class Plane :
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
def __init__ ( self , icao , config_path , config ) :
""" Initializes a plane object from its config file and given icao. """
self . icao = icao . upper ( )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
self . config = config
self . conf_file_path = config_path
self . geo_alt_ft = None
self . last_geo_alt_ft = None
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
self . below_desired_ft = None
self . last_below_desired_ft = None
self . feeding = None
self . last_feeding = None
self . last_on_ground = None
self . on_ground = None
self . longitude = None
self . latitude = None
self . callsign = None
self . takeoff_time = None
self . map_file_name = icao . upper ( ) + " _map.png "
self . last_latitude = None
self . last_longitude = None
self . last_contact = None
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
self . landing_plausible = False
self . last_squawk = None
self . squawk = None
self . nav_modes = None
self . last_nav_modes = None
def getICAO ( self ) :
return self . icao
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
def run_OPENS ( self , ac_dict ) :
#Parse OpenSky Vector
from colorama import Fore , Back , Style
self . printheader ( " head " )
#print (Fore.YELLOW + "OpenSky Sourced Data: ", ac_dict)
try :
self . __dict__ . update ( { ' icao ' : ac_dict . icao24 . upper ( ) , ' callsign ' : ac_dict . callsign , ' latitude ' : ac_dict . latitude , ' longitude ' : ac_dict . longitude , ' on_ground ' : bool ( ac_dict . on_ground ) , ' last_contact ' : ac_dict . last_contact } )
if ac_dict . geo_altitude != None :
self . geo_alt_ft = round ( float ( ac_dict . geo_altitude ) * 3.281 )
elif self . on_ground :
self . geo_alt_ft = 0
except ValueError as e :
print ( " Got data but some data is invalid! " )
print ( e )
self . printheader ( " foot " )
else :
self . feeding = True
self . run_check ( )
def run_ADSBXv1 ( self , ac_dict ) :
#Parse ADBSX V1 Vector
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
from colorama import Fore , Back , Style
self . printheader ( " head " )
#print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict, Style.RESET_ALL)
try :
#postime is divided by 1000 to get seconds from milliseconds, from timestamp expects secs.
self . __dict__ . update ( { ' icao ' : ac_dict [ ' icao ' ] , ' callsign ' : ac_dict [ ' call ' ] , ' reg ' : ac_dict [ ' reg ' ] , ' squawk ' : ac_dict [ ' sqk ' ] , ' latitude ' : float ( ac_dict [ ' lat ' ] ) , ' longitude ' : float ( ac_dict [ ' lon ' ] ) , ' geo_alt_ft ' : int ( ac_dict [ ' galt ' ] ) , ' on_ground ' : bool ( int ( ac_dict [ " gnd " ] ) ) , ' last_contact ' : round ( float ( ac_dict [ " postime " ] ) / 1000 ) } )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
if self . on_ground :
self . geo_alt_ft = 0
except ValueError as e :
print ( " Got data but some data is invalid! " )
print ( e )
print ( Fore . YELLOW + " ADSBX Sourced Data: " , ac_dict , Style . RESET_ALL )
self . printheader ( " foot " )
else :
self . feeding = True
self . run_check ( )
def run_ADSBXv2 ( self , ac_dict ) :
#Parse ADBSX V2 Vector
from colorama import Fore , Back , Style
self . printheader ( " head " )
#print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict, Style.RESET_ALL)
try :
self . __dict__ . update ( { ' icao ' : ac_dict [ ' hex ' ] . upper ( ) , ' reg ' : ac_dict [ ' r ' ] , ' squawk ' : ac_dict [ ' squawk ' ] , ' latitude ' : float ( ac_dict [ ' lat ' ] ) , ' longitude ' : float ( ac_dict [ ' lon ' ] ) } )
if ' alt_geom ' in ac_dict :
self . geo_alt_ft = int ( ac_dict [ ' alt_geom ' ] )
elif ' alt_geom ' not in ac_dict and ' alt_baro ' in ac_dict :
self . geo_alt_ft = int ( ac_dict [ ' alt_baro ' ] )
if ' flight ' in ac_dict :
self . callsign = ac_dict [ ' flight ' ]
if ac_dict [ ' alt_baro ' ] == " ground " :
self . geo_alt_ft = 0
self . on_ground = True
elif ac_dict [ ' alt_baro ' ] != " ground " :
self . on_ground = False
if ' nav_modes ' in ac_dict :
self . nav_modes = ac_dict [ ' nav_modes ' ]
for idx , mode in enumerate ( self . nav_modes ) :
if mode == ( ' tcas ' or ' lnav ' or ' vnav ' ) :
self . nav_modes [ idx ] = self . nav_modes [ idx ] . upper ( )
else :
self . nav_modes [ idx ] = self . nav_modes [ idx ] . capitalize ( )
from datetime import datetime , timedelta
#Create last seen timestamp from how long ago in secs a pos was rec
now = datetime . now ( )
last_pos_datetime = now - timedelta ( seconds = ac_dict [ " seen_pos " ] )
self . last_contact = datetime . timestamp ( last_pos_datetime )
except ( ValueError , KeyError ) as e :
print ( " Got data but some data is invalid! " )
print ( e )
print ( Fore . YELLOW + " ADSBX Sourced Data: " , ac_dict , Style . RESET_ALL )
self . printheader ( " foot " )
else :
self . feeding = True
self . run_check ( )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
def printheader ( self , type ) :
from colorama import Fore , Back , Style
if type == " head " :
