Mirror of https://github.com/Jxck-S/plane-notify This is the backend to ElonsJet and other bots
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

887 lines
54 KiB

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
class Plane:
import configparser
main_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
def __init__(self, icao, config_path, config):
"""Initializes a plane object from its config file and given icao."""
self.icao = icao.upper()
self.callsign = None
self.config = config
self.overrides = {}
if self.config.has_option('DATA', 'OVERRIDE_REG'):
self.reg = self.config.get('DATA', 'OVERRIDE_REG')
self.overrides['reg'] = self.reg
self.reg = None
if self.config.has_option('DATA', 'OVERRIDE_ICAO_TYPE'):
self.type = self.config.get('DATA', 'OVERRIDE_ICAO_TYPE')
self.overrides['type'] = self.type
self.type = None
if self.config.has_option('DATA', 'OVERRIDE_ICAO_TYPE'):
self.overrides['typelong'] = self.config.get('DATA', 'OVERRIDE_TYPELONG')
if self.config.has_option('DATA', 'OVERRIDE_OWNER'):
self.overrides['ownop'] = self.config.get('DATA', 'OVERRIDE_OWNER')
self.conf_file_path = config_path
self.alt_ft = None
self.below_desired_ft = None
self.last_below_desired_ft = None
self.feeding = None
self.last_feeding = None
self.last_on_ground = None
self.on_ground = None
self.longitude = None
self.latitude = None
self.takeoff_time = None
import tempfile
self.map_file_name = f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}/{icao.upper()}_map.png"
self.last_latitude = None
self.last_longitude = None
self.last_pos_datetime = None
self.landing_plausible = False
self.nav_modes = None
self.last_nav_modes = None
self.speed = None
self.recent_ra_types = {}
self.db_flags = None
self.sel_nav_alt = None
self.last_sel_alt = None
self.squawk = None
self.emergency_already_triggered = None
self.last_emergency = None
self.recheck_route_time = None
self.known_to_airport = None
self.track = None
self.last_track = None
self.circle_history = None
self.nearest_from_airport = None
if self.config.has_option('DATA', 'DATA_LOSS_MINS'):
self.data_loss_mins = self.config.getint('DATA', 'DATA_LOSS_MINS')
self.data_loss_mins = Plane.main_config.getint('DATA', 'DATA_LOSS_MINS')
#Setup Tweepy
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE') and Plane.main_config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'):
import tweepy
twitter_app_auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(Plane.main_config.get('TWITTER', 'CONSUMER_KEY'), Plane.main_config.get('TWITTER', 'CONSUMER_SECRET'))
twitter_app_auth.set_access_token(config.get('TWITTER', 'ACCESS_TOKEN'), config.get('TWITTER', 'ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'))
self.tweet_api = tweepy.API(twitter_app_auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True)
self.latest_tweet_id = self.tweet_api.user_timeline(count = 1)[0]
except IndexError:
self.latest_tweet_id = None
#Setup PushBullet
if self.config.getboolean('PUSHBULLET', 'ENABLE'):
from pushbullet import Pushbullet
self.pb = Pushbullet(self.config['PUSHBULLET']['API_KEY'])
self.pb_channel = self.pb.get_channel(self.config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'CHANNEL_TAG'))
def run_opens(self, ac_dict):
#Parse OpenSky Vector
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
#print (Fore.YELLOW + "OpenSky Sourced Data: ", ac_dict)
2 years ago
'icao' : ac_dict.icao24.upper(),
'callsign' : ac_dict.callsign,
'latitude' : ac_dict.latitude,
'longitude' : ac_dict.longitude,
'on_ground' : bool(ac_dict.on_ground),
'squawk' : ac_dict.squawk,
'track' : float(ac_dict.true_track)})
if ac_dict.baro_altitude != None:
self.alt_ft = round(float(ac_dict.baro_altitude) * 3.281)
elif self.on_ground:
self.alt_ft = 0
from mictronics_parse import get_aircraft_reg_by_icao, get_type_code_by_icao
self.reg = get_aircraft_reg_by_icao(self.icao)
self.type = get_type_code_by_icao(self.icao)
if ac_dict.time_position is not None:
self.last_pos_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(ac_dict.time_position)
except ValueError as e:
print("Got data but some data is invalid!")
self.feeding = True
def run_adsbx_v1(self, ac_dict):
#Parse ADBSX V1 Vector
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
#print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict, Style.RESET_ALL)
#postime is divided by 1000 to get seconds from milliseconds, from timestamp expects secs.
self.__dict__.update({'icao' : ac_dict['icao'].upper(), 'callsign' : ac_dict['call'], 'reg' : ac_dict['reg'], 'latitude' : float(ac_dict['lat']), 'longitude' : float(ac_dict['lon']), 'alt_ft' : int(ac_dict['alt']), 'on_ground' : bool(int(ac_dict["gnd"])), 'squawk' : ac_dict['sqk'], 'track' : float(ac_dict["trak"])})
if self.on_ground:
self.alt_ft = 0
self.last_pos_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ac_dict['postime'])/1000)
except ValueError as e:
print("Got data but some data is invalid!")
