- Removed PID file generation, uneeded use matching process to
plane-notify name
- Add timeout to requests for ADSBX, previously hanging.
- Fix exception for Discord
-Auto route lookup toggle
-Simplify failure, removed failed var rely on data to None instead
-ADSBX data matching efficiency improved, index then loop rather than nested loops
-Send crash log as file to discord
-Deduplicate requst code for adsbx requests
-Discord Tag Role ability
-Print out OpenSky error when one exsist
-Ignore missing elements when screenshoting ADSBX
-Relative ETA to destination added
-Fix issue with RA screenshot, add lat/lon param just incase map breaks
-Use AGL to nearest airport when landing or takeoff is a unconfirmed instead of MSL, helps improve reliability in high areas.
-Change airport code on image to IATA / ICAO
-Better exceptions
-Common Discord message method, full traceback on exits sent to Discord
-Remove unneeded location code that relied on Reverse Geocode
-Update TODO and refrences
-Try powerup
-Route lookup, not public because it breaks TOS of companies
-Scrap GeoPy Lookup, now using nearest airport city/state
-Update Nav mode notifications, include althold alitude,
screenshot only on approach
-Discord support for only message, image not required.