header = str ( " --------- " + self . conf_file_path + " ---------------------------- ICAO: " + self . icao + " --------------------------------------- " )
elif type == " foot " :
header = " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
print ( Back . MAGENTA + header [ 0 : 100 ] + Style . RESET_ALL )
def get_time_since ( self , last_contact ) :
from datetime import datetime
if last_contact != None :
last_contact_dt = datetime . fromtimestamp ( last_contact )
time_since_contact = datetime . now ( ) - last_contact_dt
else :
time_since_contact = None
return time_since_contact
def run_empty ( self ) :
self . printheader ( " head " )
self . feeding = False
self . run_check ( )
def run_check ( self ) :
""" Runs a check of a plane module to see if its landed or takenoff using plane data, and takes action if so. """
#Import Modules
#Clear Terminal
#Ability to Remove old Map
import os
#Setup Geopy
from geopy . geocoders import Nominatim
geolocator = Nominatim ( user_agent = " NotifyBot " , timeout = 5 )
import time
from colorama import Fore , Back , Style
#Platform for determining OS for strftime
import platform
from datetime import datetime
from tabulate import tabulate
from AppendAirport import append_airport
from defAirport import getClosestAirport
if self . config . get ( ' MAP ' , ' OPTION ' ) == " GOOGLESTATICMAP " :
from defMap import getMap
elif self . config . get ( ' MAP ' , ' OPTION ' ) == " ADSBX " :
from defSS import getSS
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
if self . config . has_option ( ' MAP ' , ' OVERLAYS ' ) :
self . overlays = self . config . get ( ' MAP ' , ' OVERLAYS ' )
else :
self . overlays = " "
else :
raise Exception ( " Map option not set correctly in this planes conf " )
if self . config . getboolean ( ' DISCORD ' , ' ENABLE ' ) :
from defDiscord import sendDis
#Setup Tweepy
if self . config . getboolean ( ' TWITTER ' , ' ENABLE ' ) :
from defTweet import tweepysetup
self . tweet_api = tweepysetup ( self . config )
#Setup PushBullet
if self . config . getboolean ( ' PUSHBULLET ' , ' ENABLE ' ) :
from pushbullet import Pushbullet
self . pb = Pushbullet ( self . config [ ' PUSHBULLET ' ] [ ' API_KEY ' ] )
self . pb_channel = self . pb . get_channel ( self . config . get ( ' PUSHBULLET ' , ' CHANNEL_TAG ' ) )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
if self . feeding == False :
time_since_contact = self . get_time_since ( self . last_contact )
output = [
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " ICAO " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + self . icao + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] ,
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " Last Contact " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + str ( time_since_contact ) + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] if time_since_contact != None else None
output = list ( filter ( None , output ) )
print ( tabulate ( output , [ ] , ' fancy_grid ' ) )
print ( " No Data " )
elif self . feeding == True :
time_since_contact = self . get_time_since ( self . last_contact )
output = [
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " ICAO " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + self . icao + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] ,
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " Callsign " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + self . callsign + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] if self . callsign != None else None ,
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " Reg " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + self . reg + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] if " reg " in self . __dict__ else None ,
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " Squawk " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + self . squawk + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] if " squawk " in self . __dict__ else None ,
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " Latitude " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + str ( self . latitude ) + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] ,
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " Longitude " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + str ( self . longitude ) + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] ,
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " Last Contact " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + str ( time_since_contact ) . split ( " . " ) [ 0 ] + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] ,
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " On Ground " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + str ( self . on_ground ) + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] ,
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " GEO Alitude " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + str ( " {:,} ft " . format ( self . geo_alt_ft ) ) + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] ,