print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict, Style.RESET_ALL)
self.feeding = True
def run_adsbx_v2(self, ac_dict):
#Parse ADBSX V2 Vector
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
self.__dict__.update({'icao' : ac_dict['hex'].upper(), 'latitude' : float(ac_dict['lat']), 'longitude' : float(ac_dict['lon']), 'speed': ac_dict['gs']})
if "r" in ac_dict:
self.reg = ac_dict['r']
if "t" in ac_dict:
self.type = ac_dict['t']
if ac_dict['alt_baro'] != "ground":
self.alt_ft = int(ac_dict['alt_baro'])
self.on_ground = False
elif ac_dict['alt_baro'] == "ground":
self.alt_ft = 0
self.on_ground = True
if ac_dict.get('flight') is not None:
self.callsign = ac_dict.get('flight').strip()
self.callsign = None
if ac_dict.get('dbFlags') is not None:
self.db_flags = ac_dict['dbFlags']
if 'nav_modes' in ac_dict:
self.nav_modes = ac_dict['nav_modes']
for idx, mode in enumerate(self.nav_modes):
if mode.upper() in ['TCAS', 'LNAV', 'VNAV']:
self.nav_modes[idx] = self.nav_modes[idx].upper()
self.nav_modes[idx] = self.nav_modes[idx].capitalize()
self.squawk = ac_dict.get('squawk')
if "track" in ac_dict:
self.track = ac_dict['track']
if "nav_altitude_fms" in ac_dict:
self.sel_nav_alt = ac_dict['nav_altitude_fms']
elif "nav_altitude_mcp" in ac_dict:
self.sel_nav_alt = ac_dict['nav_altitude_mcp']
self.sel_nav_alt = None
#Create last seen timestamp from how long ago in secs a pos was rec
self.last_pos_datetime = datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds= ac_dict["seen_pos"])
except (ValueError, KeyError) as e:
print("Got data but some data is invalid!")
print (Fore.YELLOW +"ADSBX Sourced Data: ", ac_dict, Style.RESET_ALL)
#Error Handling for bad data, sometimes it would seem to be ADSB Decode error
if (not self.on_ground) and self.speed <= 10:
print("Not running check, appears to be bad ADSB Decode")
self.feeding = True
def __str__(self):
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
from tabulate import tabulate
if self.last_pos_datetime is not None:
time_since_contact = self.get_time_since(self.last_pos_datetime)
output = [
[(Fore.CYAN + "ICAO" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.icao + Style.RESET_ALL)],
[(Fore.CYAN + "Callsign" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.callsign + Style.RESET_ALL)] if self.callsign is not None else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "Reg" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.reg + Style.RESET_ALL)] if self.reg is not None else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "Squawk" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.squawk + Style.RESET_ALL)] if self.squawk is not None else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "Coordinates" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(self.latitude) + ", " + str(self.longitude) + Style.RESET_ALL)] if self.latitude is not None and self.longitude is not None else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "Last Contact" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(time_since_contact).split(".")[0]+ Style.RESET_ALL)] if self.last_pos_datetime is not None else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "On Ground" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str(self.on_ground) + Style.RESET_ALL)] if self.on_ground is not None else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "Baro Altitude" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str("{:,} ft".format(self.alt_ft)) + Style.RESET_ALL)] if self.alt_ft is not None else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "Nav Modes" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + ', '.join(self.nav_modes) + Style.RESET_ALL)] if "nav_modes" in self.__dict__ and self.nav_modes != None else None,
[(Fore.CYAN + "Sel Alt Ft" + Style.RESET_ALL), (Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + str("{:,} ft".format(self.sel_nav_alt)) + Style.RESET_ALL)] if "sel_nav_alt" in self.__dict__ and self.sel_nav_alt is not None else None
output = list(filter(None, output))
return tabulate(output, [], 'fancy_grid')
def print_header(self, note):
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
if note == "BEGIN":
header = f"---BEGIN---------{self.conf_file_path}"
elif note == "END":
header = f"---END"
remaning_len = 85 - len(header)
for x in range(0, remaning_len):
header += "-"
header += f"ICAO: {self.icao}---"
if note =="END":
header += Style.RESET_ALL + "\n"
print(Back.MAGENTA + header + Style.RESET_ALL)
def get_time_since(self, datetime_obj):
if datetime_obj != None:
time_since = datetime.now() - datetime_obj
time_since = None
return time_since
def get_adsbx_map_overlays(self):
if self.config.has_option('MAP', 'OVERLAYS'):
overlays = self.config.get('MAP', 'OVERLAYS')
overlays = "null"
return overlays
def route_info(self):
from lookup_route import lookup_route, clean_data
def route_format(extra_route_info, type):
from defAirport import get_airport_by_icao
to_airport = get_airport_by_icao(self.known_to_airport)
if to_airport:
code = to_airport['iata_code'] if to_airport['iata_code'] != "" else to_airport['icao']
airport_text = f"{code}, {to_airport['name']}"
airport_text = f"{self.known_to_airport}"
if 'time_to' in extra_route_info.keys() and type != "divert":
arrival_rel = "in ~" + extra_route_info['time_to']
