4 years ago | |
ExImages | 4 years ago | |
LICENSE | 4 years ago | |
NotifyBot.py | 4 years ago | |
README.md | 4 years ago | |
Refrences.md | 4 years ago | |
config.ini | 4 years ago | |
defADSBX.py | 4 years ago | |
defDiscord.py | 4 years ago | |
defMap.py | 4 years ago | |
defOpenSky.py | 4 years ago | |
defSS.py | 4 years ago | |
defTweet.py | 4 years ago |
Notify If a Selected Plane has taken off or landed using Python with OpenSky or ADS-B Exchange Data, outputs location of takeoff location of landing and takeoff by reverse lookup of coordinates.
Their are two branches of this program single is the original only supports one plane works with OpenSky and ADSBX. Multi branch is the new version supports multiple planes currently only works with ADSBX, will eventually implement OpenSky. Your current viewing single.
Discord Output Example
More examples in the ExImages folder
Why I made it
Made it so I could track Elon Musk's Jet and share with others of his whereabouts on Twitter.
How It works
Takes data about every 15 seconds from OpenSky Network or ADS-B Exchange and compares it to previous data with what I've defined as a landing or takeoff event.
A takeoff event is the plane is not on the ground, below 10k feet and ((previously no data and now getting data) or was previously on the ground).
A landing event is previously below 10k feet and (previously getting data, no longer getting data and previously not on the ground) or (now on the ground and previously not on the ground).
Given the coordinates of the aircraft the coordinates are reverse looked up for a location name. (GeoPY Nomination Geolocator)
At the time of takeoff a takeoff time is set, which is referenced in the landing event to calculate approximate total flight time.
A Static map image is created based off location name. (Google Static Maps API) or a screenshot of https://global.adsbexchange.com/ is created using Selenium/ChromeDriver The selected plane is locked on in the screenshot.
If the landing event and takeoff events are true, It will output to any of the following built-in output methods. (Twitter, Pushbullet, and Discord all of which can be setup and enabled in config.ini). Outputs the location name, map image and takeoff time if landing. (Tweepy and "Pushbullet.py" and Discord_webhooks)
Make sure Python/PIP is installed
apt update
apt install python3
apt install python3-pip
Install Colorama and geopy
pip install colorama
pip install geopy
Install Selenium / ChromeDriver or setup Google Static Maps
Selenium/ChromeDriver is used to take a screenshot of the plane on globe.adsbexchange.com. Or use Google Static Maps, which can cost money if over used(No tutorial use https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/maps-static/get-api-key to get to a key).
1. Chromium
sudo apt-get install chromium
2. ChromeDriver
sudo apt-get install chromium-driver
3. Selenium
pip install -U selenium
Install Pushbullet, Tweepy, and Discord optional output methods already implemented in code, only install the ones you want to use.
pip install tweepy
pip install pushbullet.py
pip install discord_webhooks
Configure these methods of output in config.ini
Install Screen to run in the background
apt install screen
Download / Clone
apt install git
git clone -b single --single-branch https://github.com/Jxck-S/plane-notify.git
cd plane-notify
Configure config file with keys and URLs (config.ini)
- edit them with nano or vi on the running machine or on your pc and transfer the config to where you will be running the bot
Enter and create new Screen Session
screen -R <name screen whatever you want>
Start Program
python3 NotifyBot.py
- Possibly implement airport name, done by closest airport
- General Cleanup