[ ( Fore . CYAN + " Nav Modes " + Style . RESET_ALL ) , ( Fore . LIGHTGREEN_EX + ' , ' . join ( self . nav_modes ) + Style . RESET_ALL ) ] if " nav_modes " in self . __dict__ and self . nav_modes != None else None ,
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
output = list ( filter ( None , output ) )
print ( tabulate ( output , [ ] , ' fancy_grid ' ) )
#Check if below desire ft
desired_ft = 10000
if self . geo_alt_ft is None or self . geo_alt_ft > desired_ft :
self . below_desired_ft = False
elif self . geo_alt_ft < desired_ft :
self . below_desired_ft = True
#Check if tookoff
if self . below_desired_ft and self . on_ground is False :
if self . last_on_ground :
self . tookoff = True
self . trigger_type = " no longer on ground "
self . type_header = " Took off from "
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
elif self . last_feeding is False and self . feeding and self . landing_plausible == False :
self . tookoff = True
self . trigger_type = " data acquisition "
self . type_header = " Took off near "
else :
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
self . tookoff = False
else :
self . tookoff = False
#self.tookoff = bool(self.below_desired_ft and self.on_ground is False and ((self.last_feeding is False and self.feeding) or (self.last_on_ground)))
#print ("Tookoff Just Now:", self.tookoff)
#Check if Landed
if self . on_ground and self . last_on_ground is False and self . last_below_desired_ft :
self . landed = True
self . trigger_type = " now on ground "
self . type_header = " Landed in "
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
self . landing_plausible = False
#Set status for landing plausible
elif self . last_below_desired_ft and self . last_feeding and self . feeding is False and self . last_on_ground is False :
print ( " Near landing conditions, if contiuned data loss for 5 mins, landing true " )
self . landing_plausible = True
elif self . landing_plausible and self . feeding is False and time_since_contact . seconds > = 300 :
self . landing_plausible = False
self . landed = True
self . trigger_type = " data loss "
self . type_header = " Landed near "
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
else :
self . landed = False
#self.landed = bool(self.last_below_desired_ft and ((self.last_feeding and self.feeding is False and self.last_on_ground is False) or (self.on_ground and self.last_on_ground is False)))
#print ("Landed Just Now:", self.landed)
if self . landed :
print ( " Landed by " , self . trigger_type )
if self . tookoff :
print ( " Tookoff by " , self . trigger_type )
#Lookup Location of coordinates
if self . landed or self . tookoff :
if self . trigger_type == " now on ground " or " data acquisition " and self . longitude != None and self . latitude != None :
combined = f " { self . latitude } , { self . longitude } "
nearest_airport_dict = getClosestAirport ( self . latitude , self . longitude , self . config . get ( " AIRPORT " , " TYPES " ) )
has_coords = True
elif self . trigger_type == " data loss " or " no longer on ground " and self . last_longitude != None and self . last_latitude != None :
combined = f " { self . last_latitude } , { self . last_longitude } "
nearest_airport_dict = getClosestAirport ( self . last_latitude , self . last_longitude , self . config . get ( " AIRPORT " , " TYPES " ) )
has_coords = True
else :
print ( Fore . RED + ' No Location, No coordinates ' )
invalid_Location = True
print ( Style . RESET_ALL )
if has_coords :
try :
location = geolocator . reverse ( combined )
except BaseException :
print ( " Geopy API Error " )
else :
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
# print (Fore.YELLOW, "Geopy debug: ", location.raw, Style.RESET_ALL)
#Checking for invalid location, where GeoPy doesn't find coordinates info
try :
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
geoError = location . raw [ ' error ' ]
except KeyError :
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
invalid_Location = False
#Convert Full address to sep variables only if Valid Location
address = location . raw [ ' address ' ]
country = address . get ( ' country ' , ' ' )
country_code = address . get ( ' country_code ' , ' ' ) . upper ( )
state = address . get ( ' state ' , ' ' )
county = address . get ( ' county ' , ' ' )
city = address . get ( ' city ' , ' ' )
town = address . get ( ' town ' , ' ' )
hamlet = address . get ( ' hamlet ' , ' ' )
# print (Fore.YELLOW)
# print ("Address Fields debug: ", self.address)
# print(Style.RESET_ALL)
print ( Fore . GREEN )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
print ( " Entire Address: " , location . address )
print ( " Country Code: " , country_code )
print ( " Country: " , country )
print ( " State: " , state )
print ( " City: " , city )
print ( " Town: " , town )
print ( " Hamlet: " , hamlet )
print ( " County: " , county )
print ( Style . RESET_ALL )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
#Chose city town county or hamlet for location as not all are always avalible.