arrival_rel = None
if self.known_to_airport != self.nearest_from_airport:
if type == "inital":
header = "Going to"
elif type == "change":
header = "Now going to"
elif type == "divert":
header = "Now diverting to"
if to_airport:
area = f"{to_airport['municipality']}, {to_airport['region']}, {to_airport['iso_country']}"
area = ""
route_to = f"{header} {area} ({airport_text})" + (f" arriving {arrival_rel}" if arrival_rel is not None else "")
if type == "inital":
header = "Will be returning to"
elif type == "change":
header = "Now returning to"
elif type == "divert":
header = "Now diverting back to"
route_to = f"{header} {airport_text}" + (f" {arrival_rel}" if arrival_rel is not None else "")
return route_to
if hasattr(self, "type"):
extra_route_info = clean_data(lookup_route(self.reg, (self.latitude, self.longitude), self.type, self.alt_ft))
extra_route_info = None
route_to = None
if extra_route_info is None:
elif extra_route_info is not None:
if "divert_icao" in extra_route_info.keys():
if self.known_to_airport != extra_route_info["divert_icao"]:
self.known_to_airport = extra_route_info['divert_icao']
route_to = route_format(extra_route_info, "divert")
elif "dest_icao" in extra_route_info.keys():
#Inital Destination Found
if self.known_to_airport is None:
self.known_to_airport = extra_route_info['dest_icao']
route_to = route_format(extra_route_info, "inital")
#Destination Change
elif self.known_to_airport != extra_route_info["dest_icao"]:
self.known_to_airport = extra_route_info['dest_icao']
route_to = route_format(extra_route_info, "change")
return route_to
def run_empty(self):
self.feeding = False
def run_check(self):
"""Runs a check of a plane module to see if its landed or takenoff using plane data, and takes action if so."""
#Ability to Remove old Map
import os
from colorama import Fore, Style
from tabulate import tabulate
#Proprietary Route Lookup
if os.path.isfile("lookup_route.py") and (self.db_flags is None or not self.db_flags & 1):
from lookup_route import lookup_route
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
from defDiscord import sendDis
if self.last_pos_datetime is not None:
time_since_contact = self.get_time_since(self.last_pos_datetime)
#Check if below desire ft
desired_ft = 15000
if self.alt_ft is None or self.alt_ft > desired_ft:
self.below_desired_ft = False
elif self.alt_ft < desired_ft:
self.below_desired_ft = True
#Check if tookoff
if self.below_desired_ft and self.on_ground is False:
if self.last_on_ground:
self.tookoff = True
trigger_type = "no longer on ground"
type_header = "Took off from"
elif self.last_feeding is False and self.feeding and self.landing_plausible == False:
from defAirport import getClosestAirport
nearest_airport_dict = getClosestAirport(self.latitude, self.longitude, self.config.get("AIRPORT", "TYPES"))
if nearest_airport_dict['elevation_ft'] != "":
alt_above_airport = (self.alt_ft - int(nearest_airport_dict['elevation_ft']))
print(f"AGL nearest airport: {alt_above_airport}")
alt_above_airport = None
if (alt_above_airport != None and alt_above_airport <= 10000) or self.alt_ft <= 15000:
self.tookoff = True
trigger_type = "data acquisition"
type_header = "Took off near"
self.tookoff = False
self.tookoff = False
#Check if Landed
if self.on_ground and self.last_on_ground is False and self.last_below_desired_ft:
self.landed = True
trigger_type = "now on ground"
type_header = "Landed in"
self.landing_plausible = False
#Set status for landing plausible
elif self.below_desired_ft and self.last_feeding and self.feeding is False and self.last_on_ground is False:
self.landing_plausible = True
print("Near landing conditions, if contiuned data loss for configured time, and if under 10k AGL landing true")
elif self.landing_plausible and self.feeding is False and time_since_contact.total_seconds() >= (self.data_loss_mins * 60):
from defAirport import getClosestAirport
nearest_airport_dict = getClosestAirport(self.latitude, self.longitude, self.config.get("AIRPORT", "TYPES"))
if nearest_airport_dict['elevation_ft'] != "":
alt_above_airport = (self.alt_ft - int(nearest_airport_dict['elevation_ft']))
print(f"AGL nearest airport: {alt_above_airport}")
alt_above_airport = None
if (alt_above_airport != None and alt_above_airport <= 10000) or self.alt_ft <= 15000:
self.landing_plausible = False
self.on_ground = None
self.landed = True
trigger_type = "data loss"
type_header = "Landed near"
print("Alt greater then 10k AGL")
self.landing_plausible = False
self.on_ground = None
self.landed = False
if self.landed:
print ("Landed by", trigger_type)
if self.tookoff:
print("Tookoff by", trigger_type)
#Find nearest airport, and location
if self.landed or self.tookoff:
from defAirport import getClosestAirport
if "nearest_airport_dict" in globals():
pass #Airport already set
elif trigger_type in ["now on ground", "data acquisition", "data loss"]:
nearest_airport_dict = getClosestAirport(self.latitude, self.longitude, self.config.get("AIRPORT", "TYPES"))
elif trigger_type == "no longer on ground":
nearest_airport_dict = getClosestAirport(self.last_latitude, self.last_longitude, self.config.get("AIRPORT", "TYPES"))
#Convert dictionary keys to sep variables
country_code = nearest_airport_dict['iso_country']
state = nearest_airport_dict['region'].strip()
