loading this record would overwrite! |
; |
;20$ rts |
.page |
; read ASCII hex byte and return binary in .a |
get_byte |
lda #0 ;space |
sta temp |
jsr get_character ;get most significant digit |
jsr get_binary ;convert to binary |
asl a ;shift to most significant nibble |
asl a |
asl a |
asl a |
sta temp ;save it |
jsr get_character ;get least significant digit |
jsr get_binary ;convert to binary |
ora temp ;merge nibbles |
rts |
get_binary |
cmp #':' ;convert ascii hex digit to binary |
php |
and #$0f ;mask it |
plp |
bcc 10$ ;...branch if it was numeric (0-9) |
adc #8 ;else in range (A-F), add 9 (assumes .c=1) |
10$ rts |
; write address |
display_address |
lda load_address+1 ;print current address, high/low |
jsr display_byte ;print high byte |
lda load_address ;print low byte (fall into display_byte) |
display_byte |
pha ;save byte to unpack |
lsr a ;most significant nibble |
lsr a |
lsr a |
lsr a |
jsr display_digit ;convert binary to ascii & print it |
pla |
and #$0f ;least significant nibble (fall into display_digit) |
display_digit |
clc ;convert binary nibble to ascii |
adc #$f6 |
bcc 10$ |
adc #$06 |
10$ adc #$3a |
jmp bsout ;print it and RTS |
end |
.end |
Reference in new issue