aera_hierarchy = city or town or county or hamlet
else :
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
invalid_Location = True
print ( Fore . RED )
print ( geoError )
print ( " Invalid Location, Likely Over Water " )
print ( Style . RESET_ALL )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
#Set Discord Title
if self . config . getboolean ( ' DISCORD ' , ' ENABLE ' ) :
self . dis_title = self . icao if self . config . get ( ' DISCORD ' , ' TITLE ' ) == " icao " else self . callsign if self . config . get ( ' DISCORD ' , ' TITLE ' ) == " callsign " else self . config . get ( ' DISCORD ' , ' TITLE ' )
#Set Twitter Title
if self . config . getboolean ( ' TWITTER ' , ' ENABLE ' ) :
self . twitter_title = self . icao if self . config . get ( ' TWITTER ' , ' TITLE ' ) == " icao " else self . callsign if self . config . get ( ' TWITTER ' , ' TITLE ' ) == " callsign " else self . config . get ( ' TWITTER ' , ' TITLE ' )
#Takeoff and Land Notification
if self . tookoff or self . landed :
if self . tookoff :
self . takeoff_time = time . time ( )
self . landed_time_msg = None
elif self . landed and self . takeoff_time != None :
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
self . landed_time = time . time ( ) - self . takeoff_time
if platform . system ( ) == " Linux " :
self . landed_time_msg = time . strftime ( " Apx. flt. time % -H Hours : % -M Mins. " , time . gmtime ( self . landed_time ) )
elif platform . system ( ) == " Windows " :
self . landed_time_msg = time . strftime ( " Apx. flt. time % #H Hours : % #M Mins. " , time . gmtime ( self . landed_time ) )
self . takeoff_time = None
self . landed_time = None
elif self . landed :
self . landed_time_msg = None
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
if invalid_Location is False :
message = ( self . type_header + aera_hierarchy + " , " + state + " , " + country_code + " . " ) + ( ( " " + self . landed_time_msg ) if self . landed_time_msg != None else " " )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
else :
message = ( " Landed " + ( ( " " + self . landed_time_msg ) if self . landed_time_msg != None else " " ) if self . landed else " Tookoff " if self . tookoff else " " )
print ( message )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
#Google Map or tar1090 screenshot
if self . config . get ( ' MAP ' , ' OPTION ' ) == " GOOGLESTATICMAP " :
getMap ( ( aera_hierarchy + " , " + state + " , " + country_code ) , self . icao )
elif self . config . get ( ' MAP ' , ' OPTION ' ) == " ADSBX " :
getSS ( self . icao , self . overlays )
if nearest_airport_dict != None :
append_airport ( self . map_file_name , nearest_airport_dict [ ' icao ' ] , nearest_airport_dict [ ' name ' ] , nearest_airport_dict [ ' distance ' ] )
airport_string = nearest_airport_dict [ ' icao ' ] + " , " + nearest_airport_dict [ " name " ]
else :
airport_string = " "
else :
raise Exception ( " Map option not set correctly in this planes conf " )
if self . config . getboolean ( ' DISCORD ' , ' ENABLE ' ) :
dis_message = ( self . dis_title + " " + message + " " + airport_string ) . strip ( )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
sendDis ( dis_message , self . map_file_name , self . config )
if self . config . getboolean ( ' PUSHBULLET ' , ' ENABLE ' ) :
with open ( self . map_file_name , " rb " ) as pic :
map_data = self . pb . upload_file ( pic , " Tookoff IMG " )
self . pb_channel . push_note ( self . config . get ( ' PUSHBULLET ' , ' TITLE ' ) , message )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