municipality = nearest_airport_dict['municipality'].strip()
if municipality == "" or state == "" or municipality == state:
if municipality != "":
area = municipality
elif state != "":
area = state
area = ""
area = f"{municipality}, {state}"
location_string = (f"{area}, {country_code}")
print (Fore.GREEN + "Country Code:", country_code, "State:", state, "Municipality:", municipality + Style.RESET_ALL)
dynamic_title = self.callsign or self.reg or self.icao
#Set Discord Title
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
if self.config.get('DISCORD', 'TITLE') in ["DYNAMIC", "callsign"]:
self.dis_title = dynamic_title
self.dis_title = self.config.get('DISCORD', 'TITLE')
#Set Twitter Title
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'):
if self.config.get('TWITTER', 'TITLE') in ["DYNAMIC", "callsign"]:
self.twitter_title = dynamic_title
self.twitter_title = self.config.get('TWITTER', 'TITLE')
#Takeoff and Land Notification
if self.tookoff or self.landed:
route_to = None
if self.tookoff:
self.takeoff_time = datetime.utcnow()
landed_time_msg = None
#Proprietary Route Lookup
self.nearest_from_airport = nearest_airport_dict['icao']
route_to = self.route_info()
if route_to is None:
self.recheck_route_time = 1
self.recheck_route_time = 10
elif self.landed and self.takeoff_time != None:
landed_time = datetime.utcnow() - self.takeoff_time
if trigger_type == "data loss":
landed_time -= timedelta(seconds=time_since_contact.total_seconds())
hours, remainder = divmod(landed_time.total_seconds(), 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
min_syntax = "Mins" if minutes > 1 else "Min"
if hours > 0:
hour_syntax = "Hours" if hours > 1 else "Hour"
landed_time_msg = (f"Apx. flt. time {int(hours)} {hour_syntax}" + (f" : {int(minutes)} {min_syntax}. " if minutes > 0 else "."))
landed_time_msg = (f"Apx. flt. time {int(minutes)} {min_syntax}.")
self.takeoff_time = None
elif self.landed:
landed_time_msg = None
landed_time = None
message = (f"{type_header} {location_string}.") + ("" if route_to is None else f" {route_to}.") + ((f" {landed_time_msg}") if landed_time_msg != None else "")
print (message)
#Google Map or tar1090 screenshot
if Plane.main_config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "GOOGLESTATICMAP":
from defMap import getMap
getMap((municipality + ", " + state + ", " + country_code), self.map_file_name)
elif Plane.main_config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "ADSBX":
from defSS import get_adsbx_screenshot
url_params = f"largeMode=2&hideButtons&hideSidebar&mapDim=0&zoom=10&icao={self.icao}&overlays={self.get_adsbx_map_overlays()}&limitupdates=0"
get_adsbx_screenshot(self.map_file_name, url_params, overrides=self.overrides)
from modify_image import append_airport
text_credit = self.config.get('MAP', 'TEXT_CREDIT') if self.config.has_option('MAP', 'TEXT_CREDIT') else None
append_airport(self.map_file_name, nearest_airport_dict, text_credit)
raise ValueError("Map option not set correctly in this planes conf")
if self.config.has_section('TELEGRAM') and self.config.getboolean('TELEGRAM', 'ENABLE'):
from defTelegram import sendTeleg
photo = open(self.map_file_name, "rb")
sendTeleg(photo, message, self.config)
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
role_id = self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') if self.config.has_option('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') and self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID').strip() != "" else None
sendDis(message, self.config, role_id, self.map_file_name)
if self.config.getboolean('PUSHBULLET', 'ENABLE'):
with open(self.map_file_name, "rb") as pic:
map_data = self.pb.upload_file(pic, "Tookoff IMG" if self.tookoff else "Landed IMG")
self.pb_channel.push_note(self.config.get('PUSHBULLET', 'TITLE'), message)
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'):
import tweepy
twitter_media_map_obj = self.tweet_api.media_upload(self.map_file_name)
alt_text = f"Reg: {self.reg} On Ground: {str(self.on_ground)} Alt: {str(self.alt_ft)} Last Contact: {str(time_since_contact)} Trigger: {trigger_type}"
self.tweet_api.create_media_metadata(media_id= twitter_media_map_obj.media_id, alt_text= alt_text)
self.latest_tweet_id = self.tweet_api.update_status(status = ((self.twitter_title + " " + message).strip()), media_ids=[twitter_media_map_obj.media_id]).id
except tweepy.errors.TweepyException as e:
raise Exception(self.icao) from e
if self.config.has_option('META', 'ENABLE') and self.config.getboolean('META', 'ENABLE'):
from meta_toolkit import post_to_meta_both
post_to_meta_both(self.config.get("META", "FB_PAGE_ID"), self.config.get("META", "IG_USER_ID"), self.map_file_name, message, self.config.get("META", "ACCESS_TOKEN"))
if self.landed:
if nearest_airport_dict is not None and self.nearest_from_airport is not None and nearest_airport_dict['icao'] != self.nearest_from_airport:
from defAirport import get_airport_by_icao
from geopy.distance import geodesic
landed_airport = nearest_airport_dict
nearest_from_airport = get_airport_by_icao(self.nearest_from_airport)
from_coord = (nearest_from_airport['latitude_deg'], nearest_from_airport['longitude_deg'])
to_coord = (landed_airport['latitude_deg'], landed_airport['longitude_deg'])
distance_mi = float(geodesic(from_coord, to_coord).mi)
distance_nm = distance_mi / 1.150779448
distance_message = f"{'{:,}'.format(round(distance_mi))} mile ({'{:,}'.format(round(distance_nm))} NM) flight from {nearest_from_airport['iata_code'] if nearest_from_airport['iata_code'] != '' else nearest_from_airport['ident']} to {nearest_airport_dict['iata_code'] if nearest_airport_dict['iata_code'] != '' else nearest_airport_dict['ident']}\n"
distance_message = ""
if landed_time is not None and self.type is not None:
print("Running fuel info calc")
flight_time_min = landed_time.total_seconds() / 60
from fuel_calc import fuel_calculation, fuel_message
fuel_info = fuel_calculation(self.type, flight_time_min)
if fuel_info is not None:
fuel_message = fuel_message(fuel_info)
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
dis_message = f"{self.dis_title} {distance_message} \nFlight Fuel Info ```{fuel_message}```".strip()
role_id = self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') if self.config.has_option('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') and self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID').strip() != "" else None
sendDis(dis_message, self.config, role_id)
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'):
self.latest_tweet_id = self.tweet_api.update_status(status = ((self.twitter_title + " " + distance_message + " " + fuel_message).strip()), in_reply_to_status_id = self.latest_tweet_id).id
except tweepy.errors.TweepyException as e:
raise Exception(self.icao) from e
self.latest_tweet_id = None
self.recheck_route_time = None
self.known_to_airport = None
self.nearest_from_airport = None
#Recheck Proprietary Route Info.
if self.takeoff_time is not None and self.recheck_route_time is not None and (datetime.utcnow() - self.takeoff_time).total_seconds() > 60 * self.recheck_route_time:
self.recheck_route_time += 10
route_to = self.route_info()
if route_to != None:
if self.config.has_section('TELEGRAM') and self.config.getboolean('TELEGRAM', 'ENABLE'):
message = f"{self.dis_title} {route_to}".strip()
photo = open(self.map_file_name, "rb")
from defTelegram import sendTeleg
sendTeleg(photo, message, self.config)
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
dis_message = f"{self.dis_title} {route_to}".strip()
role_id = self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') if self.config.has_option('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') and self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID').strip() != "" else None
sendDis(dis_message, self.config, role_id)
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'):
self.latest_tweet_id = self.tweet_api.update_status(status = f"{self.twitter_title} {route_to}".strip(), in_reply_to_status_id = self.latest_tweet_id).id
if self.circle_history is not None:
#Expires traces for circles
if self.circle_history["traces"] != []:
for trace in self.circle_history["traces"]:
if (datetime.now() - datetime.fromtimestamp(trace[0])).total_seconds() >= 20*60:
print("Trace Expire, removed")
#Expire touchngo
if "touchngo" in self.circle_history.keys() and (datetime.now() - datetime.fromtimestamp(self.circle_history['touchngo'])).total_seconds() >= 10*60:
if self.feeding:
emergency_squawks ={"7500" : "Hijacking", "7600" :"Radio Failure", "7700" : "General Emergency"}
seen = datetime.now() - self.last_pos_datetime
#Only run check if emergency data previously set
if self.last_emergency is not None and not self.emergency_already_triggered:
time_since_org_emer = datetime.now() - self.last_emergency[0]
#Checks times to see x time and still same squawk
if time_since_org_emer.total_seconds() >= 60 and self.last_emergency[1] == self.squawk and seen.total_seconds() <= 60:
self.emergency_already_triggered = True
squawk_message = (f"{self.dis_title} Squawking {self.last_emergency[1]} {emergency_squawks[self.squawk]}").strip()
#Google Map or tar1090 screenshot
if Plane.main_config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "GOOGLESTATICMAP":
getMap((municipality + ", " + state + ", " + country_code), self.map_file_name)
if Plane.main_config.get('MAP', 'OPTION') == "ADSBX":
from defSS import get_adsbx_screenshot
url_params = f"largeMode=2&hideButtons&hideSidebar&mapDim=0&zoom=10&icao={self.icao}&overlays={self.get_adsbx_map_overlays()}&limitupdates=0"
get_adsbx_screenshot(self.map_file_name, url_params, overrides=self.overrides)
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
dis_message = (self.dis_title + " " + squawk_message)
sendDis(dis_message, self.config, None, self.map_file_name)
#Realizes first time seeing emergency, stores time and type
elif self.squawk in emergency_squawks.keys() and not self.emergency_already_triggered and not self.on_ground:
print("Emergency", self.squawk, "detected storing code and time and waiting to trigger")
self.last_emergency = (self.last_pos_datetime, self.squawk)
elif self.squawk not in emergency_squawks.keys() and self.emergency_already_triggered:
self.emergency_already_triggered = None
#Nav Modes Notifications
if self.nav_modes != None and self.last_nav_modes != None:
for mode in self.nav_modes:
if mode not in self.last_nav_modes:
print(mode, "enabled")
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
dis_message = (self.dis_title + " " + mode + " mode enabled.")