self . pb_channel . push_file ( * * map_data )
if self . config . getboolean ( ' TWITTER ' , ' ENABLE ' ) :
twitter_media_map_obj = self . tweet_api . media_upload ( self . map_file_name )
alt_text = " Call: " + self . callsign + " On Ground: " + str ( self . on_ground ) + " Alt: " + str ( self . geo_alt_ft ) + " Last Contact: " + str ( time_since_contact ) + " Trigger: " + self . trigger_type
self . tweet_api . create_media_metadata ( media_id = twitter_media_map_obj . media_id , alt_text = alt_text )
self . tweet_api . update_status ( status = ( ( self . twitter_title + " " + message ) . strip ( ) ) , media_ids = [ twitter_media_map_obj . media_id ] )
#self.tweet_api.update_with_media(self.map_file_name, status = (self.twitter_title + " " + tookoff_message).strip())
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
os . remove ( self . map_file_name )
squawks = [ ( " 7500 " , " Hijacking " ) , ( " 7600 " , " Radio Failure " ) , ( " 7700 " , " Emergency " ) ]
if self . feeding :
for squawk in squawks :
if self . squawk == squawk [ 0 ] and self . squawk != self . last_squawk :
squawk_message = ( " Squawking " + squawk [ 0 ] + " , " + squawk [ 1 ] )
print ( squawk_message )
#Google Map or tar1090 screenshot
# if self.config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "GOOGLESTATICMAP":
# getMap((aera_hierarchy + ", " + state + ", " + country_code), self.icao)
if self . config . get ( ' MAP ' , ' OPTION ' ) == " ADSBX " :
getSS ( self . icao , self . overlays )
if self . config . getboolean ( ' DISCORD ' , ' ENABLE ' ) :
dis_message = ( self . dis_title + " " + squawk_message )
sendDis ( dis_message , self . map_file_name , self . config )
os . remove ( self . map_file_name )
#Nav Modes Notifications
if self . nav_modes != None and self . last_nav_modes != None :
new_modes = [ ]
for mode in self . nav_modes :
if mode not in self . last_nav_modes :
new_modes . append ( mode )
if new_modes != [ ] :
modes_string = " , " . join ( new_modes )
if self . config . getboolean ( ' DISCORD ' , ' ENABLE ' ) :
dis_message = ( self . dis_title + " " + modes_string + " mode enabled. " ) . strip ( )
getSS ( self . icao , self . overlays )
sendDis ( dis_message , self . map_file_name , self . config )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
#Set Variables to compare to next check
self . last_feeding = self . feeding
self . last_geo_alt_ft = self . geo_alt_ft
self . last_on_ground = self . on_ground
self . last_below_desired_ft = self . below_desired_ft
self . last_longitude = self . longitude
self . last_latitude = self . latitude
self . last_squawk = self . squawk
self . last_nav_modes = self . nav_modes
if self . takeoff_time != None :
self . elapsed_time = time . time ( ) - self . takeoff_time
self . time_since_tk = time . strftime ( " Time Since Take off % H Hours : % M Mins : % S Secs " , time . gmtime ( self . elapsed_time ) )
print ( self . time_since_tk )
-Many changes, overlays, cleanup, more config....
-Added tar1090 overlay option per plane.
-Added Discord notifcation of failover(required rn).
-Improved config parsing, subfolder support, disabled folder to ignore, plane configs parsed only once.
-Unified divider length, 100
-Parsing ADSBX and OpenSky are seperate functions also run empty function.
-Made some self variables local, they where unnecessarily self.
-Remove recheck data, uneeded since timeout to landing was added.
-Cleaned up Reverse Geocoder error handling, uses less variables.
4 years ago
self . printheader ( " foot " )