if mode == "Approach":
from defSS import get_adsbx_screenshot
url_params = f"largeMode=2&hideButtons&hideSidebar&mapDim=0&zoom=10&icao={self.icao}&overlays={self.get_adsbx_map_overlays()}&limitupdates=0"
get_adsbx_screenshot(self.map_file_name, url_params, overrides=self.overrides)
sendDis(dis_message, self.config, None, self.map_file_name)
#elif mode in ["Althold", "VNAV", "LNAV"] and self.sel_nav_alt != None:
# sendDis((dis_message + ", Sel Alt. " + str(self.sel_nav_alt) + ", Current Alt. " + str(self.alt_ft)), self.config)
sendDis(dis_message, self.config)
#Selected Altitude
if self.sel_nav_alt is not None and self.last_sel_alt is not None and self.last_sel_alt != self.sel_nav_alt:
print("Nav altitude is now", self.sel_nav_alt)
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
dis_message = (self.dis_title + " Sel. alt. " + str("{:,} ft".format(self.sel_nav_alt)))
sendDis(dis_message, self.config)
if self.last_track is not None:
import time
if self.circle_history is None:
self.circle_history = {"traces" : [], "triggered" : False}
#Add touchngo
if self.on_ground or self.alt_ft <= 500:
self.circle_history["touchngo"] = time.time()
#Add a Trace
if self.on_ground is False:
from calculate_headings import calculate_deg_change
track_change = calculate_deg_change(self.track, self.last_track)
track_change = round(track_change, 3)
self.circle_history["traces"].append((time.time(), self.latitude, self.longitude, track_change))
total_change = 0
coords = []
for trace in self.circle_history["traces"]:
total_change += float(trace[3])
coords.append((float(trace[1]), float(trace[2])))
print("Total Bearing Change", round(total_change, 3))
#Check Centroid when Bearing change meets req
if abs(total_change) >= 720 and self.circle_history['triggered'] is False:
print("Circling Bearing Change Met")
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
from geopy.distance import geodesic
aircraft_coords = (self.latitude, self.longitude)
points = MultiPoint(coords)
cent = (points.centroid) #True centroid, not necessarily an existing point
#rp = (points.representative_point()) #A represenative point, not centroid,
distance_to_centroid = round(geodesic(aircraft_coords, cent.coords).mi, 2)
print(f"Distance to centroid of circling coordinates {distance_to_centroid} miles")
if distance_to_centroid <= 15:
print("Within 15 miles of centroid, CIRCLING")
#Finds Nearest Airport
from defAirport import getClosestAirport
nearest_airport_dict = getClosestAirport(self.latitude, self.longitude, ["small_airport", "medium_airport", "large_airport"])
from calculate_headings import calculate_from_bearing, calculate_cardinal
from_bearing = calculate_from_bearing((float(nearest_airport_dict['latitude_deg']), float(nearest_airport_dict['longitude_deg'])), (self.latitude, self.longitude))
cardinal = calculate_cardinal(from_bearing)
#Finds Nearest TFR or in TFR
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
from geopy.distance import geodesic
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from shapely.geometry import Point
import requests, json
closest_tfr = None
in_tfr = None
if Plane.main_config.getboolean("TFRS", "ENABLE"):
tfr_url = Plane.main_config.get("TFRS", "URL")
response = requests.get(tfr_url, timeout=60)
tfrs = json.loads(response.text)
for tfr in tfrs:
if in_tfr is not None:
elif tfr['details'] is not None and 'shapes' in tfr['details'].keys():
for index, shape in enumerate(tfr['details']['shapes']):
if 'txtName' not in shape.keys():
shape['txtName'] = 'shape_'+str(index)
polygon = None
if shape['type'] == "poly":
points = shape['points']
elif shape['type'] == "circle":
from functools import partial
import pyproj
from shapely.ops import transform
from shapely.geometry import Point
proj_wgs84 = pyproj.Proj('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')
def geodesic_point_buffer(lat, lon, km):
# Azimuthal equidistant projection
aeqd_proj = '+proj=aeqd +lat_0={lat} +lon_0={lon} +x_0=0 +y_0=0'
project = partial(
pyproj.Proj(aeqd_proj.format(lat=lat, lon=lon)),
buf = Point(0, 0).buffer(km * 1000) # distance in metres
return transform(project, buf).exterior.coords[:]
radius_km = float(shape['radius']) * 1.852
b = geodesic_point_buffer(shape['lat'], shape['lon'], radius_km)
points = []
for coordinate in b:
points.append([coordinate[1], coordinate[0]])
elif shape['type'] in ["polyarc", "polyexclude"]:
points = shape['all_points']
aircraft_location = Point(self.latitude, self.longitude)
if polygon is None:
polygon = Polygon(points)
if polygon.contains(aircraft_location):
in_tfr = {'info': tfr, 'closest_shape_name' : shape['txtName']}
point_dists = []
for point in points:
from geopy.distance import geodesic
point = tuple(point)
point_dists.append(float((geodesic((self.latitude, self.longitude), point).mi)))
distance = min(point_dists)
if closest_tfr is None:
closest_tfr = {'info': tfr, 'closest_shape_name' : shape['txtName'], 'distance' : round(distance)}
elif distance < closest_tfr['distance']:
closest_tfr = {'info': tfr, 'closest_shape_name' : shape['txtName'], 'distance' : round(distance)}
if in_tfr is not None:
for shape in in_tfr['info']['details']['shapes']:
if shape['txtName'] == in_tfr['closest_shape_name']:
valDistVerUpper, valDistVerLower = int(shape['valDistVerUpper']), int(shape['valDistVerLower'])
print("In TFR based off location checking alt next", in_tfr)
if not (self.alt_ft >= valDistVerLower and self.alt_ft <= valDistVerUpper):
if self.alt_ft > valDistVerUpper:
in_tfr['context'] = "above"
elif self.alt_ft < valDistVerLower:
in_tfr['context'] = "below"
print("But not in alt of TFR", in_tfr['context'])
if in_tfr is None:
print("Closest TFR", closest_tfr)
#Generate Map
import staticmaps
context = staticmaps.Context()
if in_tfr is not None:
shapes = in_tfr['info']['details']['shapes']
shapes = closest_tfr['info']['details']['shapes']
def draw_poly(context, pairs):
[staticmaps.create_latlng(lat, lng) for lat, lng in pairs],
return context
for shape in shapes:
if shape['type'] == "poly":
pairs = shape['points']
context = draw_poly(context, pairs)
elif shape['type'] == "polyarc" or shape['type'] == "polyexclude":
pairs = shape['all_points']
context = draw_poly(context, pairs)
elif shape['type'] =="circle":
center = [shape['lat'], shape['lon']]
center1 = staticmaps.create_latlng(center[0], center[1])
context.add_object(staticmaps.Circle(center1, (float(shape['radius']) * 1.852), fill_color=staticmaps.parse_color("#FF000033"), color=staticmaps.parse_color("#8B0000"), width=2))
context.add_object(staticmaps.Marker(center1, color=staticmaps.RED))
def tfr_image(context, aircraft_coords):
from PIL import Image
heading = self.track
heading *= -1
im = Image.open('./dependencies/ac.png')
im_rotate = im.rotate(heading, resample=Image.BICUBIC)
import tempfile
rotated_file = f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}/rotated_ac.png"
pos = staticmaps.create_latlng(aircraft_coords[0], aircraft_coords[1])
marker = staticmaps.ImageMarker(pos, rotated_file, origin_x=35, origin_y=35)
image = context.render_cairo(1000, 1000)
tfr_map_filename = f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}/{self.icao}_TFR_.png"
return tfr_map_filename
from defSS import get_adsbx_screenshot
url_params = f"largeMode=2&hideButtons&hideSidebar&mapDim=0&zoom=10&icao={self.icao}&overlays={self.get_adsbx_map_overlays()}&limitupdates=0"
get_adsbx_screenshot(self.map_file_name, url_params, overrides=self.overrides)
if nearest_airport_dict['distance_mi'] < 3:
if "touchngo" in self.circle_history.keys():
message = f"Doing touch and goes at {nearest_airport_dict['icao']}"
message = f"Circling over {nearest_airport_dict['icao']} at {self.alt_ft}ft."
message = f"Circling {round(nearest_airport_dict['distance_mi'], 2)}mi {cardinal} of {nearest_airport_dict['icao']}, {nearest_airport_dict['name']} at {self.alt_ft}ft. "
tfr_map_filename = None
if in_tfr is not None:
wording_context = "Inside" if 'context' not in in_tfr.keys() else "Above" if in_tfr['context'] == 'above' else "Below"
message += f" {wording_context} TFR {in_tfr['info']['NOTAM']}, a TFR for {in_tfr['info']['Type'].title()}"
tfr_map_filename = tfr_image(context, (self.latitude, self.longitude))
elif in_tfr is None and closest_tfr is not None and "distance" in closest_tfr.keys() and closest_tfr["distance"] <= 20:
message += f" {closest_tfr['distance']} miles from TFR {closest_tfr['info']['NOTAM']}, a TFR for {closest_tfr['info']['Type']}"
tfr_map_filename = tfr_image(context, (self.latitude, self.longitude))
elif in_tfr is None and closest_tfr is not None and "distance" not in closest_tfr.keys():
message += f" near TFR {closest_tfr['info']['NOTAM']}, a TFR for {closest_tfr['info']['Type']}"
raise Exception(message)
if self.config.has_section('TELEGRAM') and self.config.getboolean('TELEGRAM', 'ENABLE'):
photo = open(self.map_file_name, "rb")
from defTelegram import sendTeleg
sendTeleg(photo, message, self.config)
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
role_id = self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') if self.config.has_option('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') and self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID').strip() != "" else None
if tfr_map_filename is not None:
sendDis(message, self.config, role_id, self.map_file_name, tfr_map_filename)
elif tfr_map_filename is None:
sendDis(message, self.config, role_id, self.map_file_name)
if self.config.getboolean('TWITTER', 'ENABLE'):
twitter_media_map_obj = self.tweet_api.media_upload(self.map_file_name)
media_ids = [twitter_media_map_obj.media_id]
if tfr_map_filename is not None:
twitter_media_tfr_map_obj = self.tweet_api.media_upload(tfr_map_filename)
elif tfr_map_filename is None:
print("No TFR Map")
tweet = f"{self.twitter_title} {message}".strip()
self.tweet_api.update_status(status = tweet, media_ids=media_ids)
if self.config.has_option('META', 'ENABLE') and self.config.getboolean('META', 'ENABLE'):
from meta_toolkit import post_to_meta_both
post_to_meta_both(self.config.get("META", "FB_PAGE_ID"), self.config.get("META", "IG_USER_ID"), self.map_file_name, message, self.config.get("META", "ACCESS_TOKEN"))
self.circle_history['triggered'] = True
elif abs(total_change) <= 360 and self.circle_history["triggered"]:
print("No Longer Circling, trigger cleared")
self.circle_history['triggered'] = False
# #Power Up
# if self.last_feeding == False and self.speed == 0 and self.on_ground:
# if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
# dis_message = (self.dis_title + "Powered Up").strip()
# sendDis(dis_message, self.config)
#Set Variables to compare to next check
self.last_track = self.track
self.last_feeding = self.feeding
self.last_on_ground = self.on_ground
self.last_below_desired_ft = self.below_desired_ft
self.last_longitude = self.longitude
self.last_latitude = self.latitude
self.last_nav_modes = self.nav_modes
self.last_sel_alt = self.sel_nav_alt
if self.takeoff_time != None:
elapsed_time = datetime.utcnow() - self.takeoff_time
hours, remainder = divmod(elapsed_time.total_seconds(), 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
print((f"Time Since Take off {int(hours)} Hours : {int(minutes)} Mins : {int(seconds)} Secs"))
def check_new_ras(self, ras):
for ra in ras:
if self.recent_ra_types == {} or ra['acas_ra']['advisory'] not in self.recent_ra_types.keys():
self.recent_ra_types[ra['acas_ra']['advisory']] = ra['acas_ra']['unix_timestamp']
ra_message = f"TCAS Resolution Advisory: {ra['acas_ra']['advisory']}"
if ra['acas_ra']['advisory_complement'] != "":
ra_message += f", {ra['acas_ra']['advisory_complement']}"
if bool(int(ra['acas_ra']['MTE'])):
ra_message += ", Multi threat"
from defSS import get_adsbx_screenshot, generate_adsbx_screenshot_time_params
url_params = f"&lat={ra['lat']}&lon={ra['lon']}&zoom=11&largeMode=2&hideButtons&hideSidebar&mapDim=0&overlays={self.get_adsbx_map_overlays()}&limitupdates=0"
if "threat_id_hex" in ra['acas_ra'].keys():
from mictronics_parse import get_aircraft_reg_by_icao
threat_reg = get_aircraft_reg_by_icao(ra['acas_ra']['threat_id_hex'])
threat_id = threat_reg if threat_reg is not None else "ICAO: " + ra['acas_ra']['threat_id_hex']
ra_message += f", invader: {threat_id}"
url_params += generate_adsbx_screenshot_time_params(ra['acas_ra']['unix_timestamp']) + f"&icao={ra['acas_ra']['threat_id_hex']},{self.icao.lower()}&timestamp={ra['acas_ra']['unix_timestamp']}"
url_params += f"&icao={self.icao.lower()}&noIsolation"
get_adsbx_screenshot(self.map_file_name, url_params, True, True, overrides=self.overrides)
if self.config.getboolean('DISCORD', 'ENABLE'):
from defDiscord import sendDis
dis_message = f"{self.dis_title} {ra_message}"
role_id = self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') if self.config.has_option('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID') and self.config.get('DISCORD', 'ROLE_ID').strip() != "" else None
sendDis(dis_message, self.config, role_id, self.map_file_name)
#if twitter
def expire_ra_types(self):
if self.recent_ra_types != {}:
for ra_type, postime in self.recent_ra_types.copy().items():
timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(postime)
time_since_ra = datetime.now() - timestamp
if time_since_ra.seconds >